• Published 2nd Apr 2016
  • 4,082 Views, 190 Comments

The 7th Element Season 2: Part 1, The Rise of Maelstrom. - Rojack79

Gadget is left broken after his life or death ordeal at the hand's of Vice Grip. Now that he has somewhat recovered he is ready to take on the role of Knight Protector of the royal family. But evil plot's threaten to destroy equestria from within.

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Chapter 1: Buried Secret's And More Mystery's.

Time: Unknown.
Date: Unknown.
Location: Unknown.

Gadget floated through a void of endless nothingness. His mind was a jumble of thought's, memory's, and fragmented pain. Hello? Is anybody there? His thought's projected out into the void and in response he got nothing. Were am i? He drifted through the void aimlessly, floating to and fro with out rhyme or reason. Who am i?

7, 4, 1000, C.E.
10:00 A.M.
Canterlot Royal Hospital.

Twilight and her friend's had to leave for ponyville a few day's ago. They had there own live's to return to. Midnight understood. She was sure that Gadget would have understood as well. She went to the train station to see them off.

Twilight's family was there to. They had offered to shelter Sky and Ruby for the duration of there stay in Canterlot. The couple excepted and they to went to the train station to see the group off. The last to arrive were Princess Celestia and Luna. Twilight shared a hug with her family.

Then she went and hugged Celestia before she boarded the train with her friend's. Oh i almost forgot! She quickly ran to the door's and threw an envelope out to Gadget's parent's.

"It's so he'll have us there when he wake's up!" Twilight shouted as the train began to depart the station. Ruby caught the gift in her magic. She brought it over to the group and opened it. Inside was a get well soon letter from the girl's. And a picture.

It was of the girl's and Gadget all huddled together with one another posing for a picture. Gadget's face was so red and his face looked contorted like he was trying not to think about something. Ruby chuckled as she passed the picture to her husband. He laughed.

"Wow he really is quite the stud." He then passed the picture over to the rest of the group. They all got a laugh out of it. Even Midnight seemed to have raised spirit's today. Shining Armor's ear's suddenly perked up. He pulled out his comm's device and put it in his ear.

"This is Captain Armor? What's the situation?"

"Sir we have a problem at the hospital. You'l want to get down here ASAP!" Shining stomped a hoof.

"Now what?" He said as tapped his comm. He turned to the group.

"There's a problem at the Hospital!" The words had barely escaped his lip's when Midnight Looked like she was about to tear out of the train station. But she was stopped by Princess Celestia.

"Hold young one. I shall get us there." With all the concentration of an accomplished athlete and the effort of a child Celestia teleported the group to the emergency ward's waiting room's. Midnight was a little dizzy but she shook that off and scanned her surrounding's to see where she was. When she saw the door she ran through them an strait to Gadget's room.

"It is amazing she has no idea how in love him she really is?" Cadance said to herself. The other's looked to were Midnight was heading and briskly fallowed her trail.

"What do you mean Cadance?" Celestia asked. Cadance thought about it.

"Well look at it like this. Gadget is Midnight's first true friend. she care's deeply about him. She doesn't quite know that it's love yet. And neither does he." She shook her head and smiled.

"Those two are both in uncharted territory and it scare's the both of them. They don't know what to do because they've never had any such feeling's before." Then she looked to Luna.

"Dear auntie is there anything you can tell us about Midnight that could help?" Luna thought.

"Nay dear niece. There is naught. While we were imprisoned on the moon she mostly stayed to herself. We may have shared one body but she still had her own mind to retreat into." Luna thought about it.

"We are sorry we could not be more helpful than that." Celestia chuckled. Luna looked at her.

"What is so funny Tia?" Celestia pointed a hoof at Luna.

"Your language lesson's seem to be going well." She said waving a hoof. The group had reached Gadget's room. As they got into the door they saw who the reason was for them all being here. Midnight was standing between Gadget's bed and a very disgruntled looking unicorn. Her eye's were alight with blue flame's as she growled at the interloper.

"Now young miss i must insist that you move at once!" He said in a pompous authoritative tone. Midnight just growled right back at him and stepped foreword.

"You utter waste of a pony! If you so much as lay a hoof on him or his equipment i will personally rip you to shred's!" Midnight shouted at the stallion who backed up. The stallion was visibly shaking now out of both fear and anger.

"Young lady i will have you know i am the dean of the Canterlot Royal Academy!" He said putting on a brave face.

"I will not be spoken down to by a commoner and i will not stop in my effort's to reacquire the Academy's "Stolen" Equipment!" Celestia was shocked to hear such accusation's.

"Good Sr." She said striding into the room. The unicorn turned around and instinctively bowed before the Princess's.

"Your majesty's! What bring's you this dreary place?" He said pointing a hoof all around them. Midnight glared dagger's at the pony's back. He could feel her gaze on him and squirmed a little. That brought a small smile to her face. Celestia looked from the unicorn to Gadget. She sighed. Duty call's.

"Now Sr?"

"Calculus your majesty's." He said bowing once more. Luna rolled her eye's at the suck up. Midnight smiled at her and her sister's shared disdain of the unicorn. Celestia remained neutral.

"Yes Sr Calculus. Now what is this i hear of Stolen Equipment from the Royal Academy?" The unicorn humped.

"Well your majesty's, few year's ago our science lab's were broken into and various object's were stolen from our facility's." He sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"It has been an absolute nightmare trying to track down and retrieve all of the stolen property. But i and a special task force have managed to track down several of the stolen piece's of equipment. Now we've managed to track down some of the equipment to the home of one Gadget Sky-Rose."

"Then why come here?" Celestia asked as she raised an accusing eyebrow. Sky and Ruby were both trotting over to there son's bedside. They couldn't believe what this crap farmer was shoveling. So they went and stood by there son. They however were not prepared for him to grab them as they walked past his bed.

"AHHHHH!" Ruby screamed as her son shot up his eye's wide with fright. He to was screaming and soon the whole room was in an uproar. When everypony calmed down Calculus went up to Gadget.

"Gadget Sky-Rose?" He asked. Gadget looked at the unicorn and nodded his head. Calculus simply lit up his horn pulling out a set of hoof cuff's and slapped them onto Gadget's hoof's.

"you Sir are under arrest for the possession of stolen prop----" Calculus never got to finish his Miranda Right's. He was blind sided by Midnight who had tackled him into the nearby wall. He hit it with a sickening Crunch! sound and fell to the floor out cold. She starred the unconscious stallion before she went back to Gadget's bedside. He starred at Midnight then his eye's roved through all of the shocked face's in the room.

"Did I miss something?"