• Published 24th Nov 2015
  • 865 Views, 18 Comments

The Great and Powerful Trainer - Cusi

Trixie is sent to the pokémon world. She travels with the Sinnoh champion to find a way back to Equestria.

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A Trixie Situation

Chapter 1: A Trixie Situation

It was a bright sunny afternoon in Ponyville, as is usual in these kinds of stories. The birds chirped happily as they flew by the crystal castle-tree thingy, where the illustrious Princess Twilight Sparkle lived.

As you may have guessed from the character tags, this story is not centered around her, but on another pony very, very far from there. More specifically, around some ruins near the edges of San Palomino Desert. And this pony is none other than Trixie Lulamoon, also known as the Great and Powerful Trixie.

Trixie used to be a traveling magician, giving ponies shows for a living. It was a good life. Unfortunately, stuff happened. And then more stuff happened after that first stuff. And then even more stuff happened. One stuff led to another stuff and now she’s here, doing some archeological findings with a group of archeological ponies and one particular griffon. The leader of this group was, of course, none other than Daring Do. Who else could lead a group of archaeological ponies (and one griffon)?

The day was entering the later hours of the afternoon, so the group decided to call it a day and return to camp. Daring Do, dressed in her usual vest and pith helmet, was giving every pony she passed an inspection on their work. She stopped when she saw Trixie’s work.

“I have to say, Miss Lulamoon, that you’re doing a pretty good job in these excavations. I wasn’t sure you had it in you when we found you traveling with no set destination. I now stand corrected.”

Trixie looked from her work to face her current boss. “Well, Trixie has a lot of experience picking rocks carefully. She worked on a rock farm, after all.”

“Riiiight...” Daring Do said with some hesitation. “Just keep up the good work. And for the love of Luna, must you wear that hat?”

Trixie, who was dressed in a star-patterned purple vest with a matching star-patterned purple pith helmet, simply scoffed. “Of course I do! You more than any pony should know the importance of proper headwear.”

Daring Do just stared unamused at the new recruit. But she had to concede on the importance of a hat. She has risked her hooves for her hat more times than she’d like to admit... or count.

“Fine. Trixie was getting tired of this helmet anyway.” The azure unicorn took her helmet and gave it a shake. The pith helmet disappeared while her familiar star-patterned purple magician hat appeared, which she then placed on her head. A similar treatment replaced her purple vest with her usual cape.

“Wow! That looks really useful! How did you do that?” Daring Do asked, fairly impressed.

“Trade secret. But Trixie is all about the right attire.”

“Alright. You should hurry. We’re going to have dinner at camp soon.”

“Trixie will see you there.”

And so, Trixie and the other archaeologists sat around a campfire, eating a rather delicious stew. Daring Do wasn’t present, as she said she was going to be on her tent reviewing today’s findings.

Trixie Lulamoon! You dare trespass on this most sacred of places! Prepare to have your soul taken!” A haunting voice called.

Every pony (and one griffon) looked around in fright and confusion, until they spotted a pony skeleton approaching the camp. Without warning, the skeleton pounced on Trixie and the two stared wrestling each other. During their skirmish, they eventually rolled to Trixie’s tent. The tent shifted and moved, until they heard Trixie scream. A few moments later, that same skeleton came out of the tent wearing Trixie’s hat and cape.

“What’s the matter, fellow explorers? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!” The skeleton said with Trixie’s voice as it started laughing manically. The malice in the laugh gradually vanished, leaving only the sound of laughter one hears after playing a prank. Before panic could erupt from the watching ponies (and griffon), a puff of pink smoke burst from the ground beside the laughing skeleton. “Ta da!” Trixie said in her usual showmare pose, where she stood on her hind legs and spread her fore legs to the air.

For a moment, all was quiet. But then the archaeologists cheered on Trixie, commenting on her surprise show. She gladly absorbed all the praise and cheering. It wasn’t until Daring Do came to the scene that things got quiet again. The daring pegasus didn’t look amused, and made herself clear about that when she smacked Trixie on the back of her head.

“That was a nice show, but next time you decide to make a stunt like this make sure you don’t borrow my props.” Daring Do picked up the skeleton and removed the garments on it. “This is valuable scholar material used for research and investigation, not some cheap show.” She cradled the plastic skeleton and whispered to it in a supposedly low voice. “There, there, Bonesy. Mama’s here. You’re safe now.”

