• Published 11th Feb 2016
  • 2,380 Views, 6 Comments

The Weathermare and the Seamstress - FillyD

The day before the Summer Sun Celebration was supposed to be just a boring delivery. It turned out Ponyville had something more in store for Rainbow Dash than she would ever have guessed.

  • ...

The Weathermare and the Seamstress

"Delivery! Here with that morning mist you ordered," Rainbow Dash called out, rapping on the door to Ponyville town hall, "Where do you want it?"

The morning mist was wrapped into a tight bundle, resembling more of a dense cloud than anything, and resting on her back. Flying all the way from Cloudsdale with a load of mist balanced between her wings had been tricky, but she'd pulled it off easily. And tonight she would have to unpack the mist and spread it around so that everything looked just right for the Summer Sun Celebration.

Ponyville had special ordered that morning mist, and they'd gotten a specialist to go with it. Morning mist was a delicate bit of weather, and Rainbow wasn't about to let some yokels muck it up when they tried to spread it around. It had taken her days at the weather factory to weave this mist, and she didn't want to hear any complaints that it got improperly installed. "Yo, delivery!" she called again, knocking harder, but still no answer. Muttering to herself, Rainbow tried the handle, and found it unlocked. The big, rough oak door swung silently on its hinges as she swept it open. "Morning mist delivery!" she yelled into the fairly impressive lobby inside. She hadn't really expected such a small town would have such a large meeting hall, but then, it was probably the only one around for miles.

"Just a moment!" a sing-song voice chimed out from down one of the hallways. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, and wandered inside. It was better to store the mist out of the sun anyway. With a shrug, the bundle of mist slid down her outstretched wing, and settled on the floor by the door.

Rainbow walked in aimless meanders, taking in the features of the town hall. While it had been bigger than expected, it was still tiny compared to the airy vaults and amphitheaters of Cloudsdale. Everything being made of clouds did tend to get a little boring after a while though, and Rainbow Dash took the opportunity to examine the grain of the wooden columns through the paint.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, darling. What was it you were here regarding?" The cheerful voice came from over her shoulder, along with the sound of hooves rapping on the wooden floorboards.

"Oh yeah, morning mist deliver...whoa." Rainbow Dash turned, and there she was. A unicorn mare with an immaculate white coat, and a purple mane done up in elegant purple curls. Her blue eyes sparkled, and her mouth curled up into a genuine smile.

"Ooh, the mist is here! Where did you put it?"

"Huh?" Dash shook her head slightly, trying to get her thoughts straight again. Her stomach was suddenly tight and fluttering, and it was all she could do to keep her wings folded at her sides. "Oh, yeah. I put it by the door for now, where would you like it?"

"The storage closet down the hall is nice and cool, that should be the best place for it. I'll show you."

"Great," Rainbow said, walking back over to her delivery, and wrestling it onto her back again. The unicorn was walking across the room, headed for one of the half dozen doors that lead out of the meeting hall. Rainbow Dash followed, making a concerted effort to look at her own hooves, rather than at the pony she was following. Certainly not at the bob and sway of that curly purple tail.

"You can just set that in here for now, darling," the unicorn said, magically pushing open the door to a small closet cluttered with office supplies. Rainbow managed to find a sufficiently empty corner, and carefully stowed the mist away. "There. Oh dear, how rude of me, I don't believe we were ever properly introduced!"

"Oh, right. Hi, the name's Rainbow Dash, nice to meet you..." Dash offered a hoof.

"Rarity." She replied, pressing her own hoof against Dash's. Dash could feel her feathers twitching anxiously at the touch, and quickly pulled away.

"Right. Rarity. Nice to meet you, Rarity." Rainbow Dash said, only briefly making eye contact before turning and gesturing back down the corridor with a wing. "So, are you the one who ordered morning mist?"

"Oh, why yes I am," Rarity said as she fell in beside Rainbow Dash, walking together back to the main hall. "I think it will add just the nicest touch of glamour and mystique when Celestia raises the sun for the Summer Sun Celebration. I've always thought it was so much prettier than that plain old morning dew we get all the time."

"Yeah, it's pretty awesome," Dash said, "It's kind of a pain to make though."

"Wait, you made that?" Rarity exclaimed, coming to an abrupt halt and fixing Rainbow Dash with an intense, giddy grin.

