• Published 12th Mar 2016
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Nights. Darkness rising - Tunefulsubset72

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Dark tenkai silver


"The old man better still be alive." gold dust said grumbling as he knocked on a door." Its freezing out here."

"Not interested." said a gruff russian voice." so go away."

"I'm looking for a shartimus." Gold dust said, with a smirk." used to be known as silver centurion."

The door opened." How do you know that name?" said an old man." Answer wisely."

"My name is gold." gold said with a smile." and I'm looking to reform the dark tenkais."

"Come in then." shartimus said as gold dust entered." Hate to brake it to you, but there's only two dark ones left."

"I know you and Shreiker." Gold said as they sat down." It's because you two are immortals."

"Right you are." shartimus said pouring some coffee." So why are you reforming the dark ones."

"I want revenge." gold said angrily." On the blasted wing feather."

"Shadics still alive?" Shartimus asked surprised." thought he died when annieria fell."

"Not him, his son." Gold dust said siad with a frown." nights wing feather."

"Count me in." shartimus said putting his cup down." and call me silver."

"alright then silver." gold siad with a smile, as a wall opened up." now to find shrieker.'


It was nighttime in equestria as me and my team snuck through the streets of the moutain city.

"I never knw you could use magic to turn us back into humans." ryker said as as we climbed up the side of a building." Clever."

"I wanted to wait until now so we wouldn't freak ponies out." I said as we jumped from roof to roof." That's the last thing we need."

"Remeber what happened last time." Octavia said with a giggle.

"How can I forget." I said with an eyeroll." How was i supposed to know rarity could use crystals as a weapon?"

"I'm just glad we cleared that up." Octavia said as we came to the castle gardens wall." You think sunset told her friends that your alive?"

"Possibly." I said as we fly over the wall." Now let's just focuse on getting that scroll."

--inside the castle--

"There's a lot of ponies still the throne room, along with celestia." ryker siad as we crept down the hall." Do you know what's going on?"

"I forgot." I said face palming." court."

"Probaly ran longer then usual." Octavia said as we got closer to the door, and heard one of the nobles yelling about of his taxes lowered." I hate nobles, nights did your father have to deal with this?"

"He loathed it." I said to her wih a chuckle." sometimes he'll pretend to fall asleep so he can be excused early."

"So should we go in?" ryker asked asked as we peeked inside." or should we brake into the vault?"

"Stop right there." a voice came form behind me." no sudden movements."

"We're just here to visit...midnight?" I asked in shock." How.i,,wha..How are you alive?"

"Nights?" he asked back." Sorry, just a bit on edge, after I heard that an android wad found here in equestria."

"It's taken care of." I said as mid sighed with relief." But I just need to talk to celestia."

"About the fifth scroll." midnight said with a smirk." she has it, just don't ahve a duel with Luna again, alright?"

"She told you about that?" I said laughing nervously." But I can't promise anything."

"In that case I'm going with you." mid said walking over to the door." I too hate these nobles."

"Glad we're on the same page." I said as I pushed the door opened and walked in." Greetings celestia." A lot of gasped were heard through the crowd as I walked in." Been awhile."

Luna walked up to me with her horn charged." what are you doing here worm?" she said angrily." after all you've done."

"Whoa whoa." msinight siad teleporting in between us." calm down princess, hes on our side."

"He better be." Luna said lowering her gaurd." Why is it that your here?"

"I merely wish to talk to celestia about an important matter." I said, with a serious tone." It of the upmost importance."

"Was that you wish to speak to me about?" celestia said approaching." court dismissed."

"It's about an elder scroll." I said celestia looked at me with shock." I believe you have it in your vault."

"I do, but why do you need it?" Celestia asked." last time I checked you nearly wiped out entire planet."

"I was control by Dagon at the time." I said as celestia looked at me with sadness." Plus, if I heard right, they kingdoms and natives I killed were revived after the gates wre destroyed by dagons defeat."

"That is correct." celestia said then smile." now I know I can trust you."

"Thank you." I said as bowed." now then, about that elder scroll."

"I indeed have it." Celestia said sitting back on her throne." but why do you need it?"

"To solve a mystery." I said." i believe there's something hidden in the five elder scrolls."

"Five!?!?" asked in shock." I thought there was only three."

"Blood, dragon, sun, chaos and moon, those are the names of the five scrolls." I said folding my arms behind my back." Dragon and moon were the two scrolls corrupted, The dragons scroll corrupted me, and I believe the moons scroll corrupted Luna 1,000 years ago."

"What make you think you wont become corrupted a second time?" Luna asked

"Because once someone's been corrupted by a elder scroll, they evil power is gone." I said turning to Luna." permently."

"So the scroll is safe to touch." celestia said, as she used her magic to teleport the scroll to her." Promise you won't be using it for evil."

"I promise." I said, as celestia levitated the scroll to me." thank you."

"Now stay out of trouble." celestia said, me and my tema left the room.

"Thanks for the help mid." I said to midnight." Wnat to come back to earth with us?"

"Not yet." Midnight said smiling." I've got some pony waiting for me."

"Who is she?" I asked laughing." I know it's not sunset."

"It's not, her name is Lynn." He said as me, Octavia and ryker looked at him With shock." what?"

--earth, out side of canter lot---

"Here it is, crown city." gold dust said as he and shartimus walked up a hill." Remain under cover until I give the word."

"I understand." sharimus said eactivating his armor." Ho check on your girlfriend."

"Her name is twilight." Gold dust with a groan." and she has no clue that Im a dark tenkai."

"Better that way." shartimus siad, then reactiveing his armor." I'll scout out the city, to make sure nights isn't here, and to maybe find shrieker."

"Good luck..Silver centurian." gold dust said with a evil smirk as shartimus flew off." Soon I'll have my revenge."

Shartimus' armor

Author's Note:

Gold dust- dark tenkai gold

Shartimus- dark tenkai silver

???-dark tenkai bronze

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