• Published 12th Mar 2016
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Nights. Darkness rising - Tunefulsubset72

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Tenkai first class

"Thank you so much for helping us daring." twilights siad as they helped the victims from Saddle arabia." I know its taking it away from your book."

"It's fine." daring do said." but I have to ask." her tone changing to sadness." is it true?"

"What is?" twilight asked."

"Is my son nights really the one doing this?" she with tears." please tell me it's not true."

"I'm sorry." twilight said." it's true."

"First I lose my husband." doing said crying." then I lose one of sons, where is he when you need him?"

"Hey daring." twilight said getting her attention." Is your watch supposed to glow like that?"

Daring looked at her watch then smiled." he's coming back." she then ran." I'll be back."

"wait, who's coming?" twilight asked.

"Shadic." daring said stopping." and he's bringing backup."

"Princess celestia. A fraud said running into the war room." two unknown lights sources are descending onto the royal Garden."

"HE'S COMEING!!" Daring yelled as she ran past the throne.

"Who?" celestia asked." who's coming?"

"Shadic." daring siad running into the throne room." my husband is coming back, and with the first tenkai guardians."

"High king Shadic is returning?" celestia said with happiness." will he be able to help us turn nights back?"

"I don't know." daring said." but something tells me he won't fight."

"It's true." a voice came form behind daring." I cannot fight my own son."

"It's so good to see you agian, Shadic." daring siad walking up to the alicorn stallion." It's been so long."

"It has daring." Shadic said with a smile, then turning around." I hope your remeber the nazo."

"Of course." she said as nazo walked in." it nice to see you agian nazo."

"Like wise." nazo said." I have not seen you since the incident."

" well the same thing happened to nights." daring said sadly." and hes heading towards manehatten."

"Nazo think you can intercept in time?" Shadic asked."'I may not have the courage to my son, but I know you wanted to see how strong he is."

"What ever do you mean?" nazo said nervously, while daring and shadic gave him quizzical look." you got me, I may need help need help dealing with the shadow knights."

"That's where we come in." max said coming with the tenkia gaurdians." mother, father it been a long time."

"It good to see you again maxwell." shadics walking over to, then hugging him." me and your uncle have come to help anyway possible, and your wants first crack at him."

Max looked at the nervously." max what is it?" Daring asked." Whihc one of you went against his head on?"

"Nights killed one of our teammates." max said sadly." and ryker here achieved super saiyen god blue like nights did."

"So you guys stood a a chance right?" Shadic asked.

"Nights took down me down like it was nothing." Ryker said." He's a lot stronger then you think."

"I bet he would give super man a run for his money." nazo said elbowing Shadic." eh brother."

"Super man?" vinyl asked." who dat?"

"A story for another time." Shadic said." know then, nazo take the new tenkais to manehatten and, I hate to say it, kill the shado knights but not nights. If things get out of hand, I'll come and help."

"Right." nazo said with a nod, then facing the max and his team." so how many you wnat to go against nights?"

"I'll go." Octavia said, as the team looked at her with shock." I want to try to change nights back."

"Ill go too." vinyl said." I wnat to see his power myself."

"Anyon else?" nazo asked, no else came forward." alright then let's go."

"I'll go as well." Celestia said getting of her throne." You need all the help you can get."

"Alright then." Nazo said a they left the throne room." We have a world to save."


"Kept fold them back." a unicorn officer said the police fire magic bolts at the advancing shadow knights." this city must not fall."

"Kill them all." I said as we kept walking through the blast." We need to find a place to build the next gate."

"On it..AHHHH!!" Zane screamed in pain as an energy beam went through his chest. Killing him.

Garrote and Laurence got into defensive positions as Sasha looked around to see who killed Zane." Who's there?" she asked angry." no one kills one of my teammates and gets away with it."

"So your class 3 shadow knight?" a dark voice said from the shadows.

"Yeah, I am." she said with pride." who wants to know?"

"Every faced shaow knight class 5?" the voice said laughing evilly.

"Impossible." Sasha said." the only known class 5 was nazo, throne warden of annieria."

"Glad you know your history." nazo sai dstepping out out of the shadows as sasha back up in fear." I was sent by my king to kill evry one of you so called, shadow knights."

"Laurence, garroth the enmy is ove..AHHHH!!" she screamed as nazo stabbed her strait through her heart.

"Two down, two to go." nazo said as Laurence and garroth came around the corner." Speak of the devil."

"Stand down now." Garroth said pulling his sword out." or die."

"How about you." nazo said as two ki blast flew past him killed garrote and laruance." I thought they would be much harder to fight."

"Same here." vinyl said as Octavia and vinyl walked up to him from behind." now where is celestia?"

"MOTHER BUCKER!!!!!" I yelled as I smashed into the ground by celestia using her magic." No more mister nice guy."

"Nevermind." vinyl said as celelstai rhew a magic spear of some kind at me which I dodged." He's a lot stronger from hwne we firts caught him."

"Agreed." Octavia said scared.

"GALICK GUN!!!!" I yelled launching a purple beam of energy form my hands." DIE!!!!" I yelled as it colided with celestia shield, slowly breaking it."Leave now or suffer your fate." I sad as the celestia shield was on the verge of breaking, but she still didn't budge." very we.ACK."

"Nights listen to me." Octavia said after kicking." please." I charged her very angry charging a green ki blast to kill her, I saw her close here eyes waiting for what's to come.

"OCTAVIA!!" vinyl yelled." MOVE!!"

"Nights, please." she said crying,." I know your in there." I don't what happened, but I stopped just as about to release my ki blast, I just stopped.

"What just happened?" vinyl asked as she and nazo walked over as I looked Octavia in eye."hes not killing us."
--Octavia pov--
"Nights, please listen, Dagon is controlling controlling you." I said as looked at me." I know you wouldn't kill innocent lives."

He laughed evilly." I'm sorry, but nights isn't here right now." a voice that did not sound like nights said." Throne warden nazo, it been awhile."

"GET OUT OF MY NEPHEW!!!"nazo yelled powering up and punching "nights"." we need to go..NOW."

"Nazo, why did you punch nights?" I asked." And why is his voice different?"

"Because that's not nights anymore." nazo said placing a hand on my shoulder." Somehow Dagon escaped and took over nights body after he touched the scroll."

"DAGON!!!"Me and vinyl yelled in unison.

"That is correct." Dagon said as he got up out of the rubble getting bigger." BEHOLD THE POWER OF DEARDIC PRINCE!!!!" he yelled as he powered up to a form the we could not since." now you will die."

"Grab my shoulders." nazo said, which we obeyed and he teleported us away.

"Next stop the crsyal empire" Dagon said then started flying north."

--Canterlot war room 2nd person--

"Any reports of the attack?" max asked." have my uncle, vinyl and Octavia returned?" as maxed asked that nazo and vinyl appeared behind him with celestia.

"Nevermind." max asked." are you ok?"

"We're fine." nazo said." where's your father?"

"I'm right here brother." Shadic siad walking up next him." Have managed to save manehatten?"

"The only ones killed that I know of, are the ones that faught back." nazo said." but I have terrible news."

"What is it?" Shadic and max asked in unison.

"Dagon is back." nazo said and when he said that murmmers rose form the ponies in the war room." and he's taken of nights' body."

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