• Member Since 7th Jun, 2013
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Caddy Finz

We're screwed and life will never get better...but in the meantime, get your free pony garbage over here!

Comments ( 308 )

Well it has potential and your writing style is very organic (no pandering, over disruptions, feels like actually poeple talking) which will serve your source material very well.

If this story is good enough it might might make me get on writing my S.T.A.L.K.E.R. crossover that's Sat on my "ideas" pages.

And also this is a very untapped crossover material meaning you really don't have anyone to be compared to. I hope you use this.

"Yeah, the Russian Government asked me to help out with this test they plan on doing at that Chernobyl plant."

Welp. Nothing will go wrong. This will be the most successful and least dangerous undertaking ever. I'm sure of it. :pinkiesad2:

7022652 I appreciate that :pinkiesmile: I just wish I wasn't getting so many dislikes right from the get-go :fluttercry: When I release chapter one on April 26th along with the cover, I really hope that flips around. :rainbowkiss: I've never had more dislikes than likes so it is kinda discouraging :applecry:

7023262 i will admit your playing fire here. But theirs alot of potential of a truly good story animist a disaster that we all are familiar with.

theirs a lot of ways you could screw this up but so many ways you can make it great. i say don't listen to the lik/dislik buttons, they are vague at best when it comes to story reception. just listen to the people who have the nerve to actually comment. My guess on the dislike though was your very un-descriptive and disconnected sex scene, my guess it you don't write alot of sex (which is fine). It was very bare bones and relied too much on the dialog (which was pretty much screaming and moaning) honestly it was a little clingy. but it was so short and you went to reinforce Celesta's and Dr.Radius's (love the Oc name btw) love so quickly and so well it didn't matter.

Also the source material, some ppl just have buttons that make there butt all hurt. i actually got in a little trouble once in school. The Chernobyl incident was a pretty big interest of mine (and my mom, who actually remembered it happening) and once in 8th grade we had to do a report on disasters. I of course did the Chernobyl incident and having alot of pre knowledge about it got into it pretty hard. When i reached all the cases of thyroid cancer and birth defects the teacher stopped me. and i got a pretty stern talking to about how some events in history are better off forgotten. my mom pulled me out of school after that year.

when i got to my new school for freshman year we had to do a report on your 2 biggest heroes, imagine the trouble i got into when i listed mine as John Moses browning and mikhail kalashnikov :derpytongue2:

keep calm and writing on my friend.


7024516 You know what? You taking the time to type all that advice just made my day :rainbowkiss: It's true I don't write a lot of sex scenes and I wanted to show that Celestia and Radius were doing it because they care for each other and not make it mindless clop. :scootangel: See, I have somewhat of a theory. :trixieshiftleft: People see that it's rated M and see the sex tag and think "this oughtta be hot" and maybe get disappointed when it's about two characters who love each other and it doesn't go into graphic detail. :flutterrage: Anyways, I truly genuinely appreciate the encouragement from you :heart: and with the support of my readers, I think I can make something that they would enjoy reading :pinkiehappy: Thanks a bunch! :twilightsmile:

7022652 Funny enough, I did a chapter of one awhile back, it was a hybrid of S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Metro

so far so good, can't wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy:.

Glad to see you continuing this one. Just the other day I was wondering why a good disaster movie has never been made about the Chernobyl incident. And your second chapter filled that need pretty well.

Stay Pony my friend


PS tight cover art.

7196873 Hey thanks for your support, friend and don't worry, I plan on seeing this through to the end :raritywink:

yay an update.
also what a twist... Celestia is turning into an alcoholic.

LOVE IT, hahaha so good to see Celestia shown as a normal pony.:trollestia:

7282215 There are times when Celestia goes through enough stress to the point where even SHE doesn't give a S:trollestia::trollestia:T. Everybody deserves a moment to just relax with some liquor and forget about what's bugging them. I Like taking someone like Celestia and showing the chill, down to Earth side of them.

7282312 and I love it, most people show her as a demigod, you show her as a normal pony with a really long life:trollestia:.

This is a great story so far, I love the drama to all of this. I am surprised that the humans manges to get such a good relation with Equestria enough to allow a pony to be in a nuclear reactor and even be allowed to to set foot in Equestria. I wander how the first contact and relation started between the Est Block and Equestria and if the higher up of West block echelons was aware of the alien first contact and if they tried to sabotage the relations between the two nations; I would let it past the west secret services medaling in this affairs. To me this is very unusual to see a story in present the Est block people in such a positive light and to present them as actual people; it is refreshing look on the subject. I can't wait to see more of this story again.

