• Published 10th Jan 2016
  • 671 Views, 6 Comments

Trial Of The Crown (to be reworked) - Bronyprophet

After Nightmare Moon is released from her bonds to Luna, and Twilight is the new ruler. A war breaks out, and peace is shattered, and the fate of Equestria and her new ruler will be tested. This is the Trial of The Crown.

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Chapter 6 Revelations (edited)

Author's Note:

Sorry about the length this chapter took to publish, but you know, life goes on.

Nightmare Moon and Luna had discussed their strategy, and now they were on the front line fighting side by side. They were on the eve of battle, 50 Twilight Guards stood off with 50 Voidlings, both factions were armed to the teeth and fully armored, and the tension was heavy in the air, it was thick enough that a knife could cut it. Everypony was on edge; one false step, one bad choice and it would be the end of your life.

Chaos soon erupted, both factions charged each other with a vicious war cry; as they met in the middle, the ominous sounds of battle started ringing throughout the field.

Nightmare Moon fired three bolts of magic at once, dodging swords and arrows. She summoned her sword. “I am the bringer of everlasting night. I call upon the spectral blade Night Fury; bring forth the crimson moon, stained with the blood of my enemies.” Nightmare Moon ordered.

The field went dark, a blood red moon rose, an aura of red magic surrounded her, that same magic soon exploded outwards releasing thousands of small magical needles, killing 15 Voidlings at once, turning them to ash. She teleported and sliced another three Voidlings killing them also.

Soon the battlefield was doused in blood, many voidlings had died already but the battle was not in their favor. They had lost momentum and were being pushed back; they had lost over half of their total force, whereas the voidlings had only lost a quarter of their overall force.

Luna looked around the battlefield, seeing the normally peace-loving ponies of Equestria being cut down without mercy, the world seemed to slow as she watched the carnage. Nightmare Moon had been growing weaker by the second this battle carried on, Luna, knew that she wouldn't last much longer.

She was broken from her thoughts as a voidling came bearing down at her with an ax. She blasted the ax out of its claws before kicking it to the ground, then wheeling around stabbing it in the chest, turning it to ash.

“There is no other way... I must use my regalia... Tia, forgive me.” She stated, her voice hoarse and filled with sorrow, before reciting her dark spell, “As darkness falls and the death bell tolls, I call forth the Reaper of Death, bring the fourth armageddon!” As Luna said this, a black aura surrounded the battlefield.

While it was charging, she used her royal Canterlot voice and ordered, “Everyone retreat from here, hurry.” Luna's horn started to glow charcoal black, and the aura started to absorb into a black ball in the sky; a charging sound sounded, echoing throughout the battlefield.

After Luna's horn dimmed, she quickly teleported away. Once she was at a safe distance, she noticed some ponies caught in the middle of the spell, "no." she stated in a tiny voice, filled with the sorrowful weight of condemning her own to death.

her heart sunk as she saw the black ball plummet to the ground. A blinding flash broke the darkness, silent at first, however, it soon released, a loud horrific earth-shaking explosion, after the bright light dimmed the sun reappeared, revealing a large dust cloud and a smoldering crater. The field was silent and empty, no birds, no cries, just eerie silence. Everything that was once alive in the crater had died, leaving nothing behind.

1 Hour Later...

Luna awoke in the infirmary to see Nightmare Moon waiting beside her stretcher. “I know what you are going to ask, Nightmare Moon. What you saw in the battle was my regalia; The Reaper. It kills everything in a radius I choose, it doesn't discriminate... The first time I used it, I nearly destroyed Equestria and my sister. But I was lucky my sister canceled it out with her Regalia, saving Equestria. It's the rarest of all of the regalias. However, with such power comes great risk.” Luna explained.

“So you have all that power, and you don't use it?” Nightmare Moon filled with both astonishment and fear.

“Yes, I swore to my sister, that I would never use that cursed regalia. To avoid the events that happened 900 years ago. It's extremely hard to control, and if I lapse in concentration for a split second, the aura will spread to an unimaginable radius. It has the potential to destroy the whole world.” Luna explained further.

“We are a lot alike, you and I, Luna. We are both scared of what we can do.” Nightmare Moon commented.

Soon after the briefing, Twilight's team arrived. Soon after the whole team arrived, Operation Shatter started.

The group of 8 arrived at the portal to the void. “When we enter here, I will warn you. The things you see here will be worse than your greatest Nightmare, and some of you will not make it out of the void. So when we enter, remain on guard.” Twilight stated darkly to the group.

She was shaking with fear as she spoke every word. Twilight, Rage, Ghost, Lyra, Doc, and Lance, entered the portal. Once they arrived on the other side, it was dark, gloomy, and mysterious.

The group could feel darkness all around them; this was an evil place. Both the moon and the sun were raised at the same time. The moon was crimson; there were no stars, no foliage, just black cobblestone for miles on end, with strange creatures roaming.

Twilight and the others proceeded to traverse the void looking for a castle, when suddenly they heard a howl of pain coming from somewhere; they began to sprint towards where the anguishing cry came from.

Twilight knew who the scream belonged to; it was Flash Sentries' scream.

“No... not again, I can't lose him again.” Twilight rounded a bend, and she saw a black castle in front of her. She had only briefly stopped when seven voidlings charged across the bridge upon undead horses, wielding black swords. Twilight simply stated, “Shatter,” and the undead horses turned to ash, causing the voidling to fall, while they were falling, Ghost threw several shurikens, hitting them as they fell, turning them to ash.

They charged over the bridge filled with urgency. While they charged, arrows rained from the parapets. The group sprinted, dodging arrows. They came up to a dark oak door; Twilight blasted it with a bolt of magic, reducing the door into shards.

12 Voidlings were waiting for them. Lyra quickly drew her Glocks and unloaded a barrage of bullets, hitting all 12 in the head at once. When out of nowhere, a voidling jumped from the top landing, wielding a flail, landing in front of rage before hitting Rage with it, sending him flying into a wall on the other side of the room.

Ghost threw three Kunai at the voidling; they met there mark hitting the creature in its' chest. The Kunai started to sink into its' chest, before suddenly shooting out of its chest at Ghost. She drew her sword with lightning-quick reflexes, blocking all three.

Twilight fired six bolts of magic at the creature, but the creature blocked the magic with its' flail before slamming it on the ground, sending a line of dark magic through the ground, nearly hitting Twilight. She dodged the magic, and teleported behind the creature slicing it calf, causing it to fall.

Ghost took this moment to strike, disappearing with lightning speed, and reappearing above the creature's head about to slice it, but a magenta blast of magic hit her in the side, knocking her out as she hit the ground. Twilight noticed a bolt of magic flying towards her, she reacted quickly, by deflecting the blast with a magical shield, sending it back to the caster. Instead of meeting its' mark, it was absorbed by a magenta shield.

After the shield faded, standing there was one pony Twilight was suprised to see let alone attack her, it was her brother. “SHINY?!”