• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen May 22nd, 2021


I wish!!


Itachi Uchiha finds himself, not in the after-life like he thought he'd be after stopping Kabuto; But rather instead, in a hospital room. As... A pony?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

Okay I've liked what I've read so far and I'm looking forward to what else comes out from the story

SO far, it's not bad. A few grammar errors but nothing unusual from an objective standpoint.

Though you might want to break some of those paragraphs down. It gets kind of tedious to read text-y paragraph after paragraph.

And, personally, I'd rather use the term Genjutsu "specialist" than "master". Mostly because master sounds pretentious when I read it in the context of Itachi's personal narrative of himself.

Itachi ain't pretentious.

interesting, will follow this to see how it goes

Beat Kabuto? Please, none of those Naruto idiots would take down a Kamen Rider

Using the English equivalent version of itachi as the title I see

Im just gonna be That guy and say That it is Canon That itachi is the most powerful Uchiha to ever live thank you.


i immediately thought of my alarm clock, lol

This has potential, I mean does he still have the Sharingon since well he has magic now, does he still have the crows, and does he still have one of his eyes back(I forgot which eye)

I'm not sure the title of most powerful genjutsu master would be applicable here. Didn't Sasuke beat Itachi's Tsukuyomi with a baseline Sharingan? Something about "a more skilled person wielding a stone can beat a less skilled person wielding a kunai?" At least I think that's what was said during their fight... Also not so sure about the mention of guns in the chapter, pretty sure those don't exist in Naruto. The closest would be those kunai launchers we saw in the Land of Snow.

Other than that I'm pretty excited to see this story, I really liked your characterization of Itachi so far. And I'm really looking forward to seeing just how he interacts with his new world.

He's not! But at the same time, I couldn't help but believe that Itachi would firmly believe that he is a master of genjustu. He's been doing it for years, since he could walk, and no one else in the world aside from Sasuke can cast genjustu from eye contact alone, he can do any illusion, for any extended period of time, down to mind control.

Safe to say, modest as he may be, he'd know that he has mastery over illusions.

To be honest, I think that was something pulled out of plot, or that Itachi let him escape. After all, in the same scene we see that Itachi was really sitting in the chair the whole time. Which was never actually explained either.

I'm glad that you like my personal view of Itachi! It was heavily inspired by his theme song! As for the gun thing, personally it's my cannon that while there may not be a whole bunch, the knowledge of guns are still abound. After all, they have televisions, so that must mean they have satellite. Ergo, technologically advanced enough to create guns.

As another reference to technological prowess in Orochimaru, look no further that the Narubot!

Actually, having TV (or movie theatres) doesn't imply they have satellites. Cable, antennas or video recording equipment yes, but not satelites.

More would be nice buy I don't see it happening

You have my attention

Very good beginning.

Should his CutieMark really be a crow/raven?

Interesting, please make more.

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