• Published 1st Apr 2016
  • 8,250 Views, 4,466 Comments

Group Precipitation - FanOfMostEverything

Stories set in the Oversaturated World, some silly, some less so.

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Enriched Platonium, by FoME

Sunny Flare's apartment very definitely had not become a second home for Lemon Zest, all evidence to the contrary. That was Sunny's story, and she chose to believe it.

Even if Lemon was wearing a borrowed bathrobe, sitting on her couch on a Saturday morning, and blowing on a mug of something that had begun as coffee before getting adulterated to within an inch of its life.

The world had gone slightly mad, after all, and Sunny reserved the right to contradict those parts of reality that were clearly in error.

"Oh hey, you got an invite too!" The cry broke Sunny out of what definitely wasn't denial. Lemon picked up a piece of stationery that nearly matched her skin tone, aside from the gold-embossed heart that had sealed it. "'Bout time they tied the knot, you know? They've been basically joined at the hip since before I was in middle school." After a moment, she said. "Well, I dunno if they were joining at the—"

"I'm just going to stop you there."

"That is wise."

Sunny gestured towards the invitation with her own cup of admittedly less than black coffee. "So, who is this 'Shining Armor,' anyway?"

Lemon grabbed her phone off of the coffee table—she'd slept on the couch, after all, proof that this wasn't a second home in any way—and started poking away at it. "Crystal Prep alum, star player during the Friendship Games eight years ago, Twilight's brother—"

"Twilight Sparkle has a brother?"

"Uh, yeah?" Lemon pointed her phone and Sunny, letting her see an admittedly handsome man she vaguely recalled seeing around school. "Heck, he's how Twilight met me and Uncle John. She got dragged to this big reunion for some reason, sat under a tree and read the whole time right next to him until I came by and..." Lemon winced. "Well, she was twelve going on thirty, I was twelve going on seven. Not exactly the best first impression. I like to think I made up for it later."


That got a snort of laughter. "Dude, it's Twilight we're talking about. I just waited until she forgot she ever met me and tried again."

Sunny nodded. "That would work. Back then, anyway. Pretty sure she uses magically reinforced memories to keep notes on everyone these days."

"No question." Lemon turned back to the invitation and smiled. "Still, good for Cadence. Shining's a sweet guy. Not bad looking, either. Seriously, everyone in that family's adorable when you catch them off-guard."

"What did you do?"

"I am shocked, shocked by those entirely accurate allegations," said Lemon, smiling even more widely than before.

If the corners of Sunny's own mouth had turned up a little, that was probably just another dismissable glitch in reality. "So?"

"When your niece who's like ten years older than you brings her BF to the Cheekbones family reunion, you remember the look on his face when you introduce yourself as her aunt."

Sunny raised an eyebrow. "'Cheekbones family reunion'?"

"Yeah, based on the evidence, there's some of bit of our mitochondrial DNA that makes every woman in our family get cheeks that could slice tomatoes." Lemon poked her own and sighed. "So I've got that to look forward to. Seriously, Mom, Aunt Abby, even Cadence is already getting it a little. Though it did skip a generation with her mom." A genuine frown crossed her face like a cloud in front of a completely platonic sun. "Only lucky thing that ever happened to her."

Sunny coughed into a fist. "I was asking if that was actually your family name."

"Oh. Nah, we don't really have one. Binomials, sure, but nothin' solid. Heck, Twilight's mom is Twilight Velvet, but her dad's not Shining anything. He's Night Light." Lemon grinned and leaned back into the couch. "Naming conventions, how do they work?"

"Unconventionally," said Sunny.

Lemon toasted that with her "coffee." "You're Sunset-dang right."

"So, what do you think the odds are that Principal Cadence will ask us about our wedding if we go?"

"First off, I don't have a choice in the matter. I'm going. Mom's ordered Cadence to let her volunteer to cater it, and I've been ordered to volunteer to help."

After a moment of thought, Sunny said, "I really don't know if I respect or fear your mother more."

"She'd take that as a compliment. And to answer your question? One in one." Lemon rolled her eyes. "Which is ridiculous."

Sunny considered the intricate sun icon embroidered on the bathrobe, and the fact that she had no issue with Lemon wearing it. "Yeah. Completely."

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