• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 4,389 Views, 47 Comments

Terrible Things... - Diceman

What if queen chrysalis won...?

  • ...

Chapter II: Terrible sounds?

Chapter II: Terrible sounds?

As the insect like guards grabbed up Twilight and her friends to carry them to their inevitably terrible fate a fight broke out. Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash started kicking wildly, knocking out many drones, Rainbow Dash landing many thunderous headbutts but to little effect. The sheer number of drones occupying Canterlot was quickly approaching ludicrous levels and the two fiery mares were quickly subdued and tied up with green rope from the drones mouths.

"When I get outta this imma kick yer armored behinds all over Canterlot" Applejack yelled as she was dragged away.

"You guys are go getting sonic rain nuked when I get free" Rainbow Dash yelled as she bit one of the Drones on the shin.

The others pondered fighting for a moment but thought better of it. They were terribly outnumbered and if the physically strongest of the bunch were overcome so easily what could a fashionista, a veterinarian, a baker and a severely drained apprentice do?

Twilight staggered to her feet as a drone in a white uniform approached and began inspecting her horn. "Ma'am, I need you to hold still while I use my magic to seal that wound of yours, its looks too serious to leave open." Twilight wanted to resist but her head hurt so much that she laid down on the floor and let the medical drone do his work.

As she was getting treated she watched out the corner of her eye as her friends were led away to begin "Love extraction" and mumbled to herself. "I will save you girls, no matter the cost."

The medical drone overheard Twilight's declaration and bent down to whisper in her ear. "Don't worry ma'am, they will learn to enjoy it."

Twilight felt like kicking the medical drone square in the face but couldn't even muster the strength to kick..let alone with any force. "How can you live with yourself knowing you do terrible things to ponies?"

The drone scratched his head, pondering the question. "Well ma'am some ponies like it. I saw a few on them on pine street partaking in it."

Pine street Twilight thought to herself. There's a brothel and casino there, not my kinda thing but at least they were not forced into it.

"They were not forced into it though, you're still a monster for doing such terrible things."

"Wow you ponies really must hate m..." The drone was cut off by a larger drone with what looked like many a scar on his thick hide.

"No use arguing with with her medical drone four four three. She will learn to love it or this next week will be very painful for her...very painful indeed."

Twilight gulped as the larger imposing drone walked over to her backside, eying her body from what she thought looked like barely contained lust.

"You are very lucky the Queen has ordered you as her special 'company' for tonight, few drones have ever had such a honor as you. Anyways, follow me willingly to room one or I will carry you there myself."

Twilight was shaking and sweating uncontrollably, what if this drone took her the second she reached the room? She had no magic left to defend herself and she was never really that good in melee combat to begin with. "Please, mr drone...don't hurt me when we get to the room." She had no idea why she was pleading with a creature she could only imagine as programmed to be evil but it was the only idea that popped up.

"Oh no" The drone replied. "I would never do such a thing to the Queens 'Special company' " the drone said as he gave Twilight the strangest "You gonna get raped" leer she had ever seen.

Gulping for air to try and stop herself from running away in a panic and just getting herself in deeper trouble than she already was, she begrudgingly followed the large drone down the hallway, her head down the entire time. As they made their way to room one, Twilight could see other ponies with worried expressions on their faces being led to separate rooms of their own. Some of them were fighting, others were just content to get it over and done with but strangely some seemed...excited at the premise.

I guess you can't rape the willing, even Canterlot has it's weirdos I guess.

As room one came into view two more drones passed her chatting with each other. "Hey drone seventeen, was that drone eighty-four from personnel management?"

"Sure was, did you see the second mouth he had? I bet you could eat some serious P...." Twilight's concentration was torn from the conversation as she bumped into the drone she was following but caught "eat it while shes watching" from the conversation as it faded from earshot.

These drones are terrible..a second mouth used just to eat out others private places?

"Ahem, we have arrived at room one. Queen Chrysalis will be with you in a hour. I suggest you take a quick bath so you look presentable to our queen." The drone opened the door and ushered Twilight into the room, the lights were slightly dimmed and no bed was in sight, only a large TV screen with what looked like a camera on the stand below, a dream play-cube 720 game console and two reclined chairs were present on one side of the room. A microwave and mini-fridge on the other side.

Shes going to record deflowering me? Twilight nodded hesitantly and entered the dimly lit room and trotted over to the lavender reclining chairs to inspect them. The door locked behind her and she could feel a powerful seal being put on the door, there would be no escape for her.

As Twilight felt the last bit of magic leave the drone outside and the steps of him walking away, she sat down and started to plan. "Okay Twilight, you have been in far worse situations than this all I need to do is get my friends to safety and get a hold of princess Luna somehow." Twilight began to plan out how to go about leaving the palace grounds undetected when she realized a very real truth; she had no bucking clue where princess Luna was during the daytime.