"Uh...yeah?" Was all Dash could think to say as she nervously slowed to a stop. The explosion of giggles from Rarity made Dash spring into the air, unsure what was going on. When she finally calmed down, Rarity cleared her throat and composed herself, even as her cheeks tinted with embarrassment. Dash couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yes, well. I apologize, I seem to have gotten a tad carried away. It's just exciting to meet another proper artist in this town."

"Artist?" Dash said, landing beside her. "I just make special weather."

"Oh don't be so modest, darling," Rarity said, whisking past Dash and continuing on their path down the hall with a flick of her tail. Dash's brow creased with frustration, trying to figure out if she'd done that on purpose, of if it was just the bouncy curls. "Creating something beautiful like that is most definitely an art."

"If you say so," Dash shrugged and hurried to walk beside her, mostly so she didn't have to keep looking away from that tail. "So, you're an artist?"

"Designer. I design and sell clothes...or, well, at least I try. It has proven difficult to 'make it' in a town like Ponyville. Most of my business is mending rips and sewing curtains and quilts." The playful smile she'd worn since they met vanished. "Honestly, I'm hardly more than a seamstress."

"Hey, don't beat yourself up over it," Dash said, while she considered the idea of giving a reassuring pat on the back. She decided against it. "You seem to really like that morning mist, but all I see when I look at it is the eighteen hours I spent weaving it together under a magnifying glass."

Rarity laughed at that, and to Dash's relief, the smile crept back onto her face. "I suppose art and tedium depend on the audience."

"I'm not really sure what 'tedium' means, but I'm sure I agree."

Rarity laughed again, and they finally walked back out into the main hall. There was a sparkle in her eye, and it made Dash's heart beat faster. Swallowing a nervous lump in her throat, Dash pressed on. "So...what are you doing for the rest of the day?" Dash said, trying to lean casually against one of the columns, only to stumble when it was a hoof-length farther away than she'd expected. She assured herself that she had kept her cool though.

"I've got to get this hall decorated," Rarity said, gesturing from a nearby pile of boxes to the unadorned walls and eaves. "Princess Celestia will be holding the reception here."

"Need any help?" Dash blurted out. Somehow she resisted the urge to smack her forehead in disappointment, as she chided herself internally. 'Lamest first date ever, she'll never say-'

"Why yes, certainly dear," Rarity said, opening one of the boxes with magic, "I would love some help. But I'm sure there are many things you'd rather spend your day doing than helping me decorate."

"Can't think of any," Dash said, burying her nose in a pile of festive garlands to hide her sly grin.


It had been a long and, quite frankly, boring afternoon, but Dash was happy she'd done it. It had given them a lot of time to talk. She had learned about Ponyville, about Rarity's little sister...what's-her-name, and most importantly about Rarity herself. She had also told Rarity all about life in Cloudsdale, and set off a minor wallowing session when Rarity loudly lamented that she would never get to see Cloudsdale because she wasn't a pegasus. Dash had rescued the situation by offering to carry her, a suggestion which had been surprisingly well received.

Finally, the last banner hung, they were done. While she hadn't really appreciated all the work that had gone into it, Dash had to admit that the rather plain looking town hall now looked elegant and royal enough for a princess. "Whew, and done," she said, looking over at Rarity, who was scanning every detail with one last critical eye, before nodding.

"Indeed. I would be here for hours yet if I'd had to do this alone. Thank you."

"Aww, don't mention it."

"Now now, I simply must insist that I get the chance to thank you properly. We have an hour or so before sunset and the real party begins, so allow me to treat you to dinner."

"You don't have to-"

"I know, but I will," Rarity said with a wink, gently nudging Rainbow Dash towards the door, "And I won't take no for an answer."

"Hey, alright, I'm not against eating," Dash said, walking outside with Rarity falling in beside her. Following her lead, the pair made their way through the streets of Ponyville. The streets were largely empty, most ponies preparing for the night's festivities, or catching an early nap. "But I'll pay for my own food, it's okay."

"It is not okay! I shall be your hostess, since you are new in town, and a good hostess would hardly make her guest pay for everything."

"Rarity, I can't just let you pay for the whole date!" Rainbow Dash blinked in shock, unable to believe she'd just said that.

"So this is a date, is it?" Rarity smirked at her, and at that moment all Dash wanted to do was fly away as fast as possible.

