• Published 15th Dec 2015
  • 22,874 Views, 2,229 Comments

The War Machine - Urimas Ebonheart

An experimental self aware A.I. driven robotic soldier named Adam is told he's been ordered to be destroyed by the government... His creator frees him from his military directives and tells him to run. He has a new directive now, self preservation.

  • ...

Chapter 17: Retaliation

Author's Note:

Okay so I revised the ending and I hope it's more appealing to you.

The War Machine
Chapter 17: Retaliation

The gryphon I recovered in Appleloosa didn't give us any new information, so he's just sitting in the castle dungeon for now as a prisoner of war.

It took us four days to reach the outpost on foot and it seems the gryphons knew we were coming.

They have soldiers on the walls with those swivel cannon artillery guns pointing at us, twenty tanks lining up in front of the wooden gates and about two hundred foot soldiers armed with different looking rifles and what appears to be some kind of rocket launcher.

Processing... It would appear they have upgraded their arsenal. "Be careful, it appears they now have rocket launchers as well as a new kind of firearm," I tell the Princesses.

"You mean they have explosive weapons like the ones on your shoulders?" Luna asks worried.

"Possibly, how large their yield is I can only guess until I see them in action," I reply.

I can hear chatter over the gryphon radio channel. 'The scouts were right... they do have more tankers,' one of them says. So they call their tank a tanker.

'Doesn't matter, with our new weapons I'm sure we can take them down,' another replies.

'Why are we even fighting the Equestrians? Wasn't the King on friendly terms with them? And I don’t like those creatures walking around the castle,' another gryphon asks. The sound of metal hitting metal is in the background.

'That's for the higher ups to decide, we just get paid to shoot what we're told to, so shut your beaks and get ready to attack!' a deep gruff voice tells the others.

'Yes sir!' the others reply.

"That's strange, the soldiers think they're taking orders from their old King. There are also strange creatures walking throughout their King’s Castle," I tell the Princesses.

"What? So Jackaal is pulling the strings from the shadows and manipulating the soldiers..." Celestia says. She then looks back out to the outpost.

"That is the most logical theory, he most likely has a double sitting in the King's place and is giving the orders from behind closed doors," I reply.

"That is certainly a possibility..." Luna remarks, her face hidden behind her visor.

I look at the outpost and watch as the gryphons run about. I then connect to their channel in attempt to get them to surrender peacefully. "To whomever is in command, I am Adam, the A.I allied with the Equestrian forces just outside your outpost. We believe forces from this location invaded Equestria and attacked my workshop in an attempt to kidnap Luna. You will surrender peacefully and no gryphon shall be harmed, any resistance will be met with lethal force," I tell them.

"What? So you're the quag dung that's been interfering with our operations," the gryphon who told the others to shut up earlier replies.

"You are being fooled by Jackaal who has killed your King and has taken over. He just want's my technology for himself and he's willing to start a war and get his own people killed in his attempt to take it. I will tell you now, I haven't even used the most powerful and most lethal of the weapons I can make. You are fighting a losing battle and more gryphons will die for his greed unless Jackaal is stopped," I tell him.

"Lies, the King is alive and well, I received my orders from him personally," he replies angrily.

"Then how do you explain the sudden hostilities with Equestria? The King was on friendly terms with Princess Celestia and this all began when Jackaal demanded that I surrender myself to Gryphonia at the gathering months back," I inform him.

There's only silence for a few seconds. "I... the King has been acting cold lately..." he mumbles quietly before he then growls. "No, the King wouldn't lead us astray, if he says this is for the best of Gryphonia then it is so, we will not let you Insult King Thorian any longer. Prepare yourself machine, you shall be destroyed this day," he tells me and closes the connection.

If I could sigh, I would. "Asking them to surrender has failed, our only option is to eliminate their heavy artillery and overwhelm them," I tell the alicorns sisters.

"I see... then so be it. The guards will attack from the front while our tanks attack from the sides. Adam, I want you to remove the artillery on the walls and then help focus on their tan-" Celestia says but is cut off by a loud gunshot.

"Ahhh!" Luna yelps in surprise as a bullet ricochets off her helmet.

I zoom in on the wall with my Titan's main gun camera and see a gryphon holding a rifle with a scope on it and smoke coming out of the barrel.

I aim the the left barrel at him and fire.

The top of the wall splinters as the thick logs shatter under the force of the shell's detonation. The gryphon that shot at Luna is blown to pieces of charred remains, the wall itself is now on fire and the gryphons start to charge at us.

First, they attack Equestria just to get my technology. Second, they attack a town with a large force. Third, they slaughter a tribe of buffalo for an artefact. Fourth, they try to abduct Luna and in the process endanger Eve and killed the guards protecting them, and lastly they just tried to kill Luna in a surprise attack in front of me.

The time for negotiations is over, now I will retaliate.

Calculating... I make the left Titan aim its rocket pods to the left of the wall and target six points to the middle gate, I repeat the process for the right Titan from right to left. I then fire twelve of the Hellfire Rockets at the outpost.

The rockets soar with a trail of smoke behind them, the approaching gryphons stop and stare as the rockets fly over them and impact the outpost walls.