7309820 thanks for the feedback:rainbowkiss: but I'm a bit confused. What is east and west block and I don't recall anything about aliens :rainbowhuh:

7309988 Sorry, I really thought that Americans also uses Est Block term to designate the communist countries of the Cold-war, and the West Block for capitalist countries, at least I have heard many older movies that they referred to them as such and we also used to use that termer where I am from to designate at them back then. An for what it is normally told in most stories involving human, ponies are almost always referred to as aliens.

7310006 ah OK I get it that does make sense. Basically equestria is a neutral party in the cold war that doesn't take sides between the two. Certainly fun to think about though. I may put a few references in regarding how and when portals were found/built later on.

Wow. This stort has probably one of the best concepts I've read so far. Can't wait for more!

7398930 Wow, thank you very much! :raritystarry: Don't you worry, soon there will be plenty more! :eeyup: I just wish I the dislikes weren't pouring in so fast :applecry:

this story is a lot better then your last ones, I like the air of mystery that in running around about Radium. I can't wait to see more of this story again.

7402659 Thanks a bunch :twilightsmile: I know I'm far from the best writer around and I do like to think my work improves as I go on :yay: I know it's probably a bit overdue but have a follow. You've been such a loyal follower of my stories for quite some time so I'll return the favor :heart:

Okay, a HiE crossover with Equestrian fic is one I usually run away from but, your story has me saying:


if you could:fluttershyouch:

It was at that moment when heavy weapons brony realized that his beloved princesses needed him. So with the spirit of Cheeki breeki burning inside of him HWB put on his radiation proof adiads, strapped his five gallon vodka flask to his hip , filled his pockets with bolts and picked up his AKSU (promptly names "the Cheeki breeki point and clicky.") And ventured off towards the zone to find Celestia's lost lover.

I'm sorry you have a fan that's absessed with the S.T.A.L.K.E.R universe.

But srsly as a gift to me and other hardcore STALKER fans who read this, could you name the guy Celestia hires to go into the zone " Redrick Schuhart"? Only the most Cheeki of Breeki will recognize the name of the first STALKER in the STALKER universe.

7403033 I'll see what I can do because you and my other readers like you deserve such a gift :pinkiesmile: If not that actual name maybe something similar as I plan on (spoiler alert) having Celestia not only have a human guide who knows the area but also she will hire a certain blue pegasus, a particular guard captain among a few others and even brave the dangers herself. I'll be cooking up some ideas for the next chapter in the kitchen upstairs and see what kinds of things will come of it. :pinkiecrazy:

7403392 well I'd advise to Google the charcter. He's really good. Everyone calls him red. At heart he's a nice guy but he'll cut any throat for either his family or the right price, he smokes alot and has been to jail. If you took this or made a similar character I wouldn't call it a rip off just a cool little homage to the book that gave birth to one of my favorite fictional universes.

7403524 I will see what I can do. I didn't want to actually make this story into a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. crossover mostly because I know little to nothing about it but for you and my other wonderful readers, I'll see if I can sneak in a reference and/or make a guy with a different name but similar personality traits. Thanks for following this :twilightsmile: :heart:

7402886 it's no problem, I like your stories and you are always fun to talk to, which help enhance the experience to me. I always look forward to see you next chapter.:twilightsmile:

7403562 well if you that worried why don't you give the book hes in "roadside picnic." It's a short story, I pounded it out in 2 hours and it's a great read. You can find it free online on a PDF. I will warn you that it's a short story, so there know exposition so to just have to assume the alot (a lot of good journalists have broken down the story just Google " roadside picnic explained") it's also translated from Russian so the wording is a bit weird. Also I don't know how much you know about the S.T.A.L.K.E.R storyline but forget it all when you read the book. The biggest difference is the zone in S.T.A.L.K.E.R was caused by the second Chernobyl disaster were as in Roadside Picnic the zone came off radiation and trash left by visiting aliens . it's a cool read I recommend it regardless or weather or not you use Red from the book.

7403804 Alright, I'll look into that once I find the time. Either way I think I already have a pretty good idea but it will still be a few chapters away. I think you'll like it though.

This was an interesting chapter but I wanted to ask you: what about Sunset Simmer isn't she living on Earth too? she has become very familiar with the humans after living with them for so long.