"N-no! I didn't mean...I meant...like...the fruit," Rainbow Dash screamed inwardly to stop talking, but the words just kept going, "Not a date date..."

"The fruit?" Rarity was struggling not to laugh, but soon devolved into a fit of giggles. "Rainbow Dash, of course this is a 'date date', as you put it. And I certainly don't plan to be upstaged by fruit." The sense of relief did nothing to alleviate her embarrassment, but Dash managed a smile before looking away. Maybe when Rarity stopped laughing, she could muster the courage to look at her again. There was a sudden warmth in her side as Rarity leaned against her. "Aww, cheer up. I thought that was very sweet..." Rarity said softly, right next to her ear. It sent shivers down her spine, and Dash's chest swelled with a sudden confidence, a hope that she could still salvage this night and be cool again.

"...like the fruit." Rarity finished, stealing the wind out of Dash's sails, and earning herself a pouty scowl. She just laughed, and pointed out the little cafe they'd be eating at.

'The food can't get here fast enough,' Dash muttered to herself.


The food had, surprisingly, gotten there extremely fast. The waiter seemed a little stuck up with his slicked-back mane and almost definitely fake accent, but he was really good at his job. Rainbow Dash was impressed, and the rather tasty wine that Rarity had ordered for them had helped smooth her ruffled ego. Thankfully, the conversation had turned to more benign topics once more.

"So, did you always want to be a weather pony?" Rarity asked, nibbling away at the salad she'd ordered.

"Not always. When I was a filly, I wanted to be a Wonderbolt," Rainbow said after swallowing the cheesy mouthful of portobello slider she'd been chewing. She washed it down with a sip of wine. "But you've gotta grow up sometime, right? When I moved out of my Dad's house, I needed to do something to pay the bills, and it turns out I'm pretty good at it."

"I know what you mean. I very nearly gagged when I first opened my boutique and someone asked me to make curtains for them. But once I realized it was a choice between artistic integrity and eating, I managed to swallow my pride. I'm certainly not going to go crawling back to my parents for help. They were so smug that I'd never make it on my own, and that I'd need their money to make it work."

"And you showed them."

"I certainly did," Rarity said, leaning on the table to stare into Dash's eyes. Dash returned the gaze, and they were silent for a minute.

"Hey, you want one of my sliders?" Rainbow Dash asked suddenly, evidently startling Rarity out of their tender silence.


"C'mon, they're really good. Not sure what they seasoned the cheese with, exactly, but you gotta try one." Rainbow Dash picked up one of the few remaining on her plate, and stretched it across the table for Rarity.

"Dash, I'm a lady, and that's not a very lady-like meal..."

"So, what, does that make me a gentlecolt?"

"By no stretch of the imagination," Rarity said flatly, but her mouth did curl into a mischevious grin, "Alright, but just this one." Wrapped in a faint blue aura, Rarity popped the little mushroom treat into her mouth, eyes darting around as though she was afraid to get caught stealing it. Then her eyes widened, and a look of bliss swept across her face. "'at's v'ry g'd!" She tried to say, her mouth full. Rainbow Dash sat up straight, and put on her best airy voice.

"Miss Rarity," she chided, "A lady does not speak with her mouth full." Rarity looked absolutely mortified, and quickly snatched up her wine glass, taking a deep draught to wash it down. Rainbow couldn't help but snicker.

"That was your fault," Rarity said primly, dabbing daintily at the corner of her mouth with her napkin.

"My fault?"

"Yes, absolutely."

"Sorry I'm such a bad influence, Lady Gorge-a-lot."

"A lady does not gorge," Rarity said, her voice sharp, but her eyes dancing playfully, "She over-indulges."

The pair broke out in a peel of laughter, though it was interrupted by the waiter arriving to ask about dessert. Before Rarity could speak up, Rainbow Dash seized the opportunity.

"Do you have any dates?"


They did, in fact, serve date tarts, so each of them had one for dessert. As it turned out, neither of them particularly liked dates. They'd gone their separate ways after dinner; Rainbow Dash to check in to her hotel room, and Rarity to her place to get ready. The plan was that Rarity would come get Dash and show her where the real Summer Sun party was held in Ponyville.

