• Published 25th May 2016
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Daring Do and the Throne of Ouroboros - Tolerance

Daring Do's a mare of action. So when none of her usual rivals steps up with a new plan to 'rule take over the world,' Daring finds herself desperate to do something, anything to stave off boredom. Even if it means following the faintest of trails.

  • ...

9: On Track

Daring do found herself momentarily blinded by the sunlight when she finally reached the surface. A secluded gully hid the entrance to the underground structure well, nopony would have found it unless they were right on top of it. Worse yet, it also meant that her potential thief was nowhere in sight. There were, however, two sets of hoofprints betraying her quarry's position, one entering and one leaving, but both heading down the northernmost end of the ravine.

Doing what a pegasus does naturally, Daring Do took to the sky, hoping for an aerial glimpse of the stallion. She didn't see him.

"Where'd he go?" Daring said, speedily coming the area. She didn't think he could have gotten far dragging that bag around, but the stallion was apparently good at hiding.

A little too good, it seems, as Daring's only indication of his location came from behind her, the mystery pony having dislodged some rocks into an otherwise silent crevice.

"Oh no you don't!" Daring yelled as she swung around towards the sound of the disturbance, only to catch a glimpse of her target as he disappeared, yet again, beyond some scraggly brush.

The game of cat and mouse lasted for a good five minutes before she was interrupted by the presence of Sunny and Aaron.

"Any luck?” Sunny asked with a shout.

"He's around here somewhere! Damn stallion's got a knack for hide and seek!" Daring double checked the last place she'd seen the pony in question. Noting the tacking course that the pony had spun she gave another report, "I’m pretty sure he's heading towards town!"

Before anyone could contemplate why the possible thief would head towards the sparsely populated town, they were interrupted by a shrill whistle in the distance.

"The train!" They all shouted in unison as the brown earth pony began his mad dash towards the station.

They had to stop him before he could make the locomotive, that much was fact. Daring dove for the stallion in hopes of breaking his stride, but to no avail. For a pony of his size, and carrying such an uneven mass, he was pretty agile on his hooves.

In mere moments, he’d already reached the outskirts of town. From then on, the suspect stuck to the closest side-street, and sped towards the train station.

Two more whistles sounded off in short bursts, the train was about to leave the station.

It became obvious that the two canis, even running along on all fours, were not going to catch up with the stallion in time. They needed a miracle.

Aaron gave a commanding nod to the priestess, who, in one motion, whipped her staff from its position on her back, fitted it with a gem, and struck the earth with her geomancy. Leaving a crater in the street, the energy surged in a shockwave around her staff, easily outrunning their quarry. With a mighty heave, a rock wall pushed up from the street in front of the stallion.

Much to everyone's surprise, the Earth pony simply jumped over the mound of earth, luggage and all. He made it look easy, much to thier collective disbelief.

"No way!" was all Daring could say from her position above. Noticing that the dogs had not lost their momentum, they appeared to also be readying up another attack. Taking that as her cue to move, Daring set herself into another dive.

The train was close enough now that they could see it begin its trek along the tracks. The train’s velocity was steadily increasing.

Another surge of geomancy and another wall rose to the sky, but just as the stallion prepared for his jump, Aaron’s geomancy sunk the whole street beneath him with such a force that the pony suddenly found itself airborne.

Enable to directly alter his vector, the Stallion surprised everyone once more when he hit the wall with much less force than expected. Surprised for only a moment at his own reaction time, the pony then started to run along the wall.

He moved no more than a single step before the full force of Daring's plummeting tackle sent them both into the depths of Aaron's earthen pit.

Before the dust could settle, the train finished it's departure.


Daring and the stranger were still fighting each other down in the pit when the dogs arrived. Navigating the blinding, billowing dust with practiced ease, Sunny attempted to apprehend the would-be pony plunderer, only to find that there were now two Daring Do's.

Confused for only a moment, Sunny simply grabbed both ponies by the scruff of the neck and held them at a fore paw’s length. Their limbs still flailing at each other until they realized their new predicament.

"Put me down! That one's a changeling!" Said the one on the left.

"I'm the real Daring Do here! Stop copying me, Changeling scum! My face is protected by copyright!" Said the one on the right.

"That's exactly what a changeling would say!" argued Left Daring.

