• Published 26th Feb 2016
  • 3,403 Views, 300 Comments

Furry Ball of Moonlight - Lise

When a moonlight kitten enters Luna's life, the first thing on her mind is to give it to Fluttershy and forget all about it. However, nothing involving kittens is ever that simple.

  • ...

8. The Night Gala - Opening

The palace was crowded with ponies. Luna had never imagined it possible for so many to fit in the hall. At such short notice, and keeping in mind who the guest of honour was, she was expecting a few dozen at the most. Possibly a hundred, if Celestia "benevolently" suggested to her subjects that they attend. Instead, Luna was looking at over a thousand, eagerly pushing and shoving to take part in the event. A line thirty yards long had formed at the palace gates. For stars’ sakes! So much for having a quiet and boring evening.

"Princess, you are expected," one of Celestia's aides reminded. "The guest of honour has been most—" the pause was accompanied by a sigh and a frown, "—insistent that you present him yourself."

"Has he?" Luna tried to remain as calm as possible. That good for nothing, mismatched jigsaw puzzle thinks he can boss me around? Sadly, Discord had the means to do just that. Until the Gala was over, Luna was going have to play by his tune. "Inform our esteemed guest that I'll announce his greatness in a moment," she said.

"Her Majesty also inquired when you would appear to officially start the event," the pony went on. Aren't you the perfect assistant? Just like Sis likes them. “Inquired” did she? More like reminding me not to be late! It took considerable effort on Luna's part not to snort. "This being your event, it is only proper that the honour be entirely yours."

"Quite," Luna said curtly. "Please inform my voluminous sister that I'll be there shortly."

The unicorn flinched. Even Celestia's "training" proved incapable of hiding the shock on her face. The aide’s lips pursed, after which she quickly muttered something unintelligible and rushed away.

So much for that. Luna told herself. Just one night. Surely it couldn't be that difficult? Puff was hidden away, securely locked in the Princess’ chambers. The alicorn had taken special care to ensure that all possible points of exit were safely locked, barred, bolted and otherwise made impassable. There was absolutely no way the kitten would leave that room… and that's precisely what made Luna feel uneasy.

How did I ever get into this mess? If she hadn't lied to Celestia, none of this would have happened. There would be no secret for her to keep. Discord wouldn't have anything to blackmail her with. There would be no reason for last night’s yelling match with her sister... Well, it was too late now. Assuming a royal stance, Luna glanced once more at the ponies outside, then calmly made her way towards the main hall. It had been a while since she served any official function. Other than raising and lowering the moon, Celestia had spared Luna the annoyance of bureaucracy. If she could have taken charge of this event, it would have been even better. At least then Luna wouldn't have to deal with the crowds and the annoying draconequus. Several pairs of guards saluted the Princess of the Night as she passed by. Naturally, all of them were white pegasi. Not even my own guards… Fine! Let's get this over with!

"Announcing her Royal Highness," the chamberlain declared, as Luna entered the grand hall. Highness? The alicorn's eye twitched. "Princess of the Night, Keeper of dreams and Sovereign of all Equestria!" That's a bit better.

Everypony stopped whatever they were doing. A thousand pairs of eyes turned in Luna's direction. The feeling was new. Hardly in millennia had Luna been the centre of attention. She liked it. For once it was as if she actually mattered in this kingdom. Hardly had she started to enjoy it, however, when the feeling disappeared again. Celestia was also present, seated comfortably on a cushion by the throne. Of course you'd be here, Luna thought, as she put on a fake smile. Waiting to jump in if your "poor wittle sister" messes up again, eh? Stiffly, the Princess of the Night made her way in front of the throne.

"Citizens of Equestria, it pleases us that you have given us the honour of attending the first Night Gala!" Luna announced. The silence couldn't be louder. Not that she had expected cheers or wild stomping, but at least there had to be some reaction. Concerned, Luna glanced at her sister. “Go on,” Celestia gesticulated. What? Are they seriously expecting a speech? You never had to do any of that that for your Galas, Sis!

