• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2015
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Black Hailstorm

A never-ending storm of ideas



Spike is the only dragon in Ponyville, friend to the elements of Harmony and Twilight's number one assistant. But when he gets left behind on an important mission by Princess Celestia, the dragon begins to contemplate past events and even dares to question his services.

Idea for story by Dr.Wolf

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 23 )

Ah. Something based on Dr. Wolf's musings on Spike's wavering competence? Interesting.

... If you take Dr. Wolf's idea that Spike is magically enforced to be a sidekick to Twilight, though... his leaving is gonna go pretty darn badly. But the show isn't actually consistent with that idea, since he has succeeded without Twilight a few times... and from anecdotes he helps out Rarity pretty consistently...

So, maybe it's better if we take this as having to take risks to grow/Spike allowing the expectations of him being just the assistant to hold him back.

Hoping for a sequel

6743006 I meant season, not sure why I typed show.

You should expand your story. I've read many like this, most of them good. But, I think that you could make an amazing story off of this. The way you phrase everything captured my attention and left me wanting more.

6743686 I'll probably continue the story. I've got a few that I do plan on continuing I'm just a bit swamped with my other stories at the moment is all.

6743709 Take your time. A rushed story is a poor story.

True true. I'll probably get to working on one similar like this later along the line with a longer outcome. This was just a test to see how it'd be received and frankly I'm glad that y'all are enjoying this so much. I'll be sure to keep that in mind thanks;

God dammit I'm crying...
This story is so beyond perfect I can't even begin to explain why. It's the perfect sad fic I've been looking for. Your characterization is on point, Spike's soliloquies are lovely, the letter brought tears to my eyes. And I started crying when I reached the end...
I commend you Sir, have a like, favorite, and all my freaking love.

In recent seasons, I've wondered about Spike's potential magical enforcement myself. My own musing were that it might have been some form of remnant from whoever had his egg originally (perhaps some dark magic user, seeking to bind a dragon to their will, before he was rescued as an egg), which mixed in with Twilight's magical burst... Leaving something that occasionally plays up (especially when Twilight is either out of range, of he's doing some counter to her wishes (even unconscious wishes, which might explain Princess Spike) and slaps him with a boat-load of bad luck, the last remnant of something that, if ever completed properly, might have been much worse.

It's an interesting theory.

Good gosh, reading this while listening to a certain song from Undertale really puts tears in one's eyes.

I really liked this one. Really brings home how sometimes we gotta leave our comfort zones to learn who we really are, and how we never truly know what we have until it's gone. Cheesy I know, but hey I'm an old-fashioned guy.

Part of me really REALLY hopes you write another one-shot showing Spike's return and how everypony reacts to seeing him after who knows how long. Although part of me also understands if you don't want to, thereby letting us readers picture for ourselves how his return would go. Or maybe you could write a multi-chapter fic showing the times Spike's letters reach Ponyville, and the last chapter would be his unannounced return. That would be cool too.

Ok, definitely faving this one.

Comment posted by Black Hailstorm deleted Dec 20th, 2015

Felt a little forced, honestly. I just couldn't really take it seriously because it simply didn't feel like I was reading about Spike. If anything, the writers are cursed because they all seemingly become completely brain dead whenever they try and make a Spike episode.

As it stands, I simply can't take the drama seriously because it's being overly dramatic over a ridiculous show gag. It's like a story trying to be serious about how the tech level is all over the place, or how Twilight survived an anvil, piano, and all kinds of stuff crushing her into the ground before being in casts for all of five seconds before she was completely fine again. None of that was meant to be taken seriously, so when a story does so it just falls flat for me.

Still, it was very well written and descriptive, so the writing quality itself is great! :twilightsmile:

Just BTW, mods don't like update chapters. Use blog posts or author's notes instead.

Originally intending to go with his sister-in-law, the love of his life and his friends

I didn't know Sweetie Belle was going.

This isn't a true story update. This is a blog post, and belongs to the Blog section.

Place it there, tag this story, and remove this "chapter" before a mod sees it.

I know most of these spike Doris's are really author mouh peices . But still good writing and yeah , by this point spike really is in the background a lot . Jeez and we thight Aj was under used

Its funny how one episode can change how we look at a character. Had I read this before the Dragon Lord episode, I might have agreed. But the recent episode has shown that not only does Twilight see him as an equal but that Spike has grown as a character. Twilight was willing to allow Spike to risk his life while cheering him on from the side lines the whole way. In the end, Spike managed to not only win the day, but make a new friend and ally amongst the dragons, something I don't think Twilight could have ever accomplished. :twilightsmile:

I enjoyed reading this story you just imagine how Spike must being gong throughout the season were he was abuse or being left out. Spike is really needs more character development the Writters don't even know what to do with him they just made as the voice of reason to Twilight abuse and not tagging alone with mother mane 6 which makes me wonder what is Spike doing when he offscreen

6754747 You said more-or-less what I was going to. The forced wistfulness in his letter was filled to the brim with cringe.

My story A Long Journey Ahead, is generally the continuation of this. You can check it out if you're interested.

Originally intending to go with his sister-in-law, the love of his life and his friends the baby dragon had been told he should stay in Ponyville and wait for them. He’d been reluctant. He’d argued, he’d made retorts, statements on how they’d need him. But the Princess had said that this mission would be a bit trifling for him. So she had stated he stay here, in Ponyville. While his friends faced the challenges of this world and whatever awaited him ahead.

wanting to protect him makes you see him defenseless, twilight.
When in fact it's a fucking fire breathing dragon

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