• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 3,104 Views, 164 Comments

Changing Flows - ChaoticHarmony

Needle Wings and Cherish have been together for a decade now, what has happened and what will happen

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Deeper into Darkness

Chapter 5: Deeper into the Darkness

Needle Wings lay in the darkness that encompassed the room. The usual silvery light that steamed in through the window was absent. It was the monthly night that held no moon to light the sky. The only light that shone was from the magical blue lights that floated in the hallways of the hospital, and the occasional Night Patrol member that walked by the hospital with their horns lit brightly. Bright had left the hospital once the sun had fallen below the horizon, apologizing repeatedly for having to go join the Night Patrol in the streets and promising to return as soon as she could.

He looked down at the ball of warmth that was snuggled up next to him on the couch. He smiled as he watched her sleep, breathing in deeply. He reached down with a hoof and began stroking her silvery mane, causing her to twitch and snuggle in closer to him. Having her close to him always reminded him of the first day they were married. He drifted off into the world of memories, recalling to him the days that resided in the past.

A warm wind blew across the ponies gathered in the clearing, all of them watching Needle with differing expressions ranging from curiousity to hostility. He began to sweat from special pores in his carapace, but it had nothing to do with the heat of the day. Oh Chrysali- NO! She is no longer my queen! Celestia, let nothing happen today.. He looked at the pastor, who returned the smile unsteadily. Why is he looking at me as if I have fangs?. He ran his tongue across his teeth, feeling at them. Oh, that's right.... He had to oppress a sigh as he turned back to the aisle. There was a pony waving his hooves in the back row, frantically trying to grab the band's attention. The ponies of the band were all staring at him and he really did sigh as he pointed a hoof towards the back row. They turned and jumped as one, pulling up their instruments and turning their pages of their sheet music.

The music reverberated from the walls of trees that encompased the clearing, but the notes were lost on Needle Wings. All other things faded into nonexistance as he watched her walk slowly down the walkway between the chairs. Her hooves were each fitted into a silver shoe, glimmering brightly in the sunlight. Lines of silver snaked their way up her legs, extending upwards until they met with her body. The dress was a white as pure as freshy fallen snow, flowing over the contours of her body and seeming to float in the breeze behind her. Her cutie mark, two hooves cradling a heart, was framed by the dress, showing off her talent to the entire world. Further up, he saw a necklace of linked rings holding a Sky Sapphire around her throat. It was one of the rarest gems in the world, and this one had been cut to resemble a heart the exact color of her coat. Her face was split with a nervous grin behind the thin veil draped over her face. She looked like an angel had blessed her, more beautiful than she had ever been before.

She stepped up onto the small raised section under the archway looking at the pastor with expectant eyes. The pony before them tore his gaze from Needle and cleared his throat and raised his voice so everypony could hear the words of ceremony.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to witness the joining of two individual...er...ponies...into one, the joining of two souls into one complete being..." The words faded into the backround as Needle gazed at his soon-to-be wife, snapping back into reality as his name was spoken. "Needle Wings," the name was said with force; the pastor had noticed his inattention. "will you take Cherish to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

His gravely voice rang out clear and strong. "I do."

The pasor turned to Cherish. "Cherish, do you take this...erm...pony... to be your partner in life and love? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

Her voice, as beautiful as it was on the first day he met her, answered, "I do."

"It is now time to light the spirit candles, which will bind you together on a level unknown before." The pony lead them over to where the two white candles stood, flanking a larger and more elaborate one. The pastor struck a match and lit Cherish's candle, pulling out another match as he moved towards the other candle. Needle placed a hoof on the pastor's own, pushing the match away from the wick. He pushed a small amount of magic into his horn, producing a small green fire from its tip. Bending his head, he touched the edge of the flame to the candle. When the pastor didn't continue, Needle waved a hoof to get his attention. "Hrm? Oh yes. The candles represent the souls of the ponies who until now have lived separate lives. These souls will now be joined together.". At a gesture, Needle lifted his candle in time with Cherish, and they lit the larger one together. When they set the candles down, the middle fire flared into the sky, the red and green flames intertwined and merging into beautiful patterns of color.

The words that were a year in coming were said by the pastor, and Needle leaned in to Cherish. He lifted the veil to uncover her beaming face and moved even closer breathing in the smell of her body as he approached her mouth with his own. He kissed her deeply, their lips moving together without any direction but further into the kiss. It seemed to seal and lock his soul into happiness and brought with it a flare of light to Needle's heart, which he embraced as part of his own self. The light grew in size, taking on a green tinge and growing warmer.

He snapped back to the world of reality, where the light was coming from green flames surrounding him. The fire was formed and shaped into thick rope-like strands that crossed back and forth around him. It was a cage, and he was inside it. He knew that the bars of blazing fire would be too hard to penetrate after just now awakening, so he observed his situation. Cherish was still atop his body, shuddering a little from the green light that was likely invading her dreams. The room, freshy lit by the green flames, was in total dissaray. Bedsheets were torn and burned, the windows were kicked out, and the whole floor was littered with their belongings.

Standing over the bed and channeling fire into a teleportation circle was a midnight-black creature. Needle followed the circle's path and felt shock pass through his body. That circle is around Phoenix!. Anger soon followed the shock, and he slammed himself against the barrier, only to be tossed back down onto the couch. The changeling ceased his spell casting and turned to the source of the noise. Needle shuddered involuntarily as he gazed into the white eyes, which seemed to gaze into his entire being. The changeling smiled at him with an evil glee and resumed his spell. Needle slammed himself against the barrier again and again with no success.

Needle grew desperate as the green light flashed, indicating that the spell had been completed. The changeling smiled as he walked over to where Needle lay panting. It leaned in to the wires of fire. "Hey there Needle Wings, I've got a message." He jumped back as Needle threw himself at the barrier again. "Fiesty aren't we? Well, Daddy says hi. Just thought you should know."

The creature turned back towards the circle of green, lighting his horn to catylize the spell. Time seemed to slow down for Needle as he watched the horn slowly descend towards the green light and felt a rage envelope his mind. The wires of green fire shattered as he pressed through them, flying through the air to tackle the black monster. Green light flashed in the room as Needle collided with the cold shell of the target of his rage. He felt himself being shoved away, and he collided with the wall on the opposite side of the room. Leaping back to his feet, he looked towards where the bed had been. The ground around it was charred black, the residue of the spell sparkling from the light the fires of their horns cast through the room.

Deadly calmness was all his voice contained as he turned back to the creature who had stolen his son. "You shouldn't have done that."