• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 4,190 Views, 489 Comments

Of Laurels & Lace - WritingSpirit

Rarity receives an invitation to a masquerade, but was immediately thrown into conspiracy, treachery and, above all, love.

  • ...

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His Bane, Her Lore

"Skully Festival~ly, Skully Festival~ly; Skully-Wully-Festivally wee-wee-WEE!!"

Rainbow tried to force her ears shut as Pinkie repeated the lines again, happily wobbling about in her chair. She had said it for the twenty-first time in the minute, much to the demise of everypony else.

Twilight had just finished slamming her head repetitively onto the table, the made-up limerick frozen in her mind. Soarin' could just stare into space, trying to draw his attention away from the pink mare.

"Is she always like that?" the stallion finally asked Rainbow.

"Since the day we met her."

Rainbow groaned loudly, about to crack under the pressure.

"You done yet, Pinkie?"

The pink pony stopped, chugging down another glass of water, before smiling happily.

"Isn't this fun?" she screeched, swinging the bags in her hoof.

"They're worth a lot of bits though."

Twilight remembered the staggering price of all their costumes together, Rainbow Dash now snickering at her friend.

"You should've seen the look on your face when he gave you that bill!"

"I'm sure it's funny, Rainbow Dash." the unicorn said coldly with sarcasm, rolling her eyes.

"In fact, it's so funny that I forgot to laugh."

"Aw, come on!"

Rainbow nudged the unicorn, who only turned away with a 'hmph' of displeasure.

"Even though they're expensive, they still looked cool!"

"Skully-Wully-Festivally wee-wee-WEE!!"

Pinkie was prancing about the plaza, Gummy gripping tightly on her puff of a mane with its jaws.

"Just think of all the shows we're gonna see tonight!"

"I'm sure there would be many. Which reminds me..."

Soarin' took another sip of his soda, noisily sucking on the plastic straw.

"Spitfire said she and the others would come down here by the evening."

"Wait. They're coming to Fenderville?"

The stallion let out a beaming smile at the awe-struck Rainbow Dash, her mouth hanging agape in disbelief.

"Does... does that mean...?"

Soarin' responded with a nod.

"We've got the flight show."

Rainbow launched herself into the air with joy, her face glowing brightly with glee.

"Woooohh~!!!" she shouted, ignoring the awkward stares the other ponies were giving.

"Who knows," he said with a shrug, "maybe you can ask Capt' to let you join them."

It wasn't long before they stood up, about to continue their shopping spree again.

"So..." Twilight unfurled a list from her hoof.

"Rainbow had a costume already. So did Soarin'..."

The unicorn turned to Pinkie, who was happily trotting down the avenue.

"Pinkie? Wanna go check out on some later?"

"Really~? I'd love to!"

The mares split from Rainbow and Soarin', waving to them with a warm smile.

"Where shall we meet again, Twilight?" Rainbow asked the unicorn.

"Back at the plaza, I guess."

"Alright. See you there!"

Twilight soon scurried after Pinkie, who was already bouncing a few feet from her.

"Wait up, Pinkie!"

"Twily-Twinks a slowpoke~!" she sang out happily with a giggle, glancing around the town before her.

"Come and catch up, silly!"

The unicorn could only roll her eyes, when suddenly Pinkie stopped bouncing, her gaze settling to the left.

Twilight followed her gaze, only to see ponies walking by the shops, as usual.

The pink pony's smile was fading, prompting the concerned unicorn to ask:

"What is it, Pinkie?"

"Wha- uh...."

Pinkie fidgeted her hooves around, before exclaiming:

"Nothing! Nothing at all!"

She suddenly pointed at one of the shops, the windows exhibiting an array of costumes prepared just for the night. Pinkie's smile instantly returned, yet Twilight could see the nervousness slipping out from the corners of her mouth

"Look! There's costumes over there!"

