• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 4,175 Views, 489 Comments

Of Laurels & Lace - WritingSpirit

Rarity receives an invitation to a masquerade, but was immediately thrown into conspiracy, treachery and, above all, love.

  • ...

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The Third Voyager

"Wait, Pinkie!"

Pinkie ignored her friend's attempts at calling her. She just stomped away, marching into the hotel, up the stairs, into the suite that she and her friends had booked for the night.

She had forgotten to slam the door behind her. First mistake.

"Pinkie, if you can just hear what I'm trying to say-!"

"No!" the pink pony cried, stomping away from Twilight as if she had just broken up with her.

She glanced around the hotel room, trying her best to find a place of solace with complete peace and quiet.

There was only one place to go: the bathroom.

Pinkie wrinkled her nose in disgust. No way! There's no way she's gonna go in there! She'd rather suffocate in the closet than to actually go in-


It will have to do.

Pinkie rushed in before the unicorn could catch her, slamming the wooden door. Twilight skidded to a halt just in time, her snout just touching the cold surface of wood in front of her.

She placed her ears against the door, hearing a few muffled sniffles from behind it.

"Pinkie! We can talk about this-"

"N-No! I don't want to! I don't..."

The pink pony's loud, anguished crying was evident to the unicorn now. Twilight's horn flared up a little, focusing it towards the knob.

"Pinkie," she called to the pink pony.

"Don't make me do this."

The sniffling stopped, the cries vanished. Twilight quickly placed her ear back to the door, getting more frantic with each passing minute.


"Pinkie?" she called out again. No response.

"T-That's enough, Pinkie! Don't scare me now!"

The pony's ears perked at the sound of a whimper. Twilight breathed a huge sigh of relief, yet she knew it wasn't over.

"Pinkie!" she shouted once more, her horn flaring with a brilliant violet aura.

"I'm busting in! No matter what you do!"

With a cry, Twilight blasted a laser-like beam from her horn, the light speeding towards the knob.

Just before it hit the surface, the light was suddenly sucked into naught, with square, crystalline wisps bursting out in response to the entry. The mare blinked in surprise, trying to understand what just happened.

She inspected the knob closely, wavering her hoof around it. She felt something... magical around, tingling her hoof with every gentle swing she makes.

"No way..." the unicorn said in disbelief. She had never seen this sort of aura before. It was completely foreign, alien to her, maybe even to Equestria itself!

Not to mention who wielded it. There was only one possible candidate for that.

"Pinkie." she called out to the pink pony, who was still trying to contain her sobs.

"What... how did you..."

"D-Don't ask, T-T-Twilight..." she begged.

"P-Please, don't!"

"Alright, alright, I won't."

Twilight would've want to find out more, but she isn't going to risk the trust of one of her friends just for that.

"But I need to know what's going on! Why did Mirror Mare tried to kill me?"

"I-It's... It's complicated..."

"Try me, Pinkie." the unicorn said, a little bit too harshly as the pink pony started to sniffle again.

"Well... okay, Pinkie. When you're comfortable enough to come out and talk, I would be here, alright?"

She just heard a whimper, but the unicorn knew from her tone that her friend had agreed to it.

"Remember," she said again, "We're still your friends. Rarity needs you. Spike needs you..."

She held her breath. She couldn't believe she was gonna say this...

"I need you."

A small, muffled gasp echoed from inside. Twilight just walked away, sitting on the bed.

"You need us as well, Pinkie. You can't fight it alone."

Inside, the pink pony was on the marble floor, her face drenched in tears. She felt lucky yet devastated that she had to conjure up the same spell again on the knob.

"S-Stupid mare you are, Pinkie..."

Twilight's words had took her completely by surprise. She was right: her friends all need her. They're all counting on her. Yet she couldn't just spill everything out! That would risk everything! Her friends' lives even!

"Take it slow..." Pinkie said to herself. Twilight was right, but she was wrong at the same time.

"I can't tell you still, Twilight.... but I can show it to you myself."

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"So you're saying we're going to be stuck here until Sovereign is-"

"Be quiet! She may hear us!" Stellar hissed at Crimson.

"She has ears all over the place."

The ponies have all holed up in the music room, awaiting for Spring's return. Sovereign has requested a little time with the small filly, whom Rarity thinks must be scared of the insane mare right now.

She and Spike were busy turning the knobs on the walkie-talkie, trying to get through the loud, meaningless crackles that it kept spewing out. Octavia and Crimson were looking around the room out of boredom, strumming and plucking a few harps and lyres on the shelves.

Stellar was the only one trying to come up with a plan.

