• Published 28th Jan 2016
  • 3,807 Views, 62 Comments

The change of a Sith lord. - Imperator45

A member of the dark council try to fit in Equestria

  • ...

Another day in Equestria

"Any last wish human?"

"I wouldn't mind eating something spicy."

- Darth Imperius responding to a Kaleesh warlord before a dual.


In the small town of Summerville.

It was near the end of the day and the sun had begun to set a few hours earlier; everypony had begun to wind their work for the day: farmers had begun to put away their tools, shopowners had started doing inventory before clearing any accumulating dust before closing up shop for the night. After that, all ponies regardless of their occupations had set off for their homes, eager to return to their families.

But at the town’s central plaza, two pegasi: one older than the other were still galloping; It was obviously clear that their day far from over.

"Daddy are we there soon? My hooves are killing me." The younger pony asked, frowning at her hooves.

The daddy, a brown stallion named Speed Fly with a yellow mane stared at his daughter, a light yellow coated filly with a red mane. He gave her a small smile.

"Don't you worry sweetheart, we shouldn't be very far now."

As the filly gave a small nod, the stallion looked at her wings, one of them was ordinary for a young pegasus: small feather, small bones were the standard for filly pegasi her age. This wing was made to go through the wind and make its holder fly through the sky.

The wing on her left side, however, was another story entirely. A cursory glance at her other wing was enough to tell that the feathers were clearly different: some parts of the bones in her left wing had atrophied while the rest those bones were too long to compensate for the atrophy. It was almost as though it had been designed such that the young filly couldn’t fly.

The smile on the stallion’s face soon died as he remembered the rough childhood his little Sweet Sky had to endure. A pegasus who couldn't fly wasn't a pegasus and their fellows made sure to remind them over and over.

He shook his head, forcing himself to push away those bad thoughts. For years, he and his wife had been looking for a solution, and now if the Sun was willing, they may finally find one.

Several weeks ago, rumors had been soaring all over Equestria about a healer coming from this village.This mysterious healer had been able to nurse every sickness or injury showed to him. That was certainly worth a shot. He finally got out from his thinking and remembered that he was trotting when he smashed himself against the wall of a house under the giggles of his daughter.

After a fast check-up on a hurt muzzle so the healer will not have a second patient and asking the way from a pony about the location of the wanted one, the duo had finally arrived before the home of their goal. It wasn't a big house by any mean, but it looked big enough for that at least small family could live there comfortably.

A glance toward the right side of the door showed a mailbox; on it was written a name:


"What a charming name," he mused.

"Daddy look! "

At the excited call of his daughter, he began to trot toward her. She was on the left of the house and was pointing something to him ,as he catches up with her he finally saw what had made his daughter excited.

"Look daddy there're chickens! Chickens everywhere!"

It was true. A small paddock could be seen right nex to the house and was occupied by at least a dozen of chickens. While Speed fly looked at Sweet Sky who was amusing herself by making funny faces to the chicken who watched her curiously, his glance caught up with something else farther behind. It looked like a small plantation but from a plant he didn't recognize.

But his priorities soon returned to his filly.

"Come on Sweety, it's getting late."

The filly seemed to be a little reluctant to leave her feathered companions but with a nod, obeyed and trotted back to her father. They stood right in front of the door again and after a few moments of hesitation, the stallion knocked on the door. Almost instantly a little shout was heard from within the house.

"I'm coming!"

A few moments later the door opened, revealing a young Unicorn stallion. His coat was dark grey and his mane was light-black. He looked like if he was an adult from only some month. The grey coated stallion looked at them with a small smile on his grey muzzle.

"Good afternoon, Nox, what can I do for you?"

Speed was the one to answers. "Hum excuse me sir but I've heard that that a great healer lived here. Is that you?"

The smile on the unicorn face only got bigger.

"I wouldn't call myself like that, but it's true that I'm particularly gifted with healing magic!"

The magic user put a hoof on his chest in a proud gesture.

Speed mentally facehoofed "just say that you're a healer then." But it meant that they were at the right place at least.

