• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 4,190 Views, 489 Comments

Of Laurels & Lace - WritingSpirit

Rarity receives an invitation to a masquerade, but was immediately thrown into conspiracy, treachery and, above all, love.

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The Motive

"No matter, then. This is my problem to solve."

Without hesitation, Sovereign pulled the trigger.


Sovereign let out a loud scream, she and Winter watching in horror as her hoof was chopped off, falling onto the white sheets with a spray of blood.

The gun sounded off with a loud bang, the vase at the corner of the room shattering in response.

Winter watched his mother scream in agony, clutching at her bloodied stump, the fluid gushing violently over the bed.

He then turned to the door, only to stop in shock at the pony before him.

There was Spring, the green filly's watering eyes widened with horror at disgust, a fan of blades dangling from her hoof. Her mouth hung open in a gasp, the revolting scene of spurting blood branding into her head.

Sovereign's eyes widened at the sight of her attacker, pointing her other good hoof at her daughter.

"You!" she shouted, all the pain skewing into cold rage.

"You dare attack your OWN MOTHER?!"

The filly just cringed at the spot, the glare on her mother's face twisting into her head.


The Patriarch could only stand there, watching as his sister rubbed her temple, trying to calm down as Sovereign screamed and shouted at the filly, splattering blood around the room with every wave of her butchered hoof.

"You BITCH!! Wait till I get you! I'll rip all your limbs out one by one!!"

The old mare climbed from her bed, standing on her hind hooves, which flared up in a field of magical flames.

"Then I'll mutilate your body! YES!! Nail your face to the door! Hang your blasted guts all over the ceiling to show how much I love you-



The rambles stopped, the only sound being Spring trying to vent out her anger.

Sovereign's eyes stopped in a frozen gaze, blood running down right between them. A knife was stuck onto the middle of her forehead, nailing it to the back of the bed.

Winter watched at the mangled scene, his stomach torn with gurgles, his throat choking for fresh air.

He turned to his sister, who was now crying, sprawled onto the floor with the bangle of blades clinking as she slammed her hoof onto the floor.

"Sp.... S-Sp-Spring..."

He slowly walked to the filly, trying to lift her up.


"Leave me alone..."

"Spring," Winter tried again, putting his gun away.

"We have to go-"


Spring slapped Winter's hooves away, her eyes raging with tears.

The Patriarch could see it: the same thing he saw in Autumn, the same thing he saw in Pinkie.

A demonic rage.

"Spring, you did nothing wrong," he said with a hush.

"What you did was necessary..."

The filly just cried on the floor, oblivious to everything in her despair.

"I just... want to get out of here..."

"Then we'll both get out of here," he said, forcing out a smile.

Winter watched as the filly stared at him for a long time, his hooves clenching with tension.

He grabbed the filly's hooves, lifting his sister up.


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Their lips broke once more, a strand of saliva connecting them together as Rarity and Spike panted, each wearing dreamy smiles on their faces.

"Was I too gentle?" Rarity said with a giggle, licking her hoof seductively while sitting on top of the dragon's chest.

Spike just shrugged with a scrunch of his lips.

"I think Twilight can do better than you."

"Really? You want to bring her into this?"

The unicorn just rolled her eyes, smiling as her lover laughed underneath her.

"Well, I'm just getting started."

Edging herself forward, she slammed her lips into Spike's, the dragon's claws sinking into her skin.

She thrust her tongue inside, licking the sharp fangs of the dragon before settling down with its snake-like counterpart.

Sweat dripped onto the blanket as Rarity worked her way in, her hooves pinning Spike down with ease.

Their kiss seemed eternal, as was their burning lust; a flame running on infinite fuel.

"Masochistic, eh?" Spike said once their kiss was over.

"I'm not really into pain," she purred, licking the tip of his claws.

"I'm more keen on love and pleasure, actually."

"Yet you're still playing domination on me."

"Because you're quick to hunger, and you're swift enough to swallow it all down," she replied, as the both of them unsheathed their tongues, twirling them around in mid-air.

"But I'm a lady," she said with a wink. "It's fashionable for ladies to eat slowly~."

"That's pretty deep," he replied, twirling her mane as Rarity brought herself closer to him.

"It's just a small session, my muse..."


A sudden knock on the door smashed into the moment, their eyes widening in bewilderment.

"Sweet Celestia..."

"Coming!" Rarity shouted, untangling herself from the sheets. The desire between her hooves wanted to comply with her words, making her tremble with every giddy step she took.