The unicorn scratched her head skeptically, watching with mild confusion at her friend who immediately gallop across the street without a second word.

"What's up with her?"

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Rarity's head pounded agonizingly for what seemed like the eighth time. She had just took an afternoon nap to repress the nightmare from within her, but every time she closed her eyes, her horn will work up a storm, as if overprotective of its owner.

The magic sizzling within her was beginning to tire her out. She sweated profusely, already quivering a little.

Spike was beside her, watching with worry at the mare. She had requested his company as she struggled to sleep, the dragon trying to calm her down.

"You okay, Rarity?" he could only ask.

"I... I don't..."

Rarity started coughing, prompting Spike to pat her back.

"I... I never felt this sick before..."

A million thoughts rushed through the dragon's head. What if she is sick? What if it was terminal?

He shook it off. Such terrifying thoughts...

"Sp-Spike..?" the mare sat up, leaning against his arm.

Her hoof clutched tightly, trembling feverishly with sweat leaking out from it as well.

"I'm... I'm scared..."

"You're not going to... to..."

He couldn't bring himself to say it. It was too early for her.

"Anyway, I've called Doctor Brineheart over. Maybe he can find what's wrong."

"What... what if he couldn't?" she asked.

Spike nearly stumbled from her question.

"I'm... I'm sure he can, Rarity. He's a doctor for a reason after all!"

Rarity managed to giggle, despite the pain lurching out from her throat. She coughed harshly again, smiling affectionately with her eyes closed when Spike stroke his claws down her back soothingly.

The heat emanating from her was immense, as the dragon found out, yet he knew she was feeling cold, judging from all her shivering that she had done.

A small, quiet knock on the door made them turn. Doctor Brineheart stood there, giving them a smile.

He turned to the dragon as he stepped inside, carrying a black bag in his hoof

"I was told Miss Rarity had fallen ill?"

"Got that right."

The brown stallion wore his spectacles, taking out a stethoscope from his bag.

"She looks so frail."

"Frail, yes." Spike said, turning to the white mare.

"But still the beauty I know."

Rarity managed to smile. Even at times like this, the dragon still knows how to brighten up her day.

Doctor Brineheart plugged the stethoscope to his ear, beginning his examination.

His face grew increasingly concerned with every soft tap of the stethoscope on the body. It wasn't long before he stopped, letting out a deep, chagrined sigh.

"She's completely fine."

Spike and Rarity exchanged confused glances.

"Wait," the dragon spoke up, "if she isn't sick, then what's happening to her?"

"We're talking about a different field altogether. She isn't sick physically."

The doctor held his breath, a grim frown aligning his face as he explained:

"She's mentally unstable."


Rarity was completely aghast at his conclusion, her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"You're not used to everything that happened here."

Doctor Brineheart flipped through his notebook as he continued his explanation:

"The death, the gruel... it's taking a dark toll on your mind. Not to mention the natural, dark aura that always lingers around town."

Spike was completely astounded by what the doctor said.

"Does that mean that Octavia, Crimson and the other guests would feel the same too?"

"Fortunately, no. This case rarely happens in town."

His hoof finally stopped at a page, his eyes scrolling down the words scrawled within.

"I'll call one of my partners. Doctor Arrowfaith. He's a recognized doctor in psychology and aural physics, among his hundred other degrees."

"All right." the dragon nodded, turning to Rarity, who was now in a frozen state of shock, her mouth hanging open.

"I'm becoming crazy...." she muttered to herself.

As Doctor Brineheart stepped out of the room, Rarity huddled closer to Spike, a small sob escaping from her mouth.

"Wh-Why is this happening to me..?

The volume of her voice started to rise, her face turning frantic with every passing second.

"Am... Am I going to be insane? Locked up for the rest of my life?!"

"No. No you won't."

Spike hugged the quivering mare tightly, not wanting to let her go.

A small part of him started to worry for her, trying not to tear up himself from the broken weeping of the mare in his arms.