"Look, Sovereign can't be killed by just anypony. She has the use of magic on her side, which means it's going to be complicated."

"I was wondering, though," Octavia spoke up.

"She's an Earth pony, right? How is it possible she can use magic?"

"You could say the same for Spring as well. She can use magic because of her talent."

Stellar looked out the window, a little uncertain at the darkening skies from beyond the ocean.

"She's so... how shall I put it... connected, to the talent that it can manifest itself into magic."

"So, you're saying if I play my cello until I'm, like one with it... I can use it as magic?"


Octavia was completely in awe at the butler's explanation.

"Wow... I didn't know you could do that..."

"There are many things in Equestria that haven't been discovered, such as magic in Earth ponies."

The butler sat on a wooden chair, awaiting anxiously for the filly's return.

"Think about it: cases of two Earth ponies having a unicorn or pegasus filly, some even inhibiting magic from nowhere."

"Pinkie Pie..."

Rarity pondered for a moment. The pink pony had various instances of being able to appear from place to place. How it was related to her talent of making parties was still a wonder.

"Spike?" she asked the teenage dragon.

"Do you think Pinkie's..."

"I'm not sure. I mean, I don't see magic around her, even when she's just happily rolling about in the park."

The dragon did a few turns on the knob, before the crackling finally stopped.


"Applejack?" she called out into the microphone.


A voice rang out suddenly, nearly making the couple jump.

"For once this thing's working..."


A small chuckle escaped from the speakers, before the pegaus's raspy voice rang out again:

"Yep! That's me!"

"Thank Celestia you're alright, Rainbow! How's everypony else? Twilight and Pinkie?"

Rarity was completely overjoyed. She hadn't spoke to them for two weeks since the trio left Ponyville. She had so much she wanted to know.

"Well... is Spike there?" Rainbow's voice asked.

"Right here!" he replied with a grin.

"Good to hear ya for once! Twilight's worried that you didn't make it!"

"There had been a little problems..." Spike stated, remembering the events of the civil war, as some of the residents of Pendant Lakes had come to call it.

"...but I got here just fine."

"Pfft... problems? We just had a ginormous problem over here."

That immediately silenced the couple. Spike and Rarity exchanged worried glances.

"What happened?" the white mare hesitantly asked.

Slowly, the rainbow pegasus explained. How they had to stop at Primrose's cottage due to Twilight's sickness. How she had to use the Sonic Rainboom which put her and Pinkie into the hospital. How Pinkie was found bleeding during the Skull Festival and, of course, their recent fight with Mirror Mare.

"Now Pinkie's stuck in the bathroom and we're trying to get her out. Ginormous problem, isn't it?"


Rarity tried to grasp what the pegasus had just said. Pinkie saved Twilight. Twice. It was too impossible to be true.

"Time travel? Really?"

"Something like that! It's as if she's conjuring up a magical spell or something. Even Twilight told me it wasn't normal!"

"Did somebody say Pinkie?"

Stellar walked towards the couple, clearly interested in their conversation, yet behind the grizzled beard Rarity could see his face turning serious.

"Pinkie Pie. She's my friend," the white unicorn said.

"You know. The Element of Laughter?"

"I know, I know."

The butler excused himself with a bow, striding out of the room. For a moment, the white unicorn thought she saw a look of worry on his face.

"Okay..." Rainbow's voice crackled from the speakers, the mare obviously overhearing their conversation.

"Who's that weirdo?"

"One of our friends." Rarity answered, almost like reprimanding her.

"And he's not weird for the record, Rainbow Dash."

"Just kidding, Rarity! I mean, it's not like-"

"Hey, Dash! Who you're talking to?"

Rarity blinked her eyes in surprise, the voices beyond the walkie-talkie flaring up into a sort of muffled quarrel. She was completely intrigued by it: judging by their tone, they seemed very intimate.

"What are you doing in here? You're supposed to knock!"

"Well, suddenly I'm supposed to knock. First, you want me to act more stallion-like around you. Then you said you need some lovey-dovey-bubble talk once in a while..."

"Rainbow?" Rarity couldn't help but giggle coyly.

"Who is that I hear?"

"N-Nothing! Sheesh, nopony you should really care about! Right?"

"Uh... um... Rainbow? I'm just gonna, you know... scoot.."

"I already know who that is, Rainbow," the mare said with a sigh, shaking her head disapprovingly. Just how long did the cyan pegasus think she could hide him from her?

"Spill it." she demanded.

There was a long, audible sigh.

"I met Soarin' when Pinkie threw my birthday party for me, alright? Then, I got a little drunk..."

"So... you did it?" Rarity cooed.

