• Published 28th Jan 2016
  • 3,808 Views, 62 Comments

The change of a Sith lord. - Imperator45

A member of the dark council try to fit in Equestria

  • ...

An odd morning,a troubling afternoon

"Soon...Soon, it will be my time to shine...My time ... to be free...My time ... to be a Sith."

-Kallig first happy thought after nearly 11 years of slavery while he put his feet on Korriban for the first time...


-The sun was just beginning to rise, Celestia was starting the day while day her sister Luna was getting prepared for a good day’s sleep, afterward they would begin their respective activities.

And as the sun did it’s duty, almost every being in Equestria began to awaken, the parents woke up their young ponies, getting them ready for another day of school, the shop owners got ready for opening time which was slowly coming.

Even birds were getting ready, a couple of them could be seen singing near a house at the edge of the town, and as the beautiful birds were giving it their all into their song something did interrupt their singing:

An empty bottle of wine.

"Shut up you stupid birds, I’ve got a damn headache!"

Nox house in Summerville

Around 7 o'clock in the morning

Nox had just woken up from the floor of his kitchen because of the noise coming from the singing duet, and he hadn't appreciated it...Not at all.

So being the civilized being he was he chose to act in a way to show them that he didn't want to hear their shXXy noise.

He threw an empty bottle of wine that he drank last night at them.

As he had now succeeded in silencing the noise (and destroying a nest), he tried to get back on his four legs.

"Ow, my head, and it's even going all the way through this damn horn, gnnrh..."The young stallion grint his teeth in response to the throbbing pain running through his entire skull.

After last night’s events where he had actually brought a young dragon into his guest room and had to cancel his meat dinner, he had managed to eat some lettuce and a native fruit of this planet called a peach. But even if the meal was good in itself, it wasn’t big enough to fill his stomach, but as he wasn't willing to go to the trouble of preparing another meal, he choose to drink something instead, so he drank another bottle of red wine alongside his small meal.

But as the night went on, he found that he still couldn't find sleep and so he choose to open up a another bottle of wine, he kept drinking it until that he fell asleep on the kitchen floor.

After a few attempt, he managed to get up onto his four hooves, then he quietly walked to the table and sat on a chair.

“Aaaaah, my head, I may have had a bit too much to drink last night.” His gaze suddenly met something on the table, an unfinished bottle of wine.

Nox stare at it for a few moments before finally grabbing it with his magic and taking it toward the kitchen sink…

“I’ll just throw away along with the rest of this bottle; after all there is only the bottom of the bottle left.” And just as he was getting ready to pour his leftover of wine down the drain, he suddenly remembered…

Remembered everything…everything that he had lost…His position as one of a most major powers of his galaxy, his fleet of hundreds of warship, the 53 solar system under his direct control, all of his army, the dark council, his friends his head officer…His crew…

Finally he choose not to throw away his leftover wine, he choose to drink it…entirely…at not even 8.am After emptying the bottle and throwing it into the garbage can, he slowly sat in his chair and then his gaze fell on something his desk in the living room, and the paper scroll laying on it.

The events from last night came back to him and he let out a long sigh.

“Ah, yes it’s true…I had an unexpected guest last night…A dragon furthermore.”Nox slowly got up from his chair and trotted to the desk where he grabbed the scroll, he opened it again to remember its information.

“A map of the area …it shows the entire county…Ponyville huh?!It seems like he really did travel here by foot, he should have taken the train, it would have been a lot faster and it would have saved a lot of his energy.”

Effectively, even though Summerville didn’t have its own train station that didn’t mean that the ponies there couldn’t gain access to a train.

Built eight years ago, the Big fork station was a train station made to serve several towns. Since making one station for every town in the area would have been too costly, the council of the county chose to build only one station to serve the town’s of the area, making every pony who lived there’s life a lot easier.

The station was pretty big and received trains that went all over Equestria, furthermore, it had a train that frequently went to Ponyville.