Dash flopped down on the thin, lumpy mattress in her room at the Ponyville Arms Hotel. She'd been up relatively early to get the mist together and fly into town, and would need to be up all night if she wanted to go to that party with Rarity. And on top of all that, she needed probably an hour's worth of work to get the morning mist set up before sunrise. She should have slept that afternoon, instead of spending it with Rarity. Was it worth it?

"Totally," Rainbow said, curling up with the stiff pillow, and drifting off into a quick catnap.

She woke a little over an hour later to an insistent, but not aggressive, knock on her door. She had dreamed something, though she couldn't really remember what it had been. Something about the moon crashing into Ponyville? She shook her head and dismissed it as unimportant. After a quick look in the mirror and a quick sweep of her hoof, Dash decided her mane was presentably awesome enough, and answered the door.

"Hey Rarity," she said, hopefully not too eagerly. "You ready to party?"

"Absolutely. Are you ready to see how we party in Ponyville?" Rarity looked mostly the same, though her hair and makeup seemed newly styled, except for the dress she now wore. It was a short skirt, barely draping down her flank and nowhere near touching her cutie mark, and the whole thing was sharp, crisp lines in various hues of purple that went well with her mane.

"Lead the way."

Together they left the hotel, and Rarity pointed out the top of a large tree in the distance. "That's the town library, and that's where we're going."

"What? We're going to the library? I thought you said we were partying!" Dash said, stopping dead in the street.

"We are. Just trust me." Rarity said, gesturing for her to keep walking. "It will be lots of fun, you'll see."

"Yeah, well..." Dash reluctantly followed, "We better not just be reading all night. I could sleep at the hotel."

"Just hurry up," Rarity said, breaking into a light trot, which obliged Rainbow Dash to match it. Soon the tree was towering over them, and a crowd of ponies were mingling around the single open door at the base. As they passed the little knots of ponies, many of them greeted and waved to Rarity, and shot Rainbow Dash some polite smiles as well. Dash was reflecting on what a nice town it was as she passed through the door into the party proper. There were dozens of ponies, and if not for the walls lined with books, you'd never know the building was meant to be a library. Cheery music blasted from a gramophone in the corner, and pairs of ponies danced in the wide open space in the middle of the room. Tables heaped with treats and punch lined the far wall, and everywhere Dash looked, somepony was having fun.

"Hi Rarity! Bye Rarity!" A small, high-pitched voice called out from a little white blur as a filly raced past them back outside. 'Obviously What's-her-name' Dash thought to herself as she followed Rarity around the perimeter of the room to the snack table. Rarity levitated some pastry or another up, nearly bumping it against Dash's nose, and looked at her expectantly.

"It's not another date, is it?" Dash asked. Rarity laughed, and playfully waggled the pastry in the air until Rainbow Dash took a bite. It wasn't date at all. It was probably one of the most delicious apple fritters Rainbow Dash had ever tasted.

"They are simply amazing, aren't they? The Apple Family never disappoints." As Dash tried to take a second bite, Rarity snatched the fritter away, taking a bite for herself. They exchanged playful scowls, and Rarity took another bite before letting Rainbow Dash finish it off.

There was a lull in the music as the record ended, and someone put on a new one. In contrast to the cheerful first record, this next one was intense and passionate, and Rainbow Dash found herself compelled to move.

"C'mon, let's dance!" She said, hooking one of Rarity's forelegs with a hoof, and pulling her towards the dance floor.

"I'm not really the best da-hey!" Rarity exclaimed as Rainbow Dash flexed her wings and sprang into the air, pulling Rarity forcefully off her hooves, only to catch her in a powerful bear-hug and twirl her around. The indignant shout gave way to delighted laughter as their hind hooves touched the ground, Dash used her wings to keep them both upright while their forelegs intertwined.

"Just follow my lead," Dash said, puffing out her chest, "I'll show you how it's done." Without so much as a gentle sway to ease Rarity into it, Rainbow Dash launched into a complicated, erratic dance. There were twists and twirls, dips and spins, and more than once Rarity stumbled, only for Dash to pull her close and keep her from falling. Most of the other ponies were just watching their neighbour Rarity dancing with this colourful stranger, but a few were engaged in their own impassioned dances, and one pegasus couple seemed to have decided to copy Dash's moves. In what felt like no time at all, the music shifted to another song, and Dash let them both sink down to put their forelegs back on the ground. Rarity started for the sidelines again, but Dash wheeled her around once more, pressing their necks together and leading her through a quick-stepping trot, thankfully with all four hooves on the ground. The scent of Rarity's perfume filled Dash's nose, and burned in her chest, and she pressed harder against Rarity as they turned between other dancers.
Finally, Rarity could take no more dancing. She was panting, and her mane was out of sorts, and she insistently pulled at Dash with her magic to guide them to the refreshments, where she eagerly gulped down some punch.

