• Member Since 8th Feb, 2012
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While the Changeling hive is recovering from a near disaster, King Sleight discovers that Chrysalis has been keeping a big secret from him. A secret that is coming right to their door, offering to mend old wounds.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 52 )

Oh, great, Chrysalis is very pissed...this will not end well...

Good grief, don't you have enough cliffhangers in your stories already?

Now this is interesting

7718874 I'll try not to make a habit of it here. It just seemed like the best way to end this chapter.

7719193 Thanks. Also, I expected Sazh to be more sympathetic with Thorax since the former had felt like an outcast among the Changlings for a long time, especially since the latter should have felt like an outcast too when we first meet him.

7719205 True, but through it all, Sazh remained loyal to his hive. Thorax left, and Sazh had a hard time forgiving him for that.

7719336 Then this is a chance for Thorax to make amends.

Yes yes yes!!! I've been waiting for this moment.:rainbowkiss:

AGH, it's the pastel abominations! Kill them, kill them with fire!

So the traitor crawls back... I wonder if his tired look is a sign that things are not well in his traitorously stolen hive.

... Well, Chryssie is taking it well.


Never argue with your wife, Sleight.

Just force Thorax to abdicate, put him on permanent hungry grub duty and watch them drown him in their amassed bodies.

This is going to be alot harder then we thought

"I would sooner drown myself in a pool of Timberwolf urine! I would even prefer to bathe in hydra saliva!"

Sheesh Chrysalis, where did you get those lines? AVGN?

Saw a reference from the MLP: Friends Forever comics about Discord working at an office job!

Plus, big foreshadowing on Glinda's choice! Ooh, what will her final decision be...?

7733297 Just saying, Razzy, if you are expecting bad things to befall Thorax and his hive, then you will be disappointed.

7734145 One can anyways dream. I at least expect Chryssie to blast him through a wall at some point.

Also, it's be amusing if it turned out that the new Cinos (Changelings In Name Only) could revert to their previous form if they drain someone or something.

Well, if it was mentioned here that Flurry is Shining and Cadance's first kid, then what about Anthem (from your earlier stories)? Unless this one is a different continuity.

7746003 He's still around in this continuity. He's just the second-born now.

No, Sleight, don't let yourself be tricked by Thorax! He's not a good guy at all.

See, Chryssie's resentment for you, Thorax, might have something to do with you still seeing stealing her life's work and her children from her as a good thing.

Great story so far :) Can't wait to see more :pinkiehappy:

7752794 You don't know that for certain.

7753493 He literally said that he firmly believes that taking over the hive war the right thing to do. Gee, I wonder if that attitude plays a part in her hatred of him.

7746003 You have to understand that those stories were written well before season 6. As far as the TV show goes, back then, we were expecting Cadance and Shining Armor's kid to be Princess Skyla.

You know, I think what Sleight last said to his wife will help her change her mind in the long run.

DAAAYYYUUUMMM!!! I knew Chrysalis needed to be taken down a peg or 2, but this is beyond pushing it. Thorax's side was completely unexpected though.

Wow, that was very intense...I like the story, but I got a bad feeling about this

*sigh* Well, it's seems less and less likely that Chrysalis POW would hold through the story, and the ridiculous conception of "just letting it go" is more and more likely to prevail... a pity in it's own right, imao.

On the other hand there are very few precious things that help me feel true HATE nowadays. So have my sincere thanks on that matter and GLHF!

And once again Thorax shows that there's nothing Chryssie has that he cannot take away while playing innocent. Well played, traitorous scum.

Has he even apologised to her for taking away her hive at some point?

Yes, Sleight, because prostrating yourself before someone who took away everything you had in life and thinks that it's a good thing is surely what she should do.

I'm surprised that the rebel changelings didn't show up yet

Phew, at least she didn't do anything rash.

... Why do I feel like that Glinda is going to choose this moment, where Chryssie is especially vulnerable, to undergo the metamorphosis and personify Chryssie's fears?

Glinda embrace the rainbowness.:heart:

Thank goodness that Thorax managed to convince Chrysalis to join their hives.

Also, it warmed my heart to have Sleight convince his wife to be accepting of daughter, Glinda, wanting to try out a metamorphosis.

Nuuuuuuu, they bought the obviously staged show! :raritydespair:

It was so nice that Chrysalis is allowing Glinda to give the metamorphosis thing a try, I can't wait to see how that will go, as well as how Glinda will look like.

I'm happy that Chrysalis accepted the union, but I got a bad feeling about this for the next chapter

Well, i really needed that surge of HATE to start a new year with as it's one of the few things that really helps with motivation. Thanks on delivering! GLHF.

7835661 *shrugs* It's no riddle or trolling, so it simply means what is written. Though it's no problem to lay out a prolonged version in point-by-point basis...

1) Certain strong emotions help me with my motivation for some of my activities (like fanfiction or rpg session preparation)
2) Hate is one of them and actually the most efficient in that regard.
3) Unfortunately, it's not that easy to find a proper motivational story for that purpose - as it requires:
- at least an average writing (and preferably better than that)
- an interesting general concept/premise (from my POV)
- to feature character i do actually care about in a certain way (easier in MLP than in any other setting i know)
- and the story development should go straight against my wishes (the easiest part actually)
4) Here, the concept of Chrysallis absolutely having "to just get over her *issues* with Thorax" hit the spot absolutely perfect!
5) So, as a polite and gratefull guy that i am, i sincerely thanked author for his help in my endeavours and wished him GLHF.

And yeah, sure i like to read stories that give me positive emotions more, it's just that those are even harder to find (mostly in regards to being good/interesting as a whole story, not just a part of it) and they also tend to actually lower my motivation rather than opposite.

I always thought only the male changelings can have those three stones on their chest as the females have none. Loving Glinda's new form.

So the rebel changelings are apearing soon

I'm so happy about Glinda's new form! I guessed that this would happen and it all came true! And I'm happy for Vito and the whole new Glinda, I ship them!

7861112 I thought that too at first, but there's no real way of telling the males from the females at the moment. Two of the new Changeling variants are lacking the gems, but that's not solid proof that they're all female.

So it happens, the hives - united, the last bastion of the true changelings falls. I wonder how will it develop, seeing as, at least so far, the metamorphosis is a one way street, with only true changelings being able to change into Crayonlings, not the other way around. How long before there's hardly any of the true ones left? I just hope Chryssie isn't betrayed and left alone again, or worse.

... I wonder if Sleight could change, being only partially a changeling.

Speaking of which, Chryssie calls all the changelings her children. Maybe it war explained somewhere in the story and I simply forgot, but does Chryssie lay eggs for all the lings in this verse?

Good to see that there's some unity here.

A great ending to a great story

Well, that was a bit extreme. Collapsing an entire hive?

So the hives are together. Not bad, though, unless the classic changelings have a higher birth rate than the new ones, they'll be slowly replaced by the new ones, as their numbers will grow both by natural birth and conversions.

I still think Chryssie should've bucked Thorax in the balls as payback. >.>

King Sleight? Don't you mean Thorax?

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