• Published 2nd Apr 2016
  • 4,082 Views, 190 Comments

The 7th Element Season 2: Part 1, The Rise of Maelstrom. - Rojack79

Gadget is left broken after his life or death ordeal at the hand's of Vice Grip. Now that he has somewhat recovered he is ready to take on the role of Knight Protector of the royal family. But evil plot's threaten to destroy equestria from within.

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Chapter 4: A Midnight Waltz With The Moon And Star's.

Author's Note:

Hey every pony! Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out. I had some bad stuff happen over the last few day's and it's been distracting me from my writing. But i'm still here. So enjoy this chapter. Like, comment, and subscribe.

7, 20, 1000, C.E.
Canterlot Castle, Canterlot.
9:00 P.M.

An hour and a half later, the dinning hall was now void of any pony that was not of royalty or servant of royalty. While Gadget got to stay his friends and family had to retire for the night. He bid them a good night and then he went and sat next to Midnight at the delegation's table. Also present at the table was Prince Charlemagne, Prince Blue Blood, The Royal Pony Sister's, Cadance and Shining Armor, as well as a few other host's from other far away land's. Princess Celestia stood to make the final toast of the night.

"My most wonderful guest's." She started off summoning a bottle of ancient looking wine to the table. Gadget gingerly raised his hoof like a school colt. Celestia gave him a smirk. Charlemagne grumbled.

"Yes Sir Sky-Rose?" He pointed a hoof at the bottle.

"Princess what is that?" He asked looking to the wine. Celestia laughed.

"I am glad you asked." She said as she took the bottle and showed it to the rest of the table. They all glanced at it with keen interest. Some of them even 'ooo'ed and 'aww'ed at the site of such an old piece of history. Celestia let the tension hang in the air. Then with a sly smile she continued.

"This is a genuine bottle of crisp Amber Scale Wine." All of the pony's at the table drooled at the bottle like it was a golden gem. It certainly shined like one. Prince Charlemagne looked like he was going to pass out.

"My dear Princess were did you ever acquire such rare vintage?" As a member of a royal family Charlemagne knew quite a lot about vintage wine's. This particular brand was famous about a thousand year's ago. Now there were only a hooful of specimen's left. To be sitting here at the very table of the equestrian royalty was honer enough. To be sitting at the table about to partake of the rarest wine in existence was cause for a heart attack. Celestia laughed.

"This was a gift from a friend." She said a sad smile moving over her face. It was gone in a flash and replaced with a mirthful look.

"Now shall we all grab glasses and toast to Equestria's newest Princess and her valiant protector?" She said as she levitated a glass to each of the table's ten recipient's. They all took a glass except for Gadget. Celestia smiled at him.

"Sir Sky-Rose is there something wrong?" She said. He looked around the table. All eye's were on him. He gulped.

"I-i-i'm sorry Princess but i am afraid i must decline your offer." He said as his face went red from embarrassment. The Prince looked livid. He dare's to forsake an offer from the Princess! Is he mad? Celestia was curious.

"Is there something wrong with the wine?" She asked. Gadget quickly flailed his hooves.

"No Princess!" He said a bit more forcefully than intended. He calmed down a little after taking several breath's.

"No. The wine is fine i bet." Fine! You bet!? As the Prince was bout to have an stroke Gadget paid him no mind.

"But?" Celestia prompted.

"Well i can't really hold my alcohol that well." He said flushing a deep crimson. The Prince's mind was speechless. Celestia thought about it. As she looked over the bottle it read, Amber Scale Wine, Vintage 0007 C.E. 15% Alcohol for cubic volume. Then she nodded her head.

"Very well Sir Sky-Rose. Is there any other beverage you would like to partake of?" She asked waving a hoof to a royal butler present. He trotted over to the table and waited to be given an order. Gadget thought about it.

"I would like a simple glass of water please." With a wave of her hoof the butler left and soon returned with a small glass of water. Celestia smiled as she took the glass and passed it over to Gadget. He took in his magic's grip and held it aloft. The princess then proceeded to fill up everypony's glass with wine.