"That. Was. Amazing!" She panted, leaning against one of the bookshelves.

"Yeah, I'm pretty awesome," Dash said, taking a sip of Rarity's punch, "You're not bad either."

"Well thanks for that glowing recommendation," Rarity said as she flicked Dash's mane with a hoof, "And get your own drink."

"Wow!" a little voice squeaked behind them, "I didn't know you could dance like that!"

"Hello, Sweetie Belle," That was her name! "I didn't either. This is my new friend, Rainbow Dash. Dash, this is my sister, Sweetie Belle."

"Hi, kid." Rainbow said, tossing her head to fix her mane. There was a certain messiness she strived for. It was then that she noticed a small orange pegasus filly all but hiding behind Sweetie Belle, "And, uh, you too, squirt." The filly's eyes widened, and Dash could see her jaw working, but she couldn't seem to say anything.

"Who is this?" Rarity asked, smiling at the orange filly, though it was unlikely she even noticed.

"This is my new friend, Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle boasted proudly, wrapping the other filly into a hug, "We met outside."

"Oh, well nice to meet you, Scootaloo."

"You're so...cool..." Scootaloo finally managed to find her voice, and ignored Rarity altogether. She just kept staring at Rainbow Dash.

"Uh, thanks? You're cool too, squirt."

Scootalo's eyes nearly popped out of her head, and her mouth dropped open is silent wonder. She didn't even react when Sweetie Belle began shoving her towards the door again, intent on playing outside.

"So, that's your sister, huh?"

"She certainly is." Rarity just shook her head. "She's very...eager."

"Uh huh." The music changed again. There was no apparent theme to the music that Dash could recognize. It seemed as though whoever got the the gramophone first picked something, and everyone else just politely went along with it. That probably never would have happened in Cloudsdale. The pair returned to the dance floor for a few much more subdued dances, as the pony who picked that record apparently had a thing for ballads, and eventually they collected a plateful of refreshments and made their way outside again.

The night sky was a sheet deep blue, with thousands of twinkling stars stretched out across it. They found a small grassy hill, and stretched out on the soft grass, munching on fritters and brownies. Together, they watched the stars as the cool night breeze swept over them.

"I don't think I've ever seen the moon this bright before," Rarity said, looking up at the great silver orb that was dominating the sky. It was directly above them, which meant that before too long Dash would have to start getting the mist ready.
They laid there in silence for a while, finishing the treats, and looking up at the sky.

"Do pegasi ever cloud watch?" Rarity asked, rolling over to face Dash. Dash turned to face Rarity as well, barely a hoof-length between their noses.

"What do you mean?"

"Some days, when I'm bored, or feeling whimsical, or perhaps struggling with an artistic block, I look up at the clouds and imagine the shapes in them."

"What sort of shapes?" Dash asked, leaning closer. It was her chance. 'Kiss her!' her mind screamed.

"Like, here, look at this one," Rarity said, rolling away to look at the sky again. Dash suppressed the urge to groan as she did the same. A little shuffling, and Rarity slid over, cuddling right up against Dash, cheek to cheek. She pointed out one of the clouds, all black and silver against the night sky. "It looks like a bunny. See the ears, and there's the tail..."

"It just looks like a cloud to me. I've seen a gazillion of them."

"Use your imagination, silly."

"I do know one stallion who got fired from the Cloudsdale weather patrol for making a cloud in the shape of his c-"

"Castle! Look, doesn't that one look like the most darling little castle?"

Together they watched the silhouettes of clouds drifting across the stars, and although never quite managed to understand why Rarity was seeing all these make-believe shapes in boring old clouds, she enjoyed it all the same. Eventually though, it had to come to an end.

"I gotta go get the mist ready," Rainbow Dash said, moping as she reluctantly peeled away from Rarity.

"Do you need any help?"

"I'm not sure you can, but I wouldn't mind. I'm sure you have lots of things you'd rather do tonight than help me make the weather, though."