So even if Summerville didn't have its own station an average pony could reach Great fork station in ten minutes from the edge of the town, making it possible for the residents of Summerville to take the train to almost anywhere they wanted.

Nox put it back on the table, and started to go upstairs when his stomach started to rumble.

“Ah, damn it. It’s true that my last true meal was yesterday at noon, and I don’t think that my body is taking it too kindly having wine for dinner and breakfast.”

He went back to the kitchen to prepare a breakfast that could satisfy a reptile and a depressive human turned into an equine.



It was the smell that woke him up, when he opened his eyes Spike didn’t remember where he was anymore and started to panic in his unknown environment, but he soon remembered his nightly trip to Summerville from the last night and the reason of his visit.

“Damn, I fell asleep, I hope that I didn’t bother the healer last night.” With his cheeks starting to grow red in shame, the young dragon began to get up from the bed and after stretching walked to the door.

“Mmmmh, that smell, it smells like…Pancakes.”

At this moment, the drake hoped that the pony downstairs would let him have a bite before going home. It took him a few moments to orient himself into going downstairs in hope to finding his host of the night.

But what he found however was much, much better.

On the table of the kitchen were plates, containing fruits, bread, at least twenty pancakes, a cup containing maple syrup, cheese, and a press coffee maker full of the strong beverage…

All of this was truly wonderful but his through were interrupted by a voice.

“Oh, I see that you're awake; I’ve just finished filling the jug.” Spike turned and saw the stallion behind him with two jugs, one full of water, while that the other seemed to be full of orange juice.

“Come on let’s eat.” Said the stallion with a smile.



At first Kallig was afraid that this breakfast wouldn’t please the dragon but it seemed to work out pretty well, after being invited to eat with him, Spike seemed to forget all of his fatigue as he devoured everything within his reach, in short, fifteen pancakes, three oranges, two peaches, two portion of cheese and finally one small loaf of bread.

To see the dragon eat amused Nox, as he didn’t eat very much general in the morning, today he just ate two peaches, one orange and some water…Alongside three cups of coffee.

“Mmmh, what a wonderful creation…If I do manage to get back home I shall bring some with me, it is really a wonderful drink.” As he drank from his cup Spike choose this moment to ask him a question.

“Uh, mister? Can I talk to you?”

“Yes, of course what is it?”

“Well, I would like to thank you…for healing Rarity…I don’t know if I could go on if I were to lose her…”

Nox gave him a smile and a nod of acknowledgement.

“Don’t you worry about it, I don't think that Rarity is going anywhere anytime soon.”The dragon smiled at that.

“And thank you for letting let me stay here for the night and for this wonderful breakfast that you made…Even though I came here last night unannounced.”

“Even if you weren't planning on staying you are still my guest and so should be treated with the respect of it.” Nox stated firmly.

Spike smiled, happy to have found some pony that was truly a gentle stallion.

Nox smiled too, happy to see that he could mislead the Equestrian inhabitant so easily.

“Now, I’ve got a question for you young dragon…Why did you come here from Ponyville by foot?” Spike smiled awkwardly

“Well, yesterday after hearing what happened I couldn’t just wait without answers…So I grabbed a map of the area and ran here. “Spike pointed the scroll lying on a table not far from them.

“Well, I understand why you came here, what I don’t understand is, why you didn't take the train? Was it closed earlier than usual?”Spike stopped eating his eighteen pancakes when he heard that, his eyes wide open.

“There was a train to Summerville?!”

“Oh, it looks like your map is a little outdated. It could have saved you a lot of time and of sweat.”Spike looked totally bewildered by this sudden revelation.

“I didn’t know that there was a stop at Summerville. I’ve never seen it on the train map.”

“Well probably because the station isn’t only for Summerville. Big Fork was built for many towns and it is only some hundreds of yards away. From this house you can be there in twenty-five minutes or so.”