I have to find a way to reach her, shes a much better fighter than Celestia. If she frees her sister and confronts Chrysalis, they are sure to win but how to go about contacting her? Twilight closed her eyes and felt out for Luna's presence and found her on the far side of Equestria, sleeping in a large palace of her own on the border with the dragon lands. "Okay, that's pretty far but I have teleported further, I should be able to contact her telepathically." Twilight closed her eyes again but as she started to cast the spell for telepathy her horn felt like it was going to melt right off.

"Ow, ow, ow ...Shouldn't of used so much power in that attack. Maybe if I can somehow get to rarity..." The thought struck her, her friends have been alone with other changelings for quite some time. They were either fighting for their lives or already being deflowered. "Oh no, I got to check on them somehow, maybe a short range telepathy spell." Twilight closed her eyes but her horn wouldn't allow any her to focus on any one pony. "How can I check on them?"

Twilight stood up and started prancing in place in a near panic as she tried to figure a way to know how her friends are doing. "Wait, the sounds of friends spell doesn't take much power but it only works in short bursts...well, I guess that's better than not knowing." Twilight closed her eyes and focused on one of her friends. First let's check on Rainbow Dash. As she focused on the rainbow maned Pegasus she could start to hear words forming in her head.

"Please, no I beg you, please take it out. It hurts my pride as a flyer and if it continues my body and mind will never be the same...please...for the love of Celestia stop."

Twilight could feel the sorrow and fear in Rainbow Dash's voice and she opened her eyes, tears flowing from them. "They....they got Dashie, ...poor Pegasus." Twilight wiped the tears from her eyes. "I swear Rainbow, we will get them for this, I swear it." Twilight contemplated trying to kick down the door and make a mad dash to save Rainbow but with so many drones buzzing about she would surely be caught. "I'm so sorry Rainbow Dash, if only I had been stronger..." Twilight sat there a moment, wallowing in self pity before she snapped out of it. No point in crying now, I gotta find out how the others are doing. Twilight closed her eyes again and focused on Applejack.

"Do they seriously call that a buck where you come from? That has got to be the most pathetic attempt I have ever seen. Here let me show you how it's done varmit."

Twilight winced as her mind reverberated with the sound of crashing furniture and possible fighting. "Good, Applejack is fighting back. I knew someone as vigorous and strong as her wouldn't go down without a fight...but what about..." Twilight closed her eyes again, this time focusing on the most timid pony she had ever known, Fluttershy.

"Oh...oh my, that black thing is small but scary and kinda looks like a 4th grader drew it, all off angle and such. Can we stop now please, that doesn't impress me at all."

Twilight opened her eyes somewhat confused and surprised that Fluttershy had avoided being deflowered but was now possibly making sport of her captors equipment. "Well that was...oddly unexpected, weird insults but whatever works I guess. I hope Fluttershy can shame him into not doing anything with her. Speaking of shame, maybe Rarity is doing the same with hers except with their lack of fashion sense."

Twilight closed her eyes again until she heard a familiar whining of her friend. "Oh you have got to be kidding me, whats with that weird bulge in the back of his head and look at those ghastly outfits! What are you trying to do, kill me with tackiness?"

Twilight giggled to herself. You go girl, tell them about how their shoe taste is bad and they should feel bad. Twilight giggled for a few more seconds as Rarities voice faded, still complaining about how tacky her abductors outfits where before closing her eyes and focusing on her last friend, Diane "Pinkie" Pie.

At first it was mostly silent with only the occasional sound of Pinkie hopping in place until twilight heard the strangest thing she ever expected.

"Oh can I have the big one one on the right!"

Wait, what the buck? is she...no, I must be misinterpreting her.

"It's sooo BIG, I can't wait for you to stick it in."

Is she seriously enjoying this?

"That sure is a lot of chest hair"

Okay, seriously how do I turn this spell off?

"That red leather suit looks awesome, I just wish it showed off the muscles more."

Twilight forcefully broke the spell, slightly wincing in pain as she contemplated pinkie pies...voice messages. "Well...at least Pinkie is being well...more than Pinkie. I guess that Kinky pie rumor I heard about her was true." Twilight rubbed her head. How can any pony fathom rape as something fun? I guess Pinkie Pie will be Pinkie pie. At least she is okay.

A sharp knock at the door broke Twilight's train of thought. A raspy voice came from the other side of the door. "Miss Sparkle, The queen will be with you in about twenty minutes. I suggest you calm down and make yourself presentable, that is all."

Twilight looked up at the clock, nearly a half hour had passed since she was sealed within the room. That only leaves me a little time to check on Celestia before I have to figure out how to keep my backside out of the fire. As Twilight reached out with her mind to find Celestia, the clock slowly ticked away...each tick making Twilight feel more panicked as her confrontation with Chrysalis closed in.