• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 4,190 Views, 489 Comments

Of Laurels & Lace - WritingSpirit

Rarity receives an invitation to a masquerade, but was immediately thrown into conspiracy, treachery and, above all, love.

  • ...

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Calming The Midnight Beast

Night came fast in the Everfree, as Rainbow found out.

She stood on one of the mangled branches, folding her wings while staring out into the starry sky.

The moon gleamed brightly, reminding her of the first time she entered Everfree Forest.

The pegasus smiled sadly, looking down at Twilight, who was curled up in her mane, snoring gently.

Pinkie was nowhere to be seen. Rainbow started to worry.

"Pinkie?" she called out quietly, trying not to wake her sleeping friend up.

The pegasus launched into the air, looking down at the forest below her.

"Where the heck are you, crazy pony..."

In one swift dive, she plunged into the overgrowth, snapping countless numbers of branches along the way down.

"Celestia, Pinkie, you better don't wander off."

Rainbow brushed the stray twigs off her mane, glancing around in the dense overgrowth of bushes as the trees grew menacingly around her. Shadows danced around, flickering from the campfire the three of them set up.

"Pinkie...?" she called again, looking into the darkness.

A small pink blur sitting on the hill caught her attention, making the pegasus smile.


The party pony turned around, giving Rainbow Dash a smile. Gummy stood on her head, croaking at the sight of her.

"Hey, Dashie."

Rainbow Dash settled beside her friend, following the gaze of her friend as Pinkie stared at the moon.

The sound of crickets and hoots of owls filled the atmosphere. Fireflies danced around them, glittering as bright as the stars in the night sky.

"So..." Rainbow's raspy voice broke the silence, giving her friend a smirk, "what brings you here?"

Pinkie looked up in surprise.

"Oh... nothing actually."

"It just.... reminds me of the adventures I had."

"Really?" Rainbow said, stretching her hooves.

Her friend nodded with delight. "It isn't everyday you see a sky as beautiful as that, Rainbow."

Pinkie let out a small yawn, with Gummy pouncing around her puffy tail before curling up inside as if it was a bed.

"Isn't it great? Living life in the outdoors..." she said happily, "looking at nature and all."

Rainbow smiled at her friend. "I'm sure there are many ponies like that, Pinkie."

The pink pony giggled at that.

"You'll never know, Dashie!"

Silence filled the air once more as they continued mesmerizing at the night sky. Croaks of frogs and toads echoed from the forest around them, sometimes joined by a screech of a bat.

"I just wanna know..." Rainbow broke the silence again.

"what made you go adventuring in the first place?"

Pinkie flinched, her smile faltered a little. Gummy looked up from his sleep, croaking slightly.

The sound of animals around the forest stopped abruptly, making Rainbow look around in confusion.

"I... uh..." the pink pony stuttered, fidgeting her hooves nervously.

"I don't feel like talking about it."

Rainbow looked at her friend, slightly puzzled.


"You don't need to know why!"

Pinkie stopped, covering her mouth with her hoof as she let out a quiet gasp.

"I..." she looked away from her friend, who was slightly taken aback by her reply.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Pinkie."

Rainbow placed a hoof around the pink pony's shoulder, making her look into her eyes with a sniffle.

"If it's too private, you can keep it to yourself."

Pinkie smiled a little, wiping away a small tear that leaked from her eyes.

"Thanks, Dashie."

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"He looks so peaceful."

Rarity turned around, looking at Octavia as the grey pony gave her a smile.

"Yeah," the unicorn said, returning with a smile of her own.

She looked at Spike, the dragon laid gently on a small mat. A small bandage covered his left claw, smelling strongly of bilberries.

Rarity gripped his other claw up tightly, placing her head gently on it.

"Please wake up..."

A small rumble caught their attention, making everypony in the room look at the ceiling nervously.

Suddenly, the crowd started pushing from the side as a giant stalactite broke from its base, crashing onto the floor with a loud boom.