Sunny closely scanned the pony in her left claw, then the one on the right. "What's a changeling?" She asked after her scrutiny.

"A race of vile insects that can copy the forms of others to steal their love!" Said the Pegasus on the left.

"They haven't been welcome in Equestria since they attacked Canterlot a few years ago!" Continued Right Pegasus.

"So put me down and lock up that changeling!" The two Daring Dos said in unison, whilst gesturing at each other.

Sunny dropped the one on the right and pushed the other daring against the wall.

"What!? B-but I'm the real Daring D-" The pinned pony pronounced.

"You smell like a bug..." Sunny interrupted.

"O-oh, right. In that case-!" The prisoner started, suddenly pulling violently against Sunny's iron grip. The Changeling dropped its disguise in a flash of green magic and started to transform into something else. Something its prisoner loved, hopefully.

The green flash died off, the changeling suddenly found that it couldn't copy the form it had found with its magic.

"Oh, what's the matter? Changeling can't turn into a Diamond Dog?" Daring teased once she'd dusted herself off. "I should tell the Royal Guard, they'd pay out the nose to get their hooves on anti-changeling guard dogs. Maybe we should send them you as a parting gift!"

Reverting to it’s changeling form, a rather small female, the prisoner continued to struggle against her captor. "No, please! I need to get the thing-"

Aaron coughed, interrupting the rest of the group. "I believe we should continue this elsewhere. Our cover is dissipating." He said pointing up.

Already a crowd had gathered to witness the commotion that had altered their street so dramatically. Some murmurs of magical Diamond Dogs, and whispers of whatever frightful rumor a pony could tell, and still be believed, were reaching panic levels.

All would be disappointed, however. Just as suddenly as the walls and hole appeared, the ponies of Dodge soon found the structures reverting back to normal. Once the abnormally thick dust had settled, there was no evidence that anything had happened in their town at all.


"Please, please let me go with the thing. I-I promise I leave pony, and dogs, alone." The changeling said. It's language broken and chittering when not filtered through its transformation magic.

"And I keep telling you that Master Aaron decides your fate." Sunny replied dryly, for the sixth time.

"But why? You are smart, for dog. You make smart-t decision."

Sunny slapped her paw to her forehead. "And I don't have time to explain to you all of the reasons why that logic doesn't work." She mumbled. 'It was Aaron's idea to bring the changeling along in the first place, so why was she stuck guarding the prisoner?' Sunny questioned herself.

It wasn't long before she heard Daring Do and Aaron discussing something outside.

"You sure about this? These bugs are as dangerous as they come."

"The situation has changed. Besides, there was a time you could have said the same about us."

"But you are still dangerous."

"You should see me when I'm not playing by the rules. Anyway, you of all people should know how good I am at this sort of thing."

"Fine. Have it your way."

Aaron entered the room, set into the ground behind their camp, which acted as a holding cell for the prisoner. "I'll take it from here Sunny."

"Of course, Sir Aaron. I shall be right outside if you need anything."

"Thank you, Sunny, but that won't be necessary. I just want to talk is all." Aaron waited until the other canis had left before he turned to the changeling. "Come closer, please. I'd like to get a good look at you."

Seeing no reason to not comply, the changeling moved closer to one called ‘Master Aaron’. "You the b-boss dog? You let me out?"

"Fascinating. Your exoskeleton structure is quite remarkable. With all of the holes it's a wonder it maintains such structural stability. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Yes. I guess I could be considered the 'Boss Dog'. You may call me Aaron. Do you have a name, miss?"

"Worker drone do not have names. Only queen have name."

"Hmm. That's not very good. Don't you have some way with which you can refer to each other?"

The little changeling thought about it for a while before answering. "Oh, you mean with the s-scents! Everyling has a special scent."

Aaron laughed a bit. Of course they would use pheromones as part of their communication. "Ah, that doesn't really help me either. And we certainly can't call you by the alias of the pony whose image you stole earlier. So how about I give you a name?" After receiving no objections from the changeling, Aaron continued, "Let’s go with something simple, yet still describes you a bit. Can't go with anything bug related, that'd be too easy. Swiss and/or cheese is right out the window. Hmmm, what to do..."

The darting eyes of her captor's leader were starting to make the changeling a bit uncomfortable. Just what was this dog up to?