Among the crowd, Pinkie Pie waved, giant smile on her face. “Go for it, Princess!” the pink pony shouted.

"Err, we hope that you find the event to your liking,” Luna added. This is so stupid! “And might this night last forever!"

New silence followed, broken only by a single "Yoo-hoo!" from Pinkie Pie. Was this normal? Luna glanced at her sister, who was now staring at her with a mixture of pride and concern. Really, Sis? Luna frowned. Upset with me already? What will be my punishment now? A week of eye rolling? Unfortunately, her reaction was completely misinterpreted. Coughing audibly, Celestia proceeded to clap her hooves eagerly. Seconds later stomping filled the hall.

Moon, take me now! Luna felt like groaning. "Thank you, our little ponies." Stars, I really hate that phrase! "But please, save your applause for the real mastermind of this Gala." She glanced around. Discord was nowhere to be seen. Just typical! Pester me to have this stupid event, then go off somewhere. "The one who... makes life in Equestria... interesting, and my very special guest of honour, Disc—"

"Why, Princess, you shouldn't have!" The draconicus poofed into existence right in front of Luna. "I truly am touched. To name me the guest of honour? Why, this is a surprise beyond surprises! Never in a thousand years would I have dreamt to be the guest of honour at such a grand occasion!"

Don't push it, snake! Being here is bad enough! I hope Puff is doing well. Maybe, I should have left more toys for him to play with?

"Since my dear Luna caught me completely off guard, I’ll be brief." The draconequus snapped his fingers. A large scroll appeared before him in mid air. "First of all, I'd like to thank my dear friend, and best Princess, Celestia!"

Wait, what? Luna blinked. This was the last straw! Celestia might tolerate Discord's antics, but Luna wasn't having any of that. Furious, she stomped away, not even bothering to take her place on the throne. It wasn't as if anypony would notice anyway.

"That cloud dripping, rot festering, miasma sniffing worm!" the alicorn hissed under her breath, as she walked furiously through the hall. The crowd parted as she approached, staying safely out of the reach. "If anyone ever asks me for a favour again—"

"Umm, Princess," a meek voice tried to interrupt.

"—I'll give them lightning piercings, strangle them with mist—"

"Umm, Princess," the voice persisted.

"—then twist them in a knot!" Steam came out of Luna's nostrils.

"Princess?" the voice squeaked.

"What?!" Luna snapped, only to realize that the pony trying to attract her attention was a very pale and shivering Fluttershy. "Oh, Flutter, sorry." The alicorn's demeanor instantly changed. "Please, don't mind me. It's just that this stupid Gala has me a bit argh. Discord, my sister, a thousand ponies that somehow managed to make their way here..." She waved a hoof, annoyed. "I can't wait for all this to be over!"

"Oh," the pegasus said. "It's not that bad..."

"Not that bad?" The Princess levitated a glass of crystal water from the tray of a passing waiter, then emptied it in a single gulp. "This is probably the worst night I've had in months! I honestly feel that everything that could go wrong, did so!"

"Umm." Fluttershy swallowed. "Maybe not everything?" She asked tensely.

"Please, there is no need to try and calm me, Fluttershy." Luna shook her head. "I've defeated armies. I'm sure that I'll survive this disaster as well."

"Well... you see..." Fluttershy cowered more and more with every word. "There's..."

"Yes, Fluttershy?"

"There's just a..." Fluttershy's voice could barely be head. "It's... Moonlight is... gone."

Luna froze. The crowd around her seemed to disappear, leaving her alone with her fears. Stupid, stupid Puff! Of all the times to run away, why did you choose now? The alicorn's stomach felt as ice. Anything could happen to the kitten in this crowd, absolutely anything! Images of him being trampled floated before Luna's eyes. Or what if it had run off into the city? At this time of night there was no telling where he might end up!

"Are you sure?" Luna grabbed Fluttershy pulling the pegasus towards her. "Are you absolutely sure? Maybe he went invisible again and you missed him?"

"I... I..." The terrified Fluttershy managed to squeak.