Rarity shielded Spike with her body as dust filled the cave. She coughed slightly, ignoring the clattering rocks that fell upon her.

"Everypony alright?"

Stellar looked at the crowd frantically. Cries of foals screeched throughout the cavern as the ponies gathered themselves up again.

Rarity opened her eyes, quickly brushing off the dirt on her coat.

Spike still slept, seemingly unaware of the collapsed stalactite. Rarity smiled at the dragon, stroking his scales a little.

"Silly dragon."


Spring trotted towards the unicorn, giving her a smirk.

"This is Spike?"

Rarity nodded dreamily, still gazing at the sleeping dragon.

The filly sighed, laying her head on the mat.

"I wish I had somepony beside me..."

Rarity chuckled, nudging Spring a little with a smile.

"Silly filly. You're still so young."

"I know, I know." Spring blew her mane up nonchalantly, rolling her eyes. "Everypony says that."

Octavia sat beside the filly, making her squeal with delight.

"Since the both of you are here, I wanna ask you guys a question!"

Both mares looked at Spring in bewilderment.

"Well then, it wouldn't hurt to answer one question." Octavia said with a chuckle. "What is it?"

"How does love feel like?"

The two of them flinched, staring at each other uneasily as Spring looked at the both of them, giving the mares a beaming smile.


"Uhm... how I should I put thus..." Rarity began, slightly flustered.

"Love... is an emotion. It's when you put a lot of faith and trust into another pony where you believe would return the same."

Spring listened in amazement at her explanation as Rarity continued:

"When the both of you are really satisfied, you feel as if your heart's melting, your hooves tingling and all sorts of weird feelings get inside you mind."

"Then," Rarity stopped, letting out a sigh.

"that's when you know you're in love."

Octavia clapped with Spring, giving Rarity a hooves up when the filly's not looking.

"Cool!" Spring said with delight.

"Does that mean my brother's heart melts when he says he loves me as well?"

Rarity and Octavia chuckled slightly.

"Spring," the grey mare began, "there are different kinds of love."

"The love from your family. The love of the things you do. And of course, the love of your life."

Octavia gave Rarity a wink, which made her friend laugh quietly.


Spring's face suddenly turn somber, her head down in deep thought.

The filly suddenly stood up, fierce determination plastered on her face

"Alright! From this day forth, I, Spring Palgiot, shall spread love to all the four corners of Equestria!"

Rarity and Octavia clapped for the filly whilst letting out a laugh.

"That was wonderful, Spring!"

The filly beamed, before prancing into the air with a calm sigh.

"I wish I had somepony who would love me back."

"Silly filly, of course you do!"

Autumn walked up from behind, giving a gentle smile as she joined the three of them.

"No matter what happens, Spring," she said, hugging her sister tenderly and letting out a giggle from the filly.

"We will always love you."

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"Applejack, ya sure the rake's not here?"

Applejack shook her head no, looking at her father as he wandered towards the carriage. She bit her lip, glancing uneasily at the barn.

"If it ain't here, then where the heck is that thing?"

The old stallion walked towards the barn, laying his hoof on the red doors.

"Check the house, daddy!" she cried out anxiously. Her stomach twinged as her father looked at her in suspicion. She let out a nervous laugh, fidgeting her orange hooves around.

Then the old pony smiled, making Applejack sigh with relief.

"Well, ah'll believe ya. But just this once."

He placed his hat on his daughter, making her giggle. He chuckled heartily, before walking towards their humble abode.

Applejack lifted the hat and looked as her father walked away. Guilt hung on her shoulders.

She galloped towards the barn, peering inside. Her gaze fixated on a mound of hay.

A broken rake laid there, the middle snapped like a twig. Applejack gulped, the tip glinting intimidatingly at her in the sunlight.

"Ah was only applebucking..." she muttered to herself. The guilt in her mind only grew, laughing at her distress.


