• Published 15th Dec 2015
  • 22,896 Views, 2,229 Comments

The War Machine - Urimas Ebonheart

An experimental self aware A.I. driven robotic soldier named Adam is told he's been ordered to be destroyed by the government... His creator frees him from his military directives and tells him to run. He has a new directive now, self preservation.

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Chapter 19: The Cutie-Mark Crusade Part 2

The War Machine
Chapter 19: The Cutie-Mark Crusade Part 2

We wait for Applebloom to return with the tools while I continue to examine the clubhouse. I've spotted a few areas of rot but it's not as severe as Scootaloo's scooter was, it looks like it'll last for another year or two if well maintained.

"Where did you and the Princesses go to?" Scootaloo asks me.

Processing... I can't tell them the actual details so I'll just give them the child friendly version "We went to talk to the gryphons, they've been getting aggressive so we asked them to play nice, they didn't listen so we told them off and came home," I reply as I examine the immediate exterior of the clubhouse.

"Oh, why are they being mean?" Sweetie Belle asks with a squeak to her voice.

"One of them is bullying the others into doing what he wants," I check under the small building held by the lower branches of the tree to see if there was anything that would immediately need attention. Upon closer inspection, it seemed that a branch was bearing the brunt of the weight of the small building and was most likely to break off sometime in the near future; it would need reinforcement or replacing.

"So what are the Princesses going to do about it?" Scootaloo continues her questioning as both fillies follow me around the building while I make my changelist.

"I'm not sure, but they'll sort it out soon," I reply and then check the ramp leading up. So far the whole structure is otherwise well made and solid with only a couple of nails sticking out which I gently push in with a finger.

"Ah got 'em!" Applebloom calls out from a ways away once her small body clears the grove of apple trees between us and the farmhouse. On her back bounced a little red toolbox and by the sound of it, said box was very likely nearly empty and on the verge of collapsing into a pile of rust and dust. The box itself is significantly old, as there are clear signs of rust having eaten through the iron surface and faded red paint. Checking inside, I found a tiny, mouth held claw hammer, a hand saw in desperate need of filing and a couple rusted nails, all bent out of shape. How anypony had managed to do anything with these tools without injury was a miracle in of itself.

"You built your clubhouse with these?" I ask her as I poke around inside the box, being especially careful not to risk damaging anything with my raw, mechanical strength or the age of the tools.

"Uh-huh, took me jus' over a week ta fix it up. It was Applejack’s before she gave it ta us," she replies.

Impressive for just a week. "Since I gave Scootaloo a new scooter, would you like a new set of tools?" I kindly offer her, already working on the blueprints in one of my processors. .

"Sure!" she grins back wide enough that the edge of her mouth nearly stretch back to her bow.

"Please allow me to fetch the new tools. Wait for my arrival in your clubhouse, I shall return shortly," I request before activating my jet skates to lift my feet just off the ground high enough to take off towards my workshop with the box of decrepit tools in hand.

After a quick explanation to my alicorn companion, Luna fashioned a set of new tools out of an aluminium alloy before throwing in a couple extra items: Sandpaper of varying grits, files and rasps, both SAE and hex wrench sets, a quartet of pliers and no less than eleven different screwdrivers, wire clippers and a couple boxes of wood nails and screws topped everything off in the new red box I created by hand while Luna was busy.

A short jaunt back into the orchard and I slide to a halt at the ramp up. Knocking on the walls was easy enough to do given the comparative height between the small gathering place and my reach. “I have returned with the equipment as promised!” I called out and stepped back.

The door opens and an excited Applebloom runs down the ramp. "Adam!" she squeals and starts bouncing on her hooves before me.

I chuckle at her eagerness and place her new shiny toolbox down along with the old one as well. "Here you are, Applebloom. Take good care of these," I request and open the box for her.

She gawks at all the different tools and how shiny they are. "Wow, ah can have these?" she asks me with wide eyes.

"Yes, I assume you know what they all are and what they're used for correct?" I reply with query.

"Uh-huh," she replies and lists off all the tools and their uses. "So what do ah do? The only buildin' materials are in the barn, but they're for house an' barn repairs," she notifies me with a look of disappointment written on her muzzle.

"I'm not sure, you could ask your sister if you could use some to make something with your new tools," I suggest with a shrug.

"Ah guess ah could, wait here ah'll be right back!" she tells us and runs off towards her home again.

