• Published 8th May 2016
  • 1,985 Views, 61 Comments

The Game Theorist in Equestria (a.k.a. Mat Pat in Equestria) - ShadowStorm7

When Mat Pat attempts a new science experiment, something weird happens to him…

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Chapter 7: "A Way Home?"

As MatPat had his back to the wall he could swear he heard the two love crazed mares, trying to find away in as he was panting heavily against the locked door.

"Oh god there must be something in this old abandoned warehouse I can use, anything at all to barricade the doors and windows to keep those crazy mares out of here!" He cried to himself as he searched around in a frenzy.

Eventually he found some boards and old chairs to his faint relief, quickly getting to work he put the wood pieces of boards on the window. Pushing the old chairs against the doors to lock them in place he let out a long exasperated sigh.

If it was any bigger it would have cleaned off the dust from everything and made it sparkly, “Well I should probably start cleaning this place up, and hopefully find a way home.” He panted hoping the makeshift barricades would hold, “Let’s hope I can make something with these machines." He faintly limped in exhaustion looking at what few things littered the warehouse.

Walking to the closest machine he started cleaning up, removing all the tarps from the machines and started dusting. All it needed was some cleaning music and it would make the perfect montage he thought, but there is unfortunately no music to speak of not even a radio to be seen. After a few hours of hard ever exhausting work later the machines were clean, and shiny as the day they had come into the shop.

MatPat's mouth dropped at the lovely machines and how they shined in the warm lantern glow, "Like grand-pap said, ‘Never know what a little spit shine can do, when elbow grease is add it to it.’ I miss you pap, ya old codger.” He sighed as he wiped the sweat from his brow his eyes wavering as he gazed upon the work before himself, “Now I should probably get building."

Getting started on building a device he would hope would get him home, but of course one could only hope he was doing it correctly. He had built stuff in the past to make his life a little simpler, but he has never done it to this degree or scale without first drawing up a blueprint.

When he finished he wiped the sweat from his brow as he lay upon the floor, "Whew!” He exclaimed several hours later as he looked over at his work, “That took a long time to make,” He panted rolling over onto his side, “now I should probably go out and buy some fuel." He groaned looking at the boarded up windows and chair blocked doors, thankful neither had been torn apart by this point in time.

With that MatPat took the barricades off the doors and he soon left to get some of the final parts he needed, fuel was not needed as there were so many options to choose from. Luckily he soon stumbled upon his favorite drink and one of the best fuel sources, Diet Coke, soon his mouth began to water as he began to imagine the taste.

Without thinking he bought it and rushed to the warehouse shutting the door and barricading it once again. "I cannot believe I found this here but I wasted the money that lavender pony gave me now I don't have money for..." He trailed off soon looking at the soda realizing he can use it for the fuel. "I have the fuel now I can use it to get home because it has caffeine in it which if used properly."

Just outside of the warehouse two mares, stalking the building looking for a way in, overheard this. The lavender mare came up with a diabolical plan to get MatPat to stay.

Turning to the pink pony with the poofy hair she spoke. "Hey Pinkie Pie how much soda Diet or non-Diet do you think you could drink?" The wheels in her head were turning as her mind ticked away at the thought.

Thinking about what little was left Pinkie recalled the only case of soda in all of Equestria. "Well I could drink it all,” She giggled with a devilish smile, “what are you planning Twilight?" The pink mare questioned as she began to shake in anticipation.

Soon the lavender mare let her in on here plan whispering into Pinkie’s ear. “Oh wow that's a really good plan Twilight but will it work?" The pink mare asked obviously knowing that with twilight it will work.

"Of course it will work Pinkie." Both mares gave a diabolical glance towards the building as they bit their lower lips, being in love will make even the most nicest of mares go a little crazy.

Even two welders for the Elements of Harmony.

MatPat was busy gorging himself on some diet coke, of the twelve pack he managed to take he already drank four. A small attempt to steady his nerves knowing he was going to be stepping back out, taking the couches away from the doors he was careful to leave the pipes wedged into the doors.