“Oh damn, “the young dragon let his head fall on the table, under the worried gaze of the Lord of the Sith.

“Well, I’ll take you there after our breakfast, so you will not get lost on your quest to find it.”

“That’s kind of you sir, but…I didn’t take any bits with me so-.”

“Don’t you worry about that, I’ll take care of it…If everything is alright you should be home at Ponyville before 10.am.”

“Oh, okay then…Damn it, Twilight, and the others!!! I left without telling any of them.”Seeing his guest becoming very worried so suddenly urged Nox to act.

“Mmmh, effectively, it does seem pretty serious, finish you breakfast and wash you face, I’ll lead you to the station right after.”



Outside of Summerville

The Big fork station,train alley n°2

“Thanks again for your help mister Nox, without you I would have been in a lot of trouble.”Said Spike to the stallion while holding his train ticket.

“Don’t worry about it, take care of you.”

And so with a big fake smile Kallig waved goodbye to the dragon as he entered the train. In less than thirty second the train had already left the station and Kallig decide to head back to Summerville.

“Well, it’s a beautiful day, the sun is shining, not a single cloud up there...”

Strangely enough, Kallig for the first time in three month since he came to Summerville was actually nervous…He had just sent back home a young dragon who was worried about a mare that he had cured himself…But still it was truly the first time that he felt nervous …about being demasked…

Pushing those thought out of his mind he then remembered that Cerulean Flow finished his duty earlier today…maybe that he could convince him to eat lunch together.

But still…It was with worried step that he walked back to Summerville.



Ponyville,Crystal castle.

“And so …He prepared you breakfast, accompanied you to the train station and paid for your ticket? “Asked Twilight, totally perplexed by what Spike had told her.

To her inquiry, the reptile simply nodded to confirm his story…

It had been less than 10 minutes since he had made it back to the castle of friendship, as soon as he passed through the door, Twilight jumped him as she had been extremely worried…Since the case with Rarity had been more important and they thought that he was simply somewhere in the area of Ponyville they didn't look for him, however when Spike hadn’t been back by morning Twilight had begun to look for him all around with the help of Pinkie and of Rainbow Dash.

They just came back to drink a little when he entered, and after checking to see if he was alright the princess of friendship has naturally asked him about his short journey and its goal.

He chooses to simply tell her about what had happened, hoping that she would drop it after…

She did not.

“Well, at least we can’t say that he isn't a good host.” Said the princesses apprentice, Starlight Glimmer. To this the few ponies in the room nodded.

“Yes, but still…It does seem that his magical power are very great if he can heal a tumor located in a brain.” Twilight regretted to mention it as Spike got a sad look on his face.

The four present ponies remembered the event of the last night and Twilight choose to tell Spike about it.

“Spike, you know about Rarity, there has been a little change…”Apparently she didn’t continue her sentence fast enough as Spike was already worried about the change.

“What! Rarity! Did something bad happen? Is she safe?”

“She is safe Spike, in fact, we kept her company all night, and she is actually doing better.”To this news, Ponyville’s only dragon resident let out a sigh of relief.

“In fact now that you are here I do believe that you should accompany us to see her.”Hearing this Spike nodded vigorously, making the ponies around him smile.

“Then what are we waiting for?” asked Rainbow Dash who was tired of doing nothing. “Let’s go.”



"Thank you very much for your visit Spikey-Wikey, it warms this heart of mine."Spike had been brought to the Carousel boutique and he could finally see Rarity for the first time since she had come back to Ponyville .

She was actually lying on her couch, her eyes were puffy and red from tiredness and sadness but except for that it seemed like if she was doing well. Like Twilight told him earlier, since they charged in the shop and found the fainted fashionista on the ground they then managed to wake her up, she had never been left alone. All of her friends has kept her company, checking on her every time, after being sure that there weren’t any more physical problems they choose to leave her alone, Fluttershy brought her a fluffy stuffed teddy bear that Rarity was holding very tight, Pinkie pie sang and danced for her, Twilight read her a book etc…

Seeing all her friend brought back some morale to the white pony and she was now actually smiling.

