• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 5,600 Views, 416 Comments

Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls - Alvaxerox

SciTwilight becomes the Spider-Girl in this Spin-Off story where it all takes place after "Friendship Games"

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Not the final boss

"You are a pain." A voice said.

Spider-Girl woke up, after being pulled up into a secret room. She looked up to see the a mysterious armoured man looking down on her. "What are you?" She asked.

"Kavitor! The prince of darkness. I've waited a long time for meet you... Twilight Sparkle..."

"Wha-! How did you know my name?" Spider-Girl was shock to hear someone saying her secret identity.

"That's for me to know... and for you to be silent..." Kavitor blasted his dark magic at Spider-Girl and punched her right to the wall. " Have enough?"

Spider-Girl got up from the floor, feeling angry. "Not even close." She shot a web at him but he grabbed and pull her towards him and he punched her and thrown her against a strange anti-matter bubble. 'I'm guessing Mynock made it, just in case he tries to double cross him.'

" Still Alive, you're a disappointment to me, nothing more then a insect beneath me and my throne, you just pure failure, where as I, I am the Prince of Darkness." Kavitor grabbed her by the neck, and hold her against the wall.

"Prepare to die... Princess!" But then... Kavitor was blasted by lightning and Spider Twi saw a person in a green and red costume with strange powers.

"Take your stinking claws off her you damn dirty villain!" Wolf Spider showed up with little strength he had left.

"Still alive?"

"Hell yeah! It will more then the likes of you, to get rid of me."

"I disagree!" Kavitor charged at Wolf Spider, Wolf Spider dodged and tried to land some punches and kicks. It only had little effect on him. Kavitor grabbed him
Wolf Spider and slammed him to the ground 3 times and threw him out of the upper area with his energy punch. He turn his head and faced Spider-Girl while she tried to get up. "What are you going to do Sparkle? No allies, no hope!" He said.

"I may not like my pony counterpart. But you don't know nothing about me!" Spider-Girl ran up to Kavitor and Kavitor did the same.

Spider-Girl jumped over Kavitor and shot her webs at him and pulled him up and slammed him into the bubble. The pain was so strong, it made Kavitor's armor rust up. And made a little portal to escape into just as Wolf Spider was getting back into the fight.

"Beginners luck if you ask me... but don't worry... we'll meet again..."

As Kavitor disapears, Wolf Spider give a chuckle. "Ah, that's right! Suck it! And stay out!".

"I don't think that will be the last time we'll see him Midnight. We should probably get Mynock out of here and take him to the police." Spider-Girl said.

As the two spiders went to get Mynock... "He is a born loser. Isn't he Twilight?" Wolf Spider said.

Spider-Girl nodded. "It's like I told Scarlet Heart... No one can't control the magic." But then her spider sense started tingling.

Wolf Spider placed his hand on Spider-Girl's shoulder. "Take a breather spider. It's over. No one will ever use the magic again."

"Is that so...?"

Spider-Girl was already aware of what's going on... "Oh no. I forgot! The timberwolves. There still out there."

Wolf Spider was now confuse. "Wait you mean those stick wolfs? Where did they even come from."

"Oh... don't you know... it was me... it was all me..."

The voice in the shadows walked up to the two spiders while opening the secret door using magic. She had dark pinkish hair. With a daisy headband. It was... Gloriosa Daisy.

Spider-Girl was shocked and took off her mask. "Gloriosa?"

"You know her?" Wolf Spider asked.

"Yes. She and her brother Timber Spruce own a camp here but thanks to her actions, Filthy Rich turned her family's camp Everfree into a spa resort." Twilight explained to Wolf Spider.

"It was no surprise that stubborn Filthy Rich destroyed my camp. Yes my actions may have been... exaggerated. But who could blame when your family decides to give up on traditions." Gloriosa said while walking around Twilight.

"How did you get here?" Wolf Spider asked. Gloriosa didn't say anything but looked at the secret door that's open. The entrance leads to a cave like tunnel. Wolf Spider sees the open entrance... Gloriosa ran pass Wolf Spider, he and Twilight chased after her and ended up seeing a special catalyst with little jewels sitting. "Twilight, web her up." He said. He walked passed Gloriosa and sees the jewels. He tried to study them to focus on his origins. "Looks like we know how Tarantula and Kavitor we're able to use those timberwolves. These geos carry some sort of... equestrian magic... just like you and the others Twilight." Wolf Spider assumed.

Gloriosa broke free from the webbing and had a stern face on her. "Give that to me."

Wolf Spider put the geo back where it belongs. And he notices the ones in her neck that she wears as a neckless. "So... it was you. You use the magic of the geos to summon those timberwolves."

Gloriosa was now confused. "How do you know about the magic?"

"I've seen magic shit that will turn you green. I know cause she has magic too. Wolf Spider said.

"Gloriosa, you shouldn't use the magic. No one can't control it. If you use to much, it would become too dangerous" Twilight said.

"Oh I got this. And I'm gonna use it to get my revenge on Filthy Rich. I just need more power!" Gloriosa said as she stretched out her hand.

"Oh no you don't!" Wolf Spider as he tries to shoot a web at her. But Gloriosa blocked it and use her magic to tie the two spiders with vines.

Twilight struggled to get free. "Gloriosa, think about what your doing?!"

Gloriosa didn't listen to Twilight and grabbed the last two geos. It transformed her into a nature monster. With shiny blue hair, black eyes and creepy plant like attire.

"You know... my brother tells the campers a scary story about a plant creature just like me. What was her name again...? Oh now I remember."

Wolf Spider tried very hard to break free. "Gloriosa Daisy what have you done!?"

Gloriosa levitated Wolf Spider off the ground. And looked at his eyes. "I am Gaia Everfree." She slammed Wolf Spider into the ground. "Sorry bugs. I know what I need to do. But since we're not in the same page..." Gaia Everfree floated outside

and destroyed the Laboratory with Spider-Girl and Wolf Spider trapped inside. "Time to get my revenge... And no one, snd i mean no one will ever get in my way..." She floated up to the sky and flies to Canterlot City.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Spider-Man will return...

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