• Published 15th Jul 2016
  • 1,082 Views, 13 Comments

My Little Angeloid - TSPunk

"Hello Everypony. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I have passed my entrance exams at Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns so after a few years of her school. I''ve enjoyed my family and friends company, but all of that changed when I met her."

  • ...

A new creature discovered? Meet the fallen Angel

"It's like this for a while now, there's this bipedal creature in the sky with the most beautiful wings she's something out of a dream. It's sounds female but whenever I try to look at her I would wake up." a young mare said. She looked up from the hill she's on seeing a bipedal creature with white wing however she couldn't see the creature's eye only the long beautiful blue hair blocks her face.

"Help me. Please come and save me from the sky" the creature spoke. The wind blows as the mare coat and mane is moved as the bipedal creature starts moving away.

The Dreams ends in a white flash.

"Twiley? Come on you don't want to be late." A white coated unicorn stallion spoke. His mane and tail are dark blue with a light blue stripe in it. His eyes are a navy like blue. His Cutie Mark a blue shield with three blue small stars over the shield with a pink star in the shield.

"Late?" The lavender mare with light purple with a dark purple and pink stripe. As she opens her eyes showing a set of widened purple eyes "Oh no. Oh no. Oh No!!!" As the mare gets up and heads towards the bathroom quickly taking a bath as she started brushing her teeth and drying herself off. She spits in the sink as she puts her toothbrush back in its container the same goes with the lid on the toothpaste. Her cutie Mark is a white star covered by a pink star with five small white stars as three are on the left side with the other two on the right side. She exits out the room behind her is a young purple scaling baby Dragon with green eyes and back scales he is her Number 1. His name is Spike.

The mare bumped into the stallion. "Sorry BBFFF but I can't be late." This mare is Princess Celestia's personal protege her name is Twilight Sparkle. The stallion is the Captain of the Royal Guard and coltfriend for Princess Cadence his name is Shining Armor.

"Twilight." Spike yawned "We still have a hour before we need to get to the Castle."

"I know Spike but it's better safe then sorry." Twilight said as she gets her saddlebag with her books.

Soon a hour later Twilight, Spike and Shining Armor head to Canterlot Castle. Shining Armor heads to a certain part of the Castle for the Royal Guards. Twilight and Spike waved goodbye to Shining Armor.

"Hello there My name is Twilight Sparkle Princess Celestia's personal student. I was able to pass my entrance exam. I hatched Spike out of the egg and due to my magic going off the chart. Now I live in Canterlot with a population of 2,500. It's Equestria's Capital where our ruler of Equestria lives. She raises the sun and moon every single day. She's my mentor and she's almost like a second mother to me. I always enjoyed the library it's so peaceful and quiet. Peace,quiet and books are the things I enjoy when I'm alone. Yet ever since my entrance exam I've been having this strange dream. I told Spike and Cadence but I don't know what it means maybe I could be going crazy or maybe there's something more about it."

Twilight heads to her personal room in Canterlot library reading one of the newest Daring Do book as she slowly falls asleep. She sighs as she sleeps.

"Save me the sky has captured me the bipedal creature says her light blue hair covers her face.

Twilight looks at the mare as the wind blows in her mane

"Twilight" Spike had followed Twilight to her personal room in the Canterlot library since she's one of the few ponies that go to the library.

Twilight looks up at Spike "Oh hey Spike. Thanks for waking me up."

Spike smiled "It's was nothing Twilight." He noticed the tears falling from Twilight's eyes. "Twilight you had the dream again."

Twilight wipes the tears from her eyes "I'm crying again aren't I."

"Twilight maybe you should talk to somepony about this dream" Spike spoke calmly but usually whenever he wants Twilight to talk to somepony about her dream.

"No way Spike. I rather not talk to anypony about my dream besides who would believe me? Besides you and Candence." Twilight said as she looks at Spike whose silent. "Spike are you going to come with me to watch the meteor shower tonight?"

"Of course I will Twilight." Spike said with a smile.

Soon as Princess Celestia lowers down the sun as the sun sets as she raises the moon into her night sky. Miss Sparkle had calculated that this meteor shower only comes once every 507.5 years. Twilight had Spike packed some empty books, quills, bottle of ink, and a few refreshments to enjoy. Spike dragged the red wagon with the items inside to the hill in Canterlot a few miles from Canterlot Castle.

Twilight looked at the stars at night as she writes down the constellations in the sky in her empty book with her quills. Spike pours Twilight and himself a cup of punch as he hands Twilight her cup. Twilight levitate her cup as both her cup and her horn glowed with pink magic as she slowly sips it.

"Thank you Spike." Twilight closed the book shut as she sips her drink once again.

Spike smiled and nodded "You're Welcome Twilight." He looked at the night sky yet something is feels very wrong. Twilight looked at the sky as a black portal appears in the sky. Twilight has a bad feeling about this. Her horn glows bright pink as her magic aura surrounded her,Spike and the items they brought with them until some sort of thing hits the ground in front of them causing Twilight to lose focus.She teleported Spike and their belongings away but not for her. She flew back with whatever impacted the ground causing a massive crater in the ground.

Twilight slowly gets back up as she shakes the dirt off of her body walking to the crater. It's messy pink hair was long and turned a dark brown at the end of the two bangs that fell to either side of it's face. Two of these strange looking airvent things came out the side of it's head that Twilight assumed must be it's ears. It's outfit consisted of a skirt similar, only white with a black trim just above the bottom. She wore what looked to be a mortified vest that was also white with black trims along the sides. It was opened to revealed everything of it's body above it's waist. It was held together at the bottom by a white, most likely velcro, strip. Around it's neck was a choker collar that had a chain attached to it that was three and a half links long. Probably the most surprising thing about it, were the two, light pink wings that came out of it's back. Twilight didn't know what it was it's like a dragon but no scales but it has wings like a Pegasus yet the seem to be the size of a teenage dragon's wings. Twilight slides down into the crater as her horn glows as her magic aura surrounds the creature helping it up as she carries it with her magic until something comes out of the black portal it seems to be chunks of building that seems to be hitting the ground luckily none of it hits anypony's home yet there's this massive piece of a building about to hit Twilight and the creature.

Twilight thought "Oh no. This can't be how my life ends. Please somepony please SAVE ME!!!" She cried out knowing that the building would kill her. She closed her eyes knowing that she will be gone from Equestria thinking to herself "Goodbye Princess, Spike, Mom, Dad, Cadence and BBBFF.". But it never came she opened her eyes seeing that she's in the air but something was holding her. It was the creature she's was able to see it's eyes emerald green.

"Commencing Imprinting Process." It spoke sounding like a mare. Its collar glowed creating a long chain from the three on it's collar as the chain is long as it wrapped around Twilight's left front hoof. Twilight gasped a million thoughts going in her head as the creature landed her and itself in a field. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I am a Pet Class Angeloid. I am type Alpha Ikaros. My purpose is to fulfill your every want and desire." Ikaros looks at Twilight. "You are my Master"