"Can't think of any, darling."


"It's...a bit more ominous than I'd hoped for," Rarity said, carefully measuring her tone as she looked at what Rainbow Dash had assembled all around town hall. While they'd worked, or at least while Dash worked, the townsponies had all gathered inside the hall, with much ooing and awwing over Rarity's decor.

"No, ominous fog is way thicker than this. Trust me, as soon as the sun comes up, this mist will look perfect." Dash gently straightened a few wisps. "It's just that it has to be a little extra thick during setup so it doesn't burn away too quickly when the sun hits it. Otherwise all you've got is expensive dew."

"I suppose so," Rarity said, still looking rather unsure about the whole thing. Their attention was caught by a flash of gold, as three well armored guards trotted briskly out of the mist and into town hall, not sparing them a second glance. "Looks like Celestia will be raising the sun any minute now. We should get inside."

"Wait, Rarity?" Rainbow Dash said, dipping the tips of her feathers into the mist, "I just want to say, before we get inside and the celebration starts, and I lose my chance...I had a lot of fun today. I'm glad I met you."

"Aww, Rainbow Dash, I'm glad I met you too."

"This has been the best, and longest, date I've ever been on, and I promise you, I'll make the next one even better."

"Oh, so there's going to be a next one is there? I don't recall being asked," Rarity said, that slight teasing lilt in her voice that made Dash smile.

"Well, I guess I'll do something about that." With a sweep of her wing, feathers snagging the wisps of mist, Rainbow Dash pulled it like a curtain, enveloping the both of them, and concealing them from view. It was a thin mist, but in the pre-dawn darkness, it shut out the rest of the world, and left only those two. In the same motion, Dash brought her wing around Rarity, sweeping her off her hooves and against Dash's chest. With only a little 'eep' of surprise, Rarity was cradled in Dash's forehooves, looking up at her. Each looked into the other's eyes, swirling mist all around them, as they leaned closer and closer. Their lips met, and the sensation was electric, jolts of energy racing through every muscle in Dash's body. In that instant, she felt like she could wrestle a dragon, as long as Rarity was there to cheer her on.
After a long moment, Dash pulled away to look at Rarity's serene, blissful face. Rarity's eyes were closed, and she hugged herself closer to Dash's neck.

"So, is there going to be a second date?" Dash asked, and Rarity's grip around her neck tightened.

"There had better be."

"I just wish we could stay like this. This has been the best night ever, and I wish it could last forever."

"Don't worry darling, I'll still be here in the morning."


They hurried inside, and Rarity excused herself, having some part to play in the ceremony. Dash found a mostly empty space on the floor, and settled in to watch the events. Rarity disappeared down one of the side halls, and reappeared in an upper level gallery, standing in front of a plush red curtain. 'She probably made that curtain herself,' Dash thought to herself, while casually eavesdropping on a nearby couple. It wasn't a terribly exciting conversation; he was eager to see Princess Celestia, and she seemed annoyed by his enthusiasm. Jealousy, probably. Dash would never be that uncool to be jealous about the Princess. She was already more awesome anyway, so what would be the point?

There was suddenly a slightly off-key blaring of trumpets, and the chatter in the room slowly died down. A mare with a grey mane took her place at center stage, and launched into her speech.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!" The crowd of ponies cheered, and Dash joined in by stomping her hooves. "In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria..."

"Princess Celestia!" The trumpets blared again, not entirely in time with each other. Dash scowled at the three trumpeters, but one of the was a young colt, so she looked away. Trumpeters must have been hard to come by in a small town in Ponyville. Instead Dash turned her attention, along with the rest of the crowd, up to Rarity in the gallery. With a dramatic flourish, she pulled open the curtain to reveal...


"Huh?" Rarity said, disappearing through the door it investigate. A confused murmur ran through the crowd, and a sense of dread and apprehension settled around Dash's wings. Something was wrong.

"Remain calm, everypony, there must be a reasonable explanation!" The mayor said, doing her best to calm and reassure the crowd. That effort was entirely wasted when Rarity burst back into view in the gallery.

"She's gone!" The crowd gasped, and murmurs became shouts. Dash was on her feet, her wings flared, this sense of danger and urgency racing up and down her spine, but without any obvious cause. That was until she heard someone scream, and saw several ponies pointing to the gallery.

