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Black Hailstorm

A never-ending storm of ideas


Cheese Sandwhich | Speaker Extraordinare
"We lost our beloved Princess Celestia, but in return, Harmony has given back our Lost Princess. Not just to Equestria but the whole wide world! Welcome back our once lost Princess. If Princess Celestia were here, she would be the one introducing you to the world instead of me, so in lieu of her, let me be the first of many to say: Welcome home Princess Luna! We've missed you!"

This was what the reborn alicorn heard. Luna was back but at the same time she wasn't. And even though the title was there she knew the truth.

She wasn't a Princess. Not even close.

Death tag is inserted due to discussions or implications/ mentions of death in the story.

Tags may change as the story progresses.

An entry in the Lateverse

Chapters (2)

Unpopular opinion: Queen Chrysalis was the single greatest changeling to ever be among the Hive. She was the Queen, the Mistress of Survival, a Goddess of Subterfuge, all till one faithful grub named Thorax spoke up.

Then everything came crashing down on his back.

An entry in the Lateverse

Chapters (2)

Life is a domino effect even if we don't know it. A build up of events where a single dominoe toppled will lead to a massive spill that can be both tiresome and disastrous.

Without the School of Friendship, a lot of things can turn out to be very different. Especially when Princess Twilight succeeds Equestria as a important figure a lot sooner than expected.

An experimental entry in the Lateverse

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Answer Me

In the days leading after Luna's Coronation, Equestria sits at the pinnacle of reclaiming stability.

However the stress can be a bit much. Surprisingly, in these stressful moments, there is something to read from a stranger both known and unknown who has congratz, apologies, and gifts for his intended reader.

Now part of the Lateverse

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to If You Had To Choose

Unable to find Princess Luna's hidden Elements in time, Princess Celestia is forced to confront her sister and banish the Nightmare at the end of their battle in the Everfree Castle with only half the Elements and half the power needed to seal Nightmare Moon away.

So what if she did. Where would Nightmare Moon go?

(Note: Not required to read the prequel to read this story.)

An entry in the Chaosverse

Chapters (3)

In the distant lands of Wu Kingdom, there is a legend about a benevolent yet curious ruler, who lived in a strange and chaotic time.

An entry in the Chaosverse

Chapters (2)

You ever had this idea...or dream or vision that you really liked but also knew deep down it was impossible or could never happen unless the unimaginable happened?

Sunset Shimmer had that. A dream, the dream every young filly had as a fantasy that by miracle became her possible reality.

It was one of those dreams an infant said and then years later chuckled in embarassment about upon recollection.

She wanted to be a princess. Or, if not that on a more realistic level, at least an influential mage recognized by the Crown.

It was a silly dream, and only just a dream. Till one exam later she found herself meeting the Princess. And all of a sudden that dream stepped out of fantasy and into reality. She became a royal apprentice, the royal student of Her Highness-- and it was and always would be the greatest day of her life, ever.

But it was the same day she met her, her colleague, the other student, Cadenza, and that day would be the beginning of their long rivalry.

An entry in the Chaosverse

Chapters (1)

It was a question. A simple question. One not yet recognized for its importance as all great discoveries tend to start.

Before the Discourse Era, around the period of Unification and Equestria's founding, before the reign of the Royal Sisters and during the rule of Platinum's bloodline, ponies had limited exposure to many species of Terrae. Many factors contributed to this: The Three Tribes themselves were still working out their differences
and as a prey species ponies had an instinct in the herd to avoid straying far from the rest-- at best the interactions most known before Discord were with the Dragons, Griffons, Bison, and Saddle Arabians. All creatures that shared the same proximity with the Equestrians and so ultimately wasn't much of a stretch in terms of exposure, and more of a inevitable result of acquiring new land.

Say what you will but Discord's appearance in the world itself would mark not just a change for the world but an introduction to various species unknown that would start a future beginning for the Royal Sisters.

Star Swirl, a pony whose name appears randomly throughout multiple centuries, was the only pony to ask the one question no one wanted to ask years following Discord's defeat and it was a simple question: "Where were all the draconequui?"

There was no answer to this question. No one had wanted an answer. And there was no easy way to have it solved during that time.

And so, he set out to find one. And find one he did...a few centuries later.

An entry in the Chaosverse

Chapters (1)

It started with two, only two.

Born in a land plagued by the Drought that threatened to end their very nation, they were only two, two brothers, two princes, in the surviving kingdom of Centuria.

One, the eldest, was a Centaur, the younger, a Gargoyle. The older was what some might call a bit of a brute, took chances often too much while the younger was gentle, loyal, kind and often the one to question or aid his elder when things seemed awry. They were known to squabble, had their disagreements, but they loved each other, lost loved ones together and they were only two, so they had to stick together. Two brothers in a land that was dying, a land they had to preserve, somehow, someway, for themselves, for their people, for their promise.

So they took a gamble. Placed their bets.

And nearly lost it all.

An entry in the Chaosverse

Chapters (1)

In the darkest of times faced with few options, a leader has to choose what will benefit all.

Entered in the Chaosverse

Chapters (4)