• Published 26th Feb 2016
  • 3,403 Views, 300 Comments

Furry Ball of Moonlight - Lise

When a moonlight kitten enters Luna's life, the first thing on her mind is to give it to Fluttershy and forget all about it. However, nothing involving kittens is ever that simple.

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6. Nighttime with a Kitten

Fluttershy was nervous. Actually, she was absolutely terrified. The scroll she had received from Princess Celestia had been alarming, the carriage ride to the palace — frightening, and the Royal Guards had loomed over her like giant statues. I can do this! I can do this! She kept repeating to herself, as she made her way through the giant hallways to Luna's chambers.

Everything's going to me fine. Her hoof moved towards the door, its trembling increasing as it got nearer. Just because I'll be spending the night in Nightmare Moon's room, doesn't mean that—

"You're here!" The door opened violently before Fluttershy could even touch it. "Quickly, I don't have much time!" Surrounded by a blue mist of mane, Luna grabbed the pony's hoof and pulled her in before Fluttershy could even eeek.

The room was a complete disaster. Any thoughts of fear Fluttershy had had were quickly replaced by pity. How can anypony live here? she wondered.

"Princess?" Fluttershy asked quietly, looking around. Everything was on the floor — from bowls, vases and pieces of fruit to curtains, paintings and even parts of broken furniture. The walls were bare, covered in stains, with only a few torches providing dim light. All the windows were boarded with crude wooden planks, and the entire ceiling was covered in tiny claw marks.

Fluttershy swallowed. She would not have believed such a mess was possible if she wasn't staring at it with her own eyes.

"You do not pee over my horseshoes!" Luna shouted at something in the middle of the room. "You do not sharpen your claws on Mew mew mia's painting!"

Cautiously, Fluttershy made a step forward. On the floor, in front of the princess, was Moonlight, looking down with a guilty expression. Oh dear, the pegasus thought. You are being scolded, poor thing. But you didn't mean any of that, right? Princess Luna is just a bit upset.

"You do not try to eat Mew mew mia's pet!" Luna scolded on. "Is that clear?"

"Mew mrra?" The kitten looks up with its large blue eyes.

"Don't you try that on me!" Luna didn't seem at all impressed. "And yes, Mew mrra!" She snorted, furious. "Now, I'm going to work and leaving you with Fluttershy. If I hear you've been causing any problems, I'll summon a rain cloud!"

"Mew..." the kitten replied pitifully.

"Good!" Luna nodded, still frowning. "Sorry, Fluttershy. I wish I could stay, but there are over two dozen nightmares tonight. I'll try to pass when I can, but don't count on it."

"I understand, Princess." Fluttershy smiled. So much like Rarity. I remember the first time she called me to take care of Opalescence, while she was away.

"There's food here somewhere, I think." Luna a looked around at the piles on the floor. If there was anything that would pass for food it definitely wasn't obvious at first glance. "Also, one of the planks of that window is loose, so you can feed Puff moon rays, if you have to. Don't let him trick you into giving him too much!" She waved a hoof in front of Fluttershy. "Puff is fat as it is. He still gets enough exercises, but the book says it is crucial that habits are established at an early age."

Fluttershy nodded, attentively. Umm, I know all that, Princess. I am the one who gave you the book in the first place.

"Also, and this is very important, Mew mew mia mustn't learn about Puff." Luna levitated one of her horseshoes and wiped it in what appeared to be part of the curtains. "Knowing her, she'll probably happen to pass by," Luna gestured air quotes with her hooves, "a few times during the night. Don't be surprised if she asks if I'm well. She has this obsession I'm reliving some tragic past or something."

"Yes, Princess." Fluttershy nodded again. "Umm, who is Mew mew mia?"

Grumbling audibly, Luna facehoofed. "I've even started talking like it!" She glared at the kitten, which was sitting obediently on the floor. "Mew mew mia is Celestia, Mew mrra is Philomena, and..." The Princess looked up at the ceiling, deep on throught. "There are other words, but I can't think of them now. Anyway, I must go!"

