• Published 19th Dec 2015
  • 11,953 Views, 415 Comments

A Stallion's Man - Spirit Shift

Life sucks when six gay stallions are after you. What's a straight human to do?

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CH9: Closure: A Seven Letter Word

Author's Note:

u all gay

“And then it turned out everyone was stealing from the cake in the dead of night... u So then we just combined all the treats into one big super mega treat.” Berry said in a single breath, which was in of itself not uncommon but still rather impressive even so.

Barrett for his part had managed not to slam his head into the table with enough force to shatter it. The question of which would give first, his skull or the table was once again left to the imagination of the many other patrons of Sugarcube Corner.

“Berry, for the last time, I did not ask, all I want is a batch of cinnamon rolls. I mean I appreciate AJ making breakfast pretty much every day, but I figure I owe them a thank you present anyway,” Barrett said his initial irritation fading into a more profound contemplation.

“But Barrett I had your order ready like five minutes ago.” Barry pointed to a bag of still steaming rolls that sat nestled and neat on the counter mere feet from the bewildered human.

Barrett rose and collected the bag, throwing a small pile of bits onto the counter. He then turned to the bubbly baker and pinched his brow with unrelenting conviction. “Berry, you scare me, like really really freaking scare me.

Berry returned fire with a happy hug. “That’s silly Biggy Bear, I would never do anything that you didn’t want,” The stallion looked up to the human and waggled his eyebrows. “Even if you don’t know you want it.”

Barrett removed Berry’s forelegs from his torso and tapped him firmly on the forehead. “Berry, for the thousand thousandth time, I am not gay.”

“Okay, uh-huh, sure, gotcha, wink-wink-nudge-nudge,” Berry said with a sly wink and elbow to the gut.

Barrett took a deep breath and walked out of the building without another word.

It was on the long trail through the orchard that Barrett, fresh buns in hand that he pondered if his friends on the farm would have worked up a hunger yet, or if he should go ahead and store them inside for later. It was during this debate that he accidentally overheard a rather loud discussion going on just off the path.

“Blitz for the last time, just go apologize. This whole stupid situation was your fault anyhow,” the unmistakable drawl of Applejack drew Barrett further into the treeline and onto the scene in full.

Blitz and AJ were muzzle to muzzle both scowling at the other. Applejack had taken to jabbing a hoof into Blitz’s fetlock, to which the pegasus was not taking well. “Don’t you think I want to. It’s not that easy,” Blitz shouted back knocking away AJ’s hoof.

“Really, cause going up and saying sorry for hittin’ ya, don’t sound that hard to me,” AJ said pulling back from the headbutting match and turning about. The farmer for his part, at least in Barrett’s thoughts looked about ready to kick Blitz off the farm, literally.

Perhaps thinking similar Blitz took to the sky in a single heavy flap of his wings and hovered over his irritated friend. “Yeah, I’m sure that’d make it all better,” Blitz’s expression fell, his voice softening as he spoke. “I mean, would you accept an apology like that, cause I wouldn’t.”

Barrett hefted the bag in one hand pushed through the brush in full. “You might not, but I might,” Barrett said, catching both stallion’s off guard.

“Barrett,” both stallion’s said in tandem turning to the new arrival.

Barrett waved at the duo, his face blank as he scanned the two guilty stallion’s who both looked like they’d just been caught hooves in the cookie jar. “Sup?” Barrett asked.

“Ya heard all that then?” Applejack asked fiddling with his hat as he managed to skate by meeting Barrett’s gaze.

Barrett nodded as he stepped a bit closer. “Most of it, yeah.”

“Well, I mean, I am, ugh, I just want to say that,” Blitz dropped back to the ground tinges of pink mixing with the cyan of his coat. “I’m just, you know,” Blitz took a deep breath nose to the ground. “I’d get it if you don’t want to accept my apology after I attacked you over something so dumb,” The poor stallion looked on the verge of either screaming, crying or hitting something, perhaps a combination of the three.

“Not gonna lie, between you, Berry, Dusk, and well pretty much everyone else in this town, I can’t say it’s easy to forgive and forget. I mean I get my place burned down, accidentally make Scotch cry and get sucker punched my the most easily angered guy I know,” Blitz squirmed and shook as he listened to Barrett, who now stood looming over Rainbow Blitz, his shadow a silhouette basking Blitz in his entirety.

“But even so, you did what you thought was right, and you didn’t back down when you thought your friend was hurt. Blitz, as much as I want to stay mad at you, as much as I think you messed up,” Barrett paused, and Blitz flinched with the sudden silence. A gentle hand rested atop Rainbow’s head. “I forgive ya, after all, you’d of done the same. Heck, I’d be surprised if you didn’t forgive long before I apologized. Heck, that’s what the element of loyalty is all about, yeah?”