Removing one of the pipes Matt cracked open the door, peeking through the crack he slowly opened the door a little more poking his head out. With a sigh of relief as he slipped out of the door, carefully shutting it hoping it didn’t make a sound. Running as fast as he could into the distance he looked back, a groaning sigh was all he gave as he hoped his efforts were for not.

It wasn’t long before Pinkie took advantage of the entrance Matt had left for her. Twilight and her knew that it would be awhile before he came back, as the fuel he was looking for was hard to come by. Slipping in Pinkie began skulking around as she hopped throughout the warehouse with a crazy smile, finding what amount of soda remained Pinkie began to drink every last drop. Guzzling every can with little to no concern for the drops that began to make her fur sticky, as the last can hit the floor she began leave before her target could return.

It wasn’t long before Matthew returned to the warehouse and slipped back inside, putting the couches against the doors once again he soon saw the empty cans on the floor. To say he was not happy was a gross understatement of how he truly felt.

"NO~O." He screamed completely upset as soon both Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie were trying to get inside.

“Well we have come full circle and now you know how I got here but I have no idea how to get out of this and I'm terrified.” Twilight giggles as he lets out a very loud terrified scream, showing he was completely and utterly terrified of those two crazed mares.

Whom were almost in the warehouse, both mares snouts were in the building a good lenght Matthew knew he would soon have to leave. Leaving behind not just the building but sadly the machine that would have been his only ticket home. Unfortunately he was so caught up in his mind he didn't notice, Twilight Sparkle had cast a spell to knock him out.

A spell she had fired the very second she had a clear shot, picking him up with a levitation spell she took him back to the castle. Setting MatPat onto her bed Twilight closed her door to make sure he got the rest he needed, after all he was going to need it tomorrow if she was going to wipe his memory of the human world. And make him suitable to be a citizen of equestria, with a special some pony waiting for him to return.

With that she turned every light in the castle off and kissed spikes head goodnight.

After Twilight turned off every light in the castle she made her way into her library, looking for a book titled "How to Wipe Some Ponies Memory". She found the book hidden under several stacks of other books and research, the spell sounded simple but the application of it was a whole other story. While it wiped his memories of the human world it would slowly alter what memories stayed, making him think he was a citizen of equestria and had been among every pony his whole life.

As she was reading over the book a small purple and green dragon staggered as he made his way in with a rarity plushy as he has awoken from his slumber.

Sleepily he rubs his eyes as he yawned. "T-Twilight what are you doing up so late at night? You should really get some sleep." Twilight looked over to see spike barely standing as his feet slowly shuffled across the floor.

With a smile Twilight levitated him onto her back giving him a pat on the head. "I know Spike but I need to get this spell setup and ready, before our guest wakes up so he can stay here. And be a citizen to our wonderful lands Spike." spike looked at twilight with a worried look before he conks out to the sound of Twilight’s laughter.

Author's Note:

Dang its been a while since I updated this. hope you guys are still enjoying this for the first time ever I will take suggestions on what you guys want to happen but remember it might not happen if it does happen I will give you credit for the chapter. Thank you to my editor grey mane

Comments ( 12 )

8028088 what if you don't like the story then don't read it

8028781 That argument makes no sense because I can't base an opinon if I can't read it.

Comment posted by ShadowStorm7 deleted Mar 18th, 2017

8030469 sorry i thought you were dissing my story i didnt mean to offend you

8034890 his cutie mark is the green trophy cause i thought that was better

This will continue im just having writers block and yes i know gt live has a lot of subs and i didnt know that about the brain but my plan was to rewrite his memories and then play it by ear. More then likely this will be a series for me

Dude calm down its just a fanfiction

Trust me theres worst on here i seen. Like ones where ponies kill eachother and hurt eachother for kicks

First MLPFIM ends in 2019 and now MatPat has retired. I had to come here after all that. 😔

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