• Published 20th Apr 2016
  • 3,064 Views, 25 Comments

The marked warrior - Dark lord

What would you do if you suddenly awoke up in a world full of strange people with colorful wing and incredible straight ...using magic?

  • ...

chapter 2

Dante Zipped his black jacket, he noticed the stitch marks on the upper left shoulder, "Damn" he whispered placing his hand on the fabric "good as new" he let out a smile and began walking down stairs where Twilight was waiting for him at the end.

"It looks like everyone already left to the train station" she said reading a note in her hands. "It seems that Princess Celestia wants me at the castle as soon as possible"

"Then I guess we better hurry to the train station"

"Actually I'm going to teleport us there" Twilight quickly replied stopping Dante before he could reach the door knob. He slowly turned to her with a puzzled look. Before he could object, a light violet aura began consuming his body and within a few seconds Dante, losing his balances, landed flat on the hard ground letting out a loud "Oof". Twilight quickly turned around to find Dante picking himself from the floor and gasped apologizing as she tried to help him. Worrying about his wounds.

"Warn me the next time you do that" He said dusting his jacket.

"I'm so so sorry" Twilight cried out, her face redder than ever before.

Dante, noticing her embarrassment, let out a soft laugh. "It's alright" he said cheerfully "just let me know the next time you do that, Okay?" Twilight nodded nervously fearing that he might still be mad. "Where are we anyways? This looks more like a fancy town then a Castle."

"This is Canterlot" Twilight replied looking back and pointed her finger towards a castle in the distance. "The castle is on the other side of town"

"Well I’ll be damned" Dante murmured under his breath.

"I figured I would show you around Canterlot and later I can show you around Ponyville" she said with a gentle smile.

Ponyville? Dante thought to himself you've got to be kidding me.... "Sounds like a plan" he said with a forced smile. As they walked around Canterlot Dante began looking around as Twilight explained important information to him. For what seemed to be about an hour of walking Twilight and Dante came across the front golden gate of an enormous Castle that appeared to be close to the edge of a mountain with a gorgeous waterfall next to it.

"Here we are" Twilight spoke snapping Dante out of this daydream.

"Talk about outgoing" he murmured t himself quietly. Dante quickly followed Twilight in to the large gates, admiring the castles height. “And you're saying there are only "two" Princesses living in that huge place?"

"That's right" Twilight answered cheerfully "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna" Dante looked around and noticed a large amount of guards with bright golden armor in front of the main entrants and quickly bowed before Twilight, making her feels a little unease.

"Princess Twilight" one of the guards called "Princess Celestia awaits in the throne room" he said making his way up the stairs. Within a few minutes Twilight and Dante entered into the throne room and were welcomed by a beautiful woman in a white long dress, her hair floated to her side as if there was a slight imagery breeze.

"Twilight" Celestia called handing a piece of paper to one of the guards standing beside her and began walking toward Twilight and Dante. "I'm glad you came" her voice was kind and seductive. Dante fought the urge to stare at her huge upper body and quickly forced himself to look way. "Who might this be?" Celestia asked looking at Dante.

Dante looked at her trying to keep eye contact and cleared his throat hopping his voice wouldn't crack "Dante Sumner" he said in a mannered tone and extended his hand to her like a gentlemen "It’s a pleasure to meet you". Celestia let out a bright, gorgeous smile and extended her hand to connect with his and shook, as if the two just made a deal. In an instant Celestia noticed the bandages underneath the sleeves of Dante's jacket and soon noticed the ones on his chest.

"Do you mind telling me how you got injured?" she asked in a polite manner

Dante looked at the bandage on his chest which were now had a small stain of fresh blood. "Oh that" he said with a chuckle "a pack of wolfs attacked me and if it wasn't for Twilight, I wouldn't be here." He looked towards Twilight and gave her a smile. Twilight, trying her best to not blush, looked in the other direction.

Celestia let out a smile "does it hurt?" she asked

"Only a little but I’ll get used to it-" before Dante could finish Celestia placed her hand on his chest, casting a bright golden aura that began to flow through his clothes and into his body closing the wounds. Dante began placing his hands over the bandages not feeling any pain whatsoever. Suddenly a guard rushed towards the Princess call her name with a shout.

"Your majesty!" he cried trying to catch his breath. "N...news from...the Dragon kingdom." upon reading the scroll that was handed to her, Celestias smile was replaced with a serious expression.

"Is something wrong Princess?" Twilight asked. Celestia slowly turned to them and let out a low sigh.

"Come with me I'll explain everything." she looked towards Dante “Dante it was nice meeting you." and with that Celestia began walking off. Twilight looked at Dante with a confused expression.

"Go" Dante replied with a smile "It seems important. Don't worry about me" Twilight gave him a sigh not sure if that would be the best idea.

"Okay, I’ll tell her about you once I get the chance" she said as she speed walked behind the princess. Dante watched at the two teleport with Celestia's golden aura and began looking walking around the massive castle. As he admired the way the castle was decorated, he noticed a girl dressed as a maid running towards him with fear in her eyes.

