• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 4,175 Views, 489 Comments

Of Laurels & Lace - WritingSpirit

Rarity receives an invitation to a masquerade, but was immediately thrown into conspiracy, treachery and, above all, love.

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Celestia's Covenant

Another week.

Princess Celestia sighed with dejection as she stood in front of a pair of gray-tinted, sapphire doors, looking worryingly and longingly for them to open. It was becoming sort of a weekly thing for her, but it wasn't part of the schedule for centuries.

At least, until a year ago.

Her sister returned as Nightmare Moon, the embodiment of fear, of darkness. A demonic presence that even she would be frightened upon. It wasn't until her protege, Twilight Sparkle and her friends had beaten that darkness away that she fully realized what was happening.

It's becoming increasingly frantic for her. With everything happening already at Pendant Lakes, she asked herself, what's the chance that it would happen?


The alabaster mare turned to the direction of the voice, immediately breaking away from her thoughts.

A unicorn now stood in front of her, comparatively small to her majestic size. He adjusted his spectacles, before speaking:

"She's completely fine, Princess."

Princess Celestia breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well," she asked as usual, "any progress?"

"Unfortunately, no."

The unicorn leafed through his clipboard, not wanting to see the princess's look of disappointment.

"It has, and is still is, rooted too deep inside her system. There's a high chance she might not survive the extraction."

"I understand."

She looked up at the doors solemnly, before asking:

"Can I see her?"

"Of course, Princess."

The doors swung open as Princess Celestia stepped into her sister's room. It was dark, not foreboding, but a calming, serene sort of dark. For a Princess, the room seemed more like an astronomer's fantasy, with constellations filling the ceiling, a few, dismantled telescopes in the corner and a desk filled with books about the Sun, the Moon and stars.

Her sister was lying in her bed, smiling warmly at the older mare's entry.

"What brings you here, Tia?"

Princess Celestia couldn't help but chuckle at her given nickname. Luna's so adorable sometimes.

"Just seeing if you're alright."

"I feel fine," she said, rolling her eyes with a hint of sarcasm.

"As usual~!"

"You know it's for the better of you, Luna."

"Well, it might've just went away."

The cerulean alicorn started to stand up, despite the numbness still flowing in her hooves.

"I think I just need a little time to adjust, that's all."

Her sister sighed, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Luna... just listen to me for once. This isn't just a usual checkup for an ordinary disease."

"What do you mean 'ordinary disease'?"

The younger mare was curious yet worried. She knew her sister well enough to know when something serious comes up, and now her somber mood is revolving around her.

"Is.. it terminal or something?"

"No. More like mechanical."

Princess Celestia's heart dropped a little, unsure of what to do.

How shall she put this...

"I think it's time to tell you what happened."

"You see, many years ago, when you were still on the Moon, I made a deal..."

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"Is she okay right now?"

"Macintosh and I were tryin' our best to comfort her."

Applejack's voice trembled with a little bit of fear, crackling from the black speakers.

"Ah don't know if she's gonna be fine..."

"I'm sure she will be."

Rarity sighed. She had not spoke to Applejack for a week now, only recently learning of Fluttershy's sudden outrage and the turmoil they went through in Cloudsdale.

Guilt struck deep in her heart. She could've helped the yellow pegasus.

"It's crazy. We've just said goodbye to Charter yesterday, and now he's dead."

The white unicorn bit her lip, hearing her friend sigh as she continued:

"Charter was the last thing Fluttershy had left, besides the rest of us. Ah believe RD would've heard about it too."

Rainbow Dash. She was away with Twilight and Pinkie on a quest to open Persimmon's box, if Rarity could remember.

"Have you heard from them since they left?"

"Not a second."

Rarity could hear slight sniffling from the speakers as Applejack spoke:

"Ah'm really worried for them, ya know? This isn't like facing Nightmare Moon or Discord at all."

"What do you mean?"

"When we defeated them, we were all together, side by side."

Uncertainty flowered between them as the orange pony questioned:

"Now we're all over the place, not together at the same time."


Rarity started to ponder. Was it intentional? Part of a plan?

"I'll try to reconnect with them. Everything else alright there, then?"

"Eeyup." Applejack replied with a stirring confidence.

"Sweetie Belle's still living as herself with m'ah sister and Scootaloo. Ya cat's still eating that treat Shy had bought. Boutique's still up and runnin'..."

"Well, tell Sweetie Belle I said hi."

Rarity started to smile, the little filly prancing into her mind.

"And let me know when Fluttershy's okay."

"I will," the orange pony said, before Rarity heard a click.

"Can I come in now?"

The white unicorn turned around, a little startled at the voice, before letting out a smile.

Spike leaned against the door, returning her smile with one of his own, showing off his gleaming fangs.


Rarity could only reply with the same.


An awkward silence filled the room, before the dragon began:

"I was thinking... about the nightmare you told me..."

She couldn't help but shudder at the thought of it, the gore of it all.

"Okay... A-And?"

"You're sure it's a nightmare?"

Spike's face was flushed with worry, his claws clenched from doubt.

"Because I don't think it was..."


Rarity's voice faltered a little. Her ears perked with disbelief, dread filling her heart to the core.

"What d-do you mean?"

"Stellar and I, we were retracing my steps in the room."

Spike's face was turning as green as his scales, settling himself next to the troubled mare.

"We found something... how should I say this... similar."

"You found a... a body?"

"The very same way you described it, only a different mare."

The dragon placed his arm around her, noticing Rarity's expression of shock. She looked down to the floor with widened eyes, her mouth agape with disbelief as she muttered:

"No... impossible... it never happened..."

Rarity turned to Spike, her hoof gripping tightly on his claws pleadingly.

"Please tell me! Tell me it never happened!"

Spike didn't want to do this. He's facing the love of his life, about to collapse right in front of him with the slight utter of the truth. He held his breath.

"I wished it didn't happen either, but she was found before-"


Rarity threw a bottle of perfume from her stand, shattering the vanity mirror across the room.

Spike watched as the mare broke down, burying her face into the bed.

"I've seen this coming... I could've stop this! I could've have!!"

"You couldn't, Rarity."

The dragon tried to help her up, but she pushed his claw away harshly before continuing her sobs.

"Rarity, there wasn't anything you could do!"

"I could've stopped it.... I could've stopped it..." she repeated with her hooves harshly rubbing her temple, trying to force out the hellish pressure she's crumbling from.

"It's still a dream, is it?" the mare suddenly spoke. "Is it?"

She wandered towards the broken glass, the shards looking so tempting from her view. Spike's eyes widened in horror, realizing what she's trying to do.

"All I have to do... is to just wake up..."


The unicorn suddenly felt the world snap, her fading vision soaring back into reality.

Spike was now in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. Rarity could only stare into his concerned eyes, before hugging him tighter than ever before, crying loudly into his chest.

"Wh-Why am I doing this?" she shouted between her sniffles.


The dragon tried to hush her, although he could see it wasn't doing anything good.

He could only helplessly let her screams into his ear, his own confidence starting to crack.


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"So you're actually helping your friend with everything in Pendant Lakes."

Rainbow Dash nodded at the Wonderbolt, suckling her straw eagerly for another refreshing wave of soda in her mouth. They have since declared that they were dating, much to her friends' delight.

She, along with Soarin', Twilight and Pinkie were enjoying the fresh air, admiring the architecture of every building around them.

"This is Persimmon's hometown, right?" the pegasus asked her lavender friend.

"I'm sure it is."

Twilight looked at her knapsack, the box still unopened, the lacquered surface gleaming smoothly in the afternoon sun.

"It's just hard to find where she exactly lived."

Pinkie, however, was unusually silent, albeit her cheerfulness in the morning. Gummy was hanging onto her mane, finally reunited with his owner after a few days in Tourist's possession.

The pegasus could see her uneasy glances at every building, as if she was fearful of something.

"Pinkie Pie?"

"Hmm?" the pink pony replied casually.

Too casually, considering the pony in question.

"Something bothering you?" Rainbow asked her hesitantly.

"Nah. I'm okay!" Pinkie retorted with delight, instantly dismissing the subject.

"But I'm a little tired from all the walking though!"

"Well, walking or not," Twilight spoke up.

"We need to find where Persimmon had lived. I think we had used up too much time in our hooves."

"But we don't even know where to begin with!"

Rainbow threw her cyan hooves up, her wings fluttering with frustration.

"How would we even know where she lived without breaking down every door we see?"

"There must be some lead. This isn't an ordinary box, after all.'

Twilight jiggled it in her hooves, only to hear silence.



"You've been here before, right?" Twilight asked the pink pony.

"Of course!" she said with a snort.

"How would I know Tourist Trap if I wasn't here? It would be like mystical, and mind-reading, and mind-controlling. Ooh-! and if I can do that, you know how much muffins I'll ask him to make? He's really, really good at baking-!"

"Okay.We get it!"

Twilight's voice interrupted the pink pony's tirade of words, making her let out a sheepish grin.