Spike ruffled the blankets neatly, beads of sweat nervously crawling down his scales as the unicorn turned the knob.

"Hey, Rarity."

"Pinkie, darling!" the white mare said with a nervous chuckle.

"Why the... erm... late visit?"

Pinkie just shrugged, rubbing her tired eyes.

"I'm not sure really. Just thought I could use somepony to talk to."

Rarity wanted to deny her. She was already halfway into it with Spike.

One small talk with a friend would've killed the mood.

"Why, of course! Come on in!"

Pinkie stepped into the room, being greeted by the dragon with a wave of his claw.

"Hey, Spike."

"You're up late tonight," Spike replied with a chuckle.

Rarity just rolled her eyes, settling herself right next to the dragon as Pinkie sat on the armchair.

"What is it you want to talk about, Pinkie?"

"It's... I don't know..."

The pink mare shuffled uncomfortably in her seat, letting out a small sigh.

"Are... are you guys mad at me?"

The white unicorn just blinked her eyes, before stammering:

"N-No! We're not mad! I mean, why would we be mad? Right, Spike?"

Spike just mumbled something under his breath, tensing only when Rarity shot him a glare.

"Uh... um... Yes! There's no reason to be mad at you, is there?"

Pinkie just sighed. "I don't know..."

She shook her puffy mane to the side, letting out a murmur of dejection.

"Because Winter and I are together?"

"Please, Pinkie."

The white mare slowly strode towards her saddened friend, shaking her head with a laugh.

"We're your friends! We'll approve of your relationships, no matter who the stallion is!"

"Well, Dashie doesn't seem to take it well."

"I... uh..."

Great. One of her friends screwed up. Rarity bit her lip.

"Well... you know how Rainbow is! Always the brash, hasty one. Don't listen to her."

"I can see it, you know?"

Pinkie stood up now, her frown turning a little bit darker as she carried on:

"You're not accepting it. At all."

"I.... Pinkie, I just..."

"It's okay. I understand."

The pink mare strode to the door, dejection filling her face. Rarity could only look at her, the words she formulated in her mind whisked away by her friend's statement.

"I don't want to bother you guys anymore."

Without another word, she stepped out of the door, leaving both unicorn and dragon confused.

As soon as the door shut, the both of them sighed with relief, yet Spike could hear pain in hers.

"What is it?"

"She's... I don't know.... telling the truth? I really want to support her."

Rarity settled back onto the bed, snuggling closer in his arms.

"Yet it's just so wrong. Winter tried to kill our friends! Why would Pinkie still be in love with him?"

"I have no idea, but now..."

Spike gave her a glinting smile, his intentions clear to the both of them.

"I think what we need is a stress reliever."

"Wow..." the mare just replied with a giggle.

"And you said I was deep."

"I'm just scratching the surface of it, Rarity," the dragon replied cunningly, twirling her mane.

Rarity's hooves edged closer to his paws, grinding her flank to his chest with a moan. Both started to blush heavily, the mare licking her lips as she asked:

"Now then. Where were we?"

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Jovern breathed in deeply, the moisture of dawn tingling in his nostrils with every gentle flap of his tired wings.

The sun wasn't rising yet, but he's patiently waiting. Waiting for the body of fire to awaken from its routinely nap.

He had just started flying south from the tall balconies of Palgiot Palace, notifying Stellar of his sudden departure.

How long has it been? Five hundred years? A thousand, even?

"Kanov'hin..." he muttered to himself. A name he hadn't heard in a long time.

Jovern just chuckled, remembering the annoyed, red face of his little brother.

~ * * * * * ~

"Kane!" he shouted, waiting for his brother to emerge from the caverns above.

The clan wouldn't wake up to face the rise of the morning sun, but Jovern, or Jozerv'inh as he was known, had some big news. Very, very big news.

"Kane! Come on down!"

With a flutter of wings and a loud groan, the black dragon watched as his brother drifted slowly down to him. His scales were grizzling with annoyance as he grumbled:

"What is it, Jovern? You know better than to wake the whole den up, right?"

"I have incredible news!"

Jovern pattered his feet happily, his tongue swinging around like an excited dog.

"You wouldn't believe what happened last night!"

"Come to think of it, where were you last night?" Kane asked with suspicion.

"You completely missed the Turris Ignis Inauguration."

"I have a good reason to as well! You see, I went to visit Cotton yesterday evening-"

"Hold it right there!" Kane said with a growl.