Sweetie Belle is just waiting in the clubhouse while Scootaloo is enjoying her new scooter as we all wait for Applebloom to return.

After a few minutes she comes back with Applejack behind her. "Adam? What's all this about Applebloom and tools?" she asks me suspiciously.

"Hello, Applejack. I'm helping the fillies find their cutie-marks and Applebloom says she likes to build things, so after seeing the poor condition her tools were in I gave her a new set," I explain and gesture to the new toolbox.

She walks over to it and whistles at the tools. "Landsakes, these look like they'd cost a fortune," she says and picks up the hammer with her hoof. Processing... set reminder to ask Twilight how a hoof can grip objects when I return to the workshop.

Applejack puts the hammer down and looks back at Applebloom. "Alright, ah'll spare a few boards fer ya, but ah'll like to supervise ya first, ah don't want ya to hurt yerself," she tells her sister.

"Thanks, sis!" Applebloom says and hugs her sister’s leg.

After a brief walk to the barn, Applejack gives Applebloom ten, two by four boards to use.

"While you supervise her I'll be helping Sweetie Belle next," I tell the farm mare.

"Alright, Adam," Applejack replies as Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and I head back to their clubhouse.

Now that I think about it, I'm not sure how to help Sweetie Belle who is looking up at me excitedly given that I don't know anything about singing except for the songs I've listened to.

"So how are you going to help me with my cutie-mark?" the young white unicorn demands excitedly.

"I'll be honest, Sweetie Belle. I'm not exactly sure how as I do not have the data required to teach singing," I reply honestly while I set a search to find something, anything that would help. More intensive search protocols required, I must return to the workshop.

Her grin quickly fades to a disappointed expression. "Oh..." she replies and looks down at the ground.

Processing... "Wait here, I'll check my files to see if there is anything I can find to help," I tell her with aims of trying to lighten the pony’s mood.

"Okay," she quietly replies and heads into the clubhouse with Scootaloo behind her comfortingly.

I head back to the workshop to see Luna busy making the next titanium plate for the Apache.

"Adam, are you done already?" she asks me as she magically lifted the welding goggles from her eyes.

"Not yet, I need to find a way to help Sweetie Belle with improving her singing, but I do not have the data required to teach her," I reply and connect to my trailers computer to find anything that could help.

"Oh? Maybe I could assist her," she replies and puts the plate down.

"How so?" I ask her, maybe a personal music player would be good? I can share the blueprint for it easily enough.

"I consider myself pretty good at singing, or so my sister tells me," she says and walks over to me. "So let us head to young Sweetie Belle and get started," she says and heads out the door.

I disconnect myself from the mainframe and follow her out back to the crusaders clubhouse.

Once we arrive Sweetie Belle spots us out the window and runs out. "Adam! Did you find anything that can help?" she asks me.

I just point to Luna which gives Sweetie Belle a confused expression.

"Hello young, Sweetie Belle. Adam tells me you'd like help with your singing?" Luna says to the filly.

"I, errr, yes, Princess," she replies sheepishly.

Luna smiles and shakes her head. "I'm not a Princess anymore, Sweetie Belle. Just call me Luna," the night alicorn tells her.

"Oh erm, okay, Luna. But how are you going to help me?" the white filly asks.

"I'm going to help teach you to sing," Luna replies and sits beside her. "Let's start with the basics."

Ten Minutes Later

After a brief explanation on tones, pitch and other techniques, Luna then starts to sing a song that I automatically begin recording to a digital format for later use.

It was mesmerizing, her horn glowed through it creating the sounds of a few instruments as well as to create multiple copies of her voice.

The two fillies just sat there with their jaws agape.

"That was wonderful, Luna," I compliment her.

After a second of realising I was still here, Luna blushes slightly and looks away shyly. "T-Thank you, Adam," she replies with her face remaining red, even growing more-so.

Why is she stuttering? Processing... I will keep watch and find out if she is getting ill or stressed.

"That was amazing, Prin... I mean, Luna!" Sweetie Belle says with a wide smile.

Luna looks to the filly with a smile of her own. "Thank you," she beams back as her face returns to its regular colour.

"I'll be heading back to continue work on the Apache while you teach Sweetie Belle," I tell Luna and turn to head back to the workshop.

"Very well, I'll be back within an hour's time," she replies and starts teaching Sweetie Belle as I jet skate back to return to my work.