"Then if you could, I would like you to see if you could treat my daughter who is right here."

The small Pegasus had hidden behind her father hind leg and was looking at Nox with worried eyes. It was blatantly obvious that he was scaring her. The same looked right at her and smiled and extended his right forehoof to her . The gesture had the benefit of slowly easing the filly’s fears as she moved from her hiding spot before cautiously approaching her.

"Now I you would follow me inside: I’ll examine her."

The pony who seemed to be the healer took the filly into a medical room and asked the father to wait for a few minute in the living room.

This one having nothing else opted to simply take a good look around the humble abode. \
The house wasn't very big it definitely looked cozy if the warm carpets beneath his hooves were any indication. It also looked very modern; in the living room was a big couch and a table. The floor was a little messy, a sign that said than the stallion was living alone.

There were some paintings on the wall, but one in particular drew his attention: It was a black painting board with something written in red on:

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

"Hmm.... interesting."

"Isn't it?"

The male Pegasus turned back, meeting Nox face to face.

"Your daughter is in the treatment room. Would you follow me in?"

As Speed Fly entered inside the room, the first thing he saw was his daughter on an operation table. She looked nervous. All around there were closet full of what he supposed medical tools. He then saw Nox stand right before Sweet, and for the first time took notice of his cutie mark, it looked like a sort of gear but couldn't tell more about, it was at that moment that the magician spoke:

"So this problem on her wing, is it from birth or an accident?" He pointed at the poor looking wing with his right hoof.

"It's been here since she came to this world,” her father explained. "Can you do something?" The unicorn looked for a small moment at the filly.

"Dear, can you lie down please?"

The nervous looking filly nodded and lied down on the table.

"Very well, thanks you .When this will be over I shall gave you a lollipop."

The promise of a lollipop afterward calmed down the small pony and to made her father smile.
Then the gray stallion pointed his horn toward the filly and a let loose a small, continuous burst of magic. As the healer studied her, the father couldn't stop worrying: what if he couldn't do anything to this wing?

The light then stopped.

"Okay, here we go."

As soon those words got left his mouth, a very bright light appeared on Nox's head. The filly began to scream as the magic and pain took effect. Several sparks erupted along the light and the two were touching the filly wing. But it was under her father’s gaze that the amazing become reality. At first, it was only some movement from the wing and then he saw it The bones were crackling, melting then reforming themselves .

Primary, secondary and tertiary feather grown out from her skin, beautiful, strong and clean replacing the former ones And the shape of the wing itself changed to the point that it looked as a reverse copy from the other one.

After a few seconds, light stopped and the unicorn took a few steps back, letting the filly slowly getting up under the gaze off her father who looked bewildered.

"So, do you feel any different?"

Sweet sky looked up at him, then at her back, her eyes shooting up open with so much energy that it could have broke her eyebrow.

"Daddy look! My wing is-hul." The filly hasn't been able to finish her sentence as her father grabbed her into a death hug.

"My sweety, my little sweety. "The poor stallion was now openly crying. Since her birth his poor little Sweety hasn't been able to fly or go in Cloudsdale .Now she finally got a future as true Pegasus.

"Now she will have to put this ointment on her wing two times a day, and if she is in pain she must drink some of this .It will take it away."

As the Unicorn gave to the other stallion a white ointment pot and a small glass bottle with a pink liquid inside it, Sweet sky while having her strawberry flavored lollipop in her mouth was already trying to fly with her new wing.

“Sweetie, restrain yourself a little. Your mommy and I will teach you how to fly correctly." Her father wanted his tone to serious and a little strict but the joy in his voice betrayed his desire.

While the filly was trying to make work her small muscles, the adults were talking about her treatment.

"For now don’t make her do high speed fly. Begin by half an hour of training for the first week. Then one hour, each three add a new hour until you feel she is ready. There, I’ve written all of it down for you and your wife."

He gave to Speed fly a piece of paper with the instructions written on it. The stallion took it gladly and put it inside a small paper bag that the mage gave him with the medication. "Thank you very much; you just don’t know how much you helped our family today. Here, it’s for you."