"Cotton? That pony? The one that you were asked to stay away from?"

"Who else? Anyways,"

Jovern cleared his throat, ignoring his brother's horrified expression as he explained:

"As I was saying, I went to visit Cotton yesterday evening at the cliffs near the bay. It was a long journey there, of course. That explains why-"

"Jovern! What the hell?!"

Kane's sharp tone lowered into a hiss of disapproval, much to his older brother's surprise.

"You were not supposed to come into contact with her anymore! Dad forbade you, get it? Forbade! Means no talking, no visiting, not even spotting her. Ever!"

The black dragon just chuckled heartily.

"You actually listen to what Dad says?"

"Alright. How about him being The High Chancellor of The Vohakiin Sector? You know he would literally burn your scales off if he finds out!"

"Come on, Kane!" he said with a laugh, nudging his brother's shoulder.

"As long as I don't get caught, it's fine!"

"Look, it isn't like that!"

Kane flapped his wings, stretching his shoulders a little.

"This is a matter of life and death, Jo. It's not all fun and games!"

Jovern sighed. He's a complete adult now, despite reaching full size only two years ago. He can control his own responsibility, not his so-called 'Daddy Chancellor'.

"Relax, Kane. I'm still young, but I'm old enough to know what's right."

Kane, or Kanov'hin, as he preferred to be called, just rolled his eyes, watching as his brother let out a loud yawn.

"Easy for you to say," he muttered quietly under his breath.

~ * * * * * ~


Jovern let out an audible sigh, flying over the slated roofs of Pendant Lakes. He knew of his brother's recent achievements in the alleged 'Conclave of the Free'.

The riots were clear in his head: the shouting, the screaming, the two, separate swarms of dragons clashing right outside the royal family's den.

He was there. Watching his brother in the bloody fight. Watching the scars slashing across his face by multiple claws.

"Unite The Embers!" he used to scream, giving a military salute.


Jovern yelped out, rubbing his sore head with displeasure.

He tapped the air in front of him, his claw pelting onto some sort of distorted, magical barrier.

"What in the..."

The dragon tried to slam into it, with no avail. He watched the barrier ripple a little, before returning to its smooth, transparent state.

He looked in disbelief as a bird crashed into the invisible wall on the other side as well, plummeting straight to the ground.

"What is this sorcery?"

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"Well, here's Canterlot."

Applejack looked up at the archway before them; the glorious entrance to the majestic capital of Equestria, the feted city of the rich.

She turned back to the 'posse' behind her, consisting of Fluttershy, Big Mac, Vinyl Scratch, Lyra Heartstrings and, for some reason, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo as well.

"Ya know the three of ya are a little too young ta fight dragons, right?"

"No worries, sis!" Apple Bloom squeaked first.

"We ain't gonna get into any trouble."

The orange pony just rolled her eyes. Trouble was the last thing the three fillies could get out from.

"Ya be sure of that."

The eight of them marched through the arch, into the unusually silent pavements of the majestic city. Applejack bit her lip, glancing at the empty sidewalks.

"Where did everypony go?" Vinyl asked.

"Probably abducted by aliens or something," Lyra answered under her breath, making all of them groan.

"What? It is possible, you know!"

"I... um... don't think aliens are that bad..."

Fluttershy cowered right behind Big Mac, letting out a soft whimper as she continued:

"But dragons are d-different. So big.... s-so scaly... eep!"

Applejack sighed. This was not one of the best impressions she had of a rescue team.

The palace was just ahead, the tall gates visible to them. This was it.

A loud roar snapped them out of their walk, making them look in the skies.

"Everypony to the alleys!"

Their hooves clattered against the pavement as they darted across the avenue, barely escaping from the menacing shadow of one of the beasts hovering above.

Applejack peered from the corner, watching the fiendish yet stunning beast soar down with ease.

"What the hay are they doing here?" Lyra asked again.

"They should've just visit me back in Ponyville."

All of them shot a look at the mint unicorn again, who just shrugged her shoulders.

"What? I think they'll make cool friends. I'm sure Bon Bon won't mind!"

"Dude, I know Bon Bon would be scared to death from that thing."

Vinyl glanced outwards again, shaking her blue-streaked mane with disapproval.

"And I'm not gonna help you chase stuff away again. You know how long it took to clean my bass cannon out?"

"Doesn't your bass cannon only shoot out sound?" Scootaloo asked, befuddled.

"It does," Lyra replied cunningly.