“You’re welcome Rarity, I’m sorry for being a little late but…I had to do something of urgent.”

“Don’t you worry about that Spikey, everything is alright, and furthermore, I have no real reason to complain…It is not like if…I was told that I only has one month left…Now it seem that I can continue on this adventure that is life.”

Spike could still see some sadness behind the bright smile she was now giving him but choose not say anything, only time could heal her.

“Raaa-riiiii-ty.” A sing song voice called.

Ponies and dragon looked behind them and saw Pinkie pie coming from the kitchen, she was wearing one of Rarity aprons and walked with a big chocolate cake on her back.

“I made this cake to cheer you up, after all, like grandma Pie wisely told me: Chocolate can cure everything.”

The concerned mare smiled to this and by seeing the size of the chocolate cake invited every ponies to eat with her.



It had been a few minutes since the main 6, Starlight glimmer and Spike had begun to eat the big pastry when a knock on the door be could heard, almost instantly after that, a white filly opened up the door and rushed into the main room.

“Rarity we’re here and-Oh is that cake? Can I have some? “Sweetie Bell, Rarity’s younger sister asked, her big eyes sparkling at the prospect of cake.

“Sweetie, at least say hello to your sister when entering her home. “Scolded the filly’s mother, Cookie Crumble as she followed her youngest child.

“Darling please, it’s the vigor of youth, let her appreciate it.” Replied Hondo Flank, their father. “Although I wouldn’t mind a piece of the cake.”

The sudden appearance of the trio of pony surprised the occupants, in particularly Rarity who with all that happened had totally forgot that her sister would be back to living with her today.

“Ah, yes of course, I shall serve you some cake, Girls? As Rarity called them, every no-blood related pony looked at her, I have to talk to my parents about you know what…I would like some privacy…please.”

Each of the concerned ponies nodded, understanding their friends wish and got out the Carousel Boutique, leaving Rarity’s parents perplexed.

“What is going on my Rara? What do you want to talk to us about?” Asked Mrs. Crumble.

"Are they any problems my dear?" Followed Hondo.

Rarity sighed and looked to her sister; she was actually staring at Rarity with curious eyes and bits of chocolate on her lips.

"Well, Mother, Father, Sweety Bell…Yesterday morning, me and my friend Fluttershy went to Summerville…"



Just outside of the Carousel boutique a group of five was formed, Applejack and Rainbow Dash had left to go to work leaving the rest of the concerned ponies and Spike the care of deciding what to do now.

“Wow, that sure is something big that happened, don’t you think?”

“You’re right Starlight, but with ours and her family's help Rarity will get through this. “Responded Spike.

The ponies nodded to that when they began to hear cries coming from the shop.

“It seem like she told them…”Said Fluttershy.

“Yes, come on let’s go to the castle, I’ll invite you for tea.” Said Twilight



As princess Twilight led her small group toward her home, a question kept forming inside her mind and she choose to ask her friends about it.

“Hey, don’t you think that we should at least thank this healer, it seems pretty natural to me…No?”

The ponies seemed in favor of this.

“Yes, after all he did save my bestie who is only tied with 83 other besties, exclaimed cheerfully Pinkie.”

“Yes, he was really kind to treat Rarity and Angel without asking anything in return. “Continued the yellow Pegasus.

“It seems like the right thing to do, after all he did save the life of an element of harmony…and of a bunny.” Said her apprentice

“Spike Fluttershy, you’re the only ones here who have seen him, how is he?”

“Well, he is kind…Like I said he treated both of our friends without asking for any money or gems, which was very generous of him.”

“Yes, he seems pretty cool, he did prepare to me a huge breakfast even after I came very late and paid for my ticket.”

Fluttershy nodded her approval but added something.