"Now that we are all ready." She said a grin plastered to her face. Everypony present held up there glass. And all at once,

"To Princess Midnight and her Knight Protector!" They all then drank there glasses content's in commemoration of the Equestrian Royal Family.

Canterlot Castle, 9:07 P.M.

A royal guard's pony led the delegate's and Princess's to their room's for the night. The Princess's rooms were all along the left side of the hall. the delegate's were on the right. As they all bid each other a good night Charlemagne noticed that Gadget was following Midnight to her quarter's. Just what is this young stallion trying to pull? Just as he was about to voice his opinion on the matter Celestia spoke up.

"Sir Sky-Rose will you be watching over Princess Midnight tonight?" She asked.

"Yes your majesty." He answered his face serious and composed. He looked like any other soldier of the guard with that expression on. Charlemagne just starred. This pony is an enigma. One that the prince was really interested in cracking wide open. But that would have to wait for tomorrow. He didn't like the thought of a complete buffoon guarding his queen but he would have to find a way to settle the issue tomorrow. Tonight he was far to tired and maybe even a little bit drunk. He wobbled to his room opened the door and went to his bed. Tomorrow that Knight shall prove his worth.

Meanwhile Gadget and Midnight were both getting ready for bed. Midnight had changed into a simple blue silk gown while gadget remained in his chain armor and white cloth robe's, his sword now firmly secured on his back within easy reach. Midnight made her way to her bed and climbed in for the night. She looked at Gadget as he stood as still as a statue next to Midnight's balcony window.

"Sir Sky-Rose are you sure you wouldn't like to rest for the night?" She asked looking concerned. Gadget's eye's roamed through the room.

"I think i shall be fine for tonight you'r highness." He said a faint smirk cracking his visage of hard stone. Midnight gave him a contemplative look before she settled down in her bed. She gave Gadget one last thought before she drifted off into a peaceful sleep, assured that none would harm her while she was under Gadget's guarding gaze.

11:28 P.M.

Midnight was roused form her slumber by a soft snoring sound. Her eye's quickly adjusted to the darkness letting her see in perfect clarity that Gadget had fallen asleep while still standing up. She snickered at this sight and really wished she had a camera right now. She shimmied out from under her cover's and went over to the sleeping stallion. She looked at him. If she didn't know any better she would have thought he was still standing guard. But she waved her hoof in front of his face and he didn't budge. She then sighed and shook her head.

"You could have just came to bed." She snorted and went to her door. She slowly opened it with her magic.

Let's see. Where are the kitchen's now? Midnight wandered the hall's of the desolate castle as she made her way to the kitchen's.

11:30 P.M.

Gadget awoke to the sound of a door closing nearby.

"uh huh wha?" His head shot up to Midnight's bed.

Oh Crap! He thought noticing that she wasn't in it. He frantically searched the room for her but found nothing. Then his eye's came to a stop looking at her door.

Could she have gone out for a walk? He opened the door and peaked out into the hall. He saw nothing then he went back into the room. He rummaged through his over night bag.

"Aha never leave home without it." He said as he pulled out a pair of sun glasses. He put them on and lit up his horn. The glasses flashed to life with all sort's of data as they scanned the room. They beeped a little tune indicating that they had found something. He adjusted his magic and his glasses showed him the last set of hoof print's that were outlined on the floor. He saw that they belonged to Midnight. She got up from her bed came over to him and then exited out the room. He shook his head and sighed.

"I really hope this doesn't get put on my permanent record." He said as he set off down the hallway fallowing her hoof prints.

A few minute's later of fallowing the glowing trace's of magic left over from Midnight's stroll through the castle had led Gadget to the kitchen's. Must have wanted a midnight snack. He chuckled at his unintended pun. He scanned the Kitchen's and saw Midnight sitting there a sandwich in her magic's grasp starring off into the distance as she took a bite. He smiled. She look's so peaceful. Then he chuckled. As quietly as he could he made his way to the door. He gently knocked on it with a hoof.

