• Published 25th Nov 2015
  • 2,021 Views, 17 Comments

Learning - Magatsu Orpheus

A year and a half of Rarity and Applejack's life as a couple, learning about each other, and themselves.

  • ...

June: Jealousy

Author's Note:

I should mention, this was written before First Date even was, so there may be a drop in quality. But I didn't want to waste the hard work, and I didn't have any other story ideas for the May chapter, so, hey.

May 13, Sunday - May 14, Monday

Rarity was fine with Coloratura being Applejack's friend. Rarity was fine with Applejack supporting her friend in time of need. But Applejack calling Coloratura the "brightest star she'd ever seen shine"? That cute nickname "Rara"? And the looks they were giving each other? One of these things alone was nothing to worry about, but all of them combined? Oh no, Rarity knew romance when she saw it, and she did not like it, not when her marefriend was getting stolen away from her.

It was the day after Coloratura's performance at the Helping Hooves concert, and she had come by Twilight's castle to meet Applejack's friends.

"Hi, I'm Rara." She introduced herself to Rarity.

"Yes, I know who you are." Rarity replied, forcing a smile.

"Oh, heh, yeah, I guess you would." There was an awkward pause. "So, you make dresses?"

"Yes." Rarity responded tersely. "Carousel Boutique, perhaps you've heard of it?"

"Well, I can't say I have... but, I'm sure your dresses are lovely!" Coloratura added, seeing the look on Rarity's face.

"So, uh..." There was another awkward silence as Coloratura tried to think of a topic. "How long have you and AJ been friends?"

"Well," Rarity grinned. "I've known Applejack for almost two years now, but we're actually marefriends."

"Oh, sorry! I just didn't think you were AJ's type." Coloratura apologized, smiling awkwardly.

And you are? Rarity thought. She wanted to say that, but didn't want to come off as rude.

"So, uh... bye." Coloratura said, walking away quickly.

Coloratura walked over to Applejack. "Your marefriend seems to not like me much."

"Well, that's weird." Applejack said, confused. "She seemed pretty happy to have you in Ponyville when you first showed up."

Coloratura thought for a moment. "You don't think she's jealous, do you? We are pretty close, after all."

"Nah." Applejack said dismissively. "Rarity ain't that type of mare."

Rarity left the castle a few minutes after. She didn't want to stay around that, that... marefriend-stealer!

"Rarity?" She turned around to see Twilight with a concerned look on her face. "Is everything alright? Between you and Coloratura?"

"No, Twilight, everything is not alright." Rarity replied bitterly. A second later, her expression softened. Twilight didn't deserve her anger. "It's just... you saw how close she and Applejack are. How else am I supposed to interpret that?"

"Well, maybe she and Applejack really are just old friends. Applejack wouldn't just up and leave you for her." Twilight said.

"Maybe you're right... I'll go talk to her." Rarity said. The more she thought about it, the more she thought she might have been jumping to conclusions. After all, she didn't have any actual proof of romantic interest between the two of them, did she?

As Rarity and Twilight entered the room, they saw Coloratura and Pinkie Pie chatting, laughing and telling stories. "You know, when Applejack and I were foals, I had this huge crush on her." Coloratura said.

Coloratura sighed and looked wistfully over at Applejack. "Sometimes I wonder... what would have happened if I'd told her?"

As Rarity heard her say that, her eyes narrowed, her mouth curled into a frown, and her expression changed to that of anger. She stormed off, affirmed in her belief that Coloratura was going to try and steal Applejack away from her.

"Rarity, wait!" Twilight shouted after her. "I'm sure she didn't mean it like that!"

Rarity ignored her.

The next day, Rarity paced around in the Carousel Boutique, her mind buzzing. She knew Coloratura was interested in Applejack, but would Applejack reciprocate? No matter what, she always came to the same conclusion. Applejack would, no doubt about it.

Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door. She walked over to open it, and on the other side, saw Coloratura with an apologetic look on her face.

"Oh. It's you." Rarity said tersely. She moved to close the door, but Coloratura moved forward.

"I'm sorry. Princess Twilight told me about it and I... I really am sorry if anything I said offended you in any way."

"Apology accepted. Now leave." Rarity replied insincerely. The last pony she wanted to see was her.

"No, please, hear me out!" Coloratura said. "Please..."

"Fine." Rarity said. "Go on."

"I never wanted to break you two up. Hearing how much Applejack cares for you... I couldn't come between that. Even if I wanted to."

Rarity's expression softened. "I see..."

"She loves you. No doubt about it." Coloratura said.

Rarity sighed, and smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, by the way. For acting like such a... jealous fool."

Coloratura shook her head. "I understand, though. If I were in your positon, I would have acted the same way."

"But that doesn't excuse it." Rarity responded. "So, from the bottom of my heart, I really do apologize."

"I accept your apology." Coloratura said, pulling Rarity into a hug. "But, there's somepony else you might want to talk to about this."

"Jealous? Of Rara?" Applejack asked. "But she's just a friend!"

Later that night, Rarity had invited Applejack for tea at her house. After all, they hadn't gotten to spend much time together outside of business since Applejack took the job of organizing the concert. And while Applejack wasn't too fond of tea itself, she was quite fond of Rarity.

"I know that now, but for a moment, I thought you and her were..." Rarity said. Her head was down, her eyes averted from Applejack's own.

"We ain't. I promise."

Rarity was silent for a moment. "I want to hear it from you. I want you to say it outright."

Applejack rested a hoof on Rarity's chin, lifting her head up so they could look into each other's eyes. "I swear to the Princesses, you're the only mare for me." She said, and kissed Rarity's forehead.

Rarity blushed, and leaned into Applejack's shoulder. "I'm sorry. I should have had more faith in you."

"I'm sorry too. I should've realized you'd see it that way." Applejack said.

Rarity smirked, and said "So, you're saying you should have had less faith in me, hmm?"

Applejack's eyes widened. "No, I ain't saying that at all, what I meant... was... You're just teasing me, ain't ya?"

Rarity giggled. "Of course, darling."

Applejack sighed, yet still smiled. "You know, you don't tease anypony else like that. Why me?"

"Because you're cute when you're flustered."

They stayed on that couch, chatting and laughing and cuddling, for at least an hour. And they wouldn't have spent the time any other way.

Comments ( 2 )

When's the next chapter?

Omggggg I love this so much, I can't believe I found a fic about rarity being jealous of rara, I always imagined that when watching the episode hausgwjsbsj this is perfect

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