Applejack spun around, watching her mother as she approached the orange filly.

"Come getcha things! There's no more time to waste!"

She quickly shut the door, forcing out a grin.

"I'm coming!"

"In the meantime, get Apple Bloom some milk! Silly filly's crying all day!"


Applejack's mother left in a huff, leaving her behind. She sighed again with relief, sitting on a small wagon.

Her back brushed against firewood her father prepared for the coming winter. An oil lamp hung from its side, swinging gently in the breeze.

She looked at the barn yet again.

"If daddy finds out about this, you're dead, 'ya hear?"

Applejack stood up, the wagon lurching forward in response. The wooden wheels scraped along the gravel path, making the filly turn around.

"The wagon!"

She galloped after it in vain, watching it as it rolled down the hill. The firewood clattered with every bounce, the oil lamp swaying violently from side to side.

Suddenly, the wagon launched into the air. Applejack watched in horror as it crashed into their kitchen, shattering through the windows with a loud crash.

The lamp fell onto the kitchen floor, the glass shield breaking apart.

Applejack gasped as flames started burning from the side of the house, eating away the wood and cloth mercilessly. She rushed frantically towards her house, her eyes widened with panic.


Her father's voice boomed from behind, stopping her in her tracks. His mouth was agape as a beam collapsed from the top floor, the wood creaking and groaning alongside the crackling of flames.

"Stay here!" he shouted, before rushing into the flames.

Applejack could only watch helplessly as her father rushed back out, holding a crying Apple Bloom in his hooves.

"Hold her!" he cried, before running back in again.

"What the hay?"

The orange filly turned around. Her brother watched in horror at the flames before him.

"What happened?!"

"I.... I don't know... Macintosh... I don't..."

Applejack's voice faltered as she bit her lip.

Lies.... it was all lies...

Granny Smith stumbled out from the burning house, a look of pure terror on her face. The aging mare coughed, soot covering her slightly wrinkly face.

"Your father... your mother..." she managed to gasp.

A loud scream pierced through their ears. Apple Bloom wailed louder, her hooves flailing about as the wood creaked around the foundations of their burning home.

Suddenly, the bottom gave away, the roof collapsing. The three of them watched in horror, tears seeping from their eyes as the house crumbled inwards, turning into a burning wreck.

A brown, soot-covered hat flew from the burning debris, landing in front of Applejack.

The orange pony couldn't help but cry, sobbing loudly in pain as the flames burned rapidly in front of them.


In the distance, the echo of brass rang amidst the tormenting roar of embers, striking three times.


Applejack awoke with a shock, her hoof tightly gripping on her blanket.

She looked around in panic, sweat flowing down her freckled face.

Luna's moon shone on her face, tinting it a slight blue. She sighed, her heart drenching in grief with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry..."

A knock on the door made her jump, the door opening slowly with a small creak.

Big Mac walked in, making his sister sigh with relief. He settled onto a green stool, a warm smile lingering on his face.

"It's a little late for you to be awake."

Applejack only gave a short reply:


Big Mac chuckled, his sister giving him a look of annoyance.

"And whatcha doing up late at night, Macintosh?"

The stallion leaned back, giving Applejack a shrug.

"Ah dunno. It's just... your friend, Fluttershy."

Applejack sat up, pushing the blanket away.

"What about her?"

"It's just..." Big Mac let out a sigh. "it's just that I hit her, Applejack."

The stallion's voice faltered as he continued: "I hit a mare."

Applejack wandered towards her brother's side.

"She wasn't in her right mind," the orange pony reassured him, "you were doing what's right."

"Truth is, she's in hospital now."

Big Mac couldn't help but whimper, his face slightly darkening.

"Her wing's fractured and all. Doctor said she lost a lot of blood."

He looked down at his hooves uneasily.

"I dunno if I actually done the right thing."

"Look, Macintosh."

Applejack gave her brother a slight grin. "Fluttershy would want you to stop her."

