• Member Since 21st Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Draco Brony

Just humble fanfic writer with a love of dragons and good stories.

Comments ( 45 )

6758343 Hello, Sky. What do you think of this idea? Thank you for the fave by the way.

Ooh, I've wanted to see more stories like this.
Well definitely be reading this one tonight.

6758350 It's... check your inbox. I love it, and I want to submit some of my own ideas to this story!

I feel a Parasyte the Maxim Reference is needed here...

6758365 That might be funny...If I knew what that was. :twilightsheepish: Thoughts on the idea itself?


6758360 This is where I will be putting that Fluttershy story we talked about. Once its ready of course.

It's an anime where Parasites come and invade earth in secret...Think an Anime version of invasion of the body snatchers mixed with body horror and gore and you got Parasyte.

And the idea itself is interesting I must admit.

6758372 Ah, my favorite Pokemon character, Assface. :rainbowlaugh:

I kid, I kid. Thank you for the add. I'm glad you liked it.

Good so far, though so short!
Excited to see where things go.

Great! That'll be fun to read.
I've been considering doing my own take on the idea, though given my laziness I doubt it'll ever happen.

6758490 Why not? We can each make our own version of it...Poor Fluttershy. We are so cruel to you yet we love you the most.

6758565 Most likely next week. With all the Christmas stuff I was lucky to slip this in when I did.

Can I request something?

I want to see a slime get into someones head (Preferably Applejack or Twilight) and turn them into a slut or Bimbo (or maybe both)

Maybe this flea could turn Celestia into Celly the bimbo, since he could 'feed on' her intellect, perhaps.

hmmm...i can already tell there will be some stories I'll hate, and others I'll love. Excited to see more!

6759863 Ok, help me out here. What am I looking at?

If like to see more but one thing please don't add any clop

6760847 Sorry, I already added the SEX tag, and many have requested some good old mind controlled sex. Can't change that now. I did put the warning up in the opening.

I did enjoy this first story, due to it's subject matter more then anything. I have two glaring issues with this story, one, I find it lacks the deep descriptions that I really enjoy in these stories, I like all the gruesome details about the bug infecting the mind, and my second issue, I found the story a bit lacking, it seemed more like the start of an idea more than anything substantial, which annoyed me, because I see potential that I don't think this story is reaching; I'd like to see what the bug does, not just it entering the head.

But, I do see potential, and I am quite excited to see where it goes!


That's Plague Inc Evolved a PC Game where you are an infection trying to infect and kill the entire world. The music is for a Brain Parasite known as the Neurax Worm where it's host falls under control of the worm just like your fleas XD

Can't wait to see more controlling of Celestia and some actual clopiness.

Interesting, but little inaccurate biologically. You can't access the brain easily from the nasal cavity. There's actually quite a bit of bone. To get to the brain, one must dig through flesh at the base of the skull where the spinal cord attaches itself. Here:

Take in account that the ponies in the show are different than real horses, but gives a basic idea. Also, the ear canal never enters the skull, only a nerve.

Still like the story though.

6792149 I'm glad you like it, but dude come on. I wrote a story about a magically evolved super flea taking over the brain of a magic pony princess. Do you really think I was going for realism? Hell, if I did go for realism, none of the stories I have planned can happen.

6793526 I understand. I'm just putting it out there.

6793539 Tell you what, write me a PM with how a parasite could realistically get to the brain and I'll do a chapter with that method dedicated to you. Sound fair?

6793554 Eh, why not. Sounds like fun.

Admittedly, the idea of fleas, of all things, made me laugh a little bit.

A singing bug, however? I'm interested, so I'll wait.

Right now this story is just comedy. And your 'discorded' flea is using more hypnosis that mind control, I mean really:

I'm you, silly.
"You are?"
Who else would I be?

There is no way that Zeck will be able to keep it going for long. (four weeks ultimate top)

U sure this should be here and not on "Mcstories "? :P

Nah, i'm just joking, keep it up ^^

Too! Short!
I need more!
Turn the Sun into a whore!

Pinkie becomes friends with the Venom Symbiote and have KAWAII snuggle times

Please tell me this story will continue soon.

And that Celestia's little 'friend' will do some... interesting things with his new host.

well it is 2022 and this story hasn't been updated i guess this story/anthology is dead. I'm a little disappointed this story/anthology had promise. Oh well. If the author comes back i'll definitely continue reading

Interesting idea for a story.

I had a similar idea which would have had Discord do something similar, with the intention of embarrassing Celestia. Shame I suck at writing this sort of stuff.

Fancy seeing you here. I would totally help you brainstorm ideas for that story lmao

You know it's funny. Since writing that comment a few months ago, I've actually started to write that Discord story. The notes for the first chapter are finished, it just needs fleshing out a bit when time allows.

If you're interested, when I finish the first chapter you can have a look to see if it's worth publishing or not. It'll still be a while before I get around to it though. Most of my writing time gets used up on my main story.

Nice! I'd appreciate that, no rush though.

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