“Yes, but …He was acting a little strange, even the inhabitants of Sumerville seemed to think so.”

“How so? “asked Starlight Glimmer.

“Well, when we arrived to Summerville we asked some ponies in town for direction to his house, and we profited of the occasion to ask their opinion about him, and many of their opinion was: Strange but kind and that he is pretty much a solitary.”

They stopped walking when they arrived right before the castle.

“So does anypony have an idea?” As soon that sentence finished Pinkie raised her hoof waiting to be questioned.

Twilight smiled to this gesture and pointed the pink party pony with her hoof.

“Yes Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie got close to Twilight ear and whispered something, Twilight giggled at this action.

“I do believe that our dear party pony has a great idea.”



Summerville at lunchtime

In the restaurant: Two forks are better than one.

"And so I told her that: no ,clouds aren’t used for watering the rocks... if you saw the dark stare that she sent me after that, I think that she’ll try to take revenge for that."

As soon Cerulean Flow finished ranting about this totally uninteresting accident at work both ponies took a sip of their drinks, Nox after being back from the train station and having nothing else to-do asked his fellow pony if he wanted have lunch together.As Cerulean was working only in the morning that day he accepted and now both were enjoying their food while drinking a good sparkling water.

"Well, and that all that happened to me this morning…What about you Nox, did something of interesting happened?"

Nox thought back to the reptile named Spike…And of some of the thing he mentioned, because since the dragon's departure, he had felt nervous about his situation.

"Well, yesterday something did happen…"

Cerulean who had thought that Nox would responds by his standard : No! Was certainly surprised.

"Oh, and what did-"But the sky pony was interrupted.

"Hey how are both of you today?" Asked Firewalker in a happy voice..

Both ponies at the table turned to greet him back.

A green eyed fire Red unicorn stallion wearing a red bow tie approached them. His mane was a slightly darker red then his coat done in a similar but longer style then Rainbow Dash’s.

Firewalker who worked part time at the restaurant as a waiter and bar stallion to pay his rent and food and his other daily things as every bit that he gained during his show were used to make even more spectacular show.

"Well, I’m fine, thank for asking by the way."

"Me too."

"Good, good. Hey I wanted to ask you, I found a new cocktail that looks quite good in a old book, I wanted to know if you wanted to try one…It’s on me of course."

Both stallions looked at each other, a little cautious about the pyromaniac, but it was just a cocktail…What harm could it do? Furthermore, it was on the house so.

"Okay, we’ll try it ."Replied Nox.

"Two special cocktail, ok, I’ll be back in two minute." The stunt pony trotted away from the restaurant clients to the kitchen.

"Well, he seem pretty happy…So what did you want to talk about?"

Nox, kept thinking, this morning, Spike told him a name…But couldn’t remember it correctly. "Come on, it was something with light at the end of it, Luminight…No. Daylight…Either not…Coca-Light…No…Twinlight-Twin-Twilight…Yes that’s it Twilight."

"Well, you see, many ponies came to see me recently and one of them told me a name…It seemed important to him and I don’t believe I have ever heard of it, do you think that you know him or her?"

"Don’t know, anyways tell me I’ll see." Offered the Pegasus as he put his drink to his lips.

"Twilight from Ponyville." Ceruleans reaction from the name troubled Nox a little, as the stallion stopped drinking and stared at the unicorn.

"What, do you mean to tell me you don’t know who Twilight Sparkle is?"Asked Cerulean with surprise in his voice.

Nox simply shook his head.

Cerulean sighed before answering.

"Nox,I do know that you are new to this area, but still…Where were living before for not knowing who is Twilight Sparkle from Ponyville…"

"Well…I was living in a far off galaxy…Far, far away."The airborne pony shrugged as he thought that his friend was only joking around….not knowing that he was in fact telling the truth.

"Because, every pony knows who the prin-"But he was cut by Firewalker who came back with his cocktails.