“Killjoy,” murmured Trixie. The ponies (but not the griffon, this time) also muttered loudly enough for the pegasus to hear them.

“That’s it, everypony. Go to your respective tents and sleep. Tomorrow we shall venture deeper into the ruins. I have a feeling we’ll make an astounding discovery!”

All ponies, and one particular griffon, present couldn’t help but get excited. Their boss’s feelings were rarely wrong. And so each pony, and one particular griffon, decided to call it a day and go to sleep.


The next day, the group had ventured deeper into the ruins, just like Daring Do said they would. This time, the group was led by Trixie and two other unicorns, who provided light from their horns. The place they were at now was dark, but the hornlight made it easy to see. The wall were adorned with pictures of a creepy-looking dark pegasus pony in weird golden armor. “Pegasus” was the closest term to use, as the pony in question didn’t have the conventional wings, but more like liquid bat wings tipped with six red spikes.

As the group continued their trek, the sound of crunching rock was heard. One of the unicorn leaders looked at his hoof and saw he had triggered one of the traps of the ruins. The way they entered quickly closed with a big stone door, and two hatches opened on the upper parts of each wall.

“Keep calm and be on your hooves, everyone!” Daring Do ordered. “Be ready for anything!”

Just then, the sound of rushing water echoed from within the newly-opened hatches. A few moments later, a rather mild stream of water came forth. The room barely flooded to below knee-level. Some ponies looked unamused at the failed trap, others looked relieved, and others looked excited. One of them was the griffon.

“Hah! This ruins sure are old! They must be from before the lush greens of this land became a desert. The trap must have dried out,” he theorized.

“That sounds about right. They do look pretty old,” another pony commented.

“Alright, everypony. Let’s keep moving. And be sure to look where you step,” Daring Do ordered again as she looked at the guilty stallion.

The group continued its way over to the deeper and darker parts of the ruins. The strange paintings of the creepy pony were still present, making the team be a bit on edge. After what seemed like hours, because it had been two hours, the group reached a long, wide corridor. Old torches lined the walls. At the end of the corridor stood an altar, clearly made from a different material than the stone the ruins were made of. The furthest wall was actually a mural, depicting a weird mask of sorts, very similar to the one the creepy pony in the paintings was wearing, with very intimidating red eyes.

As the group neared the strange altar, the torches began lighting a ghostly purple flame, giving the place an even more ghastly ambience than the usual darkness. Still, the ponies and griffon pressed on, for sitting on the altar was a very peculiar stone. The stone in question was a dark golden color, with the appearance of a crudely cut gem.

“Good work, everypony! Looks like we found us some treasure!” Daring Do said loudly as she neared the golden gem.

“Wait!” Trixie yelled. “Trixie can feel some sort of energy coming from that thing. She suggests a magical inspection.”

“Yeah, me too,” said another unicorn mare. She was light green in color, with long yellow mane. “Let us take a look before we trigger some sort of curse."

“Alright, unicorns, do your thing,” Daring Do commended.

“Worry not. Trixie was top of her class in magic analysis class, back in Celestia’s school,” Trixie commented as she got close to the gem and a pale pink light shot from her horn, scanning the found treasure.

“And you’ve known me for a while, boss. You know I’m good,” the other unicorn said when she joined Trixie in the analysis.

The magical scan lasted several minutes, after which Trixie and the other unicorn broke formation.

“Wow! I’ve never seen anything like this! And believe Trixie, she has seen many things,” Trixie said as she finished the scan.

“You’re right! This magic is like something out of this world!” the other unicorn approved.

“So, is it safe to take?” Daring Do asked.

“I think so,” Trixie answered.

“Excellent work, team!” Daring Do grabbed the gem and put it in her saddlebag. “I would believe we’re done for to-”

The intrepid leader was interrupted by a noise. The sound was like a mixture between a hiss and a roar. As all the ponies looked around in fright and confusion, a strange portal formed in the mural. From it, a serpentine form emerged. But as the creature left the confines of the portal, its form changed to that resembling a dragon.