Blitz looked up, eyes wide, a slow smile spreading across his muzzle and an equally slow blush tanning his cheeks. “You know, you’re a lot smarter than I give you credit. It’s why so many ponies like ya, Big guy.”

“You’re darn right he is,” AJ said joining the two. “What's that you got there, Biggs,” he pointed to the bag in Barrett’s hands.

“Oh right almost forgot. I kinda thought since you’re housing me and all, I’d pick up a treat for everyone on the farm, sort of a thank you thing,” Barrett shook the bag. “You guys care to join me?” The two stallions grinned and nodded. The trio made their way toward the farmhouse, where Grampy Smith would be, and hopefully Red Gala wouldn’t be too much of a hassle to track down.

The Apples along with Barrett and Rainbow Blitz found themselves in peaceful tranquility. The five sitting at a wooden table just outside the farmhouse. The group munching on rolls and chatting without a care in the world.

“So, I reckon you’ve talked to Scotch by now, right?” Applejack asked from his seat beside Barrett.

Barrett found himself rapping a hand hard against his chest as he choked on a large piece of his pastry. AJ blinked and hammered a hoof hard against the humans’ back, which resulted in two outcomes. A wheeze from Barrett as the rebellious piece of bread surrendered and was consumed at last. The other outcome was a long moan as the human vainly tried to rub the center of his back where his companion’s hoof left a bruise.

“I take that as a no then?” AJ said rubbing a hoof over Barrett's back a bit softer. The farmer tilting his hat down to better hide a sheepish smile.

“God AJ, if that’s how to solve choking, I can’t imagine how hard one of your real kicks are,” Barrett huffed as he stretched back on the open bench and growled in pain beneath his breath. “Also, no, I tried before you guys took your trip, but he wasn’t home. I was thinking of trying again after the whole treat the Apples thing,” Barrett said with a curt shrug and a shiver as his back protested.

“Yeah, I should probably go apologize too. I did kinda start the whole thing back then,” Blitz said rubbing the back of his head with a laxidasical smile.

“Well, sounds like you two youngins got some work to do,” Grampy Smith said with a chuckle and puff at his old pipe. “Better to do the apologizin’ b’fore it sprouts into somethn’ worse.”

“Eeyup,” Red Gala added with a deep nod.

“Always full of sage advice, aren’t ya, Grampy Smith,” Barrett said with a mock sitting bow.

“You’re darn-tootin' I am, now go on get,” The old Apple waved off the human.

Barrett conceded and rose from his seat. He flicked a thumb over his shoulder and smiled. “Okay, okay, come on Blitz.”

“Right behind you,” Blitz said taking off from his seat and flipping through the sky and over Barrett’s head. Barrett waved back at the Apples as he marched away.

“Now, if only a certain grandson of mine would heed my words and just be honest with a certain human he knows,” Grampy Smith mused with a wink at said certain grandson.

“Grampy,” AJ whined as his kin laughed at his burning cheeks.


One knock, no response. A few seconds later, two knocks, no answer. Barrett and Rainbow exchange a glance. Three knocks, the sound of thumping and the growls, chirps, and cackles of various animals inside break the tension. The door swings free and an all too familiar bunny pounds a leg impatiently as she stares up at the ones who knocked.

“Uh, hey Angelica, Scotch home?” Blitz asked.

The bunny nodded but did not move. Angelica’s foot thumped faster.

“Can we speak to him?” Blitz tried again.

The Bunny shrugged and flicked a hand toward the stairs.

“He’s upstairs? Thanks, I guess,” Barrett said plodding up the stairs and the single bedroom above, his pegasus companion hovering over his shoulder. Barrett felt a sudden warmth on the back of his neck. He looked back at Blitz who had taken to examining the nearest lamp with extreme interest. “Did you just sniff me?”

Blitz flicked his gaze back to Barrett's eyes wide. “O-of course not. It must’ve been one of the million mice or dogs or something,” Barrett rubbed moth palms against his temples. The human turned about and scaled the stairs, mumbling incoherently under his breath. Blitz thought he made out something about ponies needing to learn personal space but dismissed it and followed the human up to the tightly shut door. There they took in the last barrier between the two daring heroes and their goal.

Barrett knocked on the door. The cascade of noises that followed would forever impress upon Barrett the truth behind not startling a stallion as unassuming and anxious as Butterscotch. A single high pitched eep was heard behind the door. This was followed by what sounded like panicked stumbling, the sound of a door or pair of doors repeatedly slamming and the sudden startled chirps of some rather unprepared birds.