"On your first night together as well. How... unladylike..."

"Hey! What gives, Rarity?" she shouted back, making the white mare and the dragon laugh.

"We were drunk! A little too much in the system!"

"Half-assed!" Soarin's voice added from behind the pegasus, only heightening the pair's laughter.

Rainbow groaned loudly in response, a little bit annoyed as she told Rarity:

"I'm gonna go for now! I have a stallion here that needs a spanking."

"Almost forgot! Happy belated birthday, Rainbow!"

Rarity wiped the tears of laughter of her face as the walkie-talkie clicked, signaling the end of their conversation.

"Just as expected, isn't it?" the dragon over her said, wrapping his scaly arms around her.

"Soarin' and Rainbow Dash... quite unlikely. For Rainbow I mean."

"Like a dragon and a white mare," Spike replied, making Rarity giggle.

"A gorgeous, generous white mare."

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"This is not good. This is not good at all..."

Stellar paced around the hallway, ruffling the carpets below him. He couldn't just do nothing! If one of them reaches Pendant Lakes, it will spell disaster for Equestria.

He can't bring himself to do it. Calling his old partner back is too risky. Already two of them were killed in this situation, when all of them are required for the seal to actually work.


"You called for me, Stellar?"

The butler smiled. Just the pony he wanted to see.

"Caduceus. We've got a great problem here."

"Problem, is it?"

The doctor's voice lowered into a soft whisper, making sure nopony else is around.

"Do you mean Sovereign?"

"Something worse I fear. The future is coming."

Doctor Brineheart blinked his eyes for a moment, trying to understand what he just said.

"The future? Nonsense, Stellar. Of course the future is coming! It has always been-"

"No! No! Not that, Caduceus!"

Stellar smacked his forehead, shaking it with disappointment at his friend. How he's a doctor he would never understand it.

"We're talking about the future. You know!"

The doctor stopped, before his face darkened immediately.

"You mean... I get it. When is she arriving?"

"I have no idea, but it seems they're going to be here any second."

Stellar bit his lip, glancing at the starry night outside.

"The princess had foretold this day would come again."

"I did."

In a spark of light, Princess Celestia emerged from the darkness. Her usual, fair skin was now a pale blue from the light of her sister's moon, the concern written on her face evident to both stallions now.

"I've received the report of the anomaly from Fenderville. You're sure she used it against the other?"

"I don't think she was given much of a chance, your Highness, knowing their circumstances."

Stellar had never hoped for this to happen again, but the Princess had warned them before.

"I've checked the energy levels here, Princess."

The alabaster mare just sighed.

"I have the figures here as well. No doubt the same."

"How's Princess Luna, your Highness?"

"Still fine, although I'm not so sure now."

Her face grew more somber as she trotted towards the arched windows, settling her gaze on the bright moon before her. The cerulean mare's smile flashed through her mind, making her eyes water.


"Your Highness requires privacy? A moment of silence?"

"No need, my faithful subject. The past is just bothering me, that's all."

What was she doing? Crying up in front of them like that! She had to be strong! For her sister's sake!

"I never wished for any of this to happen."

"Their deaths will be avenged, Princess." Stellar said with a bow.

"No need for vengeance. All Equestria needs is to end this. Once and for all."

Princess Celestia turned to the stallions, giving each of them a smile.

"It's time they know."

"Notify the others of its existence?"

"No need to refer with the word 'it' as if she was an animal, now." she said with a chuckle.

"I'm sure the other two would've been free of the spell already, considering how things are turning out."

"Of course, My Princess." Doctor Brineheart and Stellar replied instantaneously, each giving a bow.

"Refrain from speech. They wouldn't understand it by use of words. In addition to that, we don't want to risk everything, knowing that she's still on the move."

The stallions look up in surprise. There's no way she's planning it. Just no way...

"M-My Princess...?"

"My protege will arrive soon. She has the item we all need for them to shed light on."

Princess Celestia turned to Doctor Brineheart, who kept his head down, cowering out of fear.

"I entrust that you know of what to do?"

"Y-Yes, Your Highness...."

"Calm yourself, Caduceus. You'll do what's right."

She then focused to Stellar, who immediately looked down as the alabaster mare strode towards her.

"Prepare everything. Like it was planned before."

Stellar looked up in surprise, as if wanting to protest, but he knew better than to question her thoughts.

"O-Of course.... your Highness..."


The princess flared up her wings, shining altogether in their brilliance.

"When the time comes, I'll be there to aid you. For now, make sure the Elements of Harmony know what they're up against."

Her thoughts focused on a specific pony. How did Mirror Mare put it? The one that started all of this...?