"But it's always the dirty drops that mess it up!"

"Yeeaahhh!" Vinyl cheered, giving the unicorn a hoof bump.

"That's the bomb!"

"Shhhhh!" Applejack hissed sternly, silencing them immediately.

"If any of us gets caught, Ah'm gonna tie you all up and throw ya in the dump!"

The orange pony peered out into the avenue again, before whispering:

"Alright. Coast is clear. Now everypony get a move on before the dragons come back!"

The eight of them quickly scampered out into the open, quickly scuttling through the gates.

Sweetie Belle turned to Scootaloo, before noticing the pegasus wasn't there.

"Hey! Come on over here!"

She and Apple Bloom scampered to their friend, who was pointing at a dragon snoozing at a corner.

It was small, in fact the smallest they have ever seen. It was cuddled up like a puff ball, no larger than Spike was when he was a baby dragon as well.

Scootaloo snickered, watching her friend's faces light up with mischief.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

The three of them placed their hooves together, before cheering out in unison:

"Cutie Mark Dragon Tamers. Go!"

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"You're positive about this, Stellar?"

"It was confirmed by the dragon, my Patriarch." Stellar said with a bow.

Winter settled himself onto his armchair, flustered by the sudden news.

Some sort of invisible barrier had sprung up, surrounding the town. Nopony could get in, nopony could get out.

He bit his lip. The Elements of Harmony were taking effect.

"Would Mirror Mare be able to traverse through the barrier?"

"I'm afraid so. It has been using the magic stream, so there's no doubt it can penetrate through the barrier as well."

Stellar held his breath, straightening his suit as he continued:

"Are you certain you want to oversee this? It is our responsibility, you know."

Winter just sighed. The recent happenings haven been troubling him lately, particularly on the proceedings to open Persimmon's box.

"We can't have it interrupt the session, don't we?"

There was a gentle knock on the door, making both stallions turn.

Rarity stood there, a somber look on her face. From what the Patriarch could tell, he isn't going to like the way this is going.

"Winter? Can we talk for a moment?"

"Stellar," he muttered, the butler nodding and excusing himself immediately, leaving the room.

The doors shut behind Rarity as she walked in, settling herself down onto the Patriarch's velvet couch.


Winter flinched for a moment. "Explain what?" he asked.

"Is it about Pinkie and me again?"

"Part of it is," she replied, crossing her hooves.

"Well? I think it's time I know what you've been doing the whole time we're here."

The stallion sighed, his hoof reaching for a glass of wine.

"So, you want me to start from the beginning. Is that your wish?"

There was a nod, making him sigh again as he cleared his throat.

"Where shall I start..."

"It was before the ball. You were already here. I quickly took note that you looked like Harmony when you stepped through the palace gates. My suspicions were confirmed when I saw you at lunch that time."

He poured another glass of wine, handing it to the mare.

"Something for you to savor on?"

The mare hesitantly agreed, beckoning him to continue.

"As soon as the body count began to rise, I started to question the motive. Mirror Mare always had a... driving force to choose its specific victims. My grandfather and his ancestors before him knew very well of it. When you were able to travel in a time anomaly during the ball, I had to know what was going on."

Winter sipped on the glass, before continuing:

"I asked Summer for a little help, of course. Even though we were not in good terms, we were always helping each other out. He was reluctant at first, but agreed to do a little background research. However, when I had you use the Dreamscape machine, he was opposing to it, calling me crazy to let you use it."

"Then he tried to kill me. Necessensio, remember?"

Rarity nodded, remembering the fateful death of Winter's brother.

"Then what?"

"I had to continue, of course. When I cleared out his room, I found a few of his notes, among his plots for murdering me, some of the background for Mirror Mare and the list of its victims. It seems Mirror Mare knew he was getting close to the answer, therefore killing him before he could find out."

"That's when I had an idea: to stir up chaos in the town by raising the taxes which I know will enrage the Surrogates."

"Wait a minute," Rarity broke in.

"You did it on purpose?"

"To lure Mirror Mare out. And it was successful."

Winter sighed, the kiss he shared with the masked pony still lingering in his mind.

"It gave me enough to know who the mare was."

"Who was it?"

"I'm coming to that. I wasn't actually sure, so I dug deeper. That's when I met him."

The Patriarch took another sip from his glass, quenching his thirst before continuing:

"Dresden the witch-doctor. He was particularly familiar to me, but I could not put a hoof onto it. So I had to settle in with the things I have."

