• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 13,142 Views, 314 Comments

Harmless Shenanigans(?) With Princess Luna - Bigwig6666

After some pressure from her sister, Princess Luna decides to join up for a dating website in order to meet a nice pony and settle down. Who she finds, however, has more in common with her than you would think.

  • ...

Six - Something Unexpected This Way Comes

"Wake up, sleepyhead," a familiar voice giggled.

Luna felt herself falling sideways and stuck her wings out, bracing herself for a fall.

She opened her eyes slowly and looked into her friend's face.

"Hi," she murmured.

Lulu smiled back. "Hi."

Then Luna did something unexpected.




Lulu groaned and sat up. She glanced at the sleeping princess beside her and silently 'dawwwed'.

"Ugggh," she grunted anfter she'd finished watching Luna, and reached over for Celestia's water, taking a large couple of gulps and sighed. "Oh for..." she muttered as the headache came and sank her head into her arms.

She rose her head slightly, when Luna mumbled something in her sleep.

"Luna?" Lulu asked quietly and nudged her gently.

The sleeping princess stirred and moved her lips, "Who's thur?"

Lulu frowned. "Luna, can you hear me?"

Luna mumbled something in response and turned her head over, facing Lulu.

She shook Luna gently, "Wake up sleepyhead." she giggled and rocked the princess from side to side. She may have pushed Luna a bit too roughly, and sent her toppling over sideways.

Lulu gasped and moved to catch her, hoping she was too tired or hungover to notice that she'd been pushed.

The princess's eyelids fluttered open slowly and she looked at the human. "Hi," she murmured.

"Hi." Lulu smiled back.

The pony in her arms started to raise her head slightly, opening her mouth a bit as she approached Lulu's face.

"What is she doing?" Lulu wondered, and felt her palms getting sweaty.

Luna's mouth opened slightly wider as she almost reached Lulu's face.

And then.

"Bleeehhhhh!" Luna vomited all down Lulu's top.

"Oh come on!" Lulu cried and shoved the princess back into her seat.

Luna giggled and wiped the small bit of puke from her mouth. "Sorry."

Lulu glared at her. "It's fine. But help me clean this up," she grumbled. "Ohhh, I'll have to take this off," she muttered as the puke began to stink on her t-shirt.

The princess turned bright red. "I'll just... face this way then," she mumbled and turned away, her head swaying slightly.

Lulu glanced at the back of her friend's head and tried to take the top off without getting puke in her hair or anything. "Uhhh. Luna? Could you help a bit? I'm stuck," she murmured, and turned red as the princess turned back around and giggled at her exposed naval. "Oh shut up and help."

Luna stifled a giggle and used her magic to help remove the puke stained t-shirt. She couldn't help but glance at Lulu's bra before she got the shirt off.

The human opened her mouth so say something as the t-shirt was removed, when the door swung open again and Celestia stared at the girls.

A huge grin spread over her face. "Oh my," she said and leant against the wall, propping a leg up in a nonchalant manner.

Luna turned bright red. "We weren't d-doing anything!" she cried defensively.

"Dude be cool," Lulu hissed and covered her breasts, turning just as scarlet.

Celestia just stood there and grinned manically. "I'll leave you two alone while I go find some more appropriate clothing for Lulu," she said quietly and closed the door.

"We weren't doing anything!" Luna shouted after her, visibly dripping with sweat.

"Dude chill!" Lulu hissed again and shivered.

They sat in an uncomfortable silence, during which Luna stayed bright red, her flushed cheeks mashing horrendously with her dark blue coat.

Eventually, Celestia stepped back into the room, shaking slightly as she tried not to burst out laughing. "Here," she said and produced a sweater from in between her wings. "Put this on," she said and stifled another giggle. She wiped her red, puffy eyes.

"Thanks, princess," Lulu murmured and slipped into the sweater.

"Hmm. It's a bit big," Celestia murmured as she observed the clothing.

"It's fine," Lulu smiled. "It feels like I'm wearing a cloud," she thought and rubbed a sleeve against her face.

"Now. What exactly were you do-" Celestia started with a raised eyebrow.