"Midnight? You in there?" He heard a gasp from the other side of the door and a second later he was pulled into the kitchen by a worried looking Midnight.

"Gadget? What are you doing here?" She asked looking confused now. Gadget meanwhile looked around the kitchen. There were pot's pan's and several other thing's all strewn about the place.

"So you made all of this mess." Gadget said waving a hoof around. "Just to make that?" He said pointing to the sandwich Midnight was holding. She looked around and then gave him a sheepish look.

"Well i was tired and maybe a little drunk." she said her face heating up. Gadget just chuckled. He tapped the side of his glasses and they went to work scanning the kitchen.

"What are those? the're new." Midnight said looking at the dark orange shade's Gadget had on.

"These are a prototype." He said as they flashed green. Then a small voice rang out. "Scan complete. The use of a clean sweep spell is highly recommended." Midnight was puzzled.

"Is that the same voice from the car?" She asked. The mention of the car had dredged up some painful memory's for Gadget but he soon buried them and answered Midnight's question.

"Yes." He said as he adjusted his power setting on his glasses. Midnight nodded in understanding. She had listened to Gadget when he first explained all of this stuff to her and she got most of it. Some of it though still went over her head. Soon his horn lit up. In a flash of green light the whole kitchen was spotless just as it had been when Midnight first walked in.

"Wow that was impressive." She starred at the clean marble floor. Every bit of dust and grime was gone. She heard Gadget panting hard and looked over to see him leaning onto the counter for support.

"Gadget!" She said as she ran over and supported him with her wing. He looked like he was about to pass out.

"Are you ok? What happened?" His glasses flashed and then he through them off of his face and into the wast bin. A muffled fwump! was heard and a tiny smoke trail soon billowed out of the metal trash bin.

"Well." Gadget said as he took in deep breath's. "I used the clean sweep spell like it said but the glasses internal battery didn't have enough magic left to function properly. So i compensated with some of my own." He looked over to the small trash bin that was now smelling like burnt peanut butter. He shook his head.

"The amount of magic that i had to put through the glasses was to much. I ended up overloading the electrical circuit's and frying the power converter's." He said as his feet began to stop shaking. He finally got on his own four feet again. Midnight looked at him. He looked a little tired but he was as good as ever in a few breath's. Then she shook her head.

"You are quite reckless you know that?" She said a smile on her face. He smiled back.

"Yah well what can i say. I wouldn't be even half of the great scientist i am today if i didn't take some risk's." He said as he dug through the trash bin for his now destroyed pair of glasses. He found them. The glass lenses were blown to hell and back but the frame was still intact enough to be salvaged. He put the frame away for later. Then he gave Midnight smirk.

"So Princess shall we retire to your quarter's for the night?" He asked. Midnight thought about it. Then she smiled.

"Well i have one final stop to make for the night." She said as she lead the way out of the kitchen. Gadget just bowed and fallowed along.

11:43 P.M.

Gadget's eye's had fully adjusted to the dark empty hallway's of the castle but he was still lost as to where they were going. But he trusted Midnight so he continued to fallow her. Soon they came to a huge set of double door's. He tilted his head in thought.

Now were have i seen those before? The huge doors were engulfed in a fuchsia glow as they began to creek open. As Gadget stepped through the archway into the room recognition hit him like a brick to the face.

The ball room. He then looked from the room to Midnight who was making her way to the middle of the floor. once she got there she looked over her shoulder and motioned for Gadget to come closer. He looked a little apprehensive but he obeyed. When he got to the center of the ball room floor with Midnight she just closed her eye's and a smile came to her face.

"What kind of music do you like?" She asked. Gadget was caught off guard by the strange question.

"Princess?" He asked not sure how to respond.

"What kind of music do you like?" She repeated. He thought about it.

Well i really like classical. Midnight smiled. That is a good choice.