"Aha!" Aaron shouted, causing the changeling do retreat to the rear of her cell. "I've got it! I'll call you Patina!"

"What? Why?"

"Because of your shell. It's obvious you take pretty good care of it, the way it shines, so you'll be Patina, after the way your shell gleams. Will that work?"

Thinking it over, The changeling was a little confused about the whole naming convention. After all, she was no queen. Although, Patina did have a good ring to it...

"Okay, I acc-cept that name." Stated the newly named insect.

"Great! now then, Patina, on to business."

"I leave with the thing?"

"Do you mean the Star of Earth? The artifact you were sneaking out of that underground structure?"

"Yes. S-star thing for queen. Queen need it or-r else."

"I see. Why does your queen need the Star? Does she know what it is? How to use it?"

"Patina only drone! But Blue-tail say bad things happen if queen not give him S-star thing."

"Blue-tail? Who is that?"

"Big guy. He show up and t-then soldierling listen to him, but not queen. Only w-workers listen. Patina listen to queen. Blue-tail say he want queen to get Star thing, but that queen must stay. So Patina and other workers go find things."

"So, you're only here because you were told to? Where are the others?"

"Patina not know. Patina was in hurry."

"And why is that?"

"Because Patina hear Blue-tail say some very mean things to Queen. Patina can't not bring thing or else-..." The changeling started sobbing.

Aaron was pretty sure he had a fair grasp of what was going on now. Granted, he didn't think his day would end with making a little bug cry, but at least now he knew she was only being used as a tool by whoever this blue-tailed guy was. "Alright. Calm down. What if I told you a little secret?"

This seemed to calm Patina down a bit. "S-secret?"

"Yeah. If you help us, we might be able to get rid of the guy threatening your queen. Would you like that?"


"Good. All you have to do for now is wait in there until we're ready to go. I know you'd rather be anywhere than here, but for this plan to work, I'll need you to play along. Okay? Then, tomorrow, we can start heading to your hive so we can scare away Blue-tail. Can you do that."

Patina nodded in confirmation.

"Great. If there's anything you want to ask in the meantime, go ahead and ask."

The changeling thought about it for a bit before asking. "What are you?"

"Hah, that is a very good question!"


After his conversation with the prisoner, who was now sound asleep. Aaron left the holding cell only to be confronted by Daring Do.

"Oh, so you tell the bug exactly what kind of mythical creature you are, but not me?"

"You never asked."

"Yeah, but how was I supposed to know to ask?"

"And how was I supposed to know that changelings can sense 16 different kinds of love? Besides, it isn't as though it hasn't been hinted enough."

"What, the statue at the den entrance? Still though, you could have just told me. I thought we were friends?" At this the conversation quieted as the two made their way towards the fire Sunny was tending.

"We are." Aaron said solemnly. "Just up and shouting what I am, especially for my own gain, isn't playing by the rules, you know? The more people who know, outside of the den, the harder it will be for me in the future."

'The Future? What could Aaron be thinking up now?' Daring thought to herself before continuing. "Is it true what she said, that she can't read you?"

"I suppose she wouldn't be the first, not by a long shot. But that's not exactly what she meant, was it?" Aaron sighed. "So, what else did you hear?"

"Only that I might know who this 'blue-tail' guy is. Ahuizotle."


"Yeah, guys a real piece of work. And he's not above foalnapping if it means he can get his claws on a powerful artifact. Though he usually targets stuff that has a specific use. I don't know what he could want the stars for."

"All the more reason for us to keep them out of his hands, er, claws then."

"Great. Let me guess, we now have to break into a changeling hive, free the queen, thwart Ahuizotle's plans and steal back the other two Stars?"

"Three Stars." Sunny answered as the other two approached. "While you were busy, I double checked the compass readings, Master Aaron. The Third Star is already on the move."

"Oh, and it just keeps getting better." Daring called out sarcastically. "Then I guess I'm off to bed. No sense in letting our inevitable capture and/or death get in the way of a good night's sleep. I’ll see you both in the morning."

"She seems tense." Sunny observed.

"And she has every right to be."

"Don't we all..."


"Ugh! Why did I have to be the one to do this again?" Daring exclaimed at the prospect of having the changeling use her magic on Daring once more. " I mean, I know you have issues with the whole Diamond Dog, or Canis form, or whatever, but why use me, specifically?

