• Published 25th Nov 2015
  • 2,021 Views, 17 Comments

Learning - Magatsu Orpheus

A year and a half of Rarity and Applejack's life as a couple, learning about each other, and themselves.

  • ...

January: The First Date (Starting Out, Part 1)

January 29th, Saturday

Applejack headed off to Rarity's house, to pick her up for their date. She'd never really been on a date before. It was all new to her, and if she was being honest, she was quite nervous.

What was one supposed to even do on a date? Where should they go? Applejack wasn't too proud to admit, she had no idea what she was doing.

And that was alright, her family had insisted. Nobody expected her to swoop Rarity off her hooves like a dashing prince.

But that didn't mean Applejack wasn't prepared to try.

She'd put on a red dress, simple yet fashionable. And she was planning to take Rarity to a fancy restaurant! Well, as fancy as one could get, in the town of Ponyville.

She arrived at Rarity's house, and knocked on the door.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"I'm coming!" Rarity shouted. Applejack could hear her walking down the stairs and approaching the door.

The door opened, and Applejack's jaw dropped. Rarity was always gorgeous, at least Applejack thought so, and now was no exception. She wore a majestic white dress, and her mane had diamond-shaped decorations in it. She also wore a tiara, looking much like the one she wore to the gala. Or possibly it was the one she wore to the gala. Applejack couldn't tell at all, if she was being honest.

Rarity giggled. "Can't take your eyes off, hmm?"

Applejack blushed. "Ah, well, I just... you look beautifu, Rarity."

"Why, thank you, Applejack. You don't look bad yourself." Rarity said, with a nod of her head.

"Er, thanks. So, uh... should we go now, or...?"

Rarity giggled again. Applejack was rather cute when she got flustered. "Well, perhaps when we decide where we're going."

Applejack's eyes widened. "Oh, right! I mean, uh, I thought it'd be better if it was your choice."

"Well, I was thinking we could go to Omelette du Fromage. Sophisticated, yet not too formal, it's perfect for a first date!" Rarity said.

Applejack smiled. "Sounds good to me."

"I didn't expect them to serve nothing but eggs with cheese, that's for sure." Applejack said as the waiter left with their menus. 'Menus' meaning 'a single piece of paper that reads 'eggs with cheese'.

"Well, Omelette du Fromage means 'eggs with cheese' in Prench, you see. But it is rather odd..." Rarity replied, taking a sip of her water.

"Well," Applejack said. "It ain't like the point of a date is the food. It's about spendin' time together! ...Right?" She asked. It had sounded about right.

"I suppose it is." Rarity agreed. "So, then, question!" She said, putting a hoof up. "Why did you ask me out on a date?" She asked, her head tilted inquisitively.

Applejack was surprised by the question. "Why are you asking?"

"Well, it's not as though we're birds of a feather. Why, most ponies would describe us as opposites, even!" Rarity replied.

Applejack thought for a moment. "Well, even if I ain't too into that fashion stuff myself, you have a lot of passion for it, and I really admire that. And, well, you're beautiful. And not just your looks, I mean, y'know, beauty on the inside and all that. And besides that..." Applejack stopped talking.

Rarity leaned forward. "Hm? What is it?"

Applejack blushed and averted her eyes. "You'll think it's stupid and..." Applejack paused as she thought for the right word. "'shallow'".

Rarity laid a hoof on Applejack's own. "I promise you that I won't."

Applejack looked into Rarity's eyes and saw she absolutely meant it. "...You're cute. Really, really cute."

Rarity blushed and giggled. "Well, I must say, I've never seen somepony so embarrassed simply to call their date cute."

Applejack smiled bashfully. "I was worried you'd think I was just into you 'cause of your looks."

"Applejack, you'd just told me exactly why you were attracted to me, and the most I heard about my looks was that I'm cute."

"Not that you look bad, or anything!"Applejack was quick to say. "You look gorgeous too. But there's more to you than that. Even if a lot of ponies don't see it."

Rarity smiled sincerely.

They chatted away into the rest of the evening, smiling and laughing and telling stories to each other.

After dinner, the two headed back to Rarity's house. It was getting late, after all.

As they arrived, Rarity turned to face Applejack. Applejack was about to say something, but Rarity cut her off with a kiss to the lips, Applejack's eyes widening.

They stayed like that for a good half-a-minute, but Applejack would have stayed there for hours if she could.

As Rarity pulled away, Applejack blushed and stuttered. "I, uh-"

"I had a lovely time tonight." Rarity said.

Applejack was surprised. "But I must've done something wrong. I've never even been on a date before!"

"If you did, I didn't notice. And, just so you know, I've never gone on a date either." Rarity replied.

"Really? But you..."

"Yes, I have sought romantic partners in the past, such as Blueblood and Trenderhoof, but, well, you saw how those turned out. And it was always the same, every time before those, too." Rarity said. "So, we'll be learning together, in a way."

"But I digress." Rarity said. "See you next week, darling!" Rarity went inside and closed the door behind her.

Applejack stood there for a moment. Then, she smiled and walked home, her mind buzzing.