And just when I thought things couldn't get worse. A missing Puff could only mean one thing — trouble. Luna glanced around. The place was too crowded to make anything out. Luna's heart sank. What if somepony steps on the kitten? If he was running around invisible, that might well happen.

"Fluttershy!" The Princess turned back to the pegasus. "When did you..." Luna paused. The pony in her hooves had fainted. Curses! I must her overreacted a bit. "Fluttershy," she whispered, letting go of her. "Fluttershy, it is alright. I am not upset with you." Just furious with myself! I never should have left him alone! Oh, I'm so worried that something bad might have happened to Puff. "Fluttershy, please wake up. We need to find him."

Find him, Luna thought. That certainly was easier said than done. There was absolutely no way of them knowing where the kitten had gone off to. He might be in this very hall and they wouldn't even notice. Trying to hide her panic, Luna looked around. The ponies had divided in small groups discussing the latest gossip — for the most part comparing the Night Gala to the Grand Galloping Gala. A few steps from the throne, in front of a giggling Celestia, Discord continued his "small impromptu speech".

"...and I couldn't not mention my dear friend Twilight, now a princess, in her own right." The annoying noise made its way into Luna's ear. "Why, if it hadn't been for her, I'd—" Discord suddenly stopped amid word. Dozens of drops of sweat appeared on his reddening face. "But enough about this." The draconequus' face twisted in a guilty smile. The scroll he was holding disappeared in a puff of smoke. "We are here to rock the night, aren't we, everypony? So let's get started!"

For the briefest of moments Discord glanced at Luna. Not a word was said, not a gesture made, but the message was clear. Well, at least I know where Puff is. The princess frowned. I'll just go to that snake and— Discord snapped his fingers. His expression changed back to normal, as he casually made his way to the crowd. For several long seconds Luna just stood there, staring blankly.

"Wonderful." Her frown deepened. Thanks to Discord, she was back to square one. Apparently the stupid draconequus wasn't deity enough to withstand the teeth of a kitten for a few seconds. Just a few seconds! I would have gone to claim it in that time! But nooo! I'm Discord, my scales are sensitive! Where, the stars, must I start to look for Puff now?!

The sound of a vase smashing to the floor, came from the far end of the hall. Hearing it, Luna allowed herself a smile. Maybe she wasn't back to square one after all?

* * *

The last hour of Fluttershy's life flashed before her eyes. What... what... where? she wondered, trying to get her senses in order. The last thing she could remember was starting a conversation with Princess Luna at the Gala. However, she was no longer there now. Instead, she standing in front of the Princess' chambers, looking at a copy of herself unlock the door. Was this a déjà vu? A spell? A memory of some sort?

"Moonlight?" Fluttershy's other self whispered, entering the room. "Is there anything you need? Maybe a nice snack?" Her copy took out a Phoenix feather. Philomena had given her that feather back when the bird had rebirthed in Ponyville. The pony held it very dear. She also know that it was the perfect lure to get the kitten out of hiding. Alarmingly, nothing happened.

"Moonlight?" Fluttershy watched herself say louder. No reaction. "Moonlight?"

Princess Luna had been adamant the kitten remain in her room until the following morning. She had assured Fluttershy that there was no possible way for him to escape, be it through cunning or magic. But if that were the case, where was he? Looking around, the pegasus could see a large collection of chew toys piled next to the bed, as well as a few freshly torn bedsheets, yet no Moonlight.

"Don't go near the bed!" Fluttershy proper shouted. Her copy, however, did not hear her. Instead, it did exactly the same mistake Fluttershy had.

"It's all right, Moonlight," the Fluttershy copy said waving the feather as she approached the bed. "There really is no need to be upset. I know you want to play with Princess Luna, but she is really, really busy right now. Just be good kitten and play with your toys, and I’m sure she'll pass by to see you and—"

The creaking of the door interrupted the sentence. One Fluttershy sighed, while the other watched the kitten squeeze through the crack of the door into the corridor. You have become sneaky, Moonlight, Fluttershy thought, while her copy rushed towards the door in an attempt to catch him.

