• Published 10th Nov 2015
  • 1,320 Views, 16 Comments

A Viking, A Night Fury, & A Centaur - Thomlight Sparkle 1

Tirek has returned! So who is sent to confronted but a certain Night Fury and Viking.

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Chapter 3 (Epilogue)

After a few minutes the explosion happened, the Princesses and Twilight had come to the battle site, only to find a big cloud of smoke in place. They then began to think the worse.

"Hiccup! Hiccup! Where are you!?" called out Twilight. but there was no response. Then the rest of Twilight's friends as well as the Cutie Mark Crusaders came into view to find out what the explosion was. But when they heard Hiccup was involved in it, they began to worry. A minute pasted, and there was still no sign of anyone. And the group began to assume the worse, and tears came to their eyes.

"Poor Hiccup and Toothless." Luna sadly said.

"They saved our home, I just don't know how to break it to the rest of Berk, that they lost their chief." Celestia sadly added, soon all of the ponies began to slowly tear up and mildly tear up. But then there were footsteps heard and Scootaloo could see something faintly in the smoke cloud.

"Look!" exclaimed Scootaloo, pointing a hoof to the fog. Everyone then took a look and saw something approaching, the Princesses braced for a possible attack, but from the shadows emerge Hiccup and Toothless!

"It's all over, Tirek will never bring harm to anyone of Equestria ever again." said Hiccup, feeling proud of himself. Then the smoke cloud cleared and there was nothing there but a dark silhouette of what would've been Tirek, but he wasn't there! The evil power hungry centaur was gone! Toothless and Hiccup had done it! They had defeated the one being that would rein eternal doom in Equestria. Soon they all cheered and they all went back to Canterlot.


"Citizens of Equestria, today an old enemy returned to try and seek vengeance upon us all, but thanks to the Chief of Berk and his Night Fury, Tirek has been defeated for good! And we are at peace once more!" Celestia announced to all of the Equines as she stand on the platform, then Hiccup and Toothless stepped forward as the crowd cheered.

"Thank you, everyone. Let me just say, I know that this act was a really big deal to you all, but to me and Toothless it was just another adventure. But sadly I must return to Berk, but I will come back once more." said Hiccup as he hopped onto Toothless' saddle. "For now, I bid you all farewell."

Toothless then took to the skies as the crowd cheered once more. "Farewell, Dragon Master. And Great Warrior" said Twilight, as she waved good bye to them.

Comments ( 5 )

nice little filler story

Well, the main point of this story was to make a story that had a battle between Toothless and Hiccup vs. Tirek

Then keep making more of them am mostly bored

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