Knowing her penchant of making new friends, she asked her:

"So is there anypony that knows Persimmon. Closely, in fact?"

"Closely? Hmm...."

Pinkie started to ponder, with three pairs of eyes fixated onto her, waiting for her answer.

"Well... sorta..."


Rainbow's eyes were beginning to light up. Finally they were getting somewhere!

"How close are they to her?"

"Foalhood friends, that's what!"

Pinkie bounced in a circle around them, her face beaming with pride.

"Well, let's get going then!"

Twilight swung her mane aside, feeling triumphant after so long.

"We don't want to keep Rarity waiting, don't we?"

Rainbow and Soarin' nodded, quickly following after the unicorn.

Pinkie stood there for a moment, before suddenly speaking:

"W-Wait! Twilight!"

The three of them stopped in their tracks, bumping into each other.

Twilight sighed, turning to her friend.

"What is it now, Pinkie?"

"Well.. I was... um... I was..."

Her mind whipped up a storm, trying its best to conjure something to say.

"Well... Nightmare Night's coming! Yes! So I thought maybe we'll get ready for the Skull Festival!"

"Skull what?"

Twilight looked at her, a little perplexed with the sudden mention of it.

"Skull Festival."

Soarin' stepped forward to explain, finally having a chance to speak.

"It's a festival in Fenderville to celebrate Nightmare Night. A sort of parade or carnival, where everypony dresses up in their costumes and have floats and everything."

He gave Rainbow a small wink, making her smile as he continued:

"That's why I came here! To see if there were any flight shows for the Festival."


Twilight sighed. She had a difficult decision to make. If she stuck with finding Persimmon's friend, she'll only disappoint the three of them and maybe Princess Luna herself. Yet if she stuck along with the festival, that would impede their necessary progress to capture Mirror Mare and help Rarity.

A hard choice. Why is she the one who always has to make them...


Pinkie jumped up with glee, letting out a loud 'yay!'. Everypony else chuckled at her sudden delight, watching her prance around the avenue.

"What are we waiting for?" she squealed, "let's get some costumes!"

The three ponies smiled, walking down the road whilst watching the pink pony hum a small tune.

Twilight, however, started to frown. Rainbow Dash noticed it. She couldn't help but ask:

"What is it, Twi?"


The unicorn beckoned her head towards Pinkie as she continued with a whisper:

"The way she acted when I said we're going to find Persimmon's friend... It's quite suspicious, don't you think?"

"Yeah... and?"

"I think she doesn't want us to continue."

Twilight sighed at the sight of the pegasus's surprised expression.

"As in she's delaying us on purpose."

"But why would she do that for?"

Rainbow looked at the pink pony, who was now chatting happily with Soarin'.

"She understands we're trying to help Rarity, right?"

"Maybe she doesn't want us to know something."

The unicorn now kicked her hooves onto the pavement, her thoughts focusing on the pink pony.

"Maybe she doesn't want to bring back the past. Maybe she doesn't want anything to change everything: leave everything the way it is."

"But we're gonna find out eventually anyway."

Rainbow started to frown as well, turning to her friend.

"Why even bother delaying us in the first place?"

"I don't know."

Twilight bit her lip, the pieces trying to click into place in her head.

"But one thing's for sure: if Pinkie's scared of it, I'm afraid we all have a very good reason to as well."

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Applejack would've left her friend alone, to cry out all the despair from her, but the guilt she had to bear afterwards would be too much to handle.

The orange mare was in Fluttershy's cottage, already halfway up the wooden stairs.

She remembered the loud screams, the thrashing of wood, the look of fear on Angel's face.

"Shy?" Applejack called her friend's name as she stood in front of the door, giving it a quick knock.

"Fluttershy, ya 'kay in there?"

"I'm... I'm fine..."

She sighed with relief at the reply, the yellow pegasus continuing from amidst her sniffling:

"C-Come in..."

The door swung open, revealing the serene, orderly bedroom. Fluttershy was sitting on her bed, wiping off her tears with the green sheets. Angel sat beside her, his worried face already evident at a glance.

"Hey, Applejack..."

Applejack gave her a warm smile in response, a part of her glad to see she was still safe.

"Ya feel better now?"

"I'm not sure..."

Fluttershy started to whimper again, prompting her pet rabbit to pass her another tissue.

"Charter.... Why would somepony do something like this...?"

"Figures. We're talking about Mirror Mare here."

The orange mare settled next to her on the bed, placing her hat down to let the blonde mane swing freely.

"If there's one thing we know from it, it's plans ain't clear to us."

Mirror Mare. The name sounded like filth to both of them.