"Oh my, oh my!" the copy squeaked. "Princess Luna will be so upset! Moonlight was supposed to remain in her room, and I let him loose, instead."

"Fluttershy," a distant whisper echoed.

"Maybe I should try and find it on my own? The Princess probably has her hooves full with the Gala."

"Fluttershy." The whisper was now closer to a voice.

“I'm sure that Moonlight means no harm. He is responsible enough to know not to be seen. He probably just wants to stretch his legs a bit and will go right back to—”

"Fluttershy! A yell thundered, causing the pegasus' eyes to pop open. She was at the Gala again... on the floor... with Princess Luna looming over her.

"Eeep!" Fluttershy curled up in fear, instantly regretting she wasn't unconscious. The Princess will banish me! Or yell! Or yell and then banish me! Her entire body trembled.

"Sorry, but we must catch him quickly." Fluttershy felt being levitated in the air. "I've no idea how that pesky thing managed to get out of my bedroom, but when I catch him and we’ll have words!" The Princess muttered. A few steps away several ponies gasped in horror. Luna didn't even notice. "We mustn't let me sister find out!"

"Umm, Princess, maybe you could... suggest the possibility to Princess Celestia?" Fluttershy attempted to reach the floor with her hooves. It wasn't easy.

"Ha! As if!" Luna snorted. "I won't give her the satisfaction of... No!"

Eeek! Fluttershy covered her head with both wings. The lack of any further follow up made her cautiously peek through her feathers. Apparently, she wasn't the only one — the entire hall was staring in her direction. Are they staring at me? Fluttershy shivered. I… I… Don't like being stared at! The fear gave her strength to reach the floor with the tips of her hooves and push herself away from the Luna. Nopony reacted. Hesitantly, Fluttershy repeated the process — the result was the same.

Oh, how silly of me. She blushed in embarrassment. They are not staring at me, they are staring at Princess Luna. And the Princess is staring at… Eeek! Twenty feet away, Moonlight was eagerly climbing up one of the royal tapestries. He had already gone so high, he had nearly reached the ceiling. Moonlight! My goodness! Fluttershy screamed internally. There was no time to think. Flapping her wings, she darted upwards, straight towards the kitten.

"I'll save you!" the yellow pegasus screamed without thinking. The kitten obviously heard her, for he stopped and turned around to look at Fluttershy. Just don't look down, the pegasus thought. This is no place for a kitten! You could fall, or accidentally get pushed into a bowl of punch, or—

Inches from her hooves, the kitten vanished. Fluttershy grabbed the tapestry, but it was already too late. The only thing she managed to achieve was to pull on the tapestry, tearing it off the wall. Oh dear, she thought as she fell to the floor, the heavy fabric that piling over her.

“Moonlight?” she whispered. “Moonlight, are you all right?” There was no sign of the kitten. That was supposed to be a good thing, she was certain of it. According to the book on aether creatures, kittens always floated when left in mid air. Moonlight had probably landed safely in the hall somewhere.

Phew, that is a relief, Fluttershy thought. Hardly had she done so, when fear struck again with a vengenace. I... I... ruined Princess Luna's Gala... She felt her body tremble. ...and let Moonlight out of the room. I'm a terrible pony!

"Fluttershy?!" The tapestry moved off of her, revealing the face of an extremely furious Rarity. "Why, I..." The unicorn paused to take a deep breath. And now I've upset Rarity as well. Fluttershy braced herself. "I can't believe I didn't notice it earlier! This tapestry so obviously clashes with the rest of the decor! Why, it's a crime to let it remain hanging!"

"Umm, right?" Fluttershy smiled uneasily, as Rarity levitated the tapestry away. "Umm, terrible."

"Quite so, darling!" Rarity said indignantly, as she trotted away. "Absolutely hideous! Not to worry, though, for I will quickly resolve this fashion injustice!" The unicorn trotted away.