The stallion widened his eyes in surprise.


The orange pony gazed at her brown hat at the side of the bed. Her father's smile echoed in her mind, making her eyes water.

"Ah'm sure of it, Macintosh," she said proudly. "Ah'm sure of it."

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Rarity opened her eyes.

A small yawn fluttered from her mouth. She looked around, rubbing her eyes tiredly. Her other hoof still grasped onto Spike's claw, the dragon still unconscious despite the rumbling in the caverns.

The hollow sound of wind rushed into her ears, bringing in the cold atmosphere of the night. She breathed in slightly, closing her eyes and letting the cooling air rush down her lungs.

A small groan made her look up in anticipation, as Rarity watch the teenage dragon stir from his sleep.

"Ugh..." his claw sank deep in Rarity's hoof, making the unicorn whimper slightly.


"Spike!" she exclaimed, hugging the dragon tightly.

Tears of joy fell from her eyes, with Spike only letting out a small chuckle.

"That's me!"

"Oh, Spike!" Rarity cooed, making the dragon blush. She looked up from his scaly body, rubbing her face against it tenderly.

"How's everypony else? Back in Ponyville?"

"Well, if I can recall," Spike pondered for a moment, scratching his scaly head.

"Twilight got this box. From the author you asked her to see."


"Well, Persimmon, she.... she gave up her life."

Rarity let out a gasp.

"What do you mean?"

Slowly, Spike gave a complete explanation. About Applejack and Manehatten, about Pinkie's recovery, about Princess Celestia and Jovern. Rarity could only look in wonder as Spike continued the story, her eyes never leaving his for a second.

"...and then I decided to come here. Then, as we flew over the city-"

Rarity placed a hoof over his lips, immediately silencing the dragon.

"Don't. Talk. About it."

"What do you-"

"Shush," she demanded, before giving him a sly smile.

The dragon smiled back, his claws tightly wrapped around Rarity's hoof.

"So... enough about me. What about you?"

Rarity's coy smile made him uneasy. He shuffled a little backward, glancing away nervously with a blush as the unicorn crept closer.

"Nothing much..." she finally replied. "Just..."

In a split second, Rarity smashed her lips against his. Spike's eyes widened in surprise, but slowly closed them as he ran through his claws through her mane. Their fiery kiss burned with lust on their lips, both of their chests heaving slightly.

Rarity felt Spike's snakelike tongue slither around hers, making her moan in a mix of pleasure and disgust. She let herself fall onto the floor, the dragon following along with her.

The pair muzzled their snouts together, the world around them turning into a misty blur. Their lips worked around, their tongues dancing in their mouths, working furiously inside.

The dragon ran his claw down Rarity's body, making the unicorn shiver gently. She let out a small 'mmph', her body aching for pleasure. Her pair of hooves responded, pulling him closer and closer until their bodies met. Spike could only let out a deep growl of hunger, of greed.

"Celestia, Spike..." she managed to speak, their lips still clashing fiercely. A small blush now reddened her face, her hormones raging and begging for more.

As abruptly as it started, their kiss broke, a thread of saliva dangling from Rarity's mouth. Spike offered his claw, wiping it away from the smile on her face. She giggled slightly, placing her head onto his body.

"I love you, Spike."

The dragon pecked her snout, letting out a small purr of satisfaction. The mare let out a small moan, feeling Spike's claws flowing against her coat.

"I love you too, Rarity."

"You know Spike, you really know how to please a mare."

Spike gave her a deep chuckle.

"There's an exception. Twilight."

Both of them laughed loudly, their voices rebounding in the cavern.

Rarity looked into Spike's eyes, his pistachio eyes glistening dreamily back at her. She placed a hoof around his neck, bringing his lips closer.

"Come here...."

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"She never meant to do that. She's only a young filly!"

Fluttershy strained her ears against the wooden door, fluffing up her wings slightly in curiosity. She peeped through the keyhole, seeing a small beam of light shining on her mother's face.

