• Published 10th Nov 2015
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A Viking, A Night Fury, & A Centaur - Thomlight Sparkle 1

Tirek has returned! So who is sent to confronted but a certain Night Fury and Viking.

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Chapter 1

It was another fine day in the Isle of Berk for the vikings. And another dragon race race was in action once again. As the black sheep was launched into the air, Astrid and Stormfly had almost caught it, when a black blur flew past them and grabbed it. Astrid could only smile as she knew who it was. Toothless flew as hard as he could as Hiccup held onto the sheep and then threw it into their points box, as they won the race.

"Great job, Bud." commented hiccup as he patted Toothless' head. In which Toothless licked him. "Hey, come on, bud! You know that doesn't wash out!" exclaimed Hiccup as he starts to wipe off the Night Fury saliva from his suit. Then a pair of arms wrapped around his neck as a familiar Viking gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Another great race, Babe." said Astrid as she playfully punches Hiccup's shoulder.

"Well, you have to admit, you really gave me the slip at some points in the race.' Hiccup replied. Just then, with a "Poof!" a royal scroll materialized before them and floated down towards Hiccup. "Huh, what's this?" asked Hiccup as he opened the scroll as Astrid looked over his shoulder to see what the letter said too.

"Dear, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock The III,
Sorry to interrupt you from anything important, but we need you and Toothless to come to Equestria right away. We need your help. It is a matter of life or death that could mean eternal doom to Equestria. So please, come to Equestria right away.
Signed, Princess Celestia.

"A matter of Life or Death? That can't be good." said Hiccup.

"Yeah, if I were you, I'd get going right away. There's no telling what it could be, but it'd be better to get there before things get worse." Astrid added. Hiccup thought for a moment, a part of him didn't want to do it, but the rest of him knew it was the right thing to do.

"You're right. Come on, bud! We're going to Equestria!" stated Hiccup as he hopped on Toothless. Just as he did, Astrid hugged him.

"Be careful, I don't wanna lose you." said Astrid.

"I will, and I will return. You'll see." replied to Hiccup. Then Toothless spread his wings and took to the skies. And they were on their way to Equestria.


After some time of flying, Toothless descended from the sky and landed in the courtyard of Canterlot castle. As 2 Royal Guards stepped forward.

"Right this way, Chief Hiccup, the Princess has been expecting you." said of one the Royal Guards. Hiccup nodded as he and Toothless were escorted into the castle. And then into the main castle library.

"Ah, Hiccup. We've been expecting you." said Celestia as she stepped forward.

"Yeah, I received your letter just a few minutes ago. What's wrong?" Hiccup asked, he wasn't sure what the trouble was, but with how Celestia looked, it was something, very, very bad.

"Old an enemy of ours has returned, a evil centaur named Tirek. He got out of Tartarus once before and he almost took over Equestria. But he's managed to escape once more. and we can't fight him, due to him being able to use our own magic against us. So after some thought, we find that you and Toothless might be the ones who can defeat him for good." Celestia explained, Hiccup was slightly shocked, he had heard stories of Tirek before, but he was back? Man taking over Equestria was one thing, but what if he had also tried to take over Berk as well? Wait a minute, there would be no way Tirek could ever get ten feet into Berk. Not without being incinerated by all the dragons. But that wasn't important now, Princess Celestia had asked him and Toothless to help them stop Tirek before he took over Equestria again. Now, if Hiccup were just some random guy from the street, he wouldn't of agreed right away, but as a Viking, Dragon Master, and the current Cheif of Berk; he would step up to the challenge. Like Stoick the vast, his father would before him.

"Alright, I accept. So what is the plan for now?" said Hiccup.

"We can't have you fight Tirek in one of the towns, he already destroyed most of Ponyville last time he was hear. So You must battle him in outside the Everfree Forest. He is already being lured there as we speak, as he heads there, you and Toothless will fly in and then that's when you will battle Tirek. Then the fight will be your own." Explained, Luna.

"Alright, me and Toothless will head there right now." stated Hiccup, just as he jumped into the saddle on Toothless.

"Hiccup, don't restrain any bit. Use all your force, Tirek won't go down easy! Twilight added, Hiccup nodded and he and Toothless flew out of the castle and headed straight for the Everfree Forest's outskirts. He and Toothless were on their way to the ultimate challenge of their life.