"Indeed, fairest Rarity," Luna said loudly, moving towards Fluttershy. "The Gala of the Night requires your invaluable fashion sense!" The explanation, apparently was good enough for the crowd. It only took a few more seconds for conversations to fill the hall again, returning the event to its usual stuffy, boring state. Fluttershy, however, was far from calm. The kitten was still missing, lost somewhere in the sea of ponies. "Fluttershy," Luna whispered, "did you manage to catch him?"

The pegasus shook her head. "No, Princess... I... I..." I feel so ashamed!

"We'll split up!" Luna's tone was dangerously close to an order. "You search the upper part of the throne and I'll take care of the rest. Remember, Sis mustn't find out!"

"But, isn't Moonlight's life more important than..." Before Fluttershy could finish, the alicorn had already disappeared into the crowd. The pegasus' ears drooped. "...keeping the secret from Princess Celestia..."

* * *

That was close! Puff ran through the forest of hooves. Fluttershy had almost caught him... which was strange, since she was supposed to be on his side. She had let him out of his room, after all. Why was she trying to catch him now, though? Ponies! They can never make up their minds. Obviously, if he wanted something done right he was going to have to do it himself!

The hall was way bigger than he imagined — at least ten times as huge as his room. And all those ponies. The temptation to climb on their heads and jump off was so great. Actually, why don't I? They'll be happy to help. The kitten looked around. Most of the ponies were just standing there, talking to one another. Amusing, but utterly useless for Puff's needs. Maybe he could—

"Uh-oh," the kitten meowed. Luna was approaching. From the expression on her face, she was anything but pleased. It didn't look like she wanted to play. Why must my pony be so thick headed? Can't she see I'm doing what's best for her? Bah! Of course, she can't. She's just a ponycorn. Changing direction, Puff quickly ran towards what seemed to be a table of pony food.

Food! The kitten's stomach growled. He wanted another bite of that Discord creature so badly. Maybe after he showed himself to big fat Celestia he'd attempt that again? The stupid walking buffet had the nasty ability to teleport him away. If it hadn't been for the creature's peskiness, Puff would have already... Oooh, this one smells tasty! Stopping for a moment, the kitten looked focused his attention on one surprisingly unusual pony. So far Puff had only come across two that fit for eating — his pony and her sister. There also were Philomena and the walking buffet, but those didn't count. Being presented with a third pony to bite on was too good an opportunity to miss!

Floating up into the air, Puff took a better look at his new prey. It was a white pony, somewhat similar to Philomena's alicorn, only male and without wings. The magic that radiated from it was quite meager, less than a phoenix feather. Still, the aroma was entirely new.

No feathers, Puff mused, looking at the blond maned pony. I'll go for the tail then! The cutter crouched down in the air. Pressing on his front paws, he waved his tail twice, then leapt down without hesitation and sunk his teeth into the pony's tail.

"Neigh!" the pony said indignantly, yet didn't move a muscle. Nice! This one is so cooperative! I'll keep it! A few bites later, Puff quickly changed his mind. The taste was awful! The pony was so bland, as if it had gone out of its way to mix its magic with air. Disgusted, the kitten rushed along the pony's back, hopping onto his head, then onto the table.

"Neigh neigh!" loud yell came from behind. Uh-oh! Puff recognized the voice — it was Luna. Quickly he ran under the nearest rack of pony food. Luna was fun and all, but right now he didn't want her to interfere with his plan. "Neigh neigh neigh, neigh!"

Move on, move on! The kitten said to himself. Why must this pony business be so difficult? Everything kept getting in the way! If Luna wasn't his favourite pony, Puff would have long left the hall to explore other rooms. Still, as Philomena had said, the princess pony was his responsibility, and he was going to see it to the end! If only there was an easier way to attract big fat's attention, though.

"Wow!" The kitten blinked. A few steps away, a giant pyramid of sparkling glasses rose to the ceiling. Puff had never seen so many glasses in one place before! There had to be hundreds stacked one atop the other, filled with bubbly water. So many! He gazed in wonder. So sparkly… This was almost like a dream come to life, and Puff had seen enough dreams to know. A shame that all this was wasted on water, though. There were so many better uses one could think of.

Wait a moment! The kitten smiled. This gives me an idea! The best idea ever!