Behind Rarity, an ethereal purple mist began to coalesce, the sound of mocking laughter getting louder and louder. Rarity backed away from the mist, as far as the rather small gallery would allow for at least. A pair of eyes appeared out of the swirling haze, set into a jet black face with a leering smile of wickedly pointed teeth. Horn, helmet, wings; in a moment the tall, dark alicorn was standing at the railing, gazing out at the crowd below.

"Oh, my beloved subjects. It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces." The alicorn jeered, eyes sweeping over each pony in turn, until they met Dash's. A sense of righteous indignation burned in Dash's chest, and she couldn't hold herself back.

"What did you do with our princess?" she bellowed, hurling herself into the air and racing straight for the alicorn. The alicorn's eyes widened in surprise, but her horn flared to life with a blue glow, and a bolt of energy arced out, sailing like a hammer blow that slammed solidly into Rainbow Dash. Dash gasped as the wind was knocked from her lungs, and she was sent careening sideways, slamming headlong into the wall beside her target before slumping to the floor. Her vision blurred, and her ears were ringing, but she could just make out the shape of Rarity holding her protectively, and Rarity's voice calling her name. Sparing only a moment to smirk at Rainbow Dash, the alicorn continued unabashed.

"Why? Am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am? Does my crown no longer count, now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years?" She chuckled, "Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?"

No one spoke.

"Very well. I am Nightmare Moon." The crowd gasped, and several young ponies screamed in fright, "And I have returned!"

"Why are you here?" Rarity asked, still holding Dash's head gingerly. Nightmare Moon barked a mocking laugh, before raising her voice to address the entire room.

"Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last...forever!" Nightmare Moon's ethereal mane whipped up in a sudden furry, swirling all around her as great thunder clap shook the hall. Ponies cowered in fear and uncertainty, and Dash struggled to get to her hooves with Rarity's help.

"Seize her!" the mayor shouted gesturing to the royal guards, "Only she knows where the Princess is!" the guards sprang into action, quckly closing on Nightmare Moon.

"Stand back, you foals!" With a flash of lightning and a boom of thunder, the guards were rebuked, crashing unceremoniously to the ground as Dash had. Nightmare Moon cackled as she dissolved once more into mist, the laugh fading as she drifted out into the carefully prepared morning mist that would never see the sun.

"Come back here!" Rainbow yelled, leaning heavily on the railing, "Nighttime? Forever? Where's she going?"

The only answer she got was the frantic clatter of the townsponies below fleeing the hall. Soon it was just the two of them in the gallery, surrounded by silence. Into that silence, Rarity suddenly laughed a sad, mirthless laugh.

"This is your fault, you know," she said, nudging Rainbow Dash in the shoulder, "Little Miss I-wish-this-night-would-last-forever."

Dash couldn't help but laugh along with her. It wasn't funny. Nothing funny about eternal night or a crazy evil princess. But there was nothing left to do but laugh.

"How was I supposed to know?"

Comments ( 6 )

Sweet, slice of life Raridash fluff. That ending with nightmare moon felt a bit pointless. I think it would have been better to have it end earlier with the implications of the crisis instead. If you gonna have a one-shot end on a cliffhanger you should at least have a epilogue of some sort that shows the future view of their status quo.


I can understand where you're coming from with that. I guess I was personally just very fond of that joke right at the end, and felt I needed to continue on to see it through. Although I don't see it as that much of a cliffhanger on the end, since it's more of a 'prequel' to the future from the finale. We sort of know where that future leads.

Thanks for the feedback though, I always like hearing from people!

Yes, but that's my point though. The joke was obvious before they went in. The joke didn't need to pointed out and because it was, it felt like a 'I have told you a joke and I have also explained the joke in case you missed it' dumbdown. Any humor pertaining got completely nullified by proxy.

That ending... not so good, it kind of ruined the story for me.

Well done Rarity Dash pairings are hard to come by. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing more.

It was a great story but like Pink Rocket said, it would probably be a bit better if it was continued. It's an alternate universe so it would be nice to know what's different in this universe. To me it wasn't really clear as to where the rest of the main 6 were in this story, it would be cool to see how Twilight, AJ, Pinkie, and Fluttershy met Rainbow Dash. Just my thoughts, I know this was made a while ago but like I said, it would be really cool to see the story continue. It has potential.

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