"I won't let it happen."

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"...and we'll just splash into the sand! Imagine all the fun we're going to have, Octavia!"

The grey mare could only chuckle at Spring, who was happily jumping about down the gravel path. She and Crimson were taking the lime-green filly to the beach under Stellar's request, wanting to draw her away from all the commotion in the palace.

Initially Rarity and Spike were suppose to tag along, but something came up with the unicorn, as Spike mentioned before they left.

"Pleas be okay..." she whispered silently, walking down the mountain path.

"Palladium Beach, eh?"

Crimson was staring up at a rotting wooden sign: the unfortunate victim for a nest of termites. The white-painted words were already fading as well, no doubt from the constant rain and snow that fell upon here.

"Sounds majestic to me."

"You could say everything here is majestic, Crimson, considering a northern pony's standards here."

"Northern pony? What is that?" the stallion asked teasingly.

"Some sort of monster?"

"Hey!" Spring cried out, kicking his hind hooves. Octavia couldn't help but laugh loudly as Crimson tripped backwards, grabbing his hoof in pain.

"That wasn't very nice!"

"Wow..." he managed to stutter, fanning his aching hoof.

"For a small filly, you seem to have a very strong kick!"

"Of course! We had to defend ourselves when we were young!"

Spring imitated a flurry of strong punches, making the older ponies chuckle.

"Stellar said everypony in the family must learn them."

"The Deceiver Arts, right?" Octavia asked, helping her coltfriend up.

"Rarity mentioned something about that."

"He's gonna teach me how to use a gun!" the filly cried, leaping around with joy, before stopping, her face turning into that of deep thought.

"Although... come to think of it... why am I learning all of this for?"

"To make creepsters like my Crimson here run away, of course!" Octavia said with a wink.

The two of them laughed at Crimson, who just rolled his eyes.

"Ha-ha... Very funny, 'Tavi."

It wasn't long before their hooves touched from dirt to sand, sinking into it effortlessly. Crimson and Octavia gaped in awe at the sight before them, with Spring beaming just right beside them.

The beach was huge, taking over an expanse of land. The sand were like crystals, glimmering in the evening sun. A few palm trees were rooted around the beach, standing tall with their leaves rustling in the wind.

The water was pellucid, transparent down to the sandy floor. The horizon glimmered a bright orange in the sunset, giving a serene, calming atmosphere with the rays striking outwards.

"Wow..." was all Octavia could say, her words snatched away from the magnificence of the Palgiot family's private beach.

"Come on!" Spring said with a giggle, already galloping across the sandy shores with a gleeful smile on her face.

"The day wouldn't wait for us forever, you know!"

Crimson chuckled, brushing his hooves against the sand before galloping towards Spring as well.

"The Crimson Shark's gonna get you!" he shouted with a laugh, the filly playing along with a scream.

Octavia just shook her head at the stallion's mischief, settling herself below the palm trees with a sigh. She couldn't help but chuckle at the two of them, watching the chase with a warm smile on her face.

Since Autumn's passing, the grey mare was like an older sister to Spring. They would usually venture around the palace, sometimes delving into the fantasy worlds shelved in the palace library.

Crimson was more like Winter's replacement, she thought to herself, knowing how much time he would spend with the filly.

Octavia couldn't help but sigh. Still so young and innocent, yet so dangerous...

There was a time where she had to wait for Spring in the gym room. She and Stellar were training fencing and kick-boxing, much to the grey mare's surprise. She could still remember the filly's fierce shouts with every swing of the sword and every kick she launched.

After that, it was suppose to be poetry and music. The transitions from one 'art' to the next was always queer to her.

"You can't catch me Crimson!" Spring's voice broke into her thoughts.

"Never shall the Crimson Shark give up on his prey!"

The stallion gave out a loud roar, making the filly giggle with glee.