“Scotch, you okay?” Barrett asked from his spot outside the room of a thousand adorable panicked apologies.

“I-um, I’m fine, I’m just, oh I’m sorry Mrs. Bluebird. I’m sorry Barrett just a second, oh, oh dear,” Scotch’s voice trailed off and was followed by the slamming of wood and the continued sound of bird chirps.

“Seriously, you good in there?” Blitz asked from beside Barrett. The question wasn’t left unanswered long before a sudden click at the door sounded, and a disheveled Butterscotch poked his head out into the hall.

“Oh, hi, Rainbow Blitz, sorry for the wait. I was, just, tidying up a bit and well the knock started em,” Scotch said with a nervous twitch. His head darted back in the room for just a brief moment before he opened the door in full.

“Riiight,” Blitz offered his friend.

“So, would either of you like some tea?” Scotch offered pointing back downstairs with a frazzled smile, his eyes darting back into the room for just a split second before he started down the stairs.

The two guests exchanged concerned looks before the followed suit. Butterscotch was already starting the tea as the others took seats in the cottage living room, which made up, in fact, the majority of the first floor, but even so.

“What do think that was about?” Blitz asked Barrett from his seat on the couch.

Barrett had taken to the comfy lounge chair nearby. The human shrugged and looked back toward the happily humming, tea brewing stallion who seemed all too content in his task. “I don’t know, and something tells me, I don’t want to know.”

A few moments pass in comfortable silence as Butterscotch prepares tea and joins his friends in the living room. “I hope you like earl grey,” Scotch said and offered both a steaming cup.

The two offered thanks, and for a moment the three seem to await each other to break the ice. “Fine, I’ll go first,” Barrett offered as he set his tea down on the nearby coffee table. “Scotch, what I said the other day wasn’t cool, I mean it was true, but I didn’t want or mean to upset you.”

“Oh, I know that Barrett. You are far too kind and sweet to intentionally upset anypony. But, I think it’s very nice that you came all the way here to apologize,” Scotch said reaching over and patting Barrett's leg. “Besides, you won’t have to worry about what you said much longer,” Scotch’s hoof continued up Barrett’s thigh, to which Barrett calmly slapped it away. Eyes twitching as the pegasus flinched back.

In the deepest abyss of Barrett’s mind, he filed away Butterscotches reaction under extremely worrying. With that done, Barrett turned and motioned to Blitz. “I believe you had something to add.”

Rainbow Blitz for his part was transfixed on Barrett’s leg, where Butterscotch had been rubbing a moment before. A sudden snap next to his ear ripped the pegasus back to reality. Blitz blinked and shook his head wildly. “Right, right, sorry.”

Blitz ran a hoof over the other as he gave a lopsided grin. “Yeah, I kinda owe you a sorry too.”

Scotch shook his head. “That’s not true Blitzy, you were only looking out for me. Even if you did ruin a perfectly nice cuddle,” Scotch said with a smile and sip of tea.

Barrett’s brow knit together as Butter’s response replayed in his mind. If Barrett didn’t know any better, he could have sworn that Butterscotch, the element of Kindness just held a grudge. Barrett shook the thought from his head, there no way just no freakin’ way. But then again?

Barrett was pulled back to reality by Blitz giving an awkward chuckle. “Yeah, I might have acted a bit too quickly, so I just wanted to make sure we’re all cool.”

“Of course, no hard feelings at all. I’m just glad we got that off our chests,” Butterscotch said placing his now empty cup of tea on the table with a soft clink.

“Hey actually, I have a quick question,” Barrett said the two pegasi silently observing him. “So, by any chance has Dusk prepared a group get together anytime soon?” Barrett’s fingers dug into the soft cushion of the chair’s armrests. Which Barrett also fled away for later, seriously, why would pony furniture need armrests, like at all?

“Oh, were you invited to the picnic, that was nice of Dusk,” Scotch said eyes twinkling.

“Um, sure, let’s go with that, when is it again?” Barrett asked sitting forward in the super comfy chair.

“Saturday, duh,” Blitz said rolling his eyes.

Barrett’s mind flashed with the scene from the show. The letter, the invitation, the changelings. Saturday, gave him two days to decide if he would let things play pit, or do something to change fate. Barrett released the armrests and fell back into the seat. “Right, just checking.”

The Pegasi gave him a pair of concerned looks. Barrett rolled his eyes and made his way to his feet. “So, I have some errands to run, thanks for the tea, Scotch, I’ll see you guys later,” Barrett smiled and made his way out of scotch’s home to the disappointment of his two companions.

Scotch glanced back to the untouched tea that still sat on the coffee table where Barrett had left it. He looked back to Rainbow Blitz. “Do you think I should've offered coffee instead?”