• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 5,587 Views, 416 Comments

Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls - Alvaxerox

SciTwilight becomes the Spider-Girl in this Spin-Off story where it all takes place after "Friendship Games"

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Pink and Red Part 4

As Spider-Girl, Wolf Spider and Cyber-Shark were looking for Gloriosa. They sees some vines going through from a abandon building... near a carnival. There checked if though. But no was was inside. Until they see more vines leaving trail to the hospital.

"Oh no." Twilight said. "Gloriosa is going to kill Filthy Rich!"

"But he's still in a coma." Midnight said.

"Looks like she wants to make sure he never wakes up again." Finn said. "Looks like we need to stop her."

"And question how did she got her Gaia Everfree powers back." Midnight pointed out.

The 3 heroes went to the hospital where it turns out They were too late... Filthy Rich was missing. Gloriosa took him. And broke through a wall to get in and out.
"She might be heading to the mall. We have to go now. Or else Filthy Rich will die." Twilight said.


Sunset and Starlight were at the mall making sure all is okay until they see Juniper Montage. Starlight was enjoying some ice cream. "Hey Sunset... What's troubling You?" She asked.

"Magic is on the loose now. And it does not work the same way it does back in Equestria." Sunset said as her legs shakes like jelly. "Any number of terrible can happen." She sighed. "And lately I've spent 80% of my time just thinking about it." She then nervously smiles at Starlight. "My friends are probably fine. Maybe I'm just overreacting... or maybe not... I don't know anymore."

"This is the problem you wanted to talk to Princess Twilight isn't it. Cause you can always talk to me about it." Starlight said as she sees Sunset taking her journal. "Or you can journal with her if you like."

"It's just... I know my friends and I have been giving special powers for a reason. And I want to be ready for whatever's gonna be thrown at us." Sunset said. "I guess knowing that is making feel like I can never relax and keep my guard down. So I end of Obsessing over it and get can'tget it out of my own head."

"Hmmm... that is a toughie." Starlight said. " I guess my advice would be... just let things work itself out of the end. If You're thinking too much about the bad things and how it's going to end up with, you'll end up missing the good things that are happening right now."

"Kinda like Princess Twilight's student is teaching me a lesson." Sunset pointed out.

"Yeah. Like that. I call it... Balance." Starlight said. "I've learn about balance the hard way."

The 2 girls laughed a bit. "Come on. Let's go the theaters. We still have a job to do. And luckily I still have my costume in my beg." Sunset said.

Later Sunset put on her costume. "So what do you herself... fire mistress? Flame goddess?" Starlight asked.

"No. I call myself... Teaserflame." Sunset said.

Starlight was about to giggle but she tried to hold it in... Until she couldn't and ended up laughing. Sunset rolled her eyes. They managed to the theaters where they see Juniper helping Gloriosa move a body into the screening room. Sunset and Starlight hid "So... that's Juniper Montage right?" Starlight asked.

Sunset nodded. "She's trouble." Then she noticed something that doesn't belong to her. "That's Fluttershy's barrette. Wait right here."

Juniper was looking herself in the mirror until she sees Sunset in her reflection walking towards her. "Sunset Shimmer. I was wonder when you were gonna show up. And the costume... so your Teaserflame..." Juniper chuckled. "That name of yours is just so... stupid. Teaserflame. I mean seriously you got that idea when you were watching guardians of the galaxy?"

"Ha ha ha, very funnt. I'm looking for my friends." Sunset said. "Have you seen them.

"Maybe..." Juniper laughed evily and quietly.

"Where are they..."

"I'll never tell."

"You don't have too." Sunset grabbed Juniper's wrist. And looked in her memories.

In Juniper's memories...

"Your lucky I offered to get you this job after that stunt you pulled on my set!" Canter Zoom said.

"I just wanted to play Daring Do." Juniper said.

"Everyone would've loved me if it weren't for you girls. This is all your fault!" Juniper said with such rage. "I wish you would all just go away And leave me alone!!!"

"I know want people to like you. But trust me. The magic in the mirror is only gonna make things worse." Sunset said.

"Your just saying that cause you want the mirror all to yourself." Juniper said.

"Hello!? I just pulled a Jean Grey mind reading power on you. I don't want your mirror. I want my friends back." Sunset said. "Please Juniper. You wished them into mirror. Maybe there's a way you can wish them out."

"Or maybe... I wished you joined them!"

Sunset was about to be sucked into the mirror until... "No!" Spider-Girl made it in time to and threw a web line at Sunset to hole her steady as she pulls.

"Spider-Girl... you came. At last. I knew that magical scent was you Sparkle. I wished you and Sunset can could join your friends in the mirror. Juniper said. The magical surge from the mirror is grew more powerful to suck in Twilight. Until...

"Juniper don't do it!" Midnight said.

"You've done enough damage Montage." Finn said as he teleported behind Juniper. He held her back into a bearhug submission but it was too late. Twilight and Sunset were sucked into the mirror.

Juniper looked at Cyber-Shark. "So you must be the red streak that saved Twilight Sparkle." She said. " Looks like you have magic like the others."

"Give them back now. And we'll take you and the other girl to the cops. Finn said.

"No way. I wish you gone away too."

Cyber-Shark got sucked into the mirror as well.

Starlight saw everything. "What did You do, Juniper." Midnight said. "What did you do!"

Inside the mirror...

The 5 girls... Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were trying to find a way to escape the mirror until 2 things went into their mirror and landed on Applejack and Rainbow Dash. "Twilight. Sunset." Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie said.

"Yay. We're all together again." Pinkie said.

"But if were all together. Who's out there taking care of Juniper?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Midnight Wolf, Starlight Glimmer and-"

"Whoa whoa whoa wait a minute Sunset Darling. Did you say... Starlight Glimmer... as in Princess Twilight's student from Equestria?" Rarity asked.

"You didn't..." Applejack said.

"Yeah i told her she can back with me." Sunset said.

"Okay... Midnight Wolf might be able take on Juniper. But you said that there was another one right...?"

"Oh yeah." Twilight said. "There was also-"
"Stand back everyone. I think another is being coming in here." Pinkie said.

The mirror magic opened again... And the girls see a guy in a red suit got in too. Fluttershy freaked out and knock him unconscious.

"Finn!" Twilight said as she ran to him.

"Finn?" Rarity said.

"Long story. His name is Finn Thomason. He's a magic wielder cyborg hybrid from another dimension, he was accidenitly brought here and I promise that get i him back home." Twilight said.

"But... boys can't have magic." Pinkie said.

"Great. How many people from different worlds did you two girls being?" Rainbow said.

"Just Starlight and this guy." Sunset said.

"Um girls..." Fluttershy try to say.

"Girls, look at our geos." Rainbow said.

"Sigh... that's what I was trying to say." Fluttershy said feeling upset.

The white around all of a sudden changed colors. "Something's changed. This never happened before." Twilight said.

"Maybe it's because all seven of us are together now." Sunset said.

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Applejack asked.

All the girls geos then gave a burst of magic and launched it the mirror.

"I'm gonna suggest... very bad!"

Back Outside of the mirror. Midnight was trying to get the mirror from Juniper. But Gaia Everfree kept stopping him. And he wanted to make sure she doesn't try to kill Filthy Rich since he's in his coma.

Juniper then saw a magic aure swirling towards her. It transformered her. The magic made her grew in size and made her into a game monster.

Juniper looked herself in her mirror. She had become what she desired."Now everyone will recognize I'm a real star..."

"Oh crap." Starlight said.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Last chapter of the juniper arc coming soonish...

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