• Published 10th Jan 2016
  • 671 Views, 6 Comments

Trial Of The Crown (to be reworked) - Bronyprophet

After Nightmare Moon is released from her bonds to Luna, and Twilight is the new ruler. A war breaks out, and peace is shattered, and the fate of Equestria and her new ruler will be tested. This is the Trial of The Crown.

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Chapter 3 Negotiations (Reworked)

In the human world, Twilight had arrived at Utah. She was slightly disoriented at first; this place was different from where Equestria High was, there were people walking with guns, and it was currently in the midst of a war zone.

It donned on Twilight that this was happening because the tree of harmony was dying; the balance of harmony had been weakened and the powers of chaos had leaked into this world, causing tribulation to prosper in its place.

Twilight could hear the sound of gunfire in the distance, when three soldiers charged at her, wearing the same black armor as the creatures that attacked Equestria. Twilight knew this from the reports she was handed on a regular basis, when she was in Equestria.

The soldiers charged with their swords drawn. Twilight reacted quickly by detonating a car with her magic in the Voidlings' path, as they passed the car. Dazing the voidlings, scattering them asunder.

While they were dazed by the explosion, Twilight summoned her blade, teleporting to each one of them and striking them down.

She heard something running towards her, thinking fast she used her magic to bend light around her, rendering her invisible. She watched as 5 soldiers rounded the corner, wearing black armbands, with a strange symbol on the armband. She couldn't make out what the symbol was. She wanted to get closer, but the flaw of this spell was that if she moved, she would become visible again.

The soldiers started walking her way, if they continued on that path, they would run into her in moments. She had her sword still, but they had what Twilight remembered as guns, AJ's doppelganger showed her, her father's shotgun and she had explained what it did, and how it worked. Twilight knew that she would not survive long if they discharged their firearms. Her magic was not faster than a bullet. The group of soldiers got closer to Twilight.

Twilight started to panic when suddenly out of nowhere, I slightly cyan skin toned person jumped from a building, landing on one of the soldiers, knocking him to the ground. The others turned around and were about to fire at her, but she was too quick; she flip kicked the closest one, knocking him out, drawing both her pistols in mid-air, and while she was upside down, gunshots rang throughout the field, hitting the remaining 3 in the head. She landed and wheeled around and executed the last 2.

“Twilight Sparkle, reveal yourself, you're safe now.” Twilight uncloaked herself, revealing herself to the cyan person.

“My name is Lyra; Sunset called me a short time ago, and told me to expect you. However, I didn't expect to save you. Follow me.” As Lyra spoke, she was reloading her guns.

“Okay,” Twilight replied filling Lyra in, as they walked.

“So you're telling me, that you are a princess in another dimension, and these creatures that I have been fighting for the past month, were released by a crazed female horse, with wings and a horn, that destroyed these Elements of Harmony you speak of, and the reason there is a war going on, is due to a tree dying?

Do you know how far-fetched that sounds?” Lyra queried

“I know it does, but it's true, and I can show you what I mean if you don't believe me,”

“Okay your majesty, by all means, please show me.” Lyra replied in disbelief with a hint of sarcasm.

“I will make you believe me.” Twilight forced her way into Lyras mind, and showed her flashes of Equestria, the battle, and of Nightmare Moon.

Lyra fell to the floor out of breath, from the massive surge of memories that Twilight shared with her. “What... did... you just do?” Lyra asked Twilight, getting up of the floor and wheeling around, pointing a single gun at Twilight.

“I shared my memories with you, with my magic.” Twilight replied, understanding the reason why Lyra was freaking out.

“Alright, I believe you now, but do that again, and I will put a bullet between those beautiful eyes.” Lyra said, spinning her Glock before holstering it again, before continuing, “I'll take you to the Pentagon, and since we're on the same side, also I'm not CIA, I'm from an elite faction called the Crimson Elite. We are the best of the best, and on the government payroll.”

“Okay, that explains the reason you are so good at using a gun.” soon Twilight and Lyra reached their destination, Lyra pressed a button on a remote, and out of nowhere, a helicopter revealed itself in front of them. “C'mon Twilight, we don't have all day,” Lyra stated.

“O-Okay” Twilight said with hesitation, as she boarded the helicopter. She didn't understand how this metal object could fly. It didn’t have feathers or wings, and so Twilight was confused.

2 hours later…

Twilight and Lyra arrived at the Pentagon, and Twilight thought it was ironic that it was shaped like a pentagon.

“Unidentified aircraft, send your access code or we will shoot you down; you have 1 minute to comply.” The radio sounded.

“Access Code; Alpha Zulu, two, one. Designate Chief Sergeant Lyra.” Lyra stated clearly on the radio.

“Roger that, you have been cleared for landing approach hanger bay 2, welcome back, Lyra.” The radio sounded once more, and within moments, a hidden hanger revealed itself for the helicopter to land in.

After Twilight and Lyra landed in the hanger bay. They were greeted by an attendant, who asked, “Did you finish yo…” The attendant trailed off once he noticed Twilight. He ran to the alarm and was only three feet away, before a bola wrapped his legs together, causing him to fall flat on his face.

“Don't worry Marrec, she is with me. My boss is expecting her.” Lyra said as she untied his legs.

“Sorry Sergeant, please don't have me court marshaled!” Marrec pleaded, with a horrified look on his face.

“It's okay Private, you didn’t know. You won't be court marshaled. C'mon Twilight, we are burning daylight.” Lyra said before looking at Twilight.

“Okay, lead the way,” Twilight replied, before following Lyra.

After a little bit of walking, Twilight and Lyra made it to the generals office. He was a rather strong looking man, with green eyes, and a Caucasian complexion. He wore a standard military jacket, and holstered to his belt, was a Standard issue M9 sidearm.

“Twilight, I understand you want the government to ally themselves with you. However, I can't allow that until I see substantial proof. Show me what you showed Lyra.” After the general finished speaking,

"I will show you, but please once I have shown you, don't draw your gun I mean you no harm." The general looked at Lyra, and Lyra nodded in approval.

"Fine, I will accept your request." The general agreed

"Thank you for understanding my request. I warn you; you will feel some brief discomfort. As humans don't have magic, you will feel weak from the spell, but don't worry. No harm will come to you. Are you ready?" Twilight replied.

"Yes, I am." the general replied, bracing himself,

Twilight entered his mind and shared her memories with him. After Twilight showed him her memories, the general fell to the floor.

While the general got off of the floor, he started to reach for his sidearm, however he stopped when he remembered the promise he made Twilight. “We... must... react... quickly... I have seen enough, we will support you. We fight the same enemy. We will be in touch, and please call me Garen.” Garen bowed, catching his breath.

“Thank you, sir; it will be a pleasure to have your military forces at our side. We may yet win this war.” Twilight replied,

“I hope so because if we don't, this will be the end for both human and Equine kind.” Garen agreed.

“You have already done a lot for the cause, but I have one last request. My friends in this dimension, have been captured and I need to save them. Will you help me?” Twilight pleaded.