• Published 1st Apr 2016
  • 8,250 Views, 4,466 Comments

Group Precipitation - FanOfMostEverything

Stories set in the Oversaturated World, some silly, some less so.

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Sburban Planning, by Speckle

A young girl stands in her bedroom.

It just so happens that today, the 13th of April, is the young girl's birthday.

Though it was thirteen years ago that she was given life, it is only today that she will be given a—

“Abby, dinner's almost ready!”

Flinching at the disruption of her thoughts, Abstract 'Abby' Cognition refrained from shouting back a response in favor of staying within the confines of her room, keeping every shred of focus on the whiteboard in front of her.

Once upon a time, it had been her father's, but upon being introduced to the latest technology (and being taught how to use it without accidentally hacking his other daughter's email account,) he'd been ready to toss the thing out. It had taken a fair amount of begging for Abby to convince him otherwise and another bout of sweet talk for him to bring it up to her room, where it now stood between her window and the bookcase, right in front of her bed.

She'd mostly used it to assist in homework and her more ambitious science projects, shipping charts for her favorite series, and theory-crafting for future installments of said series... her favorite of which had inspired her most recent obsession.

Well, if she were to get technical, it all really started when she gained the ability to fly and one of her classmates insisted on starting a religion revering CHS's resident reformed mean girl, who had been getting quite a lot of unwanted attention (and citrus) of late. Abby had subscribed to Sunset's EweTube channel out of necessity in the now very magical world she found herself living in, though she was hesitant about accepting a religion that said reformed mean girl didn't seem to care for one bit.

No, Abby had her own notions to deal with shortly after magic returned to the world, and those were currently on display on the whiteboard in front of her.

Seven symbols dominated the board, one positioned above the six arranged in a line beneath it, and under each of those were two smaller symbols, the last of which she'd just finished drawing. Standing back to take a look at the lineup, Abby scrunched her nose as she tried to determine any flaws in the setup before her, the scent of her marker only making her scrunch harder, to the point where her nose was starting to look like a garlic knot.

She'd been working on the concept for a good week now, keeping her bestie up at all hours with theories, swearing them to secrecy until she was ready.

The two symbols beneath the triple diamond mark were a rough gear and a strange spiral that she couldn't capture perfectly.

The second mark was a six-pointed star, and under it a stylized sun and another spiral that wasn't quite as spirally as the first spiral.

Underneath the trio of apples, a symbol that looked like a skull and another that could be generously called a wispy plant.

The fourth mark, a striped lightning bolt, sported a diagonal line with three lines 'dripping' down from it and two squiggly lines.

The penultimate mark, three balloons, sported a pair of crude, curly wings and what might have been a face, if a face could have two mouths.

The final mark, a trio of butterflies, sported a heart and what looked like a circle with three hooks attached.

And, above all of them, a larger, even more stylized sun split down the middle like a yin-yang, devoid of any secondary symbols.

While absolutely none of these symbols were perfectly constructed, what with Abby having the artistic talent of a rock, they were passably recognizable for those in the know. Abby stared at the entire layout for another ten minutes, turning each and every choice over in her head, ignoring the call for dinner and drumming her marker against her arm in contemplation (staining her arm in the process.)

Soon, though, a smile made its way across her lips.

A very big smile.

As the sound of stomps came up the stairs, Abby quite literally flew up to her whiteboard and 'connected' the top sun to the other symbols with a massive curly bracket. Then she scrawled a pair of words, one on either side of the sun, before her sister barged into her room, nearly breaking down the door.

“Abby, get your over-sized butt—”


Dual Nature's eyes hesitated mid-roll upon catching sight of the familiar sun symbol, the one that was virtually everywhere these days, and the two words that flanked it. Returning said eyes to normal position allowed her to read them.

Lord Muse

Author's Note:

The author of Habitrapped was unavailable for comment.

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