The brown coated stallion took out a green purse filled with bits and hoofed it to the unicorn.

"No, please I cannot accept it ."The healer shook his front hoof before him to show that he wasn’t interested in money. But the Pegasus, like almost everyone of his kind, was insistent.

"Please, accept it. It would mean so much to me."

The gray pony sighed before grabbing the purse with his magic. He was turning back to put the purse on his desk when he felt something smash against his barrel.

When he looked down, he could see that the cause of the bruise was in fact a small filly who hugged him… Or at least was trying because her hooves weren’t long enough to reach his neck.

"Thank you very much mister."

Sweet sky looked up and him a big toothy grin before asking again.

"Hey Mister Nox. If I ever get hurt again, would you take care of me?"

The young stallion smiled a little before patting her mane.

"Of course young one."

As the sun was nearly set he stands by his watching the duo of Pegasus trotting away. He kept staring at them until they disappeared.

A heavy sigh later he trotted back into his comfortable home. Making sure that the door was locked, he moved back inside the living room where he saw the purse still lying on his desk. He took it with his magic before going upstairs.

There he entered the second room to his right.

In this room was another desk, slightly bigger than the one downstairs. On the left and right of the room were bookshelves containing numberous volumnes of all kinds. However, it was still clear that the shelves still had room for more books or nick-nacks. Next to one of the bookshelves was a wooden chest where he deposited the money before checking the clock.

“It’s already 6:30!” he exclaimed. “I need to get back to work right away or else I’ll be at it all night!”

10 minutes. It took him 10 minutes to finally corner a chicken. After stare fight with the volatile animal, he finally grabbed the chicken and took it back with him.

“I’m sorry for you, but I must do this at least once a week or I’ll just go crazy.”

The chicken crowed.

“Yes, sorry again.”

The Unicorn walked inside the kitchen with the chicken still within his magical grab.

As Nox versed some water on the cooked bird in the oven, he’d begun to feel nausea setting in.

"Why am filling so sick with this odor. I always had loved chicken before, am I change…Oh, forgetful of me! It is not strange that I feel sick with meat cooking when I am in this body."
He took some step back to move to the center of the room.

Then his horn began to emit a black light, this light turned to vapor and engulfed the pony. After a few seconds, the black vapor began to soften and shifted into a blue light.

It wasn’t a Horse-like figure who appeared. Instead it had two long legs, two arms with five fingers at the end. It skin was white with some scars on some part of his body. He wasn’t huge as he was only 5' 9" but still to pony-sized creature, it was big.

Finally, he had a small head, with instead of fur were, short black hairs on top of it .Under it were two blue shiny eyes.

A human appeared instead of a pony, but they were the same one.

The human sighed heavily, something he did much more this time; he opened a closet and took the suit inside of it and slipped it on.

After a few minutes, he finally could to the chicken out from the oven and set it on the dining table.
"Ah, finally, meat, my weekly dose."

After dinner, he settled into his study where he opened a window and allowed himself to relax.

"How many days since I returned to this form? One week? No, it had to have been more than that. I had been invited to dinner by this unicorn for thanking me to have cured his asthma. Couldn’t have meat that evening."

His stare got up and he saw the moon which has always shinned brightly.

"This moon… He mused as he gazed at its ethereal beauty. Still can’t understand how someone can control it. The same for the sun."

Suddenly, he seemed to propel air with his hand and managed to open one of the drawers of his desk. A second later, a bottle of wine levitated until he grabbed it with his hand.

After opening it, he swallowed some of the precious liquid and while he was trying to drown himself in a better world, he couldn’t help but remember how he got there in Equestria.

Him, Kallig, lord of the Siths AKA Darth Imperius. Member of the Dark council of the Sith empire.

Author's Note:

Another story, a crossover this time with my favorite MMORPG.

This story will be about the journey ofmy light side inquisitor trying to fit in the world of Equestria while tryng to leave.

His loyalty to the empire will be tested and he know very that his chances to stay alive if local find out about him being a Sith are slim.

Very slim.

And a very big THANKS to my editor Lightning Farron.

Thank very much for editing this story.