• Published 25th May 2016
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Daring Do and the Throne of Ouroboros - Tolerance

Daring Do's a mare of action. So when none of her usual rivals steps up with a new plan to 'rule take over the world,' Daring finds herself desperate to do something, anything to stave off boredom. Even if it means following the faintest of trails.

  • ...

10: The Devil's Anvil

"We're nearly there, I can smell it!" announced Patina to the group.

After their four-day-long trek from the nearest station, and with it, any semblance of civilization, Daring was willing to believe anything so long as it meant she didn't have to walk and/or hover anymore. But even she had to admit that the sulfurous odor that had begun to permeate the air was exactly what she thought a hive would smell like. Granted, she'd have known that ahead of time had she just flown there, but the risk of being spotted by a patrol was just too high.

"So now what?" Asked Sunny.

Aaron thought about it for a bit. "I think we should stop here and do some recon. Get our bearings first and make our move after we're rested. Daring and Sunny, you two stay here and make camp, but try to minimize any evidence that might suggest we're here. We should also get a reading on the Stars' locations, Sunny, so we'll need another antenna."

As the others got to work setting stuff out, Patina asked. "What about me?"

"You're going to show me the way into the hive. After that, we'll come back here for dinner. How does that sound?"

"Ugh," was Patina's reply. She had tried some of the so-called ‘food’ that the diamond dogs had brought, and to be honest, she was not impressed. Between that and the fact that Daring wasn't about to share any of her pony food, Patina could really use a bite of love. She could totally go for some Eros right about now. "I don't see how you can eat that stuff. Rocks are gross. Can't I just have a little love instead? Pleeease..." Patina begged.

"Maybe. It depends on how good your info is, I suppose."

"Don't give into her pleading, Aaron!" Daring chided. "Once they get a taste, they won't stop until they suck the life right out of you."

"Oh, so like a normal wife then?" Aaron laughed at his own joke, only to be met with antipathetic glares from both Daring and Sunny "Ooh, tough crowd. We'd better be off then, Patina, lest I melt from the stares!"

Patina merely shrugged. "Whatever you say, boss doggy."


Observing from the crevice that fed into their campsite, Aaron quickly learned that there was no hidden approach that led to the hive. Centered in the middle of numerous sulpher-laden pools sat a massive rectangular block of stone. A rocky maw, which opened up underneath the boulder, led into the depths of the hive itself.

Even from this distance, Aaron could swear he felt the ground vibrating with the combined insectuous motion of the changelings below. but whether it was just a figment of his imagination or not, he couldn't tell.

"They, I mean the ponies, call it The Devil's Anvil. Although I have no idea who, or what a devil is, now that I think about it. But to us, it's home!"

"So are there usually guards outside? I thought you guys would want to remain hidden if you didn't want ponies spotting you? They don't seem to like you guys very much..."

"I told you that wasn't our fault, but there's not going to be any-" Patina started before looking closer, "what are they thinking!?" She nearly shouted before running out to correct the blunder.

Aaron held the changeling back. "No, you can't give away our location, Patina."

"But what about the plan? There weren't any guards when I left, I swear!"

"Calm down, Little Changeling, we didn't get this far on luck alone. We'll think of something. Let's head back before those guards decide to do their jobs and spot us, hmm?" Aaron said as he turned back into the small canyon.

"O-okay..." Patina sighed before following him, wondering what other setbacks Blue-tail had in store for them.


"So they've stepped up security? That might be a problem. Any idea why?"

"I'm not sure, this whole thing is kind of unusual. I'm sorry I can't find out more without checking the hive out myself, but If I do that, there's a chance they won't let a worker like me leave again so soon."

Aaron acknowledged the changeling’s concern. "Don't worry about it. We'll just have to wing it. Anyway, did you get the antenna set up, Sunny?"

"Yes sir. I've already taken some readings, and I believe that, at the rate the readings are changing, that the final Star will have made it's way into the hive by morning."

"Should we try to intercept it? If we know if, when, and where it's coming, won't we have the advantage?"

"Yes, but only if we wanted to lose our chance to grab the other two artifacts that they already have. It's likely that they've stepped up security due to our scuffle with Petina. If we strike the next transport, the hive is likely to raise their security even more. Moving in tomorrow may be the only chance we have at thwarting the whole operation."

"Alright then, what's the plan for getting past the guards?"

"It's simple really. The new plan, is pretty much exactly like the old plan. We simply walk through the front gate."

"But the guards aren't just going to let you waltz in there. This isn't some pony village, it's a natural stronghold. With guards!"

"Exactly! That's where you come in Petina. Now listen closely, and we'll have this whole thing in the bag..."


Early the next morning, the group found itself in front of the changeling guards near the entrance to the hive.

<Stop right there!> The lead guard challenged in their native, pheromone-driven language after spotting Patina through her disguise. <Why are these things with you?>

Everyone except Patina was tied up in one of Daring's ropes. <I bring prisoners for our queen to snack upon!> Patina claimed proudly.

The younger guard scrutinized the offerings. <The pegasus is nice, but what are these?>

<Diamond Dogs.> the older guard stated. <Dirty little mutts that are pretty much only good for digging. Why are you bringing these three here instead of the artifact you were sent to get? Our leaders will not be pleased with your failure, worker-ling.>

<Um, well, that's what I was going to do, but, um... One of them ate it...>

The newer guard eyed Patina suspiciously. <You expect us to believe that, grub? The leaders will dine on you before we->

<Now, wait a minute, guard-ling.> the elder guard interrupted. <I do remember something about Diamond Dogs eating gems, and the Artifacts are gems, kind of...>

<So one of them ate the artifact? That's disgusting!>

<Oh yeah, tell me about it. I was so grossed out I also had to go and pony-nap a Pegasus too.> Patina signalled sheepishly.