"Alright, Mr. Crimson Shark." Octavia said, tossing sand across his face, much to the amusement of Spring.

"Lunchtime's over."

Crimson managed to chuckle, brushing the sand off his face.

Spring was rolling about the sand, kicking a little more of it towards Crimson with a giggle.


"So, enough time with Crimson now. 'Tavi here needs some quality time too!"

The stallion gave a wink towards his marefriend, who only rolled her eyes.

She was busy gazing at the horizon, a look of worry on her face. It wasn't long before Spring and Crimson settled next to her as well, their eyes following the direction of her gaze.

A dark cluster of clouds were forming from afar, lightning wrapping around it in quick jolts. The seas below it were tossed around, the sky darker than coal.

Octavia held her breath as a streak of lightning flashed before her eyes, already feeling the wind blowing from the clouds itself.

"The weather.... it seemed so unnatural..."

Crimson understood what she meant. They were swirling all over the place, hungrily eating away any of the sunlight that managed to seep through its cracks in between them.

"Is it normal here?" he asked Spring.

"From what Stellar and Autumn taught me on meteorology..."

Spring stood to think for a moment, before finally speaking:

"It's not everyday these kinds of things happen around here."

Octavia turned back to look at the storm. It seemed to be heading towards them.

She bit her lip, her front hooves clutching one another.

"I just hope it's not a bad sign."

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The evening made way for night as Fluttershy finally finished up her costume, feeling proud at herself at the end result.

Angel hopped towards her with a bright smile, a white ribbon held in his paws. He was a little more obedient than last time since the incident, but of course there were times where he couldn't just stand there.

This was one of the times.

Fluttershy felt her hoof being tapped repetitively as the rabbit kicked against it, interrupting her powdering.

"Thank you, Angel!" she said, patting the rabbit's head.

She swirled the ribbon around her neck, fitting it at an angle before clipping it up against her black cloak she bought from the market. The white ribbon seemed to swirl gracefully around her body as she tried the cloak on, just as expected.

Glancing at the mirror, the pegasus beamed at her appearance. Just needs some more powdering...

A moment after she finished, a gentle knock came from her door. Scurrying down carefully the stairs, she hastily brushed her mane with her one free hoof, the other turning the knob.

"Why, ya look great, Fluttershy!"

Applejack was standing there, her body covered by a red, checkered coat. Her signature hat was now replaced by a straw one, some strands of it sticking out from her blonde mane. Apple Bloom was right beside her, the little filly wearing a pair of translucent wings, with a somewhat matching antennae on her head.

Big Mac was there as well. One half of him was painted light blue, with marker-drawn stitches separating his red skin from the light blue sides. Even his mane and tail were painted a dark-blue on one side, looking like two ponies stitched together in some gruesome science experiment.

"Wow, Fluttershy..." was all he could say, making his siblings giggle.

"You look.... gorgeous..."

Fluttershy managed to blush, bowing gracefully with a 'thank you'."

"Can Ah guess what Fluttershah' is?" Apple Bloom asked meekly, examining the pegasus closely.

"She powdered her skin white... black cloak...."

The filly suddenly jumped about happily, making the older ponies chuckle.

"Ah know, Ah know!" she screeched, "Vampony!"

"Correct." the pegasus praised, making Apple Bloom beam with pride.

"Well, we all don't wanna miss the festivities now, would we?" Applejack said.

"Come on now! There's so much to do tonight!"

The four of them started their short trek towards Ponyville, with Applejack and Apple Bloom chatting happily along the way. Fluttershy and Big Mac followed them behind, both glancing around the meadow, each of them thinking of something to say.

"So," Big Mac finally began, "whatcha gonna do tonight, Fluttershy?"

"Well, um... I-I don't really know..."

Fluttershy was slightly blushing from the stare he's giving, twirling her hooves around nervously.

"M-Maybe you can suggest something...?"

"Well, there is this one new thing they've made for this year's Nightmare Night."