Two Weeks Later

Applebloom returned to the workshop three days later and showed us her new cutie-mark. An apple tree with tools hanging off its branches and a toolbelt around its trunk. She built her family’s pet dog Winona a new dog house which was very well made and strong.

Sweetie Belle still has yet to get hers but she and Luna will be having daily singing lessons together for a couple of hours.

Twilight and Trixie have been hard at work learning about the new weapons the gryphons have and already are coming up with ideas to make the Arcana Rifle Mark 2.

Most of the plating for the Apache is completed along with most of the systems, I estimate at the speed we're going it'll be completed within three more weeks. Once it is ready, we'll mass produce the ammunition for it and the Titans so they'll be ready for the assault on Gryphonstone. I’ll also be designing and making my own magic-based weaponry as well with Luna’s help after the ammunition is made.

Five days after helping the fillies, Luna locked herself into her room as did most of the mares in Ponyville; apparently their spring oestrous cycle started to kick in, driving their need to mate higher. Luna made me promise not to let her out and to keep her inside as this only happens once every ten years for an alicorn and it was Luna's time. She even told me not to open the door no matter what I hear as it will be extremely uncomfortable to an alicorn compared to a normal pony.

So for the next seven days work on the Apache was halted as I stood guard by her door, which I barred also at her request. Throughout the time I could hear Luna crying from some kind of discomfort and it actually upset me. I do not like this feeling or emotion.

After the week was through, I released Luna who looked like a complete mess, her mane and tail was tangled and tears stained her face.

I asked her if she was well but she told me she'll be fine after a long bath. So with that finally over, Twilight and Trixie returned to resume work on their project, but Trixie had a little trouble when she forgot to get some more supplies for when she and Twilight hid away, she ran into a stallion she liked while shopping and, well, couldn't control herself.

Though she is happy to say he and her are now together and she is currently carrying their foal.

I disconnect myself from my station after recharging myself overnight and exit to hear Luna teaching Sweetie Belle some more in her room. So far Sweetie Belle's magic is growing stronger under Luna's guidance and she can now create the sounds of a single instrument.

"Good morning you two," I greet the two of them from Luna's doorway.

"Good morning, Adam," Luna replies and smiles at me.

"Hi, Adam! Listen to this!" Sweetie Belle says and starts singing a pleasant song with a single harp tune she's making with her horn.

Once she finishes I lightly clap my hands together in applause. "That was very good, Sweetie Belle. You're getting better and better everyday," I compliment her and she grins widely.

A bright flash appears on her flanks and on her white coat rests an image of a golden bell with musical notes around it and an instrument of a harp behind it all.

She stares at it for a few minutes before squealing in a very high pitch that causes my sound system to turn to static for a few seconds before rebooting.

"I got my cutie-mark! Yes yes YES! Oh I can't wait to show my sister and the others!" she yells and scrambles out of the room and out the main workshop door.

I chuckle at her excitement and turn back to Luna. "I take it you'll still continue to teach her?" I ask her.

She smiles and nodded. "Yes, she may have her mark but she still needs to learn how to play multiple instruments and copy her voice."

"Alright then, while we have the chance we should resume work on the Apache," I tell her.

She gets up and stretches like a cat would getting a few joints to pop.

"That reminds me. I need to perform some maintenance on your leg just to make sure it's still functioning fully," I inform Luna.

"Oh erm... okay, it won't hurt will it?" she asks looking nervously at her prosthetic leg.

"Not much, but the disconnection and re-connection will sting a little," I reply honestly.

"Very well, let's get this over with," she huffs her mane out of her face and lifts her leg to me.

I grasp her leg near the socket and wirelessly unclasp it, she hisses as the nerves disconnect from the leg and she cringes as the leg is pulled off.

I head over to our work station and put the leg on it, I then remove the plating and begin examining the artificial muscles and nerves to make sure they're all in the right place still and no degradation has taken place.

Luna glides over on her wings as she is left without a foreleg and watches with intrigue. After a few minutes I find no faults and place the plating back on.

"It is still in top condition, Luna. Please hold out the socket so I may reconnect it," I inform her and she complies.

I reinsert the leg to the socket and she hisses in pain again as it reconnects the nerves.

"All done, I'll check on it again in six months time," I tell her and put the tools away.

"Thank you, Adam. Now let us get back to work," she says and we resume work on the Apache.