• Published 15th Jul 2016
  • 1,082 Views, 13 Comments

My Little Angeloid - TSPunk

"Hello Everypony. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I have passed my entrance exams at Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns so after a few years of her school. I''ve enjoyed my family and friends company, but all of that changed when I met her."

  • ...

Recording Ikaros Abilities. What else the Angeloid can do?

Twilight's horn glows pink as its aura surrounded Ikaros, Spike's body and a empty book with a small quill and a bottle of ink. Twilight closed her eyes as she concentrated on a location away from Canterlot. Thinking to herself "I think I have a location where I can record Ikaros's abilities." Twilight's horn started to glow pink wrapping herself, Spike and Ikaros in a pink aura in a flash of light they are gone.

A Large plain with squirrels in trees and fish in the water.

A large flash of light as Twilight, Spike and Ikaros appeared. Twilight felt tired feeling weak from teleporting but not this weak. She was breathing heavily. Thinking to herself "I shouldn't be this tired from teleporting. I've teleported normally but maybe I'm getting tired because of Ikaros? It could be a possibility I need to conduct some tests on her."

"Woah. Twilight where are we?" The young dragon asked Twilight. Hoping to get a answer from Twilight and Ikaros.

"We are currently 109 miles from that large mountain where we were before Master." Ikaros's eyes became red as they revert back to their emerald green color. Ikaros pointed at the mountain containing the city of Canterlot.

Twilight looks at Ikaros and it seems that Ikaros is correct. "That is correct Ikaros now" Twilight levitates a quill as she opens the book as she writes down information of the card of what it can do. "Ok Ikaros I need to know your top speed." Twilight looks at Ikaros.

"Master the top speed I can fly at Mach 24" Ikaros had responded.

Twilight had stopped writing in the the book a small ink smudged was where she was writing Ikaros's speed. She is in shock. "Can you repeat that again Ikaros?" Twilight not believing what Ikaros had just said.

Ikaros blinks. "I can fly up to Mach 24" Ikaros repeats what she had said

Twilight is speechless. She looks at Ikaros with her left eye twitching. As she trying to figure out how can Ikaros fly that fast. "How? Ikaros how can you fly to March 24?"

"I believe that my wings since they are bigger maybe possibly that I can fly that fast." Ikaros responds to her master.

"Ikaros can you demonstrate how fast you can fly?" Twilight looked at Ikaros with interesting eyes. Twilight write down some of Ikaros's abilities in the book on the next page as she sketches Ikaros on the page across from the information she wrote down.

"Of course Master." Ikaros wings spreads out as as she gently flaps her wings as she flies upwards to the sky as she flies left as she flies around the world at Mach 10 as she flies back to her Master's location creating a large shock wave as the leafs flew off the trees around them as the dust cleared seeing her Master 's and Spike's face in shock as she tilts her head. "Master are you alright?"

Twilight nods slowly as Spike faints. "Yes Ikaros. I am fine Ikaros." Twilight starts thinking to herself "How can Ikaros fly that fast with those wings and she has these cards that can summon anything that the pony wants. She is interesting very interesting. I want to see what else she can do." Twilight would help Spike get back up from the shockwave that Ikaros had created. Spike is in awe seeing this Angle fly fast as Princess Celestia's Wonderbolts. As Twilight began to think of other ways to test Ikaros abilities until she hears both hers and Spike's stomach growling. It seems that they skipped breakfast before she teleported herself, Spike, Ikaros and her supplies to this peaceful location. "Actually Ikaros can I see one of those teleporting cards. I remembered that Spike and I skipped out on breakfast. I guess we are both hungry, I want to try one of these cards.” Twilight’s horn slowly levitated one of Ikaros’s cards from the Angeloid to the unicorn as withing a bright flash as the card starts to form about a few things first a table then two plates near the plates were a knife and fork and right in front of each knife two cups. In each cup is freshly squeezed orange juice and on the plates are freshly cooked waffles but one seemed to have crushed gems in the waffles. The smell entered both the unicorn’s and young dragon’s nose as they both walked towards the waffles. As they both cut the waffles in pieces so they can eat better. As Twilight took a bite out of the waffle on her fork. The taste of the syrup mix with the butter on the buttermilk treat made her taste bud light up. As both the student of Celestia and her assistance start to eat their breakfast. Both Spike and Twilight finished their breakfast as the plates, forks and cups disappears. Twilight would leviate to her her book closing it and putting it with the rest of her supplies. Twilight suddenly realized that she will be late to her class. Twilight's horn started to glow slowly as her body, Spike's, Ikaros's body and her supplies glowed pink teleporting all three of them back to the library. Twilight landing on her stomach, the supplies landing scattered around, Spike landing on his back while Ikaros landing on her feet. Twilight slowly gets up on her hooves as she levitates to her back her saddlebags.

Twilight double checks for anything missing. Quills, ink bottles, index cards, notes on Magical Abilities 101, some extra quills, ink bottles and her Daring Do book. "See you later Spike I got to get to class. You stay here and organize the supplies I had brought with us and hide the book please." Spike gets onto his feet and salutes "Yes Mame" He put onto the book where Twilight was writing information about Ikaros and puts both the quills and ink bottle on top. He carries it to Twilight's bed. Twilight runs out the library on her way to Celestia's Castle feeling like she's forgetting something. It could be nothing. Behind Twilight is Ikaros whose seems to be following Twilight since her chain from her collar is still connected to her front left hoof.

Author's Note:

(I am not dead I've been busy with a bunch of other stuff)

Comments ( 4 )

well since this is twilight at least it will kill of the 30+ percent fanservice aspect courtesy of that perv, however entertaining he was when motivated, should be interesting to see how this goes when all that tech actually sees something constructive... i hope.

i some how doubt that seeing as its been a good while

Well I like it.

When are you going to post the next chapter?:rainbowhuh:

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