With that, Luna flew out of the room, closing the door behind her. Fluttershy raised a hoof to ask something, then slowly lowered it back to the ground. I thought you needed to be asleep to enter dreams, she wondered. No matter, that was not why she was here. The only reason was to take care of Moonlight.

"I'll be spending the night with you Moonlight." Fluttershy smiled, moving closer to the kitten. Gently she moved her hoof toward it, allowing the small creature to climb on and onto her head. Magic or not, some things were the same for all kittens. "You've become quite responsible, haven't you, Moonlight?" Fluttershy chuckled. On her head, the kitten purred. "I know it must be difficult, but please give Princess Luna some time. She is working very hard, and has shown great progress."

"Mew mew meow!" the kitten meowed.

"Err, no, we do not call her Nightmare Moon," Fluttershy said gently. "She is nice now, and we must be nice to her. You want to be nice to her, right? Isn't that so, little Moonlight?" She patted it on her head with a hoof.

"Meowa?" the kitten attempted. Meowing the new "name" resulted in a series of sneezes that knocked it off the pony's head. Like a parent feeling her child to be in danger, Fluttershy's reaction was immediate. Her forehooves instinctively moved to catch the kitten, as if went down, way before it could reach the floor.

"Careful, little Moonlight." She stroke it on the head. "You mustn't keep falling off. You might hurt yourself or get dirty." Fluttershy looked around. Umm, I'm sure the Princess means well, but her bedroom is... a tinsy winsy bit messy. The pony lifted her hind hoof and looked at — there were traces of crumbs on the bottom. "What do you say we clean this room for when Princess Luna comes back?"

The kitten had engaged in licking its paw, while curled up in Fluttershy's forehooves. Hearing the question, however, it quickly stopped and meowed twice. Oh, you're such a sweet kitten. The Princess is really lucky to have you. And you are lucky to have her.

Cleaning the room was far easier than Fluttershy was used to. Back at the cottage, there were always dozens of animals moving about, and while they always were trying to help, they tended to do make everything messier instead. The Kitten behaved in an entirely different fashion. It preferred to remain on the pony's back, occasionally climbing onto her head, and pointing out the direction in which cleaning was required.

The greatest problem Fluttershy had was the furniture. Without magic or materials, there was no means of repairing it. The thought of asking a Royal Guard crossed her mind, but quickly subsided. Instead, everything broken was arranged in neat piles in one corner of the room, while all that was whole was carefully stored away. Thankfully, several tables and a nightstand had survived Luna's onslaught, making the room at least partially habitable.

"That was fun, wasn't it, Moonlight?" Fluttershy asked cheerfully, wiping the sweat off her forehead. The kitten only purred in agreement, curled up on her back. "Do you know what we need now? A nice bath." At the mention of the word, Moonlight's head popped up, as if struck by lightning. Quickly it jumped onto the ground and started running around Fluttershy's hooves meowing in protest.

Oh, you're so funny. Opalescence didn't like taking baths either, at first. I just know you'll love them.

"There's nothing to worry about, little one." Fluttershy smiled tenderly. "Everyone needs a bath. Even Luna has them. You do want to look your best, don't you?" The kitten paused, hesitant. "What will all the ponies think if they see you enter their dreams looking like that?"

The kitten jumped against her forehooves, and was just about to express its concern, when a knock was heard coming from the door.

"Luna? Fluttershy?" a warm voice said from outside. "I happened to be passing by this part of the palace, and thought I'd come see how you two were doing."

Oh, dear? It's Princess Celestia! Princess Luna warned me this might happen! Fluttershy looked at the kitten. Unlike her, the creature was not in the least alarmed. Quite the opposite, it seemed rather curious who was at the door.

"Umm, we are fine, Princess," Fluttershy said meekly. "Moonlight," she whispered to the kitten, "climb onto my back and turn invisible." The kitten looked at her, confused. Its tail moved playfully around. "No, it isn't playtime, Moonlight."

