• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 13,143 Views, 314 Comments

Harmless Shenanigans(?) With Princess Luna - Bigwig6666

After some pressure from her sister, Princess Luna decides to join up for a dating website in order to meet a nice pony and settle down. Who she finds, however, has more in common with her than you would think.

  • ...

Three - Why Are There Two Of You?

Luna rubbed her head and groaned. "Ohhh... sat up too fast."

She heard a grumble beside her and saw Lulu with her head in a bucket.

"Morning," Luna grunted.

Lulu waved a hand and gave a retching sound from inside the bucket.

The princess winced and patted her friend on the back and looked at the bar. "Ohhhh," she groaned as she saw the bottles.

She vaguely remembered giving Lulu a guitar, and drinking. A lot. She seemed to recall a voice as well. Who's voice was it again? "Oh ponyfeathers", she thought, rising to her full height, and stumbled over to the window to let some air in, and the smell of puke out.

"Ugggh," Lulu grumbled as she dragged herself away from the bucket and up onto a bar stool. "What did we do last night?"

Luna shrugged. "I don't remember, but please give me the bucket."

Lulu did so grudgingly and carefully placed the bucket down by their feet, where the pony decided to throw up repeatedly.

"Better?" Lulu asked.

Luna grunted and sat back down on the stool. "At least we didn't get any on your new guitar." She smiled weakly at Lulu.

Lulu's eyes lit up. "Oh yeah, thanks again by the way. I've never gotten a gift like that before."

"Don't mention it," Luna mumbled and forced a bit of sick down, clicking her tongue. "I need a drink of water."

"Me too."

The two girls walked around the bar and searched for a drink that wouldn't kill them right now.

"Agggh! How did I design this place without any water?" Luna cried and threw her hooves in the air as she sank back into her seat.

Lulu threw something over her shoulder. "Aha!" she cried happily.

Luna twisted herself around and peered down at the top of the human's head. "You found some water?" she asked hopefully.

Lulu brought her head up sharply and collided with Luna's. "Ow. Sorry, princess," she said and rubbed the back of her head.

Luna reared in pain and clutched at her nose. "Owwwww," she groaned, her voice sounding all nasally, as if she pinched her nose. The human immediately started apologising and threw her arms around her victim.

"Sorry sorry sorry sorrrrrryyyy," cried the human and massaged her friend's nose after wrestling her hooves away.

"Is it broken?" Luna squeaked.

"Nahhhh. I just hit it a bit hard. Want me to kiss it better?" Lulu giggled.

Luna shrugged her off, again feeling a hot blush spread across her cheeks. "Should we get moving then? I usually sleep when I have to-"

"Lower the moon?" a voice said from across the room.

Luna froze and slowly turned her head to the owner of the voice. "Oh... hello Tia." she smiled weakly and cowered slightly.

Celestia glanced down at the bucket and tutted.

"Tsk, tsk, Luna. I thought you better than this?" she chuckled and smiled.

Poor Luna turned scarlet. "Um... in case you haven't met. This is Lulu. She's-"

"Human. I can see. And yes, we met last night." Celestia laughed and held a hoof out. "Greetings, Lulu of Earth. I am Princess Celestia. I see my sister's already made you feel welcome." she grinned at the human.

Lulu held her hand out and shook the princess's, curtseying slightly and feeling all nervous. "H-h-hello, P-p-princess Celestia," she stuttered as her cheeks turned rosy red.

Celestia bowed. "Hello to you too, Lulu. Now that we've got official introductions out of the way, I have to ask. Why are there two Lunas?" she asked and narrowed her eyes.

Luna brought her head up after burying it in her forelegs on the bar. She glanced at Lulu, who glanced back just as nervously. "Well... um..." she coughed.

"I think... we think that...." Lulu started, and started shuffling nervously under the princess's gaze.

"That there might be a parallel universe running opposite this one," Luna finished and buried her face in her hooves shamefully.

Celestia frowned. "Why are you doing that?" she asked and put a wing around her.