"Wedidn'tdoanythingCelestia!" Luna bellowed and wiped some sweat from her cheek.

Lulu and Celestia stared at her, Lulu slowly grinding her jaw and mouthed something like ''shut up or I'll kill you''.

"I have got to chill," the Night Princess murmured and hid behind her wings, her face the shade of blood.

Celestia shook her head and looked at Lulu expectantly.

"Well, she is technically right," Lulu murmured, avoiding Celestia's gaze. "I shook her awake a bit too hard perhaps, and she puked on me. It's not like we kissed or anything," she chuckled.

Luna removed her wings and turned deathly pale, earning a questioning glance from Lulu and a sudden dawn of realization as both girls turned scarlet.

Celestia raised an eyebrow but said nothing, merely shrugging and nodding curtly to them both. "I think you've had enough to drink, girls. Try and get something productive done today." she said and closed the door on her way out.

Awkward silence filled the rec room, the radio's batteries running out sometime while they slept.

Lulu glanced at Luna, who turned her head, face bright red and tried to hide behind a wing again. "So..."

Luna flinched and peeked out from behind the feathers. "...So...?"

"Did we...?" Lulu asked cautiously.

"I.... don't remember," Luna murmured and buried her face again, feeling her cheeks flush bright red.

Lulu frowned. "What exactly happened again?" she asked. "I don't remember much."

The Princess brought her head out of her wings again, still blushing furiously. "I remember... drinking... and laughing... and Dino."

"Yeah I remember Dino," Lulu laughed and nodded her head. "And I remember you singing."

Luna stayed scarlet and let out a small laugh. "Was it that bad?"

"Nahhh. Just hard to understand. I think we invented our own language shortly after that," Lulu chuckled. "Then what?" she asked, eager to know how the night ended.

"I think we played a game, where we had to tell stories." Luna said, feeling slightly more confident and comfortable. "Then you told your last one and I ki-" she stuck her hooves in her mouth and turned a deadly shade of red.

Lulu's eyes widened. "You did!" she cried.

Luna backed away from her and folded her wings over her face, clenching her teeth together, determined not to say anything.

The human folded her arms and watched the princess. "And I don't really mind."

Luna froze.

Lulu did too. "What did I just say?" she whispered.

They stared at each other for a while, then slowly shuffled a few inches forwards.

"I um... don't know what to say..." Luna murmured as they shuffled closer.

Lulu said nothing, and eyed the princess coyly as she shuffled forwards herself.

They eventually reached each other and could smell one another's breath.

Luna opened her mouth to say something, when the door flung open and made them jump apart and glare at the guard who kicked the door open.

"Sorry to interrupt, m'ladies, but Princess Celestia has summoned both of you immediately. If you'd kindly follow me," he said and motioned for them to follow.

The girls nodded grudgingly and followed him.

Luna felt her cheeks flush as Lulu's hand brushed against her cutie mark, then withdraw quickly.

Lulu turned deep red and hurried after the guard as he led them to the throne room.

The Moon Princess let her go forwards. "Mainly so I can watch her," she thought and giggled softly, earning a quick glance from the human. "Wait a minute, what am I doing?" she suddenly thought. "I don't want to drive my only friend, my best friend away by falling in love with her-"

She stopped. Both in thinking and in walking, and let the guard and Lulu walk further ahead. "Is the L word applicable here?" she murmured quietly to herself as she watched them go on ahead. She snapped back to reality when Lulu waved her over and waited for her.

Lulu worried about what the princess was thinking. "You should be worrying about yourself at the minute, girl," her own voice told her in her head. "What if something happened between you two, and you lost your best friend? Don't do anything you'd regret."

She nodded to herself as Luna joined her side, standing proudly as they entered the large throne room.

The princess carried herself like a princess should, losing all traces of the drunk version of herself a mere few hours before.

The human on the other hand, shuffled awkwardly behind the princess, feeling worried, scared, a tad excited and nervous all at the same time at being present at a formal preceding as this. "What's this even for anyway?" she wondered as Luna came to a stop and motioned for Lulu to sit next to her.

She did and sat down, feeling highly out of place.

"Now," Celestia said and cleared her throat. "Let's begin."