"Sister? Fluttershy?" Several new knocks followed. Oh dear, the Princess must not have heard me. Fluttershy picked up the kitten and quickly put it behind one of the piles of furniture.

"We are fine, Princess!" she shouted as loudly as possible. Moments later, the door cracked open. Her pulse doubled, Fluttershy rushed to the middle of the room again. I can do this, I can do this!

"Sister?" Celestia slowly entered in the fashion of a pony who knows she's doing something wrong, but went ahead with it anyway. "I was just wondering—" Seeing Fluttershy, the Princess stopped. Her stance quickly changed giving her the familiar regal air. "Fluttershy." A warm smile appeared on her face. "How are you?"

"Umm, I..." I must not be tense! I must not be tense! If I am, the Princess will find out about Moonlight!

"No need to be afraid, my little pony." Celestia went to her. "If anything, I am grateful that you are here. Luna is going through a difficult period, and I feel that if anypony could help her it is you."

"Umm..." Fluttershy only managed to say. From the corner of her eye she noticed the kitten climbing up the pile she had placed it. The good news was it had turned itself invisible. The bad news — it was climbing so clumsily, that even invisibility wasn't going to keep it unnoticed for long.

"I have you to thank for Discord's transformation, not to mention all the creatures you constantly take care of." Celestia continued, completely oblivious. Meanwhile Fluttershy, made a quick sign to the kitten with her wing. The fidgeting on the pile stopped. I'm so sorry, Moonlight, the pegasus thought. "You see, my sister has had a difficult past," the alicorn sighed heavily. "I suspect she is still thinking about an old love of hers. Not that that colt was any good for her to begin with. Actually, where is Luna?" Celestia asked, apparently only now noticing that the condition the room was in. "And why are the windows boarded?"

"Umm, to keep ponies from seeing the mess?" Fluttershy smiled tensely.

"Typical." Celestia rolled her eyes. With a flash of her horn she levitated the boards off the windows, arranging them neatly in a free corner of the room. "I was hoping she could at least bother to tidy her room. Oh well, I guess that's what big sisters are for." The alicorn's horn flared up again. Within seconds pieces of destroyed furniture rose into the air, then started linking to one another, like a giant jigsaw puzzle.

Fluttershy's heart stopped. Moonlight! Desperately, she turned about, hoping to catch a glimpse of the kitten among the floating pieces. The task proved impossible. Furniture fragments of various size and nature swirled about madly, restoring cupboards, wardrobes and the bed to their original state. The urge to fly among them, in search for Moonlight was unbearable. Please be all right, Moonlight! If something happens to you, I'll never—

"Meow!" a loud squeak followed. Fluttershy immediately turned in the direction of the wardrobe. On her part, Celestia glanced at Fluttershy.

"Did you say something, Fluttershy?" The princess arched a brow. Pale with fear, Fluttershy turned back. What do I do? What do I do? She bit her lower lip. "There's nothing to be afraid of," Celestia chuckled. "This isn't the first time I've fixed Luna's room." The furniture steadily floated in place. "And despite what my sister has told you, having the windows open is good for her. I am sure that right now, she's sleeping on some cloud, doing her work in the dreamscape. At least there is that. Tell me, what do you think of her state?"

Fluttershy opened her mouth a few times, yet no sound came out.

"Really, Fluttershy," Celestia moved closer. "There is no need to worry. I will not be upset no matter what your thoughts are. Luna won't be either. Surely, you must see that? Although she would never admit it, she values your company a lot. There are probably ten ponies she trusts in the whole of Equestria and you are certainly among them."

"I... I..." A shaking hoof pointed towards the wardrobe. "It..."

"The wardrobe?" Celestia looked at it confused. "It's hardly special. Do you think it upsets her? Maybe it is time to change the room's style a bit. As things are now they probably remind her of our old home too much," Celestia mused. Forgetting about Fluttershy, she went to the wardrobe, carefully examined it on all sides, then, apparently coming to some new realization, sighed deeply. "Oh well, I'll have the royal carpenters come up with a more modern design. And I'll have to check what things she likes of this millennium… things are never easy with her."

