• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 5,600 Views, 416 Comments

Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls - Alvaxerox

SciTwilight becomes the Spider-Girl in this Spin-Off story where it all takes place after "Friendship Games"

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Spider relationship reborn Part 1

The next day, Twilight was patrolling the city as Spider-Girl. She looks around, and sees that there hasn't been any crimes. She noticed a few thieves but the police have already caught up to them. Later on... she has noticed three guys in trench coats. "That seems odd." She said. "One's a bit bulky. To bulky then Bulk Biceps. They must be up to something." She followed the three men into an abandon subway station, and where they have bags of money with them. "They must've stole that money from the bank." Spider-Girl said to herself. The three men took of the trench coats, Spider-Girl recognised one of them... "The Shocker? He looks different..." Spider-Girl said.

The Shocker opened a laptop, and connected it to an old TV. "Alright Hammerhead, The bank was easy to rob. Ah highly doubt the spider's around this city." He said.

"Don't underestimate him Shocker. The boy said that he would in Canterlot City. And them Sinister Six are itching to find him." Hammerhead said from the old TV. "The bank robs would get his attention so I can inform the others where that wall crawler lives."

"You better be right about it. Even if the bug's swinging new buildings. We don't have any advantages." Shocker said.

"With Ricochet's speed and Ox's brute strength and your upgraded gears, you won't lose to the webhead again." Hammerhead said, as he looks aware... "But for now, you can test your upgrades by taking care of our pink trespasser!" Hammerhead turned off his connection, and Shocker, Ricochet and Ox behind them and Shocker blasted the edge of a wall, and Spider-Girl was caught.

"Oh crap!"

"Uh... i know she's a girl, but she is definitely not Spider-Man." Ox said.

Ricochet got upset of Ox's statement. "Well yeah dummy, she's a girl!"

"Well Ah'll be a monkey's uncle, if it isn't the sensational Spider-Girl. We've seen pictures of you... but Ah thought you were just a girl cosplaying like in the internet." Shocker said while hold unto Spider-Girl's face.

"That's wrong in all accounts Shocker." Spider-Girl said as she broke free. Shocker was surprised that he didn't have to introduce himself to her. "I know how weapons work. But your friends, I do not know."

"Oh well, I'm Ox, and this is Ricochet. We're the Enforcers. And We are tracking down Spider-Man." Ox said. Ricochet stomped on his foot.

"Shut up Ox!" Ricochet cried out.

"Well you picked the wrong city. Spider-Man is not around here. Just me."

"That's a fat chance Spider-Girly, we know Spider-Man moved here, why else would he leave New York City. You know something..." Shocker said.

Spider-Girl got in a fighting pose. "I don't know what your talking. But I do know, your either gonna give that money back, or I'm gonna take it by force back to the bank."

"Ah always wanted a female dance partner... despite you being another spider. Enforcers... Let's dance!"

Ricochet charged at Spider-Girl with his speed attack, Spider-Girl dodged, and was going for Shocker, but then she got hit by Ricochet, he can bounce off the walls, floors and ceiling like a pinball. Spider-Girl went flying until Ox grabbed her and smashed her on the floor and through her against at the wall. Shocker blasted her, shattering the wall. Spider-Girl reached up from the broken pieces and shoots webs at Shocker and Ricochet and she slammed them together, and went after Ox.

"Even with Spider-Man strength, you won't beat me." Ox grabbed Spider-Girl by her arm.

"Maybe, but tell me..." Ox looks at Spider-Girl's hand as its glowing with a light blue aura. "Do you believe in magic?"

"HA HA HA HA! Magic is only in fariy tales." Ox said.

"Midnight Blast!" Spider-Girl launched a magical blast. It sent Ox flying through the air.

Shocker and Ricochet were shocked. "A spider that use magic? That's not even fair. That's like a disadvantage." Ricochet complained.

"She's defiantly not like Spider-Man. Ricochet, try to bounce, we can make a combination attack." Shocker said to Ricochet. He used his vibration gloves to blast into the air, and when they hit the wall, Ricochet bounced off and hit Spider-Girl. Shocker and Ricochet broke free from the webbing. They walked up to Spider-Girl and see that Ox is unconscious. "You may have sorcery bug-et. But you lack webhead's personality." Shocker lifted his glove and aimed it at Spider-Girl, and as he was about to blast her, a web-line snatched Ricochet. "What?!"

"Aw, a party? And you didn't invite girl?"

"Ah know that voice. And you said he wouldn't be here..." Shocker said to Spider-Girl.

"Nobody's perfect guttertrash."

"Come out here and show yourself bug boy!" Shocker said.

"Shocker! Ricochet, Ox, long time no see." Spider-Man said while making an entrance. "What brings you here. Did Jameson dedicated himself to slam me through the ends of the earth. Man that sounds obsessive when I think about it."

"Your funny bug. Ever since you left New York, we never cared about taking over the city through gang wars and cooperation. We care about revenge, and retribution. Apparently, we got an anonymous tip that you moved somewhere else after you couldn't cope with how you killed the Green Goblin. And you locked a lot of us. When you left. We all escaped." Shocker said. While trying to attack Spider-Man. "Hammerhead and other folks you put behind bars all have to to get back at you. That's why Hammerhead sent me, and the Enforcers to go find you, and after we do, we will inform everyone."

Spider-Girl shot a web-line at Shocker's glove. "That's a fat chance you have Shocker. I won't let you inform the others about Spider-Man's whereabouts."

"Aw, thanks Spider-Girl. That means a lot." Spider-Man complemented. "Since Ricochet is webbed out, and you somehow knocked out Ox, let's take down this creep together."


Both spiders dodged Shocker's blasts. Spider-Man web-kicked Shocker and then landed an uppercut which launches him into the air, and Spider-Girl finished it with a blast of magic, and then both jumped and slammed Shocker to the ground.

"Thanks Spidey. But how did you find me?" Spider-Girl asked.

"I've heard about some strange robberies lately. At first I was shocked to find out it was the Enforcers. And I'm very surprised that everyone in New York are looking for me." Spider-Man said.

"We should better get them to the police." Spider-Girl said.

"Okay. Let's do that." Spider-Man said. "And I'm surprised that you can do magic. Just like Doctor Strange."

Spider-Girl blushed for a little. "Well... its kinda a long story."

"Maybe after we put these creeps in prison. You can tell me... Twilight Sparkle." Spider-Man said.

Spider-Girl's eyes open widely. "How did you..."

Spider-Man chuckled. "Everyone may be fooled. But I've heard about you... That's how I recognised your hair."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Oh boy... Spider-Man's enemies are tracking him down... Who's next?

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