With multiple explosions, the whole front of the wall is blown to bits as burning debris falls onto the gryphons hitting a few of them.

I aim the remaining twelve rockets and launch them into the outpost proper, once again the sound of rockets howling through the air over the gryphons impact the buildings reducing them to nothing more than firewood.

"Outpost destroyed, commencing assault on gryphon troops," I say aloud and make my Titan's advance on the stunned gryphons. I then start jogging beside my Titans with my Assault Rifle and Missile Pods ready to fire.

"Errrr..." Celestia mumbles as she just stares at the devastation.

"Wow..." Luna says in awe.

Celestia then shakes her head and yells out. "Advance!"

The guards start marching towards the gryphons who look back at us with mixed expressions.

"Open fire!" both Celestia and a gryphon yell out.

Bullets and magic bolts start flying at each other, bullets ricochet off my plating as their tanks begin firing at us. Two shells hit my Titans leaving dents in the titanium plating, one heads towards me and I use my left forearm plate to deflect it over me.

"Pegasi bombers, commence bombing run!" Celestia orders the camouflaged pegasi flying overhead.

Crystals then start dropping out of the sky and landing on groups of gryphons before detonating like fragmentation grenades. The shards pierce the Gryphons while the magic energy engulfs the area and burns them as well.

Crude looking rockets are launched at Celestia's tanks and one hits the main gun which bends it at an odd angle from the explosion making it useless.

The other five tanks fire off their shells into the Gryphon tanks destroying or crippling a few of them with each shell.

I fire off two shells into the gryphon tanks destroying two of them as well.

The earth ponies with the heavy shields are leaning against them to keep them upright and to counter any heavy impact on them. unicorns are using them for cover while taking shots with the new Arcana Rifles, any direct hits on bare flesh instantly burns holes into them, the ones to the face are the most gruesome as they leave two inch deep holes in their eyes and vaporise their beaks off.

I open fire with the Minigun Turrets at full auto and just rip into the gryphon forces, a rocket then hits me in the side of my head and sends me onto the ground. After a few seconds to clear the static in my vision I get back up and watch as Luna runs over to the gryphon who shot me and pounces on him, she then puts both Pistols to his head and fires both of them point blank blowing both his eyes out.

"Adam, are you okay?" she asks me with worry through the headset in her helmet.

"I am fine, Luna. Just concentrate on the battle," I reply and open fire with my Assault Rifle into a group of gryphons who are falling back.

Luna gets her Chakrams out and spins them like saw blades and hurls them at the closest gryphons near her while firing the Pistols at those further away. A gryphon sneaks up behind her with a rocket launcher ready to shoot her in the back, but I shoot him in the head making him drop the weapon and slump to the ground.

One of Celestia's tanks gets hit by two shells and stops moving while the others and mine return fire on the remaining tanks.

The fire fight continues for a good ten minutes as another of Celestia's tanks gets destroyed and mine take a lot of dents, some of the titanium plating has even started to crack or peel off as a few bolts holding them on have been knocked loose, but the gryphon tanks are all dealt with now.

We’ve lost nearly half of our ground troops due to their new rocket launchers hitting the earth pony shield bearers killing them and the unicorns behind them.

Celestia dives into a group of gryphons and tucks her wings back behind thick plates to protect them and then uses her magic to control her chakrams, she swings them around herself like a tornado shredding the gryphons around her while bullets are ricocheting off her armour. Her horn glows and she teleports to safety as a rocket impacts just where she was.

I observe the battlefield and notice the gryphons falling back in the direction of Gryphonstone.

The ponies begin to cheer their victory as the gryphons start to flee.

"Fallback! That metal monster is too much! We need to inform the King that the Equestrians are invading!" a gryphon says over their channels.

Invading? I suppose we are invading them now after their failed attempt.

"Huzzah! We have claimed victory!" Luna yells out.

Celestia walks over to me with a grim look. "Those weapons look similar to yours," she tells me.

I walk over to one of the gryphon corpses and pick up one of their new rifles, it's similar in shape as mine but only has one barrel and the magazine only contains ten shots with very crude looking bullet casings. I rip it open and examine the chamber, it seems the next bullet is loaded by pulling back the charging handle which ejects the spent casing and then loads in a new one.

"These are similar to mine but bolt action designed and with a magazine built in, they're advancing quickly," I reply and then pick up one of the rocket launchers.

I aim it at the remains of the outpost and pull the trigger.

A rocket flies out and it veers to the left by two metres and detonates on a ruined building, the explosion seems to have half the force of my micro missiles.

I pick up one of the rockets and examine it, the tip seems to press inward which I believe triggers the detonation, I'll have to take some of these back to the workshop to see how these function.

"What do you wish to do now?" I ask Celestia.

"We will return to Equestria to bury the fallen and tend to the wounded, we may have won, but we suffered too much damage to continue. We also need to build up our forces and ask the other nations for troop support as well," she replies.

"Very well, I'll get Twilight to examine these new weapons so she can get started on the next version of her rifle," I tell her and start gathering some of the weapons and their ammunition, I place them into the hatches of the Titans which need repairs to their plating.

Once we've recovered most of the weapons and ammunition that we can carry, we then load the wounded onto stretchers and the dead onto some makeshift sleds before returning back to Equestria.