The stallion was slightly uncertain about it, as Fluttershy had noticed.

"The hedge maze just close to the meadow."

Fluttershy gulped. She had heard of these kinds of mazes before: the ones where ponies scare the living lights out of others.

"Are... Are you sur-sure?"

"From what Ah've heard, its just an ordinary maze. No sudden jumps from anypony, to avoid any of them foals to be scared to death."

Big Mac managed to grin after the pegasus sighed with relief.

"So, it's a yes then?"

"I.. I guess."

"Alright then!" Applejack broke in, overhearing their conservation.

"To the hedge maze it is!"

The maze was situated closer to Sweet Apple Acres and Fluttershy's cottage than Ponyville. It took them no time at all to reach their destination, with a few ponies already starting to step in to get lost inside the puzzling twists and turns.

"Two bits for each, one for a foal," the pony at the makeshift counter said, with Applejack instantly paying up.

"The Mayor really asked for a lot," she said with a frown.

"It's Nightmare Night. Ponies should have fun! Not taking other pony's bits!"

Apple Bloom just scampered inside, humming a small tune before saying:

"Ah'm sure she's just investin'. Most ponies would play to have fun, ya know,"

"Yeah. Ah guess you're right, Apple Bloom."

The hedges were tall, towering like a green row of skyscrapers. The stars twinkled in the clear sky, illuminating the gravel path before them.

"Race 'ya to the finish, AJ!" the filly suddenly shouted, galloping into the maze.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack called out her name, chasing after her giggling sister.

"Wait up, ya silly filly!"


Fluttershy's voice was too quiet. She could only watch as the two of them galloped inside the confusing pathways, swallowing a lump down her throat.

Big Mac still stood beside her, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Cheer up, Shy. We'll get to the exit together."

The yellow pegasus started blushing furiously. Here she was, stuck in a confusing maze, with only the Apple family's stallion; the one that many mares have swooned over, to guide her out.

"Um... uh...... okay.."

He let out a deep chuckle, smiling at her timidity.

"Oh, Fluttershy."

The two ponies slowly strode deeper into the maze, glancing around at the tall hedges surrounding them.

"So," Fluttershy began, trying to break the silence between them.

"How's the farm?"

"Fine. Harvestin' times are hard though."

Macintosh chuckled, remembering the argument with Vinyl Scratch.

"Ah appreciate your's and Vinyl's help."

"Oh, it's nothing... really..."

The yellow pegasus could hear her heartbeat, nearly breaking out of her chest.

"I just want to help Applejack. That's all."

The stallion smiled at her comment, before the silence stepped in again.

They took a left turn, only to face a giant wall of green obstructing their way.

"Darn." Big Mac uttered quietly, making Fluttershy giggle.

"Well, what about you, Fluttershy?" he asked as they turned around.

"How's life gettin' to ya at the cottage?"

"Well... I... Angel's been pretty obedient these days, much more than last time..."

Her mind racked, trying to figure out what to say.

"I'm quite... happy for all the animals, really. It's been hard for me, yet they still stuck by my side."

The stallion nodded with a smile.

"Stuck by your side, huh?"

"I... I'm much more comfortable with animals, really..."

Fluttershy's wings flapped about. Big Mac could see she was trying to keep her composure.

"... n-not to say that everypony else is scary or anything."

"Well, sometimes Ah have to agree with you."

Fluttershy blinked in surprise, her skeptical look making the stallion laugh.

"It's true!" he retorted.

"When ya alone, or with somepony ya very close with, ya feel at peace, like there was nothing out to get you."

The yellow mare smiled. She could see Big Mac tense a little, his face already starting to turn red.

"Well... I-I was just wondering.... if you don't mind... but..."

She bit her lip. This is it.

"Have you ever had somepony that you're.... close to... before?"

Big Mac turned to the pegasus, his look of surprise immediately fading into a warm smile.