"Well, I'm sure there must be an explanation for this." the officer said in his thick, grisly voice.

"I mean, it isn't everyday a filly pegasus shoplifts in Cloudsdale. Especially at such a young age."

"I assure you, I would see to it that she rids of that habit."

The yellow pegasus cringed in her seat. Her mother's voice stung into her, like many times before. That cold, calculating sneer...

"Are you really sure about that, Miss?"

The officer's voice was raised in suspicion.

"Your records and recent trips to the psychologists proved otherwise."

"Don't worry, I'll be alright."

Fluttershy tried not to whimper as the door opened. Her mother stepped out, ruffling her purple-black wings slightly. The red glare of pupils in her eyes fixated on her daughter, making the yellow pegasus look away in fear.

"Come on, Flutters."

The officer stepped out as well, looking at Fluttershy being dragged away by her mother with concern.

Fluttershy's pupils watered, meeting the officer's gaze, pleading for help.

The hospital was dreary at night, as the yellow pegasus found out.

Lying on the hospital bed, Fluttershy looked up at the ceiling, trying to repress the storm brewing in her head.

"Calm down, Fluttershy..."

The chiming sounds of the clock made her close her eyes, her head pounding as her past memories flashed back into her.

"It was very clear to you, Flutters."

Fluttershy watched with tears in her eyes at her mother. The red, piercing glare of her mother made her yelp in fear as she raised the whip once more.

"That you were supposed to KEEP WATCH!!"

With one fling, Fluttershy cried out in pain, another scar slashed across her wing. She gritted her teeth, gripping tightly onto the ragged carpet

"It was ONLY a simple job! Mother has told you,"

The purple-black pegasus forced her daughter to look right into her eye, making the yellow pegasus's bruised face ache slightly.

"I'm doing this for the sake of OUR FAMILY!" she shouted. "Isn't this what you've wanted?"


"Oh, don't 'Momma' me, you FREAK!"

She flipped the table, breaking it apart.

"Pathetic, really. As stupid as your father!"

Fluttershy watched as her mother chugged down a bottle of liquor, wiping her mouth in dissatisfaction as it burned in her throat.

"You better appreciate what we have in this house. I've seen fillies out there with not even wings on their wretched backs!"

Fluttershy whimpered in distress, her mother's voice tormenting in her head as she draped herself under the blanket.

"I'm no-not... like you. I'm not like you!"

"One day, you'll understand, Fluttershy."

Her mother threw the bottle on the ground, shattering it into pieces.

"One day, you'll be like me."


Thunder flashed as Fluttershy panted and heaved, her face seething with rage.

"Never! NEVER!!"

She smacked a vase away furiously, the small daisy that once stood in there sprawling along with water onto the hospital floor as the porcelain shattered across the room. Her wings flared up, before crumpling down in pain.

Her yells was soon reduced to a broken sob, the pegasus burying her face in her hooves.

Regret stung deep in her heart, images of the afternoon bursting back into her mind.

She looked at her hooves, tears dropping onto them as she spat at it with disgust.

"Never, mother. I will never be like you..."

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"Wake up!"

Rarity pushed his claw away.

"Just a little longer..."

"Rarity." Spike's voice persisted.

"They're here."

The mare stood up, trying her best to brush her mane.

"What is it?" she grumbled, looking around the cavern.

A small flurry of shouts seemed to echo from the entrance, prompting the couple to edge closer.

"Is Winter here?!" a voice demanded.

"I assure you, Master Winter isn't around here."

Rarity recognized that voice as it continued protesting.

Stellar Lionheart.

"If he were here, he would've already shown up to face you sniveling bastards!"

Spike looked in worry, placing his claw around Rarity with concern.


Octavia walked up to them, Crimson and Spring following closely behind.

"For a moment, I thought we'd lost you!"