"Because you're the only one who has any emotional connection to another pony." Patina explained, happy to once again be able to communicate through her magic as she began the transformation. "And since Aaron isn't allowing me to steal a form, I need to borrow one from somepony's connections in order to build a new form. Then there’s the fact that, besides the Pragma coming off of the Sunny dog, finding love connections with any of you is proving to be difficult. You're all pretty much loners aren't you?"

"Yeah, yeah, nopony asked for backtalk, grub! Just hurry up and get it over with..."

"Almost, there..." the changeling said as she pulled on the last threads of emotion she needed. With a green flash of magical flame, Patina's appearance began to change. "There we go. How do I look?"

"You look exactly like my cousin." Daring said in disdain.

"No I don't. The fur is obviously darker. And If you remembered your cousin the way you think you do, you'd know that her cutie mark isn't made of a bunch of blueberries."

"Blueberries? Where'd that come from?"

"I don't know. I think I pulled it from one of Sunny's emotions. She has got to be the most emotionally confused individual I've ever met."

"Huh, never thought I'd agree with a bug about something. Well, whatever. Now that you're presentable, let’s go and see if those two managed to secure us some train tickets."


It wasn't difficult to find Sunny or Aaron, as they were surrounded by a small herd of curious townsfolk. It wasn't often that friendly Diamond Dogs would ever visit a pony settlement, let alone purchase a train ticket.

After Daring pulled Patina through the crowd, she was finally able to get the duo's attention. "So how'd it go, did you get the tickets?"

Sunny was the first to speak. "Pony bargaining is weird. A day's worth of snacks is apparently worth as much as the train."

"And despite our trade for only a single private car, I fear we may have over-saturated the gem market around here for weeks to come." Aaron said apologetically. "Had I known earlier, I would have started negotiations with a smaller amount."

"Don't feel too bad about it, the private cars are worth every bit. When do we leave?"

"Within the hour, but I'm told we can board at anytime."

"Why wait?" Asked Daring as she glared at the crowd before heading towards the carriage. The others soon followed.


"Is this all of your guy's stuff? How are a bunch of gems going to help you help the queen?" Patina asked after they had boarded their car. "And what did you do with the Star? You know, in case your plan doesn't work, whatever that is..."

"Hey, you're pretty funny for a changeling." Aaron laughed, "The gems have nothing to do with the plan, if that's what you’re asking. As for the star, I buried it nearby. If the plan fails, I'm sure you changelings can find it the same way you found it last time."

"Okay, I guess. So what's the plan exactly? I think I'd like to know more than: go to the hive and save everybody. Especially if you want me to help with it."

"Of course. Well, the first thing we're going to do is...."

Daring only half-heartedly listened to whatever it was that Aaron was going on about, and leaned closer to Sunny. "Hey, I've also kind of been wondering about where the Star went during our scuffle. He didn't really bury it did he? Doesn't that that seem a little too, well, careless for Aaron?" She whispered.

"Hah, so you do know Aaron better than that. I'm surprised you didn't notice."

"Notice what?" Daring asked quizzically

Sunny revealed an amulet that was mostly hidden behind the tuft of fur on her chest. Made of steelstone and gold, it was shaped into four snakes encircling each other until eventually their own tails rested behind their fangs. On the head of each snake sat a gem, one of which glowed with a faint green hue.

"How?" Daring started before realizing how loud she was. Sunny tucked the amulet away before it could draw the attention of their guest "I mean, the thing was bigger than my head!" Daring finished with hushed tone.

"Aaron could probably explain it better, but he built this device to regulate the Star's energy. Every Star, if we can manage to get a hold of them. I believe he knew someone who theorized that matter and energy were proportional to one another, and that in this case, the matter takes the place of the energy that the Star no longer contains."

"So the Star is weaker than it was when the changeling had it?"

"No, the energy is still there, I think. It's just not there there. I'm afraid I don't understand the specifics as well as I would like. You'd have to ask Aaron if you want to know more."

"I just might." Daring replied.

"... and that's where you come in, Patina. If we stick to the plan, everything should work out all right."

And with that, the train made its final call for departure. The next leg of their journey had just gotten underway.