• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 5,587 Views, 416 Comments

Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls - Alvaxerox

SciTwilight becomes the Spider-Girl in this Spin-Off story where it all takes place after "Friendship Games"

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Kavitor Strikes Back

"Its been such a long time since we've last fought... Spider-Girl." Kavtior walked up to Spider-Girl and Nature. "Did you miss me?"

"The last time I saw you when you were working for Tarantula." Spider-Girl said.

"I was merely helping him, that fool would fail regardless if you, your friends or even Wolf Spider showed up." Kavitor said.

"The city was covered in fog. Besides you were the least of our problems." Fluttershy said.

"Ah yes... You mean that girl who you put in jail." Kavitor said. "But I have a score to settle with you." He grabbed Spider-Girl threw her to the brick wall. "I did told you we will meet again. Let's see how much you've improved since last time..."

Kavitor charged at Spider-Girl and landed a punch to the wall, but Spider-Girl webbed to a pole, and pushed it down and it hit Kavitor's head, feeling really steamed, and he shot red energy beams at Spider-Girl, but then Nature stretched her arm at Spider-Girl and threw her away from the energy beams.

"He seems pretty strong Twilight." Fluttershy said. "I don't know if we can beat him."

"Careful. I fought him before and he's pretty tough." Spider-Girl said. She remembers fighting him a while back.

"I see your little friend has gotten herself a symbiote." Kavitor noticed. "And too think... I plan to release Kingpin of his dimensional purgatory."

"What!?" Both Spider-Girl and Nature said.

"The Kingpin is alive?" Spider-Girl asked.

"Of course he's still alive!" Kavitor said while blasting more energy beams. "While I was preparing for my comeback to kill you, I noticed your past events as Spider-Girl and how you couldn't control your other half, the vicious monster Midnight Sparkle, and you sucked Wilson Fisk into a black hole along with Dr. Jonathon Ohnn, the one who calls himself the Spot! Their stuck in a limbo. First I plan to free the Spot, and then I bring back Kingpin so I can see him exact his glorious revenge on you for banishing him. And then I play my part of the plan. Why do you think all of Spider-Man's enemies want to track him down? I informed Tombstone and Hammerhead that the Kingpin of Crime was taken down by Spider-Man whk used Spot's portal powers to seal him away in a purgetory dimension"

Just as Kavitor was about to charge at Spider-Girl, who was shocked to hear the information Kavitor has given her and Nature, A webline snatched onto Kavitor's shoulder. And Spider-Man swooped down just in time.

"Is this true?" Spider-Man said. "Everyone I put in jail are chasing me down cause you told them that I set Kingpin to another dimension? That's impossible!?"

"It's obvious why you don't remember." Kavitor said.

"Spidey, he's not lying. Kingpin was sent to another dimension..." Spider-Girl said. "But it was me."

"But that's preposterous." Spider-Man said. "I never met you in New York."

Kavitor blasted Spider-Girl and Nature. "That's because... you really don't remember. Don't you recall this!?"

Kavitor snapped his fingers and a woman walked from the shadows of the alleyway... Spider-Girl recognized the woman. She had violet hair, and glasses. The woman looked at Spider-Girl. "Nice to see you again... monster."


"Oh... my... Not her again." Fluttershy said out of fear.

"You know this woman?" Nature asked.

"Cinch was a principle at my old school Crystal Prep, she was fired for cheating at the friendship games by disobeying the rules and abusing the students' talents due to determination to win. She manipulated me to unleash magic and I almost destroyed the world." Spider-Girl said, with frightful memories coming back to her.

"What's that thing she's holding." Nature pointed at the orange jewel.

"No! It's the soul stone!" Fluttershy said.

"That's right my former student, I knew you and her acquaintances were harboring a gem of amazing power, I plan to use it to get my job back at Crystal Prep, until this fine gentleman offered something even more..." Cinch said. "Revenge on Canterlot High."

"But I thought the Avengers destroyed the stones after defeating Thanos the mad titan." Spider-Man said feeling confuse mix with the high school drama.

"Spider-Girl found the soul stone during her fight with Gaia Everfree. And that stone is the reason why you do not remember seeing Kingpin or remembering with adventure with Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer." Kavitor said. "Your not the same Spider-Man, your not the same Peter Parker, your a misplacment!"

"What?!" Spider-Girl said out loud.

"The equestrian magic made Canterlot City protected from the infinity stones' massive explosion, like a barrier. Only New York City was effected, unfortunately the Spider-Man of that pre-reset was badly injured during the fight with Black Dwarf." Kavitor said. "Thanos did more damage to New York as part of the Avengers' punishment, and it disseminated it, the Avengers managed to undo it and the result of the explosion was when Thanos, Iron Man and Death blasting the Infinity Gauntlet due to their fighting in order to restore New York. That's when the stone were scattered across the universe, shattered into dozens and dozens of shards. The soul stone was blasted where Canterlot City was and it was protected from the shatterazation."

"Kavitor plans to use the soul stone to find Dr. Ohnn and and bring him and Wilson Fisk back to our dimension, and I will use the soul stone to make this city respect me." Cinch said. "And then after, I will control use the stone to take over CHS."

"So all this time..." Spider-Man said to himself.

Kavitor blasted Spider-Man, Spider-Girl and Nature. They took a lot of damage. "The end of you and this city is coming Sparkle. You and Parker cannot stop what I have plan..." Kavitor took Cinch who was holding the soul stone and left through a negative red warp hole.

"So... the reason I don't remember you... is because I'm not the same Peter Parker you know?" Spider-Man asked.

"I... don't know." Spider-Girl said.

"What's gonna happen to all of us." Fluttershy asked.

Twilight was speechless. She turned her head to Nature and then to Spider-Man and then to her damaged suit. "I just don't know... what have I done?"

To be continued...

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