"Well, there's this one mare..."


"She's sincere, kind to everypony she meets. Every night I come home, sit on the bed, thinking about her. About how she's so easy with life. About how her burdens seemed like a feather on her wings..."

Fluttershy's heart skipped a beat.

"A-Anything else...?"

"It was always after Ah've done my hard work on the farm. She would be there, tending to anything around her. There's so many nights that Ah've wanted to talk to her..."

Big Mac started to smile, turning to the yellow pegasus, who was now looking down onto the gravel path with a blush-filled smile.

"... so many nights Ah've wanted to know how she lived her life, to say she's beautiful, more beautiful than any other mare Ah've seen in my entire life."

"W-Well," Fluttershy was now stuttering, her hooves trembling.

"I-I'm sure sh-she's one l-l-lucky mare..."

"Then Nightmare Night came." he continued, making the pegasus stop to look in surprise.

Big Mac managed to smile, his face growing closer to the blushing pegasus, who was still frozen on the spot, showing no sign of resistance.

"The chance where Ah can talk to her. The chance when Ah can tell her this..."

Fireworks exploded in the sky, yet the two ponies were still getting closer and closer, completely oblivious to the loud, colorful booms above them.

Fluttershy could feel the stallion's heavy breathing against her snout, her mind turning slightly hazier at every passing minute. Her eyes started to close along with Big Mac's, the stallion finally saying before their lips met:

"Ah love you, Fluttershy."

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The line of ponies chorused, marching down the slated streets with skeleton floats and carnival costumes.

The Skull Festival was in full bloom in Fenderville: now the sides of the streets were filled with ponies old and young, all cheering eagerly at the passing performers, whilst joining inside the march as well.

Pinkie was already dancing her hooves off, swinging her frilly, black dress side by side. She was dressed as a Gothic doll, her pink skin contrasting the ashen-grey dress that Twilight bought for her.

She had forgotten how big the town was: an hour into the festival and they were still dancing in the North District of Fenderville.


The ponies launched their hooves into the air again, following to the beat of the song.

Pinkie did the same, jumping with a loud squeal, the black bangle on her left hoof rattling in response.

They were entering the West District, judging from the sudden change of music. It has become more of a tradition to change the songs between each district, but the pink party pony didn't bother.

A Spanish melody started playing throughout town, signaling the Wonderbolt's sudden eruption from behind, forming an array of colors that can only be rivaled by Rainbow Dash's mane.

Everypony, including Pinkie herself, gasped at the bright burst of color, before clopping their hooves together.

The pink pony spotted Soarin' among the others quickly flying down to the crowd, no doubt to spend some time with Rainbow Dash.

"Dashie..." she muttered to herself with a quiet giggle.

"You're a lucky mare..."

Pinkie turned around, her hoof reaching out into the crowd. Somepony suddenly grasped onto it, making her smile with glee.

Time to dance...

She swung the anonymous pony towards her, before stopping with surprise.

"Well, hello there, Pinkie."

The stallion was wearing a vintage, steampunk-like suit, the black, seamless surface painted finely with the glazing picture of brass gears. His hat was the same, with clockwork decorated around its brim, topped with a purple feather.

Pinkie could only frown, her hoof clutching tighter as she uttered out the stallion's name:


"Such a coincidence, is it?"

The unicorn gave her a playful smirk, only making the pink pony look away in disgust.

"First, the hotel. Now here."

"What are you doing here, Winter?" Pinkie replied, her mane already starting to flatten, matching her outfit.

"Aren't you suppose to find out who Mirror Mare is?"

"That can wait. A carnival like this is something not to be missed!"

Pinkie twirled around, her hoof still connecting to his. They quickly continued their tango along with everypony else, who seemed to be enjoying themselves more than her.

"You have something to say to me, don't you Winter?"

The pink pony frowned, clopping her hooves to the side as Winter did the same, tapping to the beat of the music.