I wish everything is alright! It must be alright. I haven't heard any more meowing, so maybe Moonlight is fine? Yes, he must be fine! Aether kittens are resilient, the book said, so Moonlight must be... Oh dear, what have I done?!

"Thank you, dear Fluttershy!" Celestia said loudly. "You have helped me a lot! Please, feel free to enjoy the castle while you are here. I have given instructions that you are to be allowed everywhere but my private chambers!"

Fluttershy felt the Princess pat her on the back before leaving the room, but her mind was elsewhere. For several seconds she remained motionless, staring at the wardrobe. Then, something in her brain switched. Rushing forward like a madmare she opened it.

"Moonlight!" She squeaked, wildly opening the thousands of sections it had. The thing was worse than a filing cabinet! "Moonlight! Please be all—" something soft and furry landed on her head. Shortly after a mew followed. "Moonlight!" The Pegasus grabbed it, then gave it the stoniest hug she was capable of. "You are fine! I was so scared!"

"Meow!" The kitten stirred, trying to escape.

"Oh, sorry." Fluttershy loosened her grip. Immediately, the kitten leaped on the floor, then, turning visible, glared at her displeased. "Umm, maybe I was a bit too frightened?" The pony smiled sheepishly. The kitten's reaction was only to turn around and demonstratively walk away, tail raised high.

Oh, dear. I got him upset.

"There, there, Moonlight." The pegasus went in front of the kitten. "No need to be upset. Just look how nice your room is now." Hearing the phrase "your room", the kitten stopped. Its head tilted to the side, as it looked around, before replying with a loud resounding meow. Fluttershy giggled. Cats will be cats. "So, do you want to have a nice bubbly bath? Your fur will shine like the moon."

The kitten rushed up onto her back. Unlike before, this time it needed no more convincing. Let's hope you are still as eager when you actually see water. Initially, Fluttershy had hoped she could have a bath as well, but the thought of leaving taking the kitten with her or leaving it unsupervised, quickly changed her mind. Instead, she gathered the courage to ask one of the Royal Guards for a large bucket of warm water, a bar of soap and a towel. At the question of whether she was thinking of having a bath, Fluttershy blushed, replied quietly that it was for cleaning windows, then hid back in Luna's chambers. Meanwhile, the kitten was enjoying jumping on and off "its" new bed.

"Moonlight, please be careful that you don't ruin Luna's sheets," Fluttershy said, still slightly flustered from her recent experience.

"Meowa?" The little puff asked, before leaping off the bed again and flopping on the floor. This time, it's momentum was far too great, causing it to slide along the smooth surface to the opposite side of the room.

"Yes, Meowa." Fluttershy nodded. "We don't want to make her—"

"Fluttershy!" A gust of wind came from the open window, followed by the Princess of the Night literally storming in atop a cloud. "How's Puff?"

Fluttershy's immediate reaction was to rush to the kitten and curl up in fear. Luna, didn't even seem to notice in the least.

"Is he fine?" The Princess went on, hovering in the middle of the room. "Did he get in any trouble? Did he ask for me?"

"All... all is fine, Princess." Through utter force of will, Fluttershy managed to show her head from behind her wings. "Moonlight—"

"Where is he?" Luna looked around. "He's not hurt, is he? If Tia took him away, I swear by Starswirl, I'll pluck that burning chicken of hers!"

"E-e-everything is fine, Princess," Fluttershy repeated. As if to reinforce her claim the kitten jumped out from behind her, and started running in circles right under Luna.

"Meowa!" It meowed, seconds before being scooped up by the alicorn.

"Puff!" Luna hugged it. "You're alright!" For nearly ten seconds she remained still, holding it against her neck. Purring filled the quiet room.

