• Published 5th Feb 2016
  • 547 Views, 2 Comments

Heart and Mind - Quick Fix

Apple Bloom wakes up to find herself in a strange room with most of her memories gone. With only the few she has left and a stranger to bounce them off, can she remember the path and pony that brought her here?

  • ...

Present Eight - Burning Bright

"........APPLE BLOOOOM!!!"

The whole world seemed to have frozen around Pinkie Pie. She couldn't move, couldn't think, could hardly breathe. Her throat ached in protest at the shriek that had just emanated from it and her eyes burned from the mixture of losing the ability to blink and tears welling up at the sight in front of her. Apple Bloom had always been an active pony, to see her lying still like this was more than she could take, including the fact that this was the pony that had wormed her way into her heart made it an unending, unrelenting, unbearable nightmare.

Her neck was the first part of her to start working again and she managed to turn it to look at Sunset Shimmer, who was similarly rooted in place, clearly shocked by what she'd done. Whatever her plan had entailed and no matter how unwittingly, she had openly attacked an innocent in full view of others. She looked back at Pinkie, sweating fearfully, realising just how much trouble she was in, her own plan fallen through for now. Before anypony could react, her horn glowed and she disappeared in a flash, teleporting out to parts unknown. Pinkie stared at the spot for a second before the rest of her mind and body caught up, turning and running for the pair of fallen ponies.

"Peace! Peace get over here!" She cried out, covering the gap quickly and checking Apple Bloom over. Her coat and mane were completely unkempt, several patches were smouldering slightly from the blast, the worst being where the charm had formerly been. Some of her fur had burned off there, leaving the scarring left by the knife cut exposed, the same ankle was sitting at an awkward angle after the impact with the cliff. All in all she looked a total mess, but a mess that was still alive, judging by the slow rise and fall of her chest. Against all odds, her neckerchief had even managed to survive practically unscathed.

"What's..." Peace started as she ran up, stopping and gasping at the sight. She quickly moved forward again and checked them both over. "How did she even...Never mind, I'll get the answers later. Right now we need to get them to safety."

"Them? Oh yeah. I'll carry Bloomie, you lead these ponies." Pinkie said firmly as she buried her muzzle under Apple Bloom's back and lifted her up onto her own back. Peace shook her head slightly and went to organise the remaining ponies as Pinkie turned and ran for the gate, trying not to think about the implications of what she'd said.

The air was a lot cooler outside the town, though not much cleaner thanks to all the smoke spilling out. All the evacuated ponies had gathered on a nearby sand dune, watching the ongoing rescue efforts and helping tend to the injured as best they could with no supplies. Pinkie soon reached them and set Apple Bloom down carefully, caressing her cheek before looking back behind her, seeing the remaining ponies headed their way. Peace Walker was only just making her way out of the gates, Starlight's limp body draped over her back. Behind her, the compound now lay empty, many houses damaged or destroyed, several small fires scattered around in addition to the large one raging along the wall. There wasn't going to be much left by the time it was done.

It didn't matter now though, there wasn't anypony left to be affected by it. Pinkie looked round at the group and smiled to herself, satisfied that the mission was complete. Including herself and Apple Bloom, there was a total of thirty six ponies who they'd needed to help escape and all of them were here now, despite the intensity of the fighting that had taken place. Ten ponies had notable injuries, two of them serious enough to need help walking. One other was completely incapacitated right now, her one...There could also be another who was unconscious right now, or possibly dead, but that wasn't the biggest issue involving Starlight right now.

"Why'd you bring her out?" Pinkie asked as Peace reached her and dropped Starlight onto the sand. The unicorn looked in a bad way up close, her horn still smoking slightly, more than a few visible cuts and bruises showing through her coat.

"Well I couldn't just leave her in there. She either would have woken up and escaped or been caught in some of the damage. If nothing else, I know the princesses would want her brought in, this is one of the most wanted ponies in Equestria we're talking about...Oh no, no...She was number two on the list and, we let the number one get away."

Pinkie simply stared at Peace for several seconds before sitting down next to Apple Bloom and looking away. Much as she would have liked to have known about such an important detail sooner, bringing it up now would just add another point of stress to what everypony had gone through. Many of the others were finally starting to calm down, seeking solace in each other or helping try to keep spirits up. Her own spirit felt rather flat after everything that had happened though, so much as a glance downward would remind her of just how much it had taken. No matter how much Apple Bloom had said she was here of her own choice, Pinkie knew that she had pushed for them both to be here, this consequence was on her.

"Pinkie Pie, can I ask you something?" Peace said quietly, looking over the compound. Pinkie looked over at her in surprise, wondering what was bugging her now and if she'd be up for the party she was planning once everypony was safe.

"What's up?"

"Well, if I'm okay asking. You and Apple Bloom, is there anything between you two?"

"Well...Yeah, we realised it a few months ago but we're only just starting to make something special of it," Pinkie smiled softly at the memories it brought up and the hope of ones yet to come. Peace nodded and looked away again, silent for a full minute before replying.

"I see...You're both very lucky."

"Aww come on, you've got somepony close to your heart, right?"

"Yes, I mean I'm married but I...You didn't see the worst of what went on in that town. I saw it and had to experience it firsthoof, that kind of thing...Well...Just imagining somepony being affectionate toward me gave me nightmares."

"Oh, that's...Awful," Pinkie looked over at her, unable to fathom the idea of being scared of being cared about. After a moments thought she gently placed a hoof on Peace's shoulder. "Well, for what it's worth, I'm sure you're strong enough to overcome it in time."