"Here it is," he carefully deposed the drink on the table and began to scratch a match.

Cerulean and Nox checked their drink, and took a couple of sniff of the unknown drink, which seemed horrible.

"Hey what is this cocktail, its smell horrible." cried the blue pony.

Nox took another sniff before final asking the stunt pony a question.

"Hey Fire…what is this cocktail is called?"

Firewalker was happy for finally having ignited his matches and took it closer of the drink.

"The Molotov cocktail…Why?" The matches touched the drinks.



When Nox came home some hours later, his ears were still ringing from the explosion provoked by that literally blasted cocktail, following the cocktail incident him and Cerulean totally forgot what they were talking about and choose to leave. When he entered his house he checked himself in the mirror and found out some dark traces from the blast still on his grey coat.

"Wow, it does seem that this pony body is pretty resistant, in my human form, an explosion so close would have…"But Nox remarked something about him in the mirror.

He stare at his reflection for some time…analyzing himself.

"This is not my body…I’m not a pony…I’m a human." He got to his front door and checked that it was well locked, and then returned to the mirror, there, a black smoke appeared around him and after some time he reappeared but as a human.

As he checked his true body he could see scars running near his side…A little gift coming from one of the many henchman of his second master during his slavery period…A stab given to him because he had not properly washed the floor.

"If I do remember well I was nine at that time." He let his fingers slide on another scar, this one on his left ankle…

This has been the departure gift from his first master after two years of service he sold him away but choose make a deep cut on his ankle so he could remember him…Kallig has limped for the next 15 month after that.

Other scars got his attention, as those one hasn’t been made by some master but by himself and willingly.

Those one were situated a little under his wrist, and have been made by his own battle knife…Shortly after having bested his own master who had tried to kill him, a dark lord of the sith and named Thanaton had called him about an official collaboration. But the true meaning of this was to kill him, as Thanaton hated a lot Kallig sith master Darth Zash and thought that he was rotten and corrupted by her. By luck, Kallig own ancestor ghost; lord Kallig the first was watching over him and told him a way to fight Thanaton.

And for the following six month he has passed all of his time looking around the galaxy for force sensitive ghosts to make contract with and rise in rank within the imperial army.

And for the ghost, to make a deal with them so they would give him their power he had to make blood contract…And a lot of blood was required for each of them.

However after confronting Thanaton and his followers on the Planet Corelia he pursued him to the siege of the dark council on the holy planet Korriban. There a mighty fight between the two sith with Kallig as the winner. Then he forced Thanaton to kneel before him and right after that he executed him in quick manner.

After the defeat of the older Sith,Kallig gained his chair on the Dark council of the empire as The Holder of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge and for all the service effected for the Empire, gained the title of Darth Imperius .It has been the second most beautiful day in all his life…

And as for the ghosts who helped him during the fight he choose to set them free, letting them go peacefully into the other side of the force. As a gift for this action the deceased force users gave him all of their power.

After this Kallig fought for the Empire during three years before finally being stranded in a strange world where equine being could control stars…

After reminiscing all of this he grabbed some undergarments from his drawer, put them on took a sleeping pill and for the first time in three month, slept in his human form.



End of the sixth chapter: An odd morning,a troubling afternoon

Author's Note:

First meeting with the main6...Soon?...Or not?:raritywink:

Again a great thank to chronocrosser for the editing,without you this chapter wouldn't be there.

Comments ( 5 )

Yay update! And another good chapter too.:yay:

Damn, that molotov joke had me on the floor.
Glad to see this fic getting updated!

Sweet! Great chapter, it's always a nice surprise when I see an update for this fic. I rather enjoyed the Molotov Cocktail bit and it was good to see Rarity recovering nicely. I do look forward to seeing the whole Mane 6 meet Kallig, and the chaos that is sure to follow them. Keep goin and stay golden^^

Update please is been two year mah men where you been

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