Lulu moved back and decided to give the two sisters a bit of privacy. She wandered around the rec room and fully explored it while the two princesses talked. On one far wall were the words, ''Luna does it with a Jakobs''.

"Because. You're mad that I didn't tell you straight away. I just wanted a friend and someone to play games with, other than those on the internet," Luna murmured under her hooves.

Celestia sighed. "Luna, I'm not mad. Why would I be mad at you? You're my baby sister and I don't care why you do anything, just as long as it's in legal bounds and makes you happy," she said in a motherly tone.

Luna raised her head and opened one eye and looked into Celestia's. She smiled and brought her head up fully. Then groaned as the hangover hit home.

Celestia chuckled and ruffled her sister's mane. "Lulu?" she called.

The human came scurrying out from the back room, off to the left on the bar and the sisters. "Yes, princess?" she said and bowed a bit.

"Would you kindly watch Luna while I go and inform the guards of... you?" the princess asked and smiled sheepishly.

"I'd be honoured to princess," Lulu replied and bit her lip.

"Is there something wrong dear?" Celestia asked, in that same soothing, motherly tone she had spoken to Luna in.

"Well... I've just been thinking. About home," Lulu said quietly and shuffled her feet.

Celestia walked up to her and put a wing around her. "Who are you leaving behind?" she asked.

"My sister. I suppose she's the you of Earth. Except we're not princesses, just ordinary humans," Lulu said sadly.

Celestia chuckled. "I'm sure she's fine. Would you like to go back?" she asked, her voice kind, soothing, and extremely much like a mother's voice.

Lulu started. "Well... no... not yet anyway. I've always wanted to come to Equestria, and it's wonderful. But I would like to know I have -or had- the option of going back." she said quickly, hoping not to offend the princess.

The princess nodded. "A wise decision, I'll have to look into a way of reopening whatever portal Luna opened. Now, I must go and attend my duties, stay and watch her will you, dear? I think she's fallen asleep again," she chuckled and prodded the unconscious Luna.

The Night Princess stirred and grunted in her sleep, snoring loudly.

Lulu giggled and picked up her guitar lovingly.

Celestia shook her head at her little sister and waved goodbye to Lulu, who waved back and began strumming silently on the guitar.

The princess took off in the direction of the barracks, intending to address all the guards and call a security meeting about the human.


Luna raised her head again and looked around with bleary eyes. "What time is it?"

"Time you got up missy," Lulu grumbled. "Midday. Why?" she asked and got up.

"Ohhh. It's too early," Luna moaned back and lay her head back down.

"Oh no, I'm not waiting here for your drunk ass to fall asleep again." Lulu chuckled and picked the pony up. She was surprising light for a pony larger than the others. "C'mon, I wanna go explore," she whined jokingly and prodded Luna in the ribs.

It was weird that she felt this comfortable prodding a princess awake. "Odd, but I feel like I belong here," she thought happily.

Eventually, after some persuasion, coercion, bribery and more prodding, Luna finally got up.

"Fine. I'm up," she grumbled.

Lulu giggled nervously. "You're not mad are you?"

Luna smiled and shook her head. "No. You're my first real friend for over thousands of years. I'm not going to lose you just because I'm hungover," she laughed.

Lulu let out a sigh of relief. "To tell the truth, Luna, you're my first real friend too. Well... after Celeste."

"Were you two close?" Luna asked cautiously.

Lulu nodded her head stiffly and sniffed.

They shared a moment in which they hugged like best friends or sisters.

"Now, where do you want to go?" Luna asked.

Lulu wiped her nose and smiled, raising her arms in the air. "Everywhere."

Luna raised an eyebrow. "OK, but if you promise to play me something later." She nodded to the guitar at the bottom of the stool.

Lulu nodded eagerly. "Oh wow, I'm getting a tour of Equestria by Princess Luna. Princess Luna." She let out a small fangirl squeal as she danced happily around the room.

The Moon Princess laughed at her friend's behaviour.

Lulu sidled up to Luna as they walked out the door and were greeted courteously by two stallion guards. The girls nodded politely and began their tour of the world, starting with the palace.