The dragon was gray in color, with black and red striped underbelly. Several golden ornaments covered its six legs, long neck, and head. It possessed the same liquid wings with red tips as the picture found throughout the ruins. Finally, its piercing red eyes took in the sight of the frightened group of ponies and griffon before it. Trixie froze into place.

Panic had almost instantly claimed the ponies, except for Daring Do. She quickly assumed a battle pose to fight the creature, wings outstretched and ready to launch into the offensive. She was soon followed by the griffon, who took his place beside the famous pegasus. Daring gave a backwards glance to make sure her team had escaped the creature before them. They had, for the most part.

Trixie was still frozen in place, horrible memories playing inside her head. But as the image of a giant starry bear burned into her head, her expression turned from fear to anger and determination. She lit her horn with raw magical energy and quickly took her place beside the mustard-colored pegasus. The creature simply eyed them, as if amused at the scene.

With a battle cry, the three brave souls rushed to the attack. The pegasus and griffon flew fast to tackle the face of the massive creature before them. Trixie galloped and fired a volley of magical beams.

The dragon roared loudly, sending both flyers forcefully to the ceiling where they impacted, knocking both of them unconscious. Trixie barely had time to use her magic to catch them and avoid them further injury. With a quick movement of her neck, she sent them both behind them, where she could offer a little more protection. Not that she would be able to do much against such powerful creature, she figured. Still, she had something to prove. Never again, she swore, would she be defeated by wild creatures. With renewed determination, her horn shone a pink light, and soon her whole body began glowing. With a guttural battle cry, she rushed at the mysterious creature with the intent of tackling it with magic.

The creature, however, stood there. As the azure unicorn collided with its body, its eyes widened at the surprising force behind such a small pony. It staggered for a while, but quickly lost its balance and fell back to the portal behind it.

Daring Do came to her senses to see Trixie ramming the creature with her magical aura. She could only watch as the force of the impact made both dragon and pony stumble to the portal on the back. As soon as they fell in, the portal closed. “TRIXIEEEEEEEE!” Daring screamed with a stretched foreleg.


Trixie screamed as soon as the neared the portal. For some reason, gravity stopped working once she got too close to it, being helpless to stop the portal from swallowing her. Her only victory came from the thought that she at least gave that weird dragon a good whopping.

Her victory didn’t last, sadly, since she saw that same simply shaking its head a little and looking completely fine. Not only that, but as soon as the portal closed, it started changing shape. Instead of the draconic body it had, it now had a serpentine look to it. Its legs were replaced by short spikes, and its wings now resembled tentacles.

Not only that, but Trixie also gave a look to her surroundings. She was floating in a really weird place. The space was littered with floating rocks big enough to be small islands. Strange plants that looked like seaweed grew up in different places, and the surround color was a deep dark purplish blue. If it weren’t for the fact that she could breathe just fine, Trixie would’ve sworn she was in a twisted version of the bottom of the ocean.

The creature hissed/roared again, and Trixie braced for an incoming attack. But as it slowly and carefully approached her, it then occurred to the unicorn that maybe, just maybe, this creature wasn’t really aggressive.

The creature just looked at Trixie, as if confused to what to do about the intruder. And suddenly, its eyes lit with inspiration. With another roar, transparent energy shot from its mouth, quickly forming another portal. Trixie screamed again when she felt herself being sucked by another portal. The last thing she saw before the portal closed was the face of the weird serpent/dragon thing full of... was that amusement? It was! She not only felt scared, but now insulted as well.

The portal dropped her unceremoniously on the ground, and she fell with a heavy thud. “Son of a...” Trixie cursed as she gave a look to her new surroundings. They appeared to be another set of ruins, quite different but yet slightly similar to the ones she was exploring earlier. Looking around for any signs of a way back, she sighed in defeat and began looking for a way out of this mess.

With the help from her horn, she illuminated her path ahead. Strange drawings on the wall caught her attention. They looked like letters with eyes. She squinted her eyes to see better. They still looked like letter with eyes.

Friendship. All lives touch other lives to create something anew and alive,” Trixie read out loud. “Huh... I bet Sparkle would love to visit this place. It looks old and talks about friendship, just how she likes it. Heh, I bet she would flip her mind. Still, just where is this place? Where am I?”

