• Published 5th Feb 2016
  • 547 Views, 2 Comments

Heart and Mind - Quick Fix

Apple Bloom wakes up to find herself in a strange room with most of her memories gone. With only the few she has left and a stranger to bounce them off, can she remember the path and pony that brought her here?

  • ...

Past Three - An Expert's Analysis

October 10th

Evening was settling over Ponyville, the growing dusk marking the brief time between ponies returning home from work or school and them coming back out again for the night. As a result, the streets were relatively clear, which was exactly how Apple Bloom wanted them. It was a lot easier to manoeuvre her delivery cart that way, especially with the closest she'd spent the last three and a half days working on fitted to it. This was one of her bigger orders this year but it was done, a job well done and a welcome distraction from her conflicting feelings about Pinkie.

This delivery had an added bonus, namely, it's recipients. Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon, two long-time residents of Ponyville who had become well known for how...Open they were about their feelings for each other. They were always willing to help anypony who might be struggling to understand their sexuality though, which was exactly what Apple Bloom needed right now. As much as she didn't want to admit it, her feelings hadn't gone away at all and she had to consider that she was, well, like that.

Not that it was a bad thing. Same sex relationships in Equestria were, while uncommon, not really considered taboo. There would always be some judgemental ponies out there, but for the most part a live and let live attitude prevailed across the land. Even so, Apple Bloom felt rather awkward as she headed into the west residential area, her feelings flaring up at so much as a thought about Pinkie when she didn't have anything to distract her. Her cheeky, light up the room smile, that happy bouncing walk, her cute mane, lovely eyes and...

And she realised she was blushing again.

Apple Bloom sighed slightly and shook her head, trying to chase those thoughts off again. It didn't mean anything right now, she had a job to do and the light was fading fast. She picked up the pace slightly, nodding a greeting to anypony she passed. There weren't any more distractions about at this time and before long she had reached Lyra and Bon Bon's place. Getting the cart through the gate was a bit of a challenge, but she quickly managed to get through without scratching the paint too much and knocked on the door. A few moments later it was opened by a mint green unicorn with very light green and white mane and lyre cutie mark.

"Apple Bloom, great to see you." Lyra said cheerfully, hoofbumping her and stepping out to get a closer look as Apple Bloom worked on undoing the restraints on the cart.

"Good to see you too, Lyra," Apple Bloom replied. "How's things with you?"

"Pretty good, got some fun ideas for what to get Bon Bon for Heath's Warming. Oh, let me help you with that." Lyra's horn glowed orange and enveloped the closet, lifting some of the weight off Apple Bloom as she shifted it onto her back to carry inside.

"Phew, thanks. Where would you like it?"

"There's a space cleared in the living room, just on the right. Don't worry about trying to keep the shelves in, I got it."

"They're screwed in place, I am a professional you know." Apple Bloom grinned, prompting a small chuckle from Lyra as they moved through to the front room. Apple Bloom carefully moved into place and lowered herself before slipping the closet off her back, standing up to check the top end was settled into position.

Lyra stepped back to give her space, picking up the delivery papers she'd brought in and going to sign for them. Apple Bloom looked up as she finished checking the closet was settled properly. With the hard part over, her mind was starting to wander a little again, back to where she wasn't sure it should yet. This was still something she wasn't sure she could handle herself and now was as good a time as any to seek some advice on the matter.

"Lyra, are you busy right now?"

"Not immediately, why? Did you forget a form?"

"Actually, I kinda needed some advice on-" Apple Bloom couldn't even finished before she noticed that Lyra was focusing on her with a fair degree of intent and anticipation.

"You are? I mean, you might be?"

"I think it's a possibility, I was hoping you two might help me make sense of what I'm dealing with."

"That's what we're here for, take a seat," Lyra said, bouncing slightly in excitement before heading out of the room and calling upstairs. "Sweetie! We have advice to give." Apple Bloom could only watch, ears folded back in surprise. She hadn't expected such sheer enthusiasm to a request like that, but she did as asked and sat down on a nearby chair.

A few moments later, a light yellow earth pony with blue and pink mane came down the stairs and into the room, giving Lyra a quick nuzzle as she did so. Bon Bon had always been the more serious of the two but there was still a glint of excitement in her eyes as she saw who they'd be talking to tonight.

"Good evening, Apple Bloom. The closet looks amazing, worth every bit." She said happily, sitting down opposite Apple Bloom, Lyra sat next to her in that strange, lying back position she was so fond of before pulling a few notes over and glancing through them.

"Okay, Apple Bloom. Firstly, I want to stress that you're in control here. Anything you want to ask or hear, it won't go further than this room," Bon Bon said professionally, lying down and blushing softly as Lyra stroked her mane a little. "If I'm ok to ask, who's the lucky mare you have feelings for?"

Apple Bloom paused, the situation running through her mind again. Her feelings for Pinkie Pie were, well she couldn't really deny that they were feelings. At the same time though, she didn't know how far it went. Was this some weird schoolfilly crush phase that she would be over by this time next week? Something serious that she wanted to pursue? Or something in the middle? For now, she decided to err on the side of caution and see what the two mares thought of it.

"I'd, rather not say right now, just in case nothing comes of it."

"Fair enough." Bon Bon replied, shifting in place as Lyra leaned forward.

"But you do feel something when you think about her?" Lyra asked, waiting as Apple Bloom slowly nodded in response. "Okay, what do you feel? Use as much or little detail as you like."

"Okay, I'll try," Apple Bloom took a breath to compose herself and gather her thoughts. "Well, I think about her, from the whole picture to just some of the little details and...Well, I feel warm. Not the usual kind, a warmth in my chest that spreads quickly across the rest of my body. It makes me feel good, like I can't help but smile when I think of her."

She waited as Lyra and Bon Bon discussed it among themselves. It was strange, but admitting it out loud had taken some of the tension off her shoulders.

"It's a simple enough situation. Would you like the detailed version or the short?" Bon Bon eventually asked, waiting as Apple Bloom indicated that she'd prefer the shorthoof version. "From our own experiences and that of others. It sounds like you're experiencing genuine attraction toward this pony."

Apple Bloom blinked and sat back on her chair, mind trying to process the result. She'd wanted to avoid using the serious terms for what she thought she might be, hearing it from them, how this might be the real deal. All those years of never seeing a stallion that took her fancy, was it because she had been a lesbian all along? Apple Bloom slowly looked up, wearing a look of confusion. The minimal but supportive reaction it got from Lyra and Bon Bon suggested that this was every bit as common.

"A...I mean...I know it's what you do but, just saying I may have been looking at the wrong type all this time. Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure for the detail you gave us," Lyra commented. "Emotional attraction is very important and judging by your description, you have some of that."

"It's not just that though, is it?" Bon Bon added. Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"That's fine, physical attraction makes sense as well. Even I see some ponies that interest me when I look at their body as well as their personality," Lyra added, prompting a glare from Bon Bon which we responded to with a cheeky grin. "I just observe, nothing more."

Apple Bloom nodded, thinking it over. The more she thought, the more she realised that she had experienced both kinds of attraction. It was almost embarrassing but it really sounded like they were onto something with all these observations and points. At the same time though, there was still a part of her mind that couldn't help but think maybe all this was just a weird phase. She took a breath and nodded, trying to focus again.

"Alright, that all sounds like what I've experienced. Anything else I should have been looking out for?"

"Does the warmth concentrate between your legs?" Lyra remarked, prompting a shocked gasp from Apple Bloom and an irritated nudge from Bon Bon. "What? Physical attraction is easily followed by sexual attraction."

"Yes but you don't need to get so crude in front of a guest." Bon Bon retorted, sitting up quickly.

"I thought you of all ponies would understand it better than anypony, considering what you try on me upsta-" Bon Bon punched Lyra's shoulder and looked away with a scowl. "You like it really."

"...You're lucky you're cute." Bon Bon said eventually.

"I love you too." Lyra replied, putting a hoof round Bon Bon's shoulders and pulling her close enough for a kiss on the cheek. After a moment, Bon Bon simply relaxed into her lover's hold.

Apple Bloom watched silently, something dawning on her. She'd been waiting through that whole personal venture off topic and no matter what, Bon Bon had still been smiling ever so slightly, her voice softer than expected for somepony put in that spot. These two ponies understood how to work off each other at the deepest level there was, each other's hearts, minds and souls. Considering how many ponies came to them for advice on this sort of thing and short of being Princess Cadance herself...

Yeah, they knew what they were talking about. Apple Bloom soon thought of something else and cleared her throat to bring their focus back to her.

"Sorry, but just to finish up. What would you recommend I do?" She waited as the two ponies composed themselves and thought it over. It was Bon Bon who spoke up first.

"How do you think the mare would react if she was told how you felt about her and knew it was serious?"

"Well, she's pretty easy going, very understanding, quite good at seeing the bright side but also knows to be serious when she needs to."

"Then, truth be told. You should probably tell her how you feel." Bon Bon sounded a little cautious, a reminder that this wasn't an easy step.

"When the time feels right," Lyra added, taking the situation seriously again. "Though from what you've said, even if she isn't interested, she'll appreciate the feeling."

Apple Bloom nodded, thinking it over. Even though the mare in question was Pinkie, she didn't feel ready to admit to anything just yet. Even if she was falling for the pink party pony, she needed to be completely sure rather than risk looking like a jerk when her feels tailed off.

"Alright, well, I think I have all I need for now. Thank you both, I've got a lot to think about over this." Apple Bloom said as she got up, shaking hooves with Lyra and Bon Bon before making to leave, just about avoiding overhearing another quiet comment from Lyra that prompted irritated muttering from Bon Bon.

As she headed back outside and checked her cart over. Apple Bloom took a moment to consider what she should do. The idea of her sexuality being different hadn't been a serious one before, but based on what she'd been told back there, it made sense and seemed...Okay. Yeah, if she was a lesbian, that would still take some getting used to.

What other ponies might think though...Even in a land of relative tolerance, her mind was auto piloting toward imagining the worse scenarios that could come of it and she didn't like that one bit. She decided that for now, this was to be kept to herself until she could come up with an answer on what was going to happen with Pinkie. With that, she took the cart and set off into the night. For now, she was heading time, tomorrow, she would come up with a new way to hang out with Pinkie Pie. Just thinking her name brought that warm feeling up again.

If this was what being attracted to a mare really felt like...Even if that wasn't her thing, she could just as easily live with feeling like this.