"What did the doctor say?" Applejack asked, referring to the pegasus's recent trip to the psychiatrist.

"There's a chance I got my..."

She couldn't say it out, continuing when Applejack allowed her to skip that word.

"...from my mother. Her ancestors had... well... the same thing...."

"But something must've made it happen, right?"

"Doctor said it was what Pinkie done to me..."

The orange pony blinked in surprise.

"You mean... when she tied you up in the barn...?"

"Thinking back, what my mom and Pinkie did to me was similar."

Fluttershy tried to retain her confidence, which was breaking from the lingering recollection in her head.

"They weren't.... in the right mind when they... th-they..."

"No need to say it out, Fluttershy."

Applejack held her breath, placing a comforting hoof around her shoulder.

Silence filled the air for a minute. Both mares and Angel looked outside the window for a minute, watching as a colorful, bountiful hail of leaves rained towards the ground.

Despite her whimpers, Fluttershy managed a smile. It wasn't long before it evolved into a soft giggle, making Applejack turn in surprise.

"What is it?"

"N-Nothing... it's just... your brother."


Applejack tilted her head a little, wearing a puzzled expression on her face.

"What 'bout him?"

"He... he came yesterday to comfort me. Again."

Fluttershy started to giggle again, before continuing:

"His face... it was so red! And he's... he's always so shy around me..."

The orange mare felt her heart leap with anticipation, already teetering off the edge of the bed.

"And?" she asked, "did you talk to him about it?"

"Well... I wanted to..."

Fluttershy started to blush as well, a little bashful as her voice lowered in volume.

"I think.... I think he likes me..."

Applejack could not believe her ears. She knows!

"Well... do you like him then, Fluttershy?" she asked in return, trying to clear the question bugging her head.

"I... uhh...... I..."

The orange mare grinned slyly as her friend's face grew redder and redder.


"No need to speak. Ah already know the answer."

Fluttershy gave her a sheepish grin as Angel nudged the yellow pegasus mischievously, indirectly cheering for his owner at the same time.

"Would... would you let me...? If I want to...?"

"Ah can tell you that Macintosh likes you as much as ya like him."

Applejack gave a smile, placing her signature hat back on.

The yellow pegasus leaped for joy, letting out a quiet 'yay'. Her friend chuckled as she fluttered back down, her face redder than ever before.

"So... does that mean... you'll let me..."

"Date m'ah brother? Suredy-do, sugarcube!"

The orange pony grinned, tilting her hat towards her friend.

"In fact, Ah can maybe help you as well!"

"Really? Oh, thank you! Thank you so much, Applejack!"

Applejack sighed, slightly laughing along with Angel as the yellow pegasus hugged her, squeezing her tightly like a soft, plushie teddy bear.

"Don't mention it. Just wanna see you and Macintosh happy together, that's all."

The orange pony chuckled, watching as Fluttershy twirled around in her room, still overjoyed from her reply.

She looked up to the ceiling as if it wasn't there, a small smile creeping onto her face with a quiet mutter:

"You should've seen this, Daddy..."

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"You don't need to follow me, Rarity."

The unicorn in question turned to Spike, a little gloomy from this morning. She was still shaken, her hooves trembling with a sinking feeling as they got closer to Summer's room.

"I'm sure it's necessary."

Spike squinted his eyes a little, before letting out a sigh.

"Alright. But try not to get hurt."

The couple quickly reached their destination, the dread in the mare forcing her to clutch tightly onto his claw.

A few guards patrolled around the corridors, preventing any trespassers from entering without the consent of Stellar. Spike and Rarity could hear him barking orders, sounding more like a commander than a butler.

Chief Griffonhooves came towards them, nodding to the two guards at the door. They raised their rifle-blades up in response, allowing the couple to enter.

"We've been expecting you two."

Inside, police-ponies scoured the room, searching through every nook and cranny left inside. The curtains were drawn apart, finally letting light in since the day of Summer's funeral. It really looked like Winter's room, with the exception of the golden paints on the walls, replacing the Patriarch's sky-blue ones.

Stellar was in the center of the room, his face stern with a frown. He became the leading pony of the palace since Winter's absence, with everypony else knowing of the Patriarch's intentions.

"Be careful with everything around here," the colt warned.

"Who knows if there are any more of these traps around."

"Stellar!" the police chief called out, with Rarity and Spike stepping forward.

"They're here."

Rarity gazed around the floor, stopping at a large crack on the ground.

She tried not to gasp. That was the spot where she was hit by the spear in her nightmare.

"Miss Rarity! It's quite a surprise you're here too!"