"What!?" He said jumping back a little bit. He looked around for the owner of the voice and stopped when he saw the princess snickering to herself.

"Princess w-w-was that you?" He stuttered a little bit. She did not answer instead she asked another question.

"Gadget do you remember any classical song's from your youth?" she asked. Gadget was stuck. So he thought about the list of song's he knew by heart. One of them stuck out more than the other's.

"Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata." He spoke out loud. Midnight looked puzzled. She had never heard of a composer by that name or the song.

"Could you sing it for me?" she asked. Gadget thought about it.

"I am a horrible singer." He stated. Midnight fained shock.

"Oh so there are some thing's you don't know how to do." She jested. He smiled.

"There are a lot of thing's i don't know how to do." He said but his face lit up.

"But i think i can let you hear the music of my youth." He said a small smile on his face.

"Oh really how?" Midnight asked.

Just listen to my thought's. He smiled as Midnight's eye's widened in shock. She looked at him

"How?" She asked. He just laughed.

"You aren't the only one with psychic ability's." He said a mirthful smirk on his face. Midnight just smiled.

Ok then. Let's hear this music of your's. Gladly. He thought as he bowed to Midnight. Then she heard the moth beautiful sound of her life as the piano for the sonata started up. She soon found herself dancing to the tune of the instrument as the sonata continued to resound through both pony's head's. As Midnight swayed to the sound's she looked over and saw Gadget tapping his hoof's to the soft melody. Midnight just rolled her eye's and in one fell swoop she grabbed Gadget propped him up on his hind leg's and began to waltz.

"Wow princess what are you doing?" He said to shocked to go along. She just shushed him.

Be calm and just fallow my lead. She thought as she placed his right fore hoof around her back. Slowly she then began to to walk back word's leading with her left hind leg..

All right now when i go back bring your right leg along with my left. Gadget did as he was told and almost fell over. He was caught however thank's to Midnight's magic.

Good, good. Now when i bring my right leg back you bring your left leg up and spin me around like so. She said as she brought her right leg back and using her leverage on Gadget to swing him around her. He planted his hooves firmly on the floor when he stopped and Midnight held him there.

All right now that we have the basic's down let's do that but faster. She said a grin forming on her face. Gadget just stared at her a blank expression on his face as he steeled himself for the lesson to come.

12:00 A.M.

For the past 20 minute's Gadget and Midnight just waltzed around the ball room. Gadget was getting better by the minute. He was not as good as Midnight but she was having to catch him with her magic less and less. Eventually the two just swayed from side to side holding each other enjoying the closeness of there body's to one another.

"So." Gadget said trying to stay awake in the princess's hooves. She hummed to signal that she was listening.

"Why didn't you dance with the Prince this evening?" He asked out of curiosity. It was obvious from her impromptu dance lesson that she knew how to move on the floor. She just sighed.

"He was not a suitable dance partner." she said.

"Plus i was tired from all the day's activity's." Gadget was stumped.

How could the prince not be a suitable dance partner? He thought about it. Midnight stopped dancing and sighed.

"Do not concern your self with whom i dance with." She said a bit more forcefully than she had intended. Gadget flinched at that.

"Sorry your majesty." He said reverting to soldier mode. She smiled.

"Do not worry. You were more than good enough to dance with tonight." she stated. Gadget just blushed. Midnight laughed.

"In fact i would like to do this again sometime." She stated as she and Gadget separated. Gadget just smiled weakly and nodded his head.

"U-u-um y-yah i-i w-w-would l-l-like to do t-his a- again to." His stuttering was getting the best of him. Midnight smiled and motioned for Gadget to fallow her. The two made there way back to her room thanks to Midnight's suburb night vision. Gadget went to his own bed and flopped down falling asleep instantly.

"Sweet dream's midnight." He drowsily said. Midnight chuckled. She went over and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

"Sweet dream's my knight." She went to her bed and slept a deep wonderful sleep that night.