"...Thanks," Peace looked back over at her and smiled weakly, small but enough to show she appreciated the support. "Nice to know some ponies still have my back. Apple Bloom kept doing her best to help me before as well. I bet she'd be saying something just as reassuring right now."

"Mmrrr...Turn heater down..."

Both Pinkie and Peace turned and looked between them at those words. Apple Bloom was still in her resting place but there were small signs of life starting to show. An inch of leg movement here, a tensed eyelid there. Pinkie gave a happy squee and lay down on her front, watching closely and fighting the urge to hug her before she was ready for it. Eventually, Apple Bloom slowly opened her eyes, still not moving her body yet but glancing up at the sight of Pinkie in front of her and managing to push her head back a tiny bit for a better look.

"Pinkie, what happened?" She asked weakly, her voice dry. "I remember...Leading others then, everything burning, then pain..."

"That was, some very unfriendly fire," Pinkie replied, starting to tear up slightly, emotion heavy in her voice. "We did it though, we won, we're alive...You're alive. I was so scared you hadn't made it."

"It'll take more than that to get me away from the pony I love," Apple Bloom chuckled weakly. "I'm okay-ish. Bad leg hurts a lot and I'm thirsty."

Pinkie giggled slightly before taking her saddlebags off and fetching out the engraved canteen. A quick shake confirmed it still had plenty of water inside. She opened it up and placed it to Apple Bloom's lips, holding it while she took a much needed drink. Peace watched them silently, noting the effort being taken to ensure she moved as little as possible. It was a simple thing, but the first one she'd seen as herself that showed just how deeply Pinkie cared. After a few moments, Apple Bloom moved her head away and let it rest back on the sand, glancing up as Pinkie closed the canteen again.

"You're...Really durable," Peace finally commented, starting to sound more cheerful. "I mean, I didn't think anypony could get up from the state you were in and definitely not that quickly. You did miss a few things while you were out though, want the short version or the long?"

"Short." Apple Bloom answered, glancing up at Pinkie and managing more of a grin, her own voice sounding better now her throat wasn't as dry.

"Well while you were fetching the last group I decided to use my secret weapon against Starlight by mentioning a name that meant a lot to her in the past, she blanked out when she realised she'd have to go after him with her plan and left her wide open to a cheap shot by Sunset which caught you in the blast through bad timing. We got everypony out expect for Sunset who fled when she realised what she'd done and it also turns out Starlight was one of Equestria's most wanted and we managed to bring her down."

Peace's jaw dropped slightly at just how quickly Pinkie had managed to explain that. Apple Bloom listened quietly before smiling and nodding, bringing a hoof up and slowly trying to push herself upright. Both Pinkie and Peace moved to help her, supporting her sides as she slowly made her way up, just about managing to sit herself down. Despite her best efforts, it was clear that she still had barely any strength left, a fact shown by the way she struggled just to keep her head up. Pinkie quickly moved her own head underneath for support, taking the chance to give her a loving nuzzle as well.

"So..." Apple Bloom said after a moment's thought. "We're in the middle of nowhere with three dozen ponies, some of which can't walk...What do we do now?"

"At a guess, I'd say deal with whatever this is first." Peace replied, pointing back toward the compound. Apple Bloom and Pinkie's eyes followed her hoofpoint to the cliff and up to the top of it.

Nopony had noticed their arrival but a small number of pony figures were gathered at the top of the cliff, faintly illuminated by the glow of the fires, their numbers indeterminate in the dark. There were no faces visible, each hidden behind a black helmet that completely covered their heads, a matching faceplate and grey visor covering their muzzles and eyes. What little of their bodies that was visible were similarly adorned in some kind of black armour. Even as they watched, one of this mystery group took off and flew their way, landing in front of the group and drawing the attention of pretty much everypony present.

"Stay calm..." Peace told the assembled group as she took the newcomer in. From the size of them, it was a pegasus mare, though that still just about all that could be told about them. Every part of her body below the head was covered in a series of small, flexible armour plates, including the wings and tail. On the left shoulder was a small bronze patch depicting a pair of white wings aside a golden unicorn horn that was sitting atop a sword hilt, the emblem of the Equestria Defence Force. Even as they watched, the figure looked away and spoke in a deep, distorted voice.

"Commander, it's them. Still need to verify but looks like just about everypony on the list...Yes sir, suspected target is here but was incapacitated before arrival. Get Stable down here double time, we've got multiple wounded civilians...Actually, I do recognise three of them, target included...Yes sir, will standby here, out."

The figure looked back toward the group, straight at Pinkie Pie, before reaching a hoof up and undoing a clip at the side of the faceplate. The plate swung free as soon as she moved their hoof away, exposing a sky blue muzzle as she reached up and removed the helmet fully, light purple eyes coming into view, followed up by a distinctive six tone rainbow mane. Apple Bloom smiled as she recognised just who it was, while Pinkie's eyes lit up and she grinned as widely as ever.

"Rainbow Dash!"

"Oh! Second Lieutenant Rainbow Dash, ma'am!" Peace quickly shot into a standing position and saluted. "Specialist Peace Walker, Recon Corps."

"At ease kid," Rainbow chuckled as Peace lowered her hoof again. "I'm guessing you're the missing scout we were told had been out here."

"What're you doing out here, Dashie?" Pinkie interjected. Rainbow turned to her and grinned as a unicorn stallion clad in the same armour teleported in next to her.

"Originally, we were sent to save your flanks. Now, looks like we're getting you all out of here...How did you two end up involved in this anyway?"

Pinkie glanced up at Apple Bloom who simply managed a small laugh. Telling the story again was going to take a while.