<Yeah. I suppose that makes sense. Good thinking grub. Bring these three to the cocoon chamber. Hopefully the artifact can be removed from these mutts. Next time try and bring the artifact back before it gets eaten.> the older changling said in a commanding tone.

<Yeah. Maybe then you can be promoted to guard-ling!> exclaimed the younger one.

<Really!? Then I'd better hurry and get these inside. The queen needs those artifacts as soon as possible.> Patina said before heading past the guards, tugging on the rope lead as she went.

<Hey don't forget to drop your disguise!> The older guard shouted after her <Worker-lings, huh? Always forgetting that they don't have to hide in the hive...> he shook his head in annoyance.

<Eh.> The younger said rolling his shoulders. <I've done worse.>


"Well, that was easy." Daring whispered once they were out of the guards' earshot. "What were you guys talking about?"

"I didn't catch all of it, but at one point, I'm pretty sure you called us snacks." Observed Aaron.

"But it worked didn't it? Now come on, before anyling gets suspicious." Patina said before leading the still-bound group deeper into the hive.

Despite the hive's location in the middle of what was essentially a desert, the air was surprisingly damp. The air itself seemed to be marred by a constant musky odor that continually wafted through the tunnels. Clinging to the damp walls was a fluorescent green, waxy substance that provided just enough light to see by, but did nothing to alleviate the the inherent creepy feeling of the cave.

Other than the two guards at the entrance, the caves were surprisingly devoid of changelings. "I thought this was a changeling hive, shouldn't there be more, you know, changelings?" Daring Do asked.

"You probably shouldn't be complaining about that." Patina stated a little shakily. The pegasus was right though, there should have been more worker-ling in the tunnels. "Whatever, we've come far enough. The scent order is telling me to imprison you here, so if I go any farther, someling might catch on." She said as she untied the ropes. "I'll stay here and try to buy you time. Just stick to the left tunnel there and take any of the left branches that descend deeper. The central chamber will be on the right, you can't miss it."

"Thanks, Patina, you're pretty good for a bug." Daring admitted.

"Umm, thanks I guess? Just keep a nose out for sudden shifts in scents, there won't be any clue anyling is on to you otherwise." Patina warned as she dropped her disguise "Other than t-that, all I can say is-s, good luck."

"Same to you Patina. You've been a great help." Aaron said as the group split ways. They were on their own now.


Delving deeper into the hive, Daring couldn't help that feeling that she was missing something. She thought that it was because they had yet to run into any changelings, despite having descended a few more levels into the cave system. No, there was something else, the nagging tingle that ran up her neck, almost as if she were being watched. Seeing nothing behind her however, Dating shrugged off the chill and tried not to let the creepy cavern get to her.

Having made it to their destination undiscovered, they finally discovered the reason why the caverns seemed to be mostly uninhabited. What must have been the entirety of the hive was filling the central chamber that Patina had directed them to. But changelings weren't the only creatures present.

"Ahuizotle..." Daring whispered to the other two. "I'd recognize that mug of his everywhere." Confident that she had the culprit identified at last.

"Well we can't just barge in there, we need a plan." Aaron stated urgently, their position in one of the upper balconies wouldn't go unnoticed for long. Quickly taking in the surroundings, it didn't take him long to formulate something. "Sunny, take the amulet and tunnel into the wall behind us. Burrow until you're directly beneath that podium over there." he said pointing towards one of two stone platforms near a larger, upright stone ring, "It looks like that's where two of the Stars are. Wait there until the third one's in place, and grab it when I send the signal. You'll be on your own, and we'll have to seal the wall behind you, but once you've got the other three Stars, you get the heck out of here, you got that? It's imperative that these artifacts stay safe. Daring and I will catch up with you when we can."

Sunny nodded her acknowledgement, and with a serious look on her face, she lodged an earth gem in her staff and melted the stone wall enough to afford her access.

"Good luck." Daring do said before the hole sealed up behind Sunny. "Why do you make Sunny do all of the heavy lifting anyway?"

"Now is not the time nor the place, Daring. Suffice it to say, I have my reasons. Now onto the important task. This Ahuizotle person, how does he fight."

"Don't worry about him, Aaron. I can take him."

"No, Daring. I know you've fought him before, but I need you to observe the situation carefully. If there's even a hint of something wrong, I need you to let me deal with him instead."

"What, why? Shouldn't you take care of the, I don't know, hundreds of changelings first? I think I even see a few of Ahuizotle's pony lackeys down there."

"I'm serious, Ms. Do. Look carefully."

"Fine." she sighed. The pegasus edged out closer to the balcony's edge. Nothing looked out of the ordinary about her blue nemesis, who appeared to be giving out his standard evil monologue to the troops. The changeling queen stood behind him and to his right, holding the third orb within her magic. The changeling and pony pawns were all standing at rapt attention, nothing Daring hadn't seen before.

Glancing over to the main stage, where the ring and platforms were situated, didn't reveal anything out of the ordinary either, and yet, deep down, Daring could sense that something was off. She scanned the chamber again. Ahuizotle, Queen, minions, Ancient, possibly evil alter of some sort. What was missing?

'The cats...' was all Daring could acknowledge before she and Aaron were suddenly onset by guards from both directions.

Surrounded and surprised, Daring and Aaron suddenly found themselves in a very tight bind.