Aww, how sweet! Fluttershy thought. Both of them have certainly grown so much. Why only two days ago, Luna couldn't even take care of it. The Pegasus chucked. That, however, was enough to get a reaction. Luna's glance shifted to Fluttershy, then back to the kitten. Her face became covered in guilt and embarrassment, the alicorn slowly put the kitten on her cloud, then turned in the opposite direction.

"I finished work early," Luna said, sounding not in the least bit convincing. "So I decided to see if you're fine, Fluttershy."

"Umm, I am, Princess." The smile didn't leave Fluttershy's face. "Moonlight is fine, and Princess Celestia repaired the furniture in your room."

"Oh." Luna said, only now taking note of the fact. "I was going to get to that first thing in the morning."

"Actually, you're right on time for Moonlight's bath."

"That's nice." Luna poked the kitten playfully with a hoof. "Wait, what?!" she gasped. "You're going to give Puff a bath?!"

Never before had Fluttershy heard so much fear, surprise and indignation wrapped in one single question. What did I just ask? she wondered. Cats didn't particularly like water, but this was an aether kitten! According to Magnifica, moon creatures adored water, be they kittens. Fluttershy was certainly not going to do anything that harmed the little creature! How could Luna even think otherwise?

"Umm, he is a bit dirty, Princess." Fluttershy began apologetically. "Don't worry. I've given plenty of animals a bath. I know—"

"Puff isn't just any animal!" Luna frowned, placing a hoof on the kitten protectively. "What if he catches a cold? The book said that it can take years for aether creatures to recover!"

"Umm, but—" The pegasus try to say something, but was quickly interrupted.

"Or what if he drowns? For a kitten Puff's size anything larger than a fruit bowl would be an ocean!"

"But, I will—"

"Not to mention the soap!" Steam came out of Luna's nostrils. "Do you know if the soap is suitable for kittens? Do you know who made it? What if Puff is allergic and loses all his fur? Or if a bubble bursts in his eye, causing him to go blind?"

A series of knocks came from the door.

"What?!" Luna barked, very much furious. The door abruptly opened, revealing a somewhat confused Celestia, levitating a large bucket of water beside her. Instinctively, Luna pushed the kitten down into the cloud. "Sister," she said coldly. In her current state being nice wasn't a priority.

"Luna," Celestia replied in turn. "I was told that Fluttershy requested a bucket of water." Her glance focused on the cloud. "A storm cloud?" she sighed heavily. "I thought we discussed this, Luna. No clouds indoors. And if that isn't bad enough, you're forcing your guests to do the windows for you?"

"As if you do your own windows!" Luna grumbled. "And the bucket is not for Fluttershy, it's for me! I'll be having a bath!"

"A bath?" Celestia blinked. "In this? You're going to take a bath in your room, in a bucket?"

"You said I smelled of cat litter, so yes!" Luna snorted. "In my room, in a bucket, using a storm cloud. Or is that too unbecoming?"

"Sister, as you are aware, we have a bathroom the size of the throne room." Celestia narrowed her eyes critically. "And it's full of shower clouds."

"Well, maybe I want to?" Luna crossed her forelegs.

"You are being childish, Sister."

"Well, maybe I want to be childish?" The Princess of the Night remained defiant. Apparently, this was the last straw for Celestia.

"Very well, then." Celestia ceased her levitation spell. The bucket slammed on the floor, splashing water all over her hooves. "If you'll continue behaving like a foal, maybe you do deserve taking a bath in this." She pushed the bucket into the room. "Good night!" She slammed the door shut.

"Ha! Fine!" Luna shouted back. Fluttershy could tell that the conversation had taken a greater toll on the alicorn than she was letting on. The Princess' ears were flat and one of her forelegs was shaking slightly.

"Meow?" The kitten fell through the cloud, plopping on the floor.

"Not now, Puff," Luna said curtly. "I... need to get back to work." Not waiting for an answer, she flew out of the room, leaving Fluttershy, Moonlight and the storm cloud behind.

Oh, dear, Fluttershy thought. The moment she did, the cloud began to rain.

Author's Note:

Question to everyone:
Do you think Celestia knows about Puff or not?