"Like what?" the mare shot back.

"Hurting my friends?"

The stallion gave her a cold stare, before continuing:

"After his death, I went to Fenderville, to the hometown of the witch-doctor himself. It took me awhile to figure out what was happening though. I tried to recall everything I found out: the scent Mirror Mare left behind,"

The pair kissed deeply, with the cloaked pony leaning against the window...

"The orchids found only growing wild in the woodlands tangled around Harmony's grave..."

The tombstone was carved neatly, decorated naturally at the sides with moss and small, twining stems of purple orchids...

"The familiar clink of blades from Dresden's satchel..."

He swung his backpack, the sound of clinking glass only made the Patriarch stare at it in suspicion...

"The dove on Caper and Dresden's friendship coin, indicating an oath of silence between the two stallions..."

Winter flicked the coin towards him. The chief examined the coin once more. On the heads side, he saw a metallic dove carved onto the surface, frozen in flight...

"And of course, the notes scattered around Dresden's home. All these things pointed me in the right direction: the arrival of the Voyager Six."

"The who?"

"The Voyager Six. Six ponies sent in secret by the Ministry of Canterlot to extort any trace of corruption in the north. They were a pretty successful bunch, being able to reveal the secrets of three families up north. Then they came here..."

Winter placed his glass down, before saying:

"Everything went downhill from there. Dresden was one of them. Harmony as well."

"So Harmony's arrival to Pendant Lakes was no coincidence?"

"Correct. But that alone doesn't explain Tassel Twist, Caesar Mills and the latter's death. So I thought for a moment: what all the deaths have in common. Then, I came to an answer."

Rarity blinked for a moment, surprised at Winter's statement.

"You found out Mirror Mare's motive."

"It's complicated, but it can all be summed down into one word."

The Patriarch stood up, pouring himself another glass of wine as he answered:



"The guilt. Of upsetting your family, in the case of Caesar Mills. Of cheating over a mare: Tassel Twist. Of scandals in your husband's finances: Harlequin Velvet, and the guilt of the death of your wife: Basil Luck."

Winter watched as Rarity's face sparkled up in realization, as he continued his explanation.

"For Summer it was the guilt of betraying me. For Autumn the guilt of dating our cousin's killer. For the Voyager Six and the ministers, however, was a completely different story."

"The guilt of uncovering a secret. A secret meant to be kept buried forever."

"What is it?" Rarity asked, shuffling to the edge of her seat.

"What was the secret?"

Winter chuckled at the mare's curiosity, but also annoyed as well.

"You'll find out when we open Persimmon's box."

"Why not now? If you already guessed it why can't you just tell me?"

The mare slumped a little, humphing with irritation.

"What, you can't tell me why you hurt my friends? Is that it?"

"That's another matter entirely. It's for the safety of everypony-"

"Safety of everypony! Wow!"

Rarity clopped her hooves together in a mocking fashion, only making him frown with contempt.

"You nearly killed each of them! You call that safety?"

"I'm preventing them from getting tangled in this mess: the guilt of not reaching out for their friend, you, when in need. Now that they're here, they're definitely vulnerable to Mirror Mare. What about you?" he scowled back.

"You're acting like her."

"Like who?"

"Harmony," he replied nonchalantly, making her flinch.

"You're becoming your own demon; the one you loathe, the one you'e so desperately trying to expel."

"N-No... No I'm not!"

"Are you sure? How would you know?" he asked, his face darkening.

"You're going down the same path as she did. What makes you think I can trust you then?"

"I'm NOT becoming her!"

Rarity panted a little, she and Winter exchanging infuriated glances. Silence and tension hung in the air for a while, before he spoke:

"There's a reason why you can travel in a time stop, you know."

Then, the Patriarch said something that shocked her entirely; that nearly made her faint onto the floor.

"Harmony Peridot, your embodiment.... is Mirror Mare."

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"Winter, Winter..."

Harmony, or 'Mirror Mare' as she was known, removed her mask; a cursed object she was doomed to wear for eternity.

She was watching it: her beloved Patriarch explaining everything to the white mare.

What was her name again? Rarity?

She chuckled under her breath, watching with amusement as her white look-alike stomped out of the room in disbelief, slamming the door behind her.

"So you've decided to expose who I really am, Winter?" she muttered, watching as the Patriarch slump back in his chair, absentmindedly stirring a glass of wine in his hoof.

Harmony laughed, placing her mask back on.

"Two can play at that game."

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