7465271 Interesting question. :rainbowderp: I don't intend on Sunset Shimmer making an appearance in this story as she lives on the Western hemisphere. :unsuresweetie: Sure she has made a name for herself at Canterlot High School and weather that is in the U.S. or Canada, I'm not entirely sure, I just believe it's somewhere in North America (in my own head canon wanyway). :trixieshiftright: This story may or may not end up with some references to the events of EQG or its universe but it won't play a significant part. Still, I hope you really enjoy reading this :twilightsmile:

not much happening there at them moment, hope things will pick up soon.

7472820 Don't you worry, my friend :twilightsmile: there will be plenty of action later on.

7472847 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a video game that takes place in the exclusion zone. :applejackunsure: I let people know that this story is not going to be that type of crossover because a lot of people have done so and some come to expect it to be when they see a story set in Chernobyl. Other than that, I know very little about it :unsuresweetie:

7473018 Glad you like it and thanks for following my story :heart:

7473179 been following it since the start and loving it.

Went a lite OCC with Big Mac there, I mean I feel him but I feel like Big Mac would be a little more nice and sedimental about it. Atleast to his sister. Oh well, no hate just saying, always happy to see an update.

7477981 Yeah I get what you mean, he's usually more of a calm one but we all know how well Applejack listens to others and how stubborn she can be :ajbemused: My idea for Big mac is that he's taken her crap for so long and has simply had it up to there :eeyup:

I had always imagine that Cadance's and Shining Armor's perfect couple image was just a facade, and despite truly loving each other, the pressure of public scrutiny that they are both under to put the Crystal Empire up to speed must be instance, along with having to maintain a constant image and having given birth to an alicorn only made things worst for them, especially Shining. I love your approach with Shining Armor not being at his physical best because he doesn't do all the intense training that he did when he was a bachelor and becoming a pencil pusher didn't help on the mater nor on his self-esteem. I like your approach to this story with the characters where you present them in a slightly different light that doesn't have to do with their typical portrayal in the show or fandom, especially Shining armor where you present him as other then the perfect prince, the perfect husband, or the protective big brother. you have gone a long way with your writing sense your gangster stories and you do more then exposition on other characters.

Still, I don't understand why they will have to sleep in the irradiated area, risking prolong contamination there?

7488206 From the bottom of my heart :heart: Thank you very much :twilightsmile: I've always liked showing a different side to the characters that may not be seen very often. As for their little camping situation, they'll be kinda setting up a little camp inside one of the buildings on the side of the city furthest away from the power plant and away from the ground where most of the radiation is at this point. After thirty years, the area is indeed still contaminated but not as badly as it was back then.

To be honest I really didn't expect Twilight to stow away in this story, I had thought that she would be too much of a stickler to the rules to even consider that as well as not necessarily be the most socially perceptive pony around. I like all the research you did on the procedure of entering the area. With Twilight around I am sure she will put her cute little muzzle where she shouldn't and make for a much more interesting story.

7501841 Yeah just a silly little tidbit I added :twilightsheepish: Twilight may have gotten some ponies ticked off but (slight spoiler) her stowing away in order to join the group will play a big major part later on. Also, I'm glad to see that you notice my research that I've done. I especially had to do a lot to write chapter one as I ended up using the names of real people who were there when the meltdown happened. Not only that but I've done a lot of research of the layout of the area. As always, thanks for reading and I'm glad you're enjoying it.

7504422 It's mt pleasure to read your story. also, have you ever taken a peak at my art work on DeviantArt? If you have the chance to do so you can find it here. I would love to hear your thoughts on my work:pinkiehappy:

7504441 Impressive! Do you do commissions?

7506366 No, but I do make requests for stories that I like or author's...

Was sad that there supplies did not include bolts or vodka

Was happy at the Top Gear reference

Rembered that Top Gear is now dead.

Was sad again.

"It was an emotional roller coaster 10/10." -HWB

Interesting chapter, I wander why the guy is decided to hide from the Equestrian sense he is the one who when to all the trouble of sending the broadcast about himself in the first place. I wander why he hasn't left the area in all that time, he isn't that far from civilization he could easily leave the area under his own power, and I don't think looking like freak would be enough for forgo social interaction for so long. The two possibility that I can think of why he is still there i that he can survive outside the contamination area because of some mutation and/or he just recently manage to escape the reactor and doesn't know the political climate at the moment, he could imagine that WW3 has gone by or something of the sort.

7525798 All of those questions WILL be answered later, I assure you :twilightsmile: From here on out, this is where the story really gets to the good part and plot gets as thick as Far Harbor fog...if you get my meaning :raritywink:

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