The butler managed a smile, the white unicorn returning with her own as he continued:

"Spike told me of your ordeal. You're sure about coming along with him?"

"I'm... I'm fine."

"Glad to hear that."

Stellar pointed to the crack on the marble floor, beginning his explanation:

"The mare was found dead, with a javelin launched from the ceiling and a gunshot wound on her body."

He turned to the couple, gazing especially at the white mare.

"Just like Rarity's dream."

She shuddered, causing Spike to wrap his scaly arm around her.

"Did you find anything else?" Rarity asked, trying to forget about the gruesome turn of events.

"No potential reason why the mare was here in the first place."

Stellar brushed his suit, ruffling the black collars as he continued:

"It's a wonder why she would bother sneaking inside. There was nothing here."

"Well... maybe Winter cleared it out or something." Spike shrugged.

"Maybe he took any important evidence along with him when he was tidying everything up."

"I don't want to agree on this..." the butler said, hesitating for a moment.

"But I have the same thoughts as well."

"What of the crystal?" Rarity asked, remembering the yellow shard she pulled from Spike's head.

"Anything you know about it?"

"Master Summer got a collection of it back from a trip outside of Equestria."

Stellar craned his neck to a sack on the table, sealed tightly to prevent any more damage.

"From what we examined, this crystal was used for warding off dragons."

"Warding off? Really?"

Spike scratched his head, wrinkling his nose with contempt at the sack.

"I don't think soul-possessing and warding off are the same thing."

"Well, the crystal contains a feral energy. An energy that consumes you of rationality."

Stellar paced a little to their left, still deep in thought,

"That energy would make you leave civilization, before deactivating itself."

The butler watched as the dragon nodded, finally understanding what he meant.

"There's a possibility," he continued, "that these kinds of crystals were used on Jovern as well."

"You mean when he attacked the cave?"

Rarity quivered, remembering the old dragon's loud roar, the mark his giant claws left onto her body.

"Somepony did that on purpose?"

"To target Autumn, possibly. Whoever it was knew of the curse that Princess Celestia has placed onto the family."

The white unicorn nodded, her thoughts focusing on the only pony who would do this.

"I think I know who."

Spike turned to the white mare, his seriousness evident on his face.

"My answer should be the same as well."

All three came to that one conclusion, saying the pony's name out at the same time:

"Mirror Mare."

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The Princess sighed with relief.

She had just left Luna's room, finishing up her explanation to her sister. Surprisingly enough, the mare did not scream at her as expected, only telling her she did what had to be done.

She felt there was more to it, though. Something she had hid from her sister for centuries wouldn't just fly by in her head without any sort of resistance.

"Princess Celestia..."

The alabaster mare turned at the sound of the voice, her face instantly grimacing at the sight of a masked pony before her.

"You again."

"It's been an honor to meet you here."

The voice was sharp, filled with cold hatred. And it was directed against her.

"The talk went well, I guess?"

"She accepts it. She accepts what your master have done."


Mirror Mare snickered, watching the princess grumble as it slipped aside, swaying the cloak tauntingly at the mare.

"It's been a long time since someone mentioned about it."

"So now you've been following their hoofsteps?"

"The deal you made is unbreakable. One slight slip and you know what happens."

Mirror Mare imitated a 'kaboom', only intimidating the princess even further.

"I've kept my end of the deal so far."

Princess Celestia wrinkled her nose, her horn starting to flicker with rage.

"What makes me believe that you will keep your end of the bargain?"

"Just remember the deal, Princess. No need to pry on our side."

The maroon cloak swung around as the masked pony trotted closer to her, the mask glinting callously in the light.

"What was the deal~?" it asked in a singsong voice.

She growled, feeling enraged for being treated like some pet.

"Let the information they received die with them. Failure to do so..."

Princess Celestia bit her lip, a fresh tear leaking from her eye.

"...the nano-bomb will explode in Luna's system, killing her instantly."

"Good girl~!"

Mirror Mare clopped it's hooves together, making the princess glare with spite.

"And who are 'they' again?"

Princess Celestia sighed.

"The Voyager Six."

"That's right... the Voyager Six...."

"You're just killing them off one by one," the princess scowled, trying to vent the anger flaming within her.

"I need at least one of them to survive."

"Why? So that the one Voyager can slip everything out from their filth mouth of theirs?"

Mirror Mare shook its head, making Princess Celestia glare daggers towards it.

"Remember who we were talking about here, Princess."

A black, ethereal cloud started to form around Mirror Mare, the cloak around it flowing in the wind as it finally uttered:

"She was the one who caused it, and she will be the one to die with it."

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