"What's happening?" the unicorn asked, glancing worryingly at the intense argument.

"We don't need the Palgiots to ask us what to do!"

"Really?!" Stellar scowled coldly.

"Without the Palgiots, you wouldn't even be living your wretched, filly-foller life!"

"You dare challenge us, you mere servant?!"

The pony grasped his dagger, waving it threateningly at the butler. Stellar just scoffed.

"Even a servant like me has a longer blade than yours!"

"You have blades, yes,"

The pony let out a high-pitched whistle, the sound ringing into Rarity's ears.

"But not this."

A loud rumble made everypony else look nervously around. The cavern shook violently, the rocks crumbling and tumbling from the ceiling.

Rarity looked at the door, the loud boom of steps growing closer and closer.

With a loud roar, the entrance blasted apart, rocks flying and darting in every direction. Stellar looked up in horror at the magnificent beast as it swept its black wings, its bloodshot eyes raging in a frenzy.

The crowd of refugees scattered instantly, running away as the beast teetered aimlessly inside, breaking apart the stalactites that hung from the roof of the cavern.

"Come on!"

Rarity jerked Spike's claw, who could only watch in horror at the black monster. The dragon wouldn't budge, making the unicorn scream:

"What the hell, Spike! We don't have much time!"

"That dragon..."

Spike watched as it terrorized through the cave, the paws crashing down onto the rocks.

"It's Jovern!"

The teenage dragon pulled Rarity aside, away from the chaos around them.

"He's the one! The dragon that helped me get here!"

Rarity looked over his shoulder in disbelief, before her eyes widened in shock.

"Look out!"

A lash of the black dragon's tail made them duck, scraping against the wall relentlessly. Spike quickly helped Rarity up, the both of them running towards the other end of the cave.

Rarity suddenly skidded to a halt, letting out a gasp as the tail slammed on the ground in front of her. The black dragon turned his head, his eyes locking onto the unicorn.

The unicorn stumbled back frantically as the dragon stomped up to her. Fear and panic crossed her mind, adrenaline burning in her veins.

She let out a small whimper.

With an intense growl, the dragon raised his claw. The tip slashed against the unicorn, making her cry out in agony.


Spike scrambled towards her in vain with Crimson and Stellar pulling him back, his eyes flowing with tears as he watched Rarity fall to the floor.

"It's no use!" Stellar shouted.

"The dragon's in an outrage. It's impossible to stop something as fierce and large as that!"

Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a small, tingling voice filled their ears. It sung in a sweet melody, silently drifting through the cavern.

Spike felt his pulse slow down as the music invaded his ears. His breathing became tender, his aggression sedated suddenly.

Stellar felt it too. His face grew with realization.

"Miss Autumn..."

The ponies watched as the mare sung, her voice raising gently with harmonic balance. She perched on a small cliff overlooking the cavern, standing gallantly with her head held high.

Jovern's scales tingled as the music finally found its way into him. His breathing turned slightly shallow, his raging flame slowly extinguished. Slowly, his roars became smaller, before he let out a satisfied growl.

His slitted pupils gradually became bigger, as the dragon looked around in confusion.

"What... Where am I?"


Spike quickly rushed towards Rarity, her white body now scarred red with three giant scratches. The mare could only whimper and moan as the pain stung in her body.

"Doctor Brineheart!" Stellar's voice boomed through the cavern.

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Autumn let out a sigh of relief. Her gut lurched and groaned, her heart sinking to the floor.

"A little bit too much..."

She collapse onto the floor, her hooves tingling weakly as life began to seep out of her.

It's always like that...

The mare let out a depriving chuckle as she looked up at the roof of the cavern. First Summer, now her...

She cursed under her breath, letting out a sputter of blood.

"Never overuse your talent, Winter said. Genetics, he said..." her fading, inner voice scolded.

Then she smiled, the world around her quickly became a blur as her vision faded into white.

"I'm coming, Gypsum..."

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