"Because it isn't like you to come celebrate, much less come out of the palace."

"There are many things I would sacrifice in life. You know that very well, Pinkamena."

"Don't. Call me that."

"Well, it's the only other option," Winter said with a smirk.

"since Diane wouldn't do anymore..."

Pinkie just scowled. What was he doing here in the first place? Why is she even bothering to dance with this... this idiot anyway?

"If there's nothing you want to talk about, I'm gonna go now."

"There is one thing..."

The pink pony sighed, continuing their dance. Her mane was losing most of its natural puff, making Winter say with a laugh:

"You still look cute with your mane down like that."

She responded with a wrinkle of her nose, making Winter chuckle teasingly.

"Always the sensitive one, are you Pinkie?"

"You done yet?" she asked, already starting to lose her patience.

"Come on. We haven't talked for so long! It's time we reconnect, to say the least."

Winter pulled her closer: being part of the dance he had to.

"Don't you at least miss me?"

Pinkie sneered with a harrumph.

"Not one bit."

"Really?" Winter asked coyly, his smile widening as he launched the mare forwards, the pink pony doing a spin.

"I thought I saw some of it in your eyes..."

Much to the stallion's amusement, Pinkie rolled them, making him chuckle.

"You know there's a lot I miss about you."

He pulled her closer, whispering in her pink ears.

"How... beautiful you always seem to be."

Pinkie instantly blushed, a look of uncertainty crossing her face. She gave Winter a doubtful stare, the Patriarch smiling warmly back at her.

Her mind was asking her a million questions. What should she do now? Should she back away?

"Y-You've said enough." she managed to speak, twirling out of his white hooves.

"Saying enough is an understatement, in your case."

He pulled her closer once more. This time their lips met, burning with a fiery passion. Pinkie's eyes squirmed around, her head trying to repress all the forgotten feelings in her head.

It was so wrong, yet so right at the same time. Pinkie couldn't take it: she slammed her lips deeper, wanting all of him.

She could feel Winter's hooves run along her slightly flat mane, his tongue reaching out to hers. The pair kissed for what seemed like eternity, their chests heaving and panting, with sweat dropping from both of their bodies.

Heaven bounced in her head: the pink mare now furiously working her way inside. She moaned in their deep kiss, before Winter broke it off by twirling her outwards again.

"Win...Winter..." Pinkie managed to moan. Her mind was completely fuzzy with lust, her heart thumping to the beat as he pulled her closer.

Suddenly, she felt pain shot through her gut as a small razor plunged deep into her body. Pinkie's eyes instantly widened with shock, staring at the Patriarch's somber face.

She fell forwards, her head landing on Winter's shoulder with his hooves supporting her up. Pinkie could feel blood dripping out from the wound, trying to scream as Winter whispered into her ear:

"Pinkie. I'm doing this for your sake, okay? I don't want to see Mirror Mare hurt you anymore."

He stroked her pink mane as the mare trembled, her hooves already feeling numb.

"It's for the better. For the both of us, okay?"

She managed to talk back, despite the intense pain in her chest and the sputter of blood in her mouth.

"You... y-you liar. I trusted you... I trusted you-"

"Shhh........." Winter whispered.

"I'm sorry. For everything I've done to you. Just remember: it's for your own good."

Pinkie felt her body fall as the stallion left her, slinking back into the crowd. Her body was sprawled onto the road, the blood flowing out from it making a few ponies gasp in horror.

Screams of other ponies started echoing in her head as she watched the stallion hang his head low, silently slipping into the alleys.

"Somepony get the ambulance!"

"She's hurt!"


Twilight's voice shot from out of the blue. She could hear the frantic shouts of the lavender unicorn, who was trying her best to stop the bleeding.

"Just hold on... Rainbow! Get some help!"

Her vision started to fade, as the pink pony uttered quietly to him: the stallion that left her bleeding on the floor.

"I... hate you...."

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