Trixie continued walking for some time. Eventually, she reached a big chamber. It was mostly empty, except for a big blue golem that leaned motionless on the wall. It had a round body, with round shoulders with a spike on each one. The shoulders gave way to a pair of massive fists. The lower body began with what looked like a kilt, and then a pair of bulky legs. Its head was small compared to the body. It also had square swirl patterns on its shoulders and fists. It had a crack on its torso, which was apparently patched with a piece of metal. Overall, it looked like a suit of armor a minotaur would wear.

This, of course, made Trixie curious. Something about the golem made her approach it. She inspected every inch of it she could. Never before had she seen something like it. Deciding a more throughout examination could yield more results, she made a magical scan of the golem. She gasped when she felt some kind of raw energy within its body. Wanting a better look, she opted to remove the metal patch that covered part of the crack in its chest.

And that’s where things got scary. As soon as the metal patch was removed, the golem’s legs retracted into its body and a powerful energy burst forth. The golem then began flying erratically and out of control, slamming into the ceiling, walls, and floor. Trixie barely noticed the images of eyed letters detaching from the walls and fleeing before she had to duck for cover as the golem almost flattened her.

After several minutes of dodging and screaming, the magician finally had the mind to try and stop the wild golem. Using her magic, she tried to take hold of it. The sheer amount of power required to just hold it was almost too much for Trixie. Without missing a beat, she also took hold of the metal patch and brought it back to where it belonged. Once the seal was back in place, the golem became unmoving again and Trixie gently dropped in on the floor.

“Note to self: don’t go prodding your horn where it doesn’t belong,” Trixie said to herself as she removed her hat and wiped the sweat from her brow.

A few moments later, a growl caught Trixie’s attention. She looked to one of the chamber’s entrances, and she gulped loudly at the sight. The creature that stood before her could only be described as the combination of a shark and a dragon. Trixie gave a couple of steps backs as the deadly-looking creature growled at her.
“What did you see? Did you find what that racket was?” a voice called. Soon after, a tall blonde human woman stepped from where the shark dragon came. She had long hair, with a bang covering one of her eyes, and wore a long black coat over a black shirt and black pants. “Oh! And what do we have here? A pokémon I’ve never seen before,” the human said when she noticed Trixie.

“A what?” Trixie asked, but the human apparently didn’t hear her. She was busy ordering the shark dragon around.

“Garchomp, let’s catch it! Use Dragon Claw!”

The shark dragon roared and launched itself toward Trixie, its fin/claw ready to strike. Trixie barely had time to erect a magic barrier to protect herself. Unfortunately for the showmare, the strength of the creature was far greater than expected. The strike was powerful enough to crack her shield. Another swing and the barrier was broken, still with enough force to hit Trixie and send her flying.

“Excellent work, Garchomp! Another blow and it should be weak enough to capture!” the human said excitedly.

Garchomp went for another strike at the unicorn, but Trixie was ready this time. Her horn shot a powerful beam that struck the shark dragon right in the chest. It quickly recovered and went on the offensive again. Trixie, who was now magically spent, just closed her eyes and braced for impact. Just as Garchomp was about to strike, a massive blue fist came crashing down and burrowed the dragon in the ground with tremendous force. Trixie looked up to see the same golem from before saving her from certain doom. Before she could celebrate, Garchomp erupted from the ground a few meters away from Trixie and her guardian. The golem put itself between Garchomp and Trixie in a protective stance.

“Hang on, Garchomp. Maybe there’s more happening here than I thought,” the woman said as she took in the sight. The dragon simply growled and walked back to be beside his master. It growled and snorted at Trixie.

“What do you mean weak, you overgrown lizard!?” Trixie yelled furious at the dragon.

“You can talk?” the human asked, surprised at the unicorn.

“Of course I can talk!” Trixie yelled, clearly angry. “And who are you? What are you? What is that thing you call Garchomp? Where am I? Just what the hay is going on?!?!”

“I apologize for hurting you,” the human said in an apologetic tone. “My name is Cynthia, and this here is my partner Garchomp.”

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: Pokémon belong to Nintendo/Game Freak. My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro/the Hub. I own nothing but the plot.

So what do you guys think so far?