"Please!" she cried tightly gripping Dante's jacket. "You have to help me!" her voice became weak with every word she spoke.

"Hey slow down what's wrong-"

"There she is!" A guard called and soon four others began sprinting towards her direction. The girl quickly hid behind Dante, her hands began quivering as the guards stopped a few feet away from Dante's position. "You there!" the same guard called out loudly, he had blue hair and seemed to be the same age are Dante. "Hand her over at once" he demanded taking a step toward them.

"Listen...let’s all just calm down. Okay?" Dante replied trying not to make any sudden movement.

"That witch had the nerve to disrespect a noble!" an angry voice called from the distance. Behind the group of men stood a male with long blonde hair that seemed to be more for a girl then a man. He wore a white tuxedo with a light blue bow tie on his neck that matched his "sparkling" eyes.

"Um....look miss...I'm not really good with girl problems but I'm sure if we all just relax we can solve this without having to resort to violence-" Dante suddenly stopped as he noticed a few of the guard begin to hold the urge to laugh.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!" the man shouted at the top of his lungs "how dare you!" his eyes began to fill with rage as he stared at Dante. "My name is Prince Blue Blood, next in line to the throne, I will not allow a no good present like you talk to me that!" with a snap of his fingers five more guards appeared out of nowhere and stood behind the first five. "Teach this nobody a lesson he won't forget, and bring the bitch to me, I'll teach her never to disrespect me again." One of the guards charged at Dante and swung at him. Dante quickly ducked under the man’s fist and was suddenly standing behind him, the man in tried to quickly look back but Dante's fist was immediately connected to his right cheek and within seconds the man’s heavily fell to the ground with blood pouring out of his mouth. All the guards looked at Dante who stood motionless in front of the girl.

"Listen..." he said in a low cold tone. “I don't know exactly what she did to piss you off...but there is one thing that really pisses me off..." Dante looked at the Blue Blood with cold threatening eyes that sent a shiver down his spine "and that's people who use their tittle to take advantage of other." Dante quickly looked back at the girl "find Princess Twilight. Tell her Dante sent you and explain everything to her okay? Go now!" he ordered and turned back to take his stance towards the group of men and gave them a sinister grin. "Alright..." he said with a chuckle "who's first?” Three men ran pulled their swords out and began running towards him. Dante instantly grabbed the fallen guard’s sword and blocked the first sword that was swung at him. Dante knelt down and with the sword gave the man a deep cut that caused him to scream as blood began pouring out. Dante uppercutted him and grabbed the sword from his hand and blocked the second attack with both swords in hand. Dante quickly unarmed the guard and elbowed his face making the man’s body go limp and fall to the floor. Dante dodge to the left as the third man tried attacking from behind, only revised a right hook to the jaw, which threw him straight to the wall with a loud crash. Dante charged at the group of men and began beating each and every one of them only giving them minor cuts but severer body wounds from broken arms, legs to broken ribs and jaws. The youngest guard stood in confusion as he stared at his fallen comrades.

"How..." he thought to himself feeling his knees quiver "how in hell was he able to defeat them without breaking a sweat.... ".

"Flash what you think you're doing!" Blue Blood yelled getting the guard's attention "Don't just stand there do something". Flash looked at the prince not sure what was there to do, seeing the not even nine men were not able to stop him there was no way he alone could do anything about it. Finally, overcoming fear, Flash sprinted to Dante with sword in hand and letting out a loud battle cry. Just as the swords were about to collide a loud voiced caused the two men to stop and look over towards its location.

A woman, with navy-blue eyes and a dress the perfectly matched them, stood behind Blue Blood with her arms crossed on her chest "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" she called out.

"Auntie Luna!" Blue Blood cried trying to make his voice as weak as possible "That man tried to attack me. If it weren’t for my guards he would have killed me"

Luna looked over to Dante and gave him a menacing glared "I will not tolerate such action" she said summing a black sword in her right hand and pointed it at him and shot a magic blast towards Dante.

"Oh Sh~" Dante gasped as he blocked the blast with the two swords but was sent flying backwards, crashing in to a wall at the end of the hallway which caused a large dust cloud of rubble. Luna put her sword to her side, stood at ease, and let out a low sigh, until the sound of rocks being to move.

"B...but how?" she thought rising her sword once again. "A blast like that should have at least left him unconscious".

As the dust cloud started to clear, Dante, covered in dust, stood tall with a fine sword in his left hand and a shattered one in the other. "So...I'm guessing talking this out is out of the question?" he grunted at Luna discarding the shattered sword. She gave him nothing but an angry glare and sprinted towards him. "So be it”, letting out a slight chuckle, Dante charged at the princess. Soon the two released an intense shock wave, which caused the glass windows to shatter, as the swords collided with each other with unbelievable force.

Author's Note:

Hey guys it was almost a month seance the last post but i finally finished with this one i hope you like it please like, comm, and fav it lets me know if i should continue. thanks for reading, hopefully it wont take me another month to make the next one but anyway Ill see you in the next chapterpinkiehappy: