• Member Since 8th Feb, 2012
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A gang of bandits, lead by the mysterious Western Shade, rob a plethora of valuables from under the Royal Guard. Suspicious, Shine Paladin, along with Gothic and Blueblood, investigates, traveling to the small town of Prairieville. While there, Shine discovers the shocking truth behind Western Shade.

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 80 )

Yes! Another story! If this is a mystery story, then shouldn't there be a mystery tag? Just a suggestion. It's fine if you don't.

6929620 It's not exactly a mystery, though. Western Shade is mysterious at first, but that won't last, trust me.

So, Black is really alive! Oh, boy, Shine is going to be very shocked and confused when he finds out about this

"Cut him some slack, Solomon." Loveless growled. "Sterling has been in prison for months. That sort of thing has an effect on even the toughest stallions. I'm sure he will be fine once he was given time to re-acclimatize. That's all..."

"Well, he did just spend months in prison." Loveless pointed out. "That sort of thing has an effect on even the toughest of stallions. He just needs some time to re-acclimatize, that's all..."

I feel that this needs to edit. It's like Loveless is repeating himself.

I hope steerling turn out like finn from star was

It would also Nice to have a TR-8R like battle with him


Lovely!.... Wanna know something?

I kept thinking that they were 'ForeFeathers' instead of 'ForeFathers' :rainbowlaugh: an evil organisation called 'ForeFeathers' :rainbowlaugh: and i also thought that Loveless was a mare :rainbowlaugh:

But ignore me being silly :rainbowlaugh: Awesome chapter! Keep being Awesome!

I wonder why Celestia is angry about? I know it's about Black, but, still...something else is bugging her...

I agree with Vakama. Something is deeply upsetting Celestia and she should never spill it all out on her husband.

western shade looks like a dark version of robin hood

Mad max references. Any chance we'll see a bald mare with a robot limb?

I hope you don't intend on breaking up Celestia and Shine Paladin through this story, Blue. Because if that were to happen, it would end up destroying the significance of how Her Shining Paladin demonstrated in how not only Shine getting his cutie mark because of Celestia, but also how it demonstrated that they're deeply meant for each other.

Black has a son?! Wow, this kinda rocks my world

OML this is huge!

This is going to end badly for the cousins.

I got the feeling that this story feels like a ripoff from Aladdin and the king of thieves

6995799 I'll admit, certain elements are based on that. But there's more to come, some of which you won't see coming.

this is insetting story concept for a story idea. your sentences have a tendency to be a bit bland at the moment, you could use more word play to liven things up a little. Also as a tip about having a foal as Celestia's and Luna's foal I would suggest that you don't be shy about making your character suffer trough ordeals to make him grow as a character.

Oh Joy! Black is back. No offense, but can't you just keep him dead? I mean seriously, trying to kill a little alicorn filly for no good reason? Trying to kill a little alicorn filly? Talk about sick.

Also, is this going to be something where there is an excess of romance? I don't mind romance, but it isn't my most favorite thing in the world either.

Ohhhh! I get it! The first chapter is a flashback-y thing!

Also, I like how you've made Sterling seem more like a goodish-bad guy. No, more like... Ivypool from Warriors: Omen of the Stars. At first, they are a true part of the bad guy's team, but then something changes them and they fight for the good guys by fighting from within. Except, Sterling isn't exactly fighting the Forefathers, so yeah. Oh well.

Still, have a mustache :moustache:

6995699 I have this feeling in my gut that tells me that thing going to get really ugly, and my gut is never wrong...sometimes

This is a fun story so far the fist few chapters were a bit confusing for me to understand, but when the chase for the criminals it started to be interesting.

Thank you Shade for putting Call in his place.

Yep, shade wiil definetily be the general from the RDL

He then glared at the two cousins. "But not for long..."

Holy crap! :pinkiegasp: life is just about to get interesting :rainbowderp: :pinkiegasp: :pinkiecrazy: :rainbowdetermined2:

Man, things are getting reallly intense here

Oh c'mom! Celestia and Shine must talk about what is troubling them and fast!

I AM starting to think that call duty is gonna end Just like killsquad

Okay, what the heck is up with Celestia?! She never acted like this!

Oh, boy, I've got a bad feeling about this...

"Yeah, you should probably not try to make fun of Midnight in the future." Caboose advised. "I heard her 'boyfriend' is quite the... undertaker. And I'm not talking about the wrestler..."

So it's better call a beast do deal with him.

Oh, boy, this is not gonna end well...

7110148 altough, I have a feeling that it's going to end just like in Aladdin and the king of thieves

"Well, unlike you, I don't act like the world owes me a living." Shade growled. "I got where I am on my merits and skills, not the size of my wallet. And unlike you, I don't treat ponies like gar"


Great chapter. I wonder how Celestia and Shine are going to react to this.

Okay. I will stay tuned for more.

You keep mixing Shade and Shine up.

I knew something had happened between him and that mare who saved him!:ajsmug:

"Good night, Celesta." Shine murmured.

Celestia, not Celesta. Or are you trying to make things worse between Shine and Celestia?
To be honest though, as a Celestihater, I don't mind calling Celestia names. Nice idea. "Cakehog" fits Celestia perfectly.

7109888 No, I think this is going to be perfect. Everyone will totally be happy, and Shade will totally not discover his father's true nature. :ajbemused:

But, seriously, understate much?

oh... poor Shade, poor Shine. I feel sorry for both of them.

I almost choke on my pizza when Caboose said he will let Elite buck him, vice versa, or any object. Geez Caboose calm down. I'm okay now.

7142264 That's a ref to MacGruber if you had ever heard of it.

7142511 I haven't until now.

I had suspected that the story idea was 'heavily inspired' the third Dysanie Aladdin movie, but this just proves it.

C'mon Flecther you don't raise a kid with money, you raise him with love. I hope Dove help him figure out.

7161881 he is also flowerly from undertale.

"I meant what I said, Shine." Celestia smiled. "Shade, for all his failings, is in need of help. regardless of my personal feelings, I would never allow one one of my subjects to suffer needlessly."

Capital r

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