• Published 8th May 2016
  • 1,982 Views, 61 Comments

The Game Theorist in Equestria (a.k.a. Mat Pat in Equestria) - ShadowStorm7

When Mat Pat attempts a new science experiment, something weird happens to him…

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Chapter 1: “W-Where Am I?”

It was a beautiful day in sunny Los Angeles and inside a suburban home some groans could be heard. Then a complaining voice issued from inside the house. The voice belonged to none other than Mathew Patrick. A recent machine he had been working on was not functioning correctly. It was supposed to detect parallel worlds, but, for some strange reason, it was not working, even though the design was flawless. Mathew scowled at his machine, frustrated, and started slapping it with his hand.

Suddenly, a strange aura appeared right in front of him—if he hadn’t known better, he might have described it as “magical.” Mat Pat stared into it, hearing what sounded like a female voice, but he couldn’t understand what she was saying; it was too garbled.

Mat Pat set down his Diet Coke, muttering, “W-What is this?” It seemed like something or someone from inside the portal was calling out to him, so he stepped forward and jumped into the portal. The next thing that he heard was the clopping of hooves, then all went black.

* * *

Her hooves rang against the hard crystal floor of the Ponyville castle as the lavender pony known as Twilight Sparkle walked back and forth, an open book levitating before her. Still reading, she thought, How am I supposed to get this advance teleportation spell to work without a griffon’s tear? Spike should have been back with that an hour ago.

Just as she was about to resign herself to moving on to another magic project, Spike came in with a small vial in his claws. Twilight took the griffon tear from him and began focusing on the materials, aura sparking and growing. Soon enough, a portal appeared.

“Well, that’s not what I wanted,” Twilight said, frowning. She turned to Spike and started to ask whether he had gotten the right ingredient, but before she could utter a word, Twilight heard the sound of approaching hooves. She looked back at the portal and saw a tan unicorn with chestnut-brown hair standing before the swirling vortex. Then the portal snapped shut and the stallion collapsed, and she rushed to him to make sure he was okay. As Twilight examined him, she couldn’t help but notice that he was very cute. She glanced at his flank for his cutie mark; it was a bright green trophy. Twilight wondered if the stallion were an athletic pony, or perhaps he was very brilliant and the trophy symbolized all the academic awards he had won, or maybe it was a combination of the two.

It was then that Pinkie Pie bounced into the room. She paused when she spotted the strange stallion, and Twilight grudgingly recognized in Pinkie’s eyes the same emotions she had just felt toward the stallion. Then Pinkie’s gaze latched onto the stallion’s cutie mark, and she proceeded to pull eleven first-place trophies for competitive eating from the depths of her wild curls, which was discombobulating not only for Twilight, but for the author.

Arranging the trophies on the floor before her in a sort of display, Pinkie Pie grinned at Twilight and asked, “Who is this cute, hunky stallion?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I don’t know,” she replied simply. “He appears to have come from the portal I conjured by mistake—it was supposed to be an advanced teleportation spell. It’s possible the portal opened in another world, like the Mirror, and this pony came from there. But I thought only the Mirror could bring ponies over from other worlds…” She scratched her chin with a fore hoof. “I need to figure this out, but, Pinkie, no scaring him off.”

“Got it!” Pinkie saluted, and then raised her tail and began to rotate it at a blurring speed. She lifted off the floor and flew out of the room. The raucous of a crash soon followed from down the hall.

Twilight sighed. “Well, at least the skylight’s been installed. Now a Pinkie Pie-sized hole is in the ceiling.” As she turned back to consider the problem at hoof, the stallion opened bleary eyes. Then his gaze focused on Twilight, and he gasped.