She sighed. Equestria's fate is in that pony's hooves now.

"Make sure the two are safe. We'll require them for Mirror Mare to appear."

"Of course, Your Highness." the two stallions said, their heads still hanging low.

A glaring flash of light made them shield their eyes, before the Princess vanished from the corridor.

"We have to do this, do we?" Caduceus asked the butler.

Stellar could only nod, slightly crestfallen at Princess Celestia's decision. It was a big duty he had to serve for the Princess, but he knows it's for the safety of Equestria itself.

"We have no choice."

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"Too late.... just too late."

Winter was in Dresden's room, sweat running down his forehead. He was softly panting, completely worn out from his journey. He had to confront her about this. About everything that happened.

"Too late, Winter!" he shouted at himself almost tauntingly.

"Buck this-!"

He kicked the chair, immediately breaking it apart. With only a flicker of rage left in his mind, he sat on the floor, his hoof harshly slamming against it in anger and frustration.

Winter tried to think straight. Don't worry, he told himself. Just relax...

He leafed through the papers in his hoof. He had salvaged it from around the house, knowing the witch doctor would be smart enough to hide all the information he needed to find.

The first one was already menacing enough to him already. He was over it a long time ago, but every sudden mention of their.. betrayal was like a pest. And every pest needed an exterminator.

He re-read the first few lines again:

To Dresden Deniers,

Your application in participation of the Canterlot Voyager Six has been approved by the Celestian Ministry of Canterlot, and the Royal Highness herself.

It is to be advised that the journey you would be participating in would be long, hard and dangerous. Your five comrades are at your disposal, as much as you are to them-

He crumpled it up, unable to read it anymore. With a scowl, he threw it at the fireplace, the embers immediately razing it off without a trace of ash.

The Patriarch leafed through the rest of the stack, his rage increasing with each faded word on the yellowed surface.

...sent to Pendant Lakes in a classified mission...

...to extort the current Patriarch and wipe out any trace of threats to Equestria...

...situation is dire. Voyagers need assistance immediately. Assassin on the loose...

...loss of a Voyager...

The loss of a Voyager.

Winter remembered that day very clearly. The day when he found out what was happening. The day when the Voyagers had begun their failure; that had doomed Pendant Lakes and Equestria ever since.

The day Autumn had to say goodbye.

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"Isn't there any other choice we have, Winter?"

The mellow sweetness of the summer wasn't one that Winter had to enjoy. Not that he really hated it, but more because he had other things in his mind.

"Autumn. You know how things are going on with the palace. Uncle did everything necessary to repair what Tantrum had done-"

"Father!" Autumn corrected him, rolling her eyes.

"Just because he's not here doesn't mean you should just simply call him by name."

Winter just mumbled under his breath. Who actually cares about Tantrum Palgiot right now? Pendant Lakes was better off when he was killed anyway.

"As if he actually bothered to even know his son..."

"What did you say?"

"Don't matter about it now."

The Patriarch was still getting used to his trips around the town. It's been three years since he was proclaimed Patriarch, yet he was still at a loss around town.

"What about you? How's Gypsum coming along?"

"Just about fine, actually. She and her friends were just visiting the fountain."

Autumn let out a slight giggle, making Winter turn in surprise. He had never seen his sister this delighted before.

"What's with you all the sudden?"

"She's so... different. I mean, look at her!"

The pale beige mare's eyes sparkled dreamily, almost as if she was their cousin's admirer. Winter shook his head with a chuckle, letting out a sigh.

"She has so much freedom. So much happiness..."

"I don't know what you both did when she came to visit five months ago," the stallion began, laughing a little when Autumn gave him a cold stare.

"But you changed a lot since then. Is Gypsum your inspiration or have you just gone off the cahoots?"

"Off the what?"

His sister just groaned, waving her hoof dismissively.

"Winter, you wouldn't understand..."

"Really? If it's that big of a secret I'll just leave it to you then."

Autumn giggled at her brother. The Patriarch just sighed.

He remembered how she look so serious last time. Always particularly eccentric on mannerisms and ladylike personalities and appearances. Now she would usually play and dance and even sing to their six year old sister once in a while.

"Look who's here!" he teased, making her sister turn in anticipation.

"GP!" she waved happily to their cousin, who was walking by the street with her group of friends. If Winter was not mistaken, they hailed from many parts of Equestria, no doubt pulled into Gypsum's antics.


Everything stopped. The wind died down, the chirping of the birds silenced, followed by the flutter of wings. Winter's eyes widened, watching Gypsum in horror as she fell to the ground.


Out of instinct, he galloped across the avenue.

Autumn was frantically shaking her cousin, trying to wake her up despite the blood that stained her hooves.

"Gypsum! Don't do this to me! Don't do this to me!!"

"We need to get her to the hospital!"

Winter tried to pull her sister away, her tears running like waterfalls down her face.

"No!! No!! You can't take her!! She's not dead!!" she screamed aloud deafeningly, trying to push her brother away from him.

"Autumn! Autumn, just listen!"

He hugged her sister tightly, the mare's uncontrollable squirming immediately reduced to a loud, despaired sob. Winter watched as Gypsum's friends quickly lifted her to the nearby hospital, blood dripping from her body with every trot they make.

"She'll be alright, Autumn," he said in a comforting tone. Autumn just cried, slamming her hooves against the slate road.

"She'll be alright..."

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"She'll be alright, huh Winter? What were you thinking..."

The stallion slammed his hooves against the table, a flash of lightning illuminating his face. Night had arrived, it seemed. Much sooner than he had anticipated.

His eyes wandered to the papers yet again. He felt like tearing it all up, wishing it didn't happened, wishing it never happened.

Proclaiming one of the most imaginative, happiest and fun-filled ponies in their family dead had torn him apart. Winter bit his lip, struggling to keep the tears in his eyes as he remembered Autumn's face that day.

"You lied to your sister, Winter," he told himself.

"You deserved it."

As if Gypsum hadn't lied to her, though.

He wanted to brand her a traitor: a rebel of Palgiot Palace and Pendant Lakes, for even joining this so-called 'operation' assigned from the Canterlot Ministry.

He would've known better than to let all six of them into the town at once. From all around Equestria? A little too coincidental, now that he thought about it.

Winter sighed. He found everything he needed to know. Placing the papers into his bag, he clasped the suitcase shut.

Time to take the train.

The witch-doctor's house, although old and musty with a few leaks here and there, was still comfortable enough for the Patriarch, who was more used to the lavishness in the confinements of his palace.

Spring would've missed him by now, knowing how long he had left town. He chuckled: that silly filly always knows how to brighten up his day.

His hoof held tightly onto a crumpled piece of paper: one of the documents Dresden had hid around the house. The Patriarch strode by the burning fireplace, reading the words one more time.

Princess Celestia,

The Voyager Six have news. Terrible news.

I'm sure you've heard of it. If you didn't I'll try my best to explain. One of our comrades, Gypsum Palgiot, was killed in the plaza. We've been all mourning for her. The royal family was deeply saddened by her death as well.

It is to our utmost duty that we catch the pony behind this. We have believed it was the source of the darkness emanating from the town. Personally, I have many regrets: for not protecting her, for not being aware, even though I was sure that something was wrong.

Gypsum Palgiot (preferred to be called GP) was a good friend. She had helped us in many ways that I could not have imagined. I hope this letter finds you well, as much as I pray that everypony else would be safe for the time being.

Your faithful subject

Charter Freewings

Charter Freewings. The name was vaguely familiar.

Of course. The recently deceased District Attorney of Cloudsdale. Killed by Mirror Mare, no doubt.

Winter sighed, tossing the document into the fireplace. He watched as the smaller fires burn into the paper, charring it apart with smoke whisking from its surface.

He lifted his suitcases, knowing that his family will miss him. He just hoped they're alright.

With a twinge of his heart, he turned the knob.

"Fenderville Police Department! Put your hooves into the air!"

The wailing sirens finally rang into his ears. What else could go wrong?

Winter did as he was told, not wanting to cause any trouble. He sighed again, looking about in the crowd.

It wasn't long before he felt the cold, smooth surface of iron shackling around his hooves, firmly gripping them like a vice. Winter hung his head low in the rain, which pattered directly onto his mane, dampening it straight down easily.

He glanced around at the ponies around him. Most of them were the police. He chuckled: why did they need so many of them for when he was just going to surrender to them anyway?

Then, his gaze was fixated at two mares in the corner. Both were looking spitefully at him as he was being led away. Winter immediately identified them, having saw them around before.

The purple one was the one they call Twilight Sparkle: the most loyal, most powerful student to the Princesses. She gritted her teeth, her grumbling drowned out by the loud patter of heavy rain.

She was lucky today.

Winter gazed to the next one, immediately smiling.

The pink mane cutely hanging low like that. The equally smug expression on her face with a wrinkle of her nose. There was only one mare that fitted the description.

Pinkamena Diane Pie.

The Patriarch just grinned back. It was confirmed then: she was the one that told the police of his hiding spot.

He laughed silently